import streamlit as st # --- PAGE CONFIGURATION --- st.set_page_config( page_title="Multi Agent Career Guide", page_icon="🎓", layout="wide" ) # --- STYLING (CUSTOM CSS) --- st.markdown(""" """, unsafe_allow_html=True) # --- SIDEBAR NAVIGATION --- # st.sidebar.image("", width=150) st.sidebar.title("📚 EdTech & Counselling") menu ="Navigate", [ "Home", "Mock Interview", "AI Counsellor", "Course Recommender", "Progress Monitoring", "Recruitment" ]) # --- HOME PAGE --- if menu == "Home": st.markdown("

Welcome to Multi Agent Career Guide

", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("

Empowering your learning and career journey with AI-powered guidance.

", unsafe_allow_html=True) # Login Section with st.container(): st.subheader("🔑 Login to Access Your Dashboard") col1, col2 = st.columns([1, 2]) with col1: username = st.text_input("Username") password = st.text_input("Password", type="password") if st.button("Login", key="login_btn"): st.success(f"Welcome, {username}!") # Features Section st.subheader("🚀 Key Features") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.markdown("

📊 Personalized Learning

Get a custom learning plan tailored to your skills and goals.

", unsafe_allow_html=True) with col2: st.markdown("

🏆 AI-Powered Mock Interview

Take tests to assess and improve your knowledge.

", unsafe_allow_html=True) with col3: st.markdown("

🤖 AI Career Counsellor

Receive personalized career advice based on your skills.

", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("
", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.markdown("
Explore Features
", unsafe_allow_html=True) # --- AI COUNSELLOR --- elif menu == "AI Counsellor": st.title("🤖 AI Career Counsellor") hf_counsellor_url = "" st.components.v1.iframe(hf_counsellor_url, width=1000, height=500, scrolling=True) # --- COURSE RECOMMENDER --- elif menu == "Course Recommender": st.title("📝 Smart Course Recommender") st.write("Find the course suitable for your needs.") hf_space_url = "" st.components.v1.iframe(hf_space_url, width=1400, height=1000, scrolling=True) # --- Mock Interview --- elif menu == "Mock Interview": st.title("📝 Mock Interview") st.write("Take AI-powered assessments to evaluate your skills.") hf_space_url = "" st.components.v1.iframe(hf_space_url, width=1200, height=1000, scrolling=True) # --- PROGRESS MONITORING --- elif menu == "Progress Monitoring": st.title("📊 Progress Tracking") st.write("View your test results and skill growth.") st.line_chart([10, 20, 15, 30, 40, 35]) # Placeholder graph # --- RECRUITMENT OPPORTUNITIES --- elif menu == "Recruitment": st.title("💼 Recruitment Opportunities") st.write("Find job openings that match your skills.") hf_recruitment_url = "" st.components.v1.iframe(hf_recruitment_url, width=1400, height=1500, scrolling=True) # --- FOOTER --- st.sidebar.markdown("---")"© 2025 Amdocs GenAI Participant")