import math from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple import torch from wenet.ssl.bestrq.mask import compute_mask_indices_v2 from wenet.utils.mask import make_non_pad_mask, make_pad_mask from wenet.transformer.attention import RelPositionMultiHeadedAttention from wenet.transformer.encoder_layer import ConformerEncoderLayer def quantize_vector(latent: torch.Tensor, codebook: torch.Tensor): """ Symbols in comments: B: batch_size. D: latent_dim. C: num_latent_classes per group G: num of codebook groups. Args: latent: [B, D] codebook: [C, G, D // G] Returns: (quantized, codes, onehot). - quantized: [B, D] - codes: [B, G] - onehot: [B, G, C] """ assert len(codebook.size()) == 3 b, d = latent.size() c, g, _ = codebook.size() assert d % g == 0 latent = latent.reshape(b, g, d // g) # [B, G, C] # torch.transpose(codebook, [2,1,0]) distance = ( # [b, g, 1] torch.sum(latent**2, -1, keepdim=True) - # [b, g, c] 2 * torch.einsum('bgd,cgd->bgc', latent, codebook) + # [1, g, c] torch.sum(codebook.permute([2, 1, 0])**2, 0, keepdim=True)) # [B, G] codes = torch.argmin(distance, dim=-1) # [B, G, C] one_hot = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(codes, c).type(codebook.dtype) quantized = torch.einsum('bgc,cgd->bgd', one_hot, codebook) quantized = torch.reshape(quantized, [b, d]) return quantized, codes, one_hot class BestRQModel(torch.nn.Module): def __init__( self, encoder: torch.nn.Module, num_mel_bins: int = 80, embedding_dim: int = 16, num_embeddings: int = 8192, num_codebooks: int = 1, mask_prob: float = 0.01, mask_length: int = 10, min_masks: int = 2, norm_epsilon: float = 1e-5, out_bias: bool = False, features_regularization_weight: float = 0.01, ) -> None: super().__init__() assert mask_prob > 0.0 self.mask_prob = mask_prob self.mask_length = mask_length self.min_masks = min_masks self.num_codebooks = num_codebooks self.num_embeddings = num_embeddings self.features_regularization_weight = features_regularization_weight # encoder self.encoder = encoder # n softmax self.encoder_top_n_out = torch.nn.parameter.Parameter( torch.empty(self.num_codebooks, self.encoder.output_size(), num_embeddings)) torch.nn.init.trunc_normal_(self.encoder_top_n_out, std=0.02) self.out_bias = out_bias if self.out_bias: self.encoder_top_n_out_bias = torch.nn.parameter.Parameter( torch.empty(self.num_codebooks, num_embeddings)) torch.nn.init.zeros_(self.encoder_top_n_out_bias) # stack input: eg: fbank self.stack_frames = self.encoder.embed.right_context + 1 self.stride = self.encoder.embed.subsampling_rate input_dim = num_mel_bins * self.stride # random projectoin self.projection = torch.nn.parameter.Parameter( torch.empty(input_dim, embedding_dim * self.num_codebooks), requires_grad=False, ) torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(self.projection) # codebooks # [num_embeddings, num_codebooks, num_embeddings] means # [C, G, D] see quantize_vector self.embeddings = torch.nn.parameter.Parameter( torch.empty(num_embeddings, self.num_codebooks, embedding_dim), requires_grad=False, ) torch.nn.init.normal_(self.embeddings) self.embeddings /= (self.embeddings.norm(dim=-1, p=2, keepdim=True) + 1e-8) # force reset encoder papameter self.reset_encoder_parameter() def reset_encoder_parameter(self): def _reset_parameter(module: torch.nn.Module): if isinstance(module, torch.nn.Linear): torch.nn.init.trunc_normal_(, mean=0.0, std=0.02) if module.bias is not None: elif isinstance(module, torch.nn.Conv1d): torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_(module.weight) if module.bias is not None: k = math.sqrt(module.groups / (module.in_channels * module.kernel_size[0])) torch.nn.init.uniform_(module.bias, a=-k, b=k) elif isinstance(module, torch.Tensor): torch.nn.init.trunc_normal_(module) else: raise NotImplementedError("other module not support now") encoders = self.encoder.encoders for _, layer in enumerate(encoders): self_attn = layer.self_attn _reset_parameter(self_attn.linear_q) _reset_parameter(self_attn.linear_k) _reset_parameter(self_attn.linear_v) _reset_parameter(self_attn.linear_out) if isinstance(self_attn, RelPositionMultiHeadedAttention): _reset_parameter(self_attn.pos_bias_u) _reset_parameter(self_attn.pos_bias_v) if isinstance(layer, ConformerEncoderLayer): conv1, conv2 = (layer.conv_module.pointwise_conv1, layer.conv_module.depthwise_conv) _reset_parameter(conv1) _reset_parameter(conv2) def forward( self, batch: Dict, device: torch.device, ): xs = batch['feats'].to(device) xs_lens = batch['feats_lengths'].to(device) input = xs features_pen: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None if self.features_regularization_weight != 0.0: features_pen = input.pow(2).mean() # 1 mask input xs, code_ids_mask = self._apply_mask_signal(xs, xs_lens) # 2.0 stack fbank unmasked_xs = self._stack_features(input, xs_lens) masked_xs = xs # 2.1 get nearest embedding target_ids = self._nearest_embedding_idx(unmasked_xs) target_ids = target_ids[:, :code_ids_mask.size(1), :] # 3 forward xxx-formaer block and its subsampling layer out, out_mask = self.encoder(masked_xs, xs_lens) # 4 get logits out = out.unsqueeze(1) # [B, 1, T', dim] top_n_out = self.encoder_top_n_out.unsqueeze( 0) # [1, num_codebooks, dim, num_embeddings] out = torch.matmul(out, top_n_out) # [B, num_codebooks, T', num_embeddings] if self.out_bias: out = out + self.encoder_top_n_out_bias.unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(2) # 5 compute loss masks = out_mask.squeeze(1) * code_ids_mask loss = self._compute_loss(out, target_ids, mask=masks) if self.features_regularization_weight != 0.0: loss = loss + self.features_regularization_weight * features_pen # 6 other info: num codes used in batch, unique num codes used in batch num_codes = masks.sum() * self.num_codebooks uniq_num_codes = torch.tensor( torch.unique(target_ids * masks.unsqueeze(2)).numel()).detach() ids_corr = out.argmax(dim=-1, keepdim=False).transpose(1, 2) == target_ids codes_acc = (ids_corr * masks.unsqueeze(2)).sum() / num_codes return { "codes_acc": codes_acc, "features_l2": features_pen, "loss": loss, "num_codes": num_codes, "uniq_num_codes": uniq_num_codes, "th_accuracy": codes_acc, } def _apply_mask_signal( self, input: torch.Tensor, input_lens: torch.Tensor) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: device = input.device B, T, _ = input.size() padding_mask = make_pad_mask(input_lens) # calc subsampling masks padding_mask_stride = padding_mask.unfold( 1, size=self.stack_frames, step=self.stride, ) padding_mask, _ = torch.max(padding_mask_stride, dim=-1) masks = compute_mask_indices_v2(padding_mask.size(), padding_mask, self.mask_prob, self.mask_length, min_masks=self.min_masks, device=device) # calc signal mask subsampling_mask = masks bool_stride_mask = torch.ones_like(padding_mask_stride, device=device) mask_stride = torch.where(masks.unsqueeze(-1), bool_stride_mask, False) # recover orign seq masks masks = mask_stride[:, :, :self.stride].flatten(start_dim=1) masks_padding = torch.zeros( B, T, device=device, dtype=padding_mask.dtype, ) masks_padding[:, :masks.size(-1)] = masks masks = masks_padding masks_expand = masks.unsqueeze(-1) # [B, T, 1] # NOTE(Mddct): you can use size (b,t,d) for torch.normal mask_emb = torch.normal(mean=0, std=0.1, size=(1, 1, input.size(2))).to(input.device) xs = torch.where(masks_expand, mask_emb, input) return xs, subsampling_mask def _stack_features(self, input: torch.Tensor, input_lens: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: stack_input = input.unfold(1, size=self.stride, step=self.stride) stack_input = stack_input.transpose(-1, -2) b, n, f, d = stack_input.size() stack_input = stack_input.reshape(b, n, f * d) # NOTE(Mddct): important!!! # norm stack features mask = make_non_pad_mask(input_lens) stack_mask = mask.unfold(1, size=self.stride, step=self.stride) stack_mask, _ = torch.min(stack_mask, dim=-1) stack_input = stack_input * stack_mask.unsqueeze(2) mean = stack_input.sum(1, keepdim=True) / stack_mask.sum( dim=1, keepdim=True).unsqueeze(1) std = torch.sqrt(((stack_input - mean)**2).sum(dim=1, keepdim=True) / stack_mask.sum(dim=1, keepdim=True).unsqueeze(1)) norm_stack_input = (stack_input - mean) / (std + 1e-5) return norm_stack_input def _compute_loss(self, input: torch.Tensor, target: torch.Tensor, mask: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: logits = input.transpose(1, 2).contiguous().view(-1, input.size(-1)) loss = torch.nn.functional.cross_entropy( logits, target.contiguous().view(-1), reduction='none', ) loss = (loss * mask.view(-1)).sum() / mask.sum() return loss def _nearest_embedding_idx(self, xs: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: xs = torch.matmul(xs, xs = xs / (xs.norm(dim=-1, p=2, keepdim=True) + 1e-8) codebooks = self.embeddings B, T, C = xs.size() xs_flatten = xs.view(B * T, C) _, codes, _ = quantize_vector(xs_flatten, codebooks) return codes.reshape(B, T, -1) # [B, T, num_codebooks]