Update modules/morphosyntax/morphosyntax_interface.py
Browse files
@@ -14,87 +14,174 @@ from ..database.morphosintaxis_export import export_user_interactions
14 |
import logging
15 |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
16 |
17 |
18 |
19 |
20 |
21 |
chat_container = st.container()
22 |
23 |
24 |
user_input = st.chat_input(t['morpho_input_label'])
25 |
26 |
27 |
28 |
st.session_state.morphosyntax_chat_history = []
29 |
30 |
31 |
32 |
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35 |
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73 |
74 |
if i < len(message["visualizations"]) - 1:
75 |
st.markdown("---") # Separador entre diagramas
76 |
77 |
# Botón para limpiar el historial del chat
78 |
if st.button(t['clear_chat'], key=generate_unique_key('morphosyntax', 'clear_chat')):
79 |
st.session_state.morphosyntax_chat_history = []
80 |
81 |
82 |
# Botón de exportación
83 |
if st.button("Exportar Interacciones"):
84 |
pdf_buffer = export_user_interactions(st.session_state.username, 'morphosyntax')
85 |
86 |
label="Descargar PDF",
87 |
88 |
89 |
90 |
91 |
92 |
def display_visualizations(visualizations, t):
93 |
for i, viz in enumerate(visualizations):
94 |
st.markdown(f"**{t['sentence']} {i+1}**")
95 |
st.components.v1.html(viz, height=370, scrolling=True)
96 |
if i < len(visualizations) - 1:
97 |
98 |
99 |
100 |
if user_input:
14 |
import logging
15 |
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
16 |
17 |
def display_morphosyntax_analysis_interface(nlp_models, lang_code):
18 |
translations = {
19 |
'es': {
20 |
'title': "AIdeaText - Análisis morfológico y sintáctico",
21 |
'input_label': "Ingrese un texto para analizar (máximo 5,000 palabras",
22 |
'input_placeholder': "Esta funcionalidad le ayudará con dos competencias:\n"
23 |
"[1] \"Escribe diversos tipos de textos en su lengua materna\"\n"
24 |
"[2] \"Lee diversos tipos de textos escritos en su lengua materna\"\n\n"
25 |
"Ingrese su texto aquí para analizar...",
26 |
'analyze_button': "Analizar texto",
27 |
'repeated_words': "Palabras repetidas",
28 |
'legend': "Leyenda: Categorías gramaticales",
29 |
'arc_diagram': "Análisis sintáctico: Diagrama de arco",
30 |
'sentence': "Oración",
31 |
'success_message': "Análisis guardado correctamente.",
32 |
'error_message': "Hubo un problema al guardar el análisis. Por favor, inténtelo de nuevo.",
33 |
'warning_message': "Por favor, ingrese un texto para analizar.",
34 |
'initial_message': "Ingrese un texto y presione 'Analizar texto' para comenzar.",
35 |
'no_results': "No hay resultados disponibles. Por favor, realice un análisis primero.",
36 |
'pos_analysis': "Análisis de categorías gramaticales",
37 |
'morphological_analysis': "Análisis morfológico",
38 |
'sentence_structure': "Estructura de oraciones",
39 |
'word': "Palabra",
40 |
'count': "Cantidad",
41 |
'percentage': "Porcentaje",
42 |
'examples': "Ejemplos",
43 |
'lemma': "Lema",
44 |
'tag': "Etiqueta",
45 |
'dep': "Dependencia",
46 |
'morph': "Morfología",
47 |
'root': "Raíz",
48 |
'subjects': "Sujetos",
49 |
'objects': "Objetos",
50 |
'verbs': "Verbos",
51 |
'grammatical_category': "Categoría gramatical",
52 |
'dependency': "Dependencia",
53 |
'morphology': "Morfología"
54 |
55 |
'en': {
56 |
'title': "AIdeaText - Morphological and Syntactic Analysis",
57 |
'input_label': "Enter a text to analyze (max 5,000 words):",
58 |
'input_placeholder': "This functionality will help you with two competencies:\n"
59 |
"[1] \"Write various types of texts in your native language\"\n"
60 |
"[2] \"Read various types of written texts in your native language\"\n\n"
61 |
"Enter your text here to analyze...",
62 |
'analyze_button': "Analyze text",
63 |
'repeated_words': "Repeated words",
64 |
'legend': "Legend: Grammatical categories",
65 |
'arc_diagram': "Syntactic analysis: Arc diagram",
66 |
'sentence': "Sentence",
67 |
'success_message': "Analysis saved successfully.",
68 |
'error_message': "There was a problem saving the analysis. Please try again.",
69 |
'warning_message': "Please enter a text to analyze.",
70 |
'initial_message': "Enter a text and press 'Analyze text' to start.",
71 |
'no_results': "No results available. Please perform an analysis first.",
72 |
'pos_analysis': "Part of Speech Analysis",
73 |
'morphological_analysis': "Morphological Analysis",
74 |
'sentence_structure': "Sentence Structure",
75 |
'word': "Word",
76 |
'count': "Count",
77 |
'percentage': "Percentage",
78 |
'examples': "Examples",
79 |
'lemma': "Lemma",
80 |
'tag': "Tag",
81 |
'dep': "Dependency",
82 |
'morph': "Morphology",
83 |
'root': "Root",
84 |
'subjects': "Subjects",
85 |
'objects': "Objects",
86 |
'verbs': "Verbs",
87 |
'grammatical_category': "Grammatical category",
88 |
'dependency': "Dependency",
89 |
'morphology': "Morphology"
90 |
91 |
'fr': {
92 |
'title': "AIdeaText - Analyse morphologique et syntaxique",
93 |
'input_label': "Entrez un texte à analyser (max 5 000 mots) :",
94 |
'input_placeholder': "Cette fonctionnalité vous aidera avec deux compétences :\n"
95 |
"[1] \"Écrire divers types de textes dans votre langue maternelle\"\n"
96 |
"[2] \"Lire divers types de textes écrits dans votre langue maternelle\"\n\n"
97 |
"Entrez votre texte ici pour l'analyser...",
98 |
'analyze_button': "Analyser le texte",
99 |
'repeated_words': "Mots répétés",
100 |
'legend': "Légende : Catégories grammaticales",
101 |
'arc_diagram': "Analyse syntaxique : Diagramme en arc",
102 |
'sentence': "Phrase",
103 |
'success_message': "Analyse enregistrée avec succès.",
104 |
'error_message': "Un problème est survenu lors de l'enregistrement de l'analyse. Veuillez réessayer.",
105 |
'warning_message': "Veuillez entrer un texte à analyser.",
106 |
'initial_message': "Entrez un texte et appuyez sur 'Analyser le texte' pour commencer.",
107 |
'no_results': "Aucun résultat disponible. Veuillez d'abord effectuer une analyse.",
108 |
'pos_analysis': "Analyse des parties du discours",
109 |
'morphological_analysis': "Analyse morphologique",
110 |
'sentence_structure': "Structure des phrases",
111 |
'word': "Mot",
112 |
'count': "Nombre",
113 |
'percentage': "Pourcentage",
114 |
'examples': "Exemples",
115 |
'lemma': "Lemme",
116 |
'tag': "Étiquette",
117 |
'dep': "Dépendance",
118 |
'morph': "Morphologie",
119 |
'root': "Racine",
120 |
'subjects': "Sujets",
121 |
'objects': "Objets",
122 |
'verbs': "Verbes",
123 |
'grammatical_category': "Catégorie grammaticale",
124 |
'dependency': "Dépendance",
125 |
'morphology': "Morphologie"
126 |
127 |
128 |
129 |
t = translations[lang_code]
130 |
131 |
input_key = f"morphosyntax_input_{lang_code}"
132 |
133 |
if input_key not in st.session_state:
134 |
st.session_state[input_key] = ""
135 |
136 |
sentence_input = st.text_area(
137 |
138 |
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140 |
141 |
142 |
on_change=lambda: setattr(st.session_state, input_key, st.session_state[f"text_area_{lang_code}"])
143 |
144 |
145 |
if st.button(t['analyze_button'], key=f"analyze_button_{lang_code}"):
146 |
current_input = st.session_state[input_key]
147 |
if current_input:
148 |
doc = nlp_models[lang_code](current_input)
149 |
150 |
# Análisis morfosintáctico avanzado
151 |
advanced_analysis = perform_advanced_morphosyntactic_analysis(current_input, nlp_models[lang_code])
152 |
153 |
# Guardar el resultado en el estado de la sesión
154 |
st.session_state.morphosyntax_result = {
155 |
'doc': doc,
156 |
'advanced_analysis': advanced_analysis
157 |
158 |
159 |
# Mostrar resultados
160 |
display_morphosyntax_results(st.session_state.morphosyntax_result, lang_code, t)
161 |
162 |
# Guardar resultados
163 |
if store_morphosyntax_result(
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177 |
elif 'morphosyntax_result' in st.session_state and st.session_state.morphosyntax_result is not None:
178 |
179 |
# Si hay un resultado guardado, mostrarlo
180 |
display_morphosyntax_results(st.session_state.morphosyntax_result, lang_code, t)
181 |
182 |
st.info(t['initial_message']) # Añade esta traducción a tu diccionario
183 |
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187 |
if user_input: