File size: 6,041 Bytes
1b82c1c f0801c7 c802380 5ea590e 1b82c1c 5ea590e 1b82c1c f0801c7 373619f f0801c7 373619f f0801c7 373619f f0801c7 |
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#import streamlit as st
#import os
#import numpy as np
#import pandas as pd
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#from transformers import RagTokenizer, RagRetriever, RagSequenceForGeneration
import streamlit as st
import os
import Groq
import requests
# Dependency imports with error handling
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from transformers import RagTokenizer, RagRetriever, RagSequenceForGeneration
#from groq.api import Client
except ImportError as e:
st.error(f"Error importing dependencies: {e}")
# Ensure compatible versions of numpy and pandas
np_version = np.__version__
pd_version = pd.__version__
if tuple(map(int, np_version.split(".")[:2])) < (1, 24):
raise ImportError(f"Numpy version is {np_version}. Please upgrade to 1.24.0 or newer.")
if tuple(map(int, pd_version.split(".")[:2])) < (1, 5):
raise ImportError(f"Pandas version is {pd_version}. Please upgrade to 1.5.0 or newer.")
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Version compatibility error: {e}")
# Initialize the RAG components
GROQ_API_KEY = "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"
client = Groq(api_key = GROQ_API_KEY)
# Initialize the RAG components
tokenizer = RagTokenizer.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-token-nq")
retriever = RagRetriever.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-token-nq", use_dummy_dataset=True)
model = RagSequenceForGeneration.from_pretrained("facebook/rag-token-nq")
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error loading RAG components: {e}")
# Helper function for energy demand calculation
def calculate_energy(appliances):
total_energy = 0
total_power = 0
for app, details in appliances.items():
total_energy += details['quantity'] * details['wattage'] * details['hours'] / 1000 # Energy in kWh
total_power += details['quantity'] * details['wattage'] # Power in Watts
return total_energy, total_power
# Predefined appliances with their default wattage
predefined_appliances = {
"Select Appliance": 0, # Default placeholder
"LED Light": 10,
"Air Conditioner": 2000,
"Refrigerator": 150,
"Washing Machine": 500,
"Fan": 75,
"Laptop": 50,
"Television": 100,
"Microwave Oven": 1000,
"Electric Water Heater": 1500,
"Dishwasher": 1200,
"Coffee Maker": 800,
"Toaster": 1200,
"Hair Dryer": 1500,
"Electric Kettle": 1500,
"Oven": 2000,
"Vacuum Cleaner": 1000,
"Iron": 1200,
"Blender": 300,
"Clothes Dryer": 1800,
"Space Heater": 1500,
"Dehumidifier": 700,
"Freezer": 400,
"Electric Grill": 1200,
"Sewing Machine": 100,
"Projector": 300,
"Gaming Console": 200,
"Electric Fan Heater": 1500
# Streamlit App
st.title("SustainaBot: Solar Energy Advisor")
st.sidebar.header("User Input")
# Option for Groq API Key
#groq_api_key = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter your Groq API Key", type="password")
# Inputs
st.sidebar.subheader("Enter Appliance Details")
if "appliances" not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.appliances = {}
# Function to reset appliance state
def reset_appliances():
st.session_state.appliances = {}
# Add appliance inputs dynamically
appliance_count = len(st.session_state.appliances)
for i in range(appliance_count):
with st.sidebar.expander(f"Appliance {i+1} Details"):
app_name = st.selectbox(f"Appliance {i+1} Name", options=list(predefined_appliances.keys()), key=f"app{i}_name")
quantity = st.number_input(f"Quantity of {app_name}", min_value=1, step=1, key=f"app{i}_quantity", value=1)
wattage = predefined_appliances.get(app_name, 0) # Default wattage
hours = st.number_input(f"Hours used per day", min_value=1, step=1, key=f"app{i}_hours", value=1)
power = quantity * wattage
st.write(f"**Total Power (Watts):** {power} W")
if app_name and app_name != "Select Appliance":
st.session_state.appliances[app_name] = {"quantity": quantity, "wattage": wattage, "hours": hours}
# Button to add more appliances
if st.sidebar.button("Add Appliance"):
st.session_state.appliances[f"Appliance {len(st.session_state.appliances) + 1}"] = {"quantity": 1, "wattage": 0, "hours": 0}
# Button to reset appliances
if st.sidebar.button("Reset Appliances"):
# Input for location and budget
location = st.sidebar.text_input("Enter your Location (City, Country)")
budget = st.sidebar.number_input("Enter your Budget for Solar System (in USD)", min_value=100, step=10)
if st.sidebar.button("Submit"):
# Calculate energy demand
daily_energy, total_power = calculate_energy(st.session_state.appliances)
st.write(f"### Total Daily Energy Demand: {daily_energy:.2f} kWh")
st.write(f"### Total Power Demand: {total_power:.2f} W")
# RAG model interaction
if not groq_api_key:
st.warning("No Groq API Key provided. RAG model will be used locally.")
st.write("Using Groq API Key for enhanced recommendations.")
prompt = f"Provide solar recommendations for a location: {location}, daily energy: {daily_energy:.2f} kWh, budget: {budget} USD."
# Tokenizing and retrieval process
inputs = tokenizer(prompt, return_tensors="pt")
question_input = inputs['input_ids']
doc_scores, docs = retriever(question_input)
# Generating the response
generated_output = model.generate(input_ids=question_input, context_input_ids=docs[0]['text'])
answer = tokenizer.decode(generated_output[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
st.write("### Solar Recommendations")
except Exception as e:
st.error(f"Error during RAG model processing: {e}")
# Display potential savings and pricing
savings = daily_energy * 30 * 0.2 # Assuming $0.2/kWh savings
st.write(f"By switching to solar, you could save approximately **${savings:.2f} per month!**")