flashcards / import_export_page.py
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""" Import/export page definition """
import json
import streamlit as st
from flashcard import Flashcards
def show_import_export_page():
Defines a Streamlit page for importing and exporting flashcards.
This function creates an interface where users can upload a JSON file
to import flashcards, and download a JSON file containing the current
flashcards stored in the session state. It handles file upload, file validation,
and displays success or error messages accordingly.
# Displaying a header for the import section
st.header("Import file with flashcards")
# File uploader widget allowing the user to upload a JSON file
flashcards_file = st.file_uploader("Select a file", type="json")
# Handling the uploaded file
if flashcards_file is not None:
# Attempt to import flashcards from the uploaded file
st.session_state.flashcards = Flashcards.import_from_json(flashcards_file)
print(st.session_state.flashcards.as_json()) # Debug print statement
st.success(f"Imported {len(st.session_state.flashcards)} flashcards!")
except json.JSONDecodeError:
# Handling invalid JSON files
st.error("Invalid JSON file. Please upload a valid JSON file.")
# Divider to separate import and export sections
# Displaying a header for the export section
st.header("Export generated flashcards")
# Download button to export the flashcards as a JSON file
"Download flashcards",
data=json.dumps(st.session_state.flashcards.as_json(), indent=4),