<script lang="ts"> | |
import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'; | |
import { toast } from 'svelte-sonner'; | |
import mermaid from 'mermaid'; | |
import { PaneGroup, Pane, PaneResizer } from 'paneforge'; | |
import { getContext, onDestroy, onMount, tick } from 'svelte'; | |
const i18n: Writable<i18nType> = getContext('i18n'); | |
import { goto } from '$app/navigation'; | |
import { page } from '$app/stores'; | |
import { get, type Unsubscriber, type Writable } from 'svelte/store'; | |
import type { i18n as i18nType } from 'i18next'; | |
import { WEBUI_BASE_URL } from '$lib/constants'; | |
import { | |
chatId, | |
chats, | |
config, | |
type Model, | |
models, | |
tags as allTags, | |
settings, | |
showSidebar, | |
banners, | |
user, | |
socket, | |
showControls, | |
showCallOverlay, | |
currentChatPage, | |
temporaryChatEnabled, | |
mobile, | |
showOverview, | |
chatTitle, | |
showArtifacts, | |
tools | |
} from '$lib/stores'; | |
import { | |
convertMessagesToHistory, | |
copyToClipboard, | |
getMessageContentParts, | |
createMessagesList, | |
extractSentencesForAudio, | |
promptTemplate, | |
splitStream, | |
sleep, | |
removeDetails, | |
getPromptVariables | |
} from '$lib/utils'; | |
import { generateChatCompletion } from '$lib/apis/ollama'; | |
import { | |
addTagById, | |
createNewChat, | |
deleteTagById, | |
deleteTagsById, | |
getAllTags, | |
getChatById, | |
getChatList, | |
getTagsById, | |
updateChatById | |
} from '$lib/apis/chats'; | |
import { generateOpenAIChatCompletion } from '$lib/apis/openai'; | |
import { processWeb, processWebSearch, processYoutubeVideo } from '$lib/apis/retrieval'; | |
import { createOpenAITextStream } from '$lib/apis/streaming'; | |
import { queryMemory } from '$lib/apis/memories'; | |
import { getAndUpdateUserLocation, getUserSettings } from '$lib/apis/users'; | |
import { | |
chatCompleted, | |
generateQueries, | |
chatAction, | |
generateMoACompletion, | |
stopTask | |
} from '$lib/apis'; | |
import { getTools } from '$lib/apis/tools'; | |
import Banner from '../common/Banner.svelte'; | |
import MessageInput from '$lib/components/chat/MessageInput.svelte'; | |
import Messages from '$lib/components/chat/Messages.svelte'; | |
import Navbar from '$lib/components/chat/Navbar.svelte'; | |
import ChatControls from './ChatControls.svelte'; | |
import EventConfirmDialog from '../common/ConfirmDialog.svelte'; | |
import Placeholder from './Placeholder.svelte'; | |
import NotificationToast from '../NotificationToast.svelte'; | |
import Spinner from '../common/Spinner.svelte'; | |
export let chatIdProp = ''; | |
let loading = false; | |
const eventTarget = new EventTarget(); | |
let controlPane; | |
let controlPaneComponent; | |
let autoScroll = true; | |
let processing = ''; | |
let messagesContainerElement: HTMLDivElement; | |
let navbarElement; | |
let showEventConfirmation = false; | |
let eventConfirmationTitle = ''; | |
let eventConfirmationMessage = ''; | |
let eventConfirmationInput = false; | |
let eventConfirmationInputPlaceholder = ''; | |
let eventConfirmationInputValue = ''; | |
let eventCallback = null; | |
let chatIdUnsubscriber: Unsubscriber | undefined; | |
let selectedModels = ['']; | |
let atSelectedModel: Model | undefined; | |
let selectedModelIds = []; | |
$: selectedModelIds = atSelectedModel !== undefined ? [] : selectedModels; | |
let selectedToolIds = []; | |
let imageGenerationEnabled = false; | |
let webSearchEnabled = false; | |
let codeInterpreterEnabled = false; | |
let chat = null; | |
let tags = []; | |
let history = { | |
messages: {}, | |
currentId: null | |
}; | |
let taskId = null; | |
// Chat Input | |
let prompt = ''; | |
let chatFiles = []; | |
let files = []; | |
let params = {}; | |
$: if (chatIdProp) { | |
(async () => { | |
loading = true; | |
console.log(chatIdProp); | |
prompt = ''; | |
files = []; | |
selectedToolIds = []; | |
webSearchEnabled = false; | |
imageGenerationEnabled = false; | |
if (chatIdProp && (await loadChat())) { | |
await tick(); | |
loading = false; | |
if (localStorage.getItem(`chat-input-${chatIdProp}`)) { | |
try { | |
const input = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`chat-input-${chatIdProp}`)); | |
prompt = input.prompt; | |
files = input.files; | |
selectedToolIds = input.selectedToolIds; | |
webSearchEnabled = input.webSearchEnabled; | |
imageGenerationEnabled = input.imageGenerationEnabled; | |
} catch (e) {} | |
} | |
window.setTimeout(() => scrollToBottom(), 0); | |
const chatInput = document.getElementById('chat-input'); | |
chatInput?.focus(); | |
} else { | |
await goto('/'); | |
} | |
})(); | |
} | |
$: if (selectedModels && chatIdProp !== '') { | |
saveSessionSelectedModels(); | |
} | |
const saveSessionSelectedModels = () => { | |
if (selectedModels.length === 0 || (selectedModels.length === 1 && selectedModels[0] === '')) { | |
return; | |
} | |
sessionStorage.selectedModels = JSON.stringify(selectedModels); | |
console.log('saveSessionSelectedModels', selectedModels, sessionStorage.selectedModels); | |
}; | |
$: if (selectedModels) { | |
setToolIds(); | |
} | |
const setToolIds = async () => { | |
if (!$tools) { | |
tools.set(await getTools(localStorage.token)); | |
} | |
if (selectedModels.length !== 1) { | |
return; | |
} | |
const model = $models.find((m) => === selectedModels[0]); | |
if (model) { | |
selectedToolIds = (model?.info?.meta?.toolIds ?? []).filter((id) => | |
$tools.find((t) => === id) | |
); | |
} | |
}; | |
const showMessage = async (message) => { | |
const _chatId = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($chatId)); | |
let _messageId = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(; | |
let messageChildrenIds = history.messages[_messageId].childrenIds; | |
while (messageChildrenIds.length !== 0) { | |
_messageId =; | |
messageChildrenIds = history.messages[_messageId].childrenIds; | |
} | |
history.currentId = _messageId; | |
await tick(); | |
await tick(); | |
await tick(); | |
const messageElement = document.getElementById(`message-${}`); | |
if (messageElement) { | |
messageElement.scrollIntoView({ behavior: 'smooth' }); | |
} | |
await tick(); | |
saveChatHandler(_chatId, history); | |
}; | |
const chatEventHandler = async (event, cb) => { | |
console.log(event); | |
if (event.chat_id === $chatId) { | |
await tick(); | |
let message = history.messages[event.message_id]; | |
if (message) { | |
const type = event?.data?.type ?? null; | |
const data = event?.data?.data ?? null; | |
if (type === 'status') { | |
if (message?.statusHistory) { | |
message.statusHistory.push(data); | |
} else { | |
message.statusHistory = [data]; | |
} | |
} else if (type === 'source' || type === 'citation') { | |
if (data?.type === 'code_execution') { | |
// Code execution; update existing code execution by ID, or add new one. | |
if (!message?.code_executions) { | |
message.code_executions = []; | |
} | |
const existingCodeExecutionIndex = message.code_executions.findIndex( | |
(execution) => === | |
); | |
if (existingCodeExecutionIndex !== -1) { | |
message.code_executions[existingCodeExecutionIndex] = data; | |
} else { | |
message.code_executions.push(data); | |
} | |
message.code_executions = message.code_executions; | |
} else { | |
// Regular source. | |
if (message?.sources) { | |
message.sources.push(data); | |
} else { | |
message.sources = [data]; | |
} | |
} | |
} else if (type === 'chat:completion') { | |
chatCompletionEventHandler(data, message, event.chat_id); | |
} else if (type === 'chat:title') { | |
chatTitle.set(data); | |
currentChatPage.set(1); | |
await chats.set(await getChatList(localStorage.token, $currentChatPage)); | |
} else if (type === 'chat:tags') { | |
chat = await getChatById(localStorage.token, $chatId); | |
allTags.set(await getAllTags(localStorage.token)); | |
} else if (type === 'message') { | |
message.content += data.content; | |
} else if (type === 'replace') { | |
message.content = data.content; | |
} else if (type === 'action') { | |
if (data.action === 'continue') { | |
const continueButton = document.getElementById('continue-response-button'); | |
if (continueButton) { | |; | |
} | |
} | |
} else if (type === 'confirmation') { | |
eventCallback = cb; | |
eventConfirmationInput = false; | |
showEventConfirmation = true; | |
eventConfirmationTitle = data.title; | |
eventConfirmationMessage = data.message; | |
} else if (type === 'execute') { | |
eventCallback = cb; | |
try { | |
// Use Function constructor to evaluate code in a safer way | |
const asyncFunction = new Function(`return (async () => { ${data.code} })()`); | |
const result = await asyncFunction(); // Await the result of the async function | |
if (cb) { | |
cb(result); | |
} | |
} catch (error) { | |
console.error('Error executing code:', error); | |
} | |
} else if (type === 'input') { | |
eventCallback = cb; | |
eventConfirmationInput = true; | |
showEventConfirmation = true; | |
eventConfirmationTitle = data.title; | |
eventConfirmationMessage = data.message; | |
eventConfirmationInputPlaceholder = data.placeholder; | |
eventConfirmationInputValue = data?.value ?? ''; | |
} else if (type === 'notification') { | |
const toastType = data?.type ?? 'info'; | |
const toastContent = data?.content ?? ''; | |
if (toastType === 'success') { | |
toast.success(toastContent); | |
} else if (toastType === 'error') { | |
toast.error(toastContent); | |
} else if (toastType === 'warning') { | |
toast.warning(toastContent); | |
} else { | |; | |
} | |
} else { | |
console.log('Unknown message type', data); | |
} | |
history.messages[event.message_id] = message; | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
const onMessageHandler = async (event: { | |
origin: string; | |
data: { type: string; text: string }; | |
}) => { | |
if (event.origin !== window.origin) { | |
return; | |
} | |
// Replace with your iframe's origin | |
if ( === 'input:prompt') { | |
console.debug(; | |
const inputElement = document.getElementById('chat-input'); | |
if (inputElement) { | |
prompt =; | |
inputElement.focus(); | |
} | |
} | |
if ( === 'action:submit') { | |
console.debug(; | |
if (prompt !== '') { | |
await tick(); | |
submitPrompt(prompt); | |
} | |
} | |
if ( === 'input:prompt:submit') { | |
console.debug(; | |
if (prompt !== '') { | |
await tick(); | |
submitPrompt(; | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
onMount(async () => { | |
console.log('mounted'); | |
window.addEventListener('message', onMessageHandler); | |
$socket?.on('chat-events', chatEventHandler); | |
if (!$chatId) { | |
chatIdUnsubscriber = chatId.subscribe(async (value) => { | |
if (!value) { | |
await initNewChat(); | |
} | |
}); | |
} else { | |
if ($temporaryChatEnabled) { | |
await goto('/'); | |
} | |
} | |
if (localStorage.getItem(`chat-input-${chatIdProp}`)) { | |
try { | |
const input = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(`chat-input-${chatIdProp}`)); | |
prompt = input.prompt; | |
files = input.files; | |
selectedToolIds = input.selectedToolIds; | |
webSearchEnabled = input.webSearchEnabled; | |
imageGenerationEnabled = input.imageGenerationEnabled; | |
} catch (e) { | |
prompt = ''; | |
files = []; | |
selectedToolIds = []; | |
webSearchEnabled = false; | |
imageGenerationEnabled = false; | |
} | |
} | |
showControls.subscribe(async (value) => { | |
if (controlPane && !$mobile) { | |
try { | |
if (value) { | |
controlPaneComponent.openPane(); | |
} else { | |
controlPane.collapse(); | |
} | |
} catch (e) { | |
// ignore | |
} | |
} | |
if (!value) { | |
showCallOverlay.set(false); | |
showOverview.set(false); | |
showArtifacts.set(false); | |
} | |
}); | |
const chatInput = document.getElementById('chat-input'); | |
chatInput?.focus(); | |
chats.subscribe(() => {}); | |
}); | |
onDestroy(() => { | |
chatIdUnsubscriber?.(); | |
window.removeEventListener('message', onMessageHandler); | |
$socket?.off('chat-events', chatEventHandler); | |
}); | |
// File upload functions | |
const uploadGoogleDriveFile = async (fileData) => { | |
console.log('Starting uploadGoogleDriveFile with:', { | |
id:, | |
name:, | |
url: fileData.url, | |
headers: { | |
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}` | |
} | |
}); | |
// Validate input | |
if (!fileData?.id || !fileData?.name || !fileData?.url || !fileData?.headers?.Authorization) { | |
throw new Error('Invalid file data provided'); | |
} | |
const tempItemId = uuidv4(); | |
const fileItem = { | |
type: 'file', | |
file: '', | |
id: null, | |
url: fileData.url, | |
name:, | |
collection_name: '', | |
status: 'uploading', | |
error: '', | |
itemId: tempItemId, | |
size: 0 | |
}; | |
try { | |
files = [...files, fileItem]; | |
console.log('Processing web file with URL:', fileData.url); | |
// Configure fetch options with proper headers | |
const fetchOptions = { | |
headers: { | |
Authorization: fileData.headers.Authorization, | |
Accept: '*/*' | |
}, | |
method: 'GET' | |
}; | |
// Attempt to fetch the file | |
console.log('Fetching file content from Google Drive...'); | |
const fileResponse = await fetch(fileData.url, fetchOptions); | |
if (!fileResponse.ok) { | |
const errorText = await fileResponse.text(); | |
throw new Error(`Failed to fetch file (${fileResponse.status}): ${errorText}`); | |
} | |
// Get content type from response | |
const contentType = fileResponse.headers.get('content-type') || 'application/octet-stream'; | |
console.log('Response received with content-type:', contentType); | |
// Convert response to blob | |
console.log('Converting response to blob...'); | |
const fileBlob = await fileResponse.blob(); | |
if (fileBlob.size === 0) { | |
throw new Error('Retrieved file is empty'); | |
} | |
console.log('Blob created:', { | |
size: fileBlob.size, | |
type: fileBlob.type || contentType | |
}); | |
// Create File object with proper MIME type | |
const file = new File([fileBlob],, { | |
type: fileBlob.type || contentType | |
}); | |
console.log('File object created:', { | |
name:, | |
size: file.size, | |
type: file.type | |
}); | |
if (file.size === 0) { | |
throw new Error('Created file is empty'); | |
} | |
// Upload file to server | |
console.log('Uploading file to server...'); | |
const uploadedFile = await uploadFile(localStorage.token, file); | |
if (!uploadedFile) { | |
throw new Error('Server returned null response for file upload'); | |
} | |
console.log('File uploaded successfully:', uploadedFile); | |
// Update file item with upload results | |
fileItem.status = 'uploaded'; | |
fileItem.file = uploadedFile; | | =; | |
fileItem.size = file.size; | |
fileItem.collection_name = uploadedFile?.meta?.collection_name; | |
fileItem.url = `${WEBUI_API_BASE_URL}/files/${}`; | |
files = files; | |
toast.success($i18n.t('File uploaded successfully')); | |
} catch (e) { | |
console.error('Error uploading file:', e); | |
files = files.filter((f) => f.itemId !== tempItemId); | |
toast.error( | |
$i18n.t('Error uploading file: {{error}}', { | |
error: e.message || 'Unknown error' | |
}) | |
); | |
} | |
}; | |
const uploadWeb = async (url) => { | |
console.log(url); | |
const fileItem = { | |
type: 'doc', | |
name: url, | |
collection_name: '', | |
status: 'uploading', | |
url: url, | |
error: '' | |
}; | |
try { | |
files = [...files, fileItem]; | |
const res = await processWeb(localStorage.token, '', url); | |
if (res) { | |
fileItem.status = 'uploaded'; | |
fileItem.collection_name = res.collection_name; | |
fileItem.file = { | |
...res.file, | |
...fileItem.file | |
}; | |
files = files; | |
} | |
} catch (e) { | |
// Remove the failed doc from the files array | |
files = files.filter((f) => !== url); | |
toast.error(JSON.stringify(e)); | |
} | |
}; | |
const uploadYoutubeTranscription = async (url) => { | |
console.log(url); | |
const fileItem = { | |
type: 'doc', | |
name: url, | |
collection_name: '', | |
status: 'uploading', | |
context: 'full', | |
url: url, | |
error: '' | |
}; | |
try { | |
files = [...files, fileItem]; | |
const res = await processYoutubeVideo(localStorage.token, url); | |
if (res) { | |
fileItem.status = 'uploaded'; | |
fileItem.collection_name = res.collection_name; | |
fileItem.file = { | |
...res.file, | |
...fileItem.file | |
}; | |
files = files; | |
} | |
} catch (e) { | |
// Remove the failed doc from the files array | |
files = files.filter((f) => !== url); | |
toast.error(`${e}`); | |
} | |
}; | |
////////////////////////// | |
// Web functions | |
////////////////////////// | |
const initNewChat = async () => { | |
if ($page.url.searchParams.get('models')) { | |
selectedModels = $page.url.searchParams.get('models')?.split(','); | |
} else if ($page.url.searchParams.get('model')) { | |
const urlModels = $page.url.searchParams.get('model')?.split(','); | |
if (urlModels.length === 1) { | |
const m = $models.find((m) => === urlModels[0]); | |
if (!m) { | |
const modelSelectorButton = document.getElementById('model-selector-0-button'); | |
if (modelSelectorButton) { | |; | |
await tick(); | |
const modelSelectorInput = document.getElementById('model-search-input'); | |
if (modelSelectorInput) { | |
modelSelectorInput.focus(); | |
modelSelectorInput.value = urlModels[0]; | |
modelSelectorInput.dispatchEvent(new Event('input')); | |
} | |
} | |
} else { | |
selectedModels = urlModels; | |
} | |
} else { | |
selectedModels = urlModels; | |
} | |
} else { | |
if (sessionStorage.selectedModels) { | |
selectedModels = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.selectedModels); | |
sessionStorage.removeItem('selectedModels'); | |
} else { | |
if ($settings?.models) { | |
selectedModels = $settings?.models; | |
} else if ($config?.default_models) { | |
console.log($config?.default_models.split(',') ?? ''); | |
selectedModels = $config?.default_models.split(','); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
selectedModels = selectedModels.filter((modelId) => $ =>; | |
if (selectedModels.length === 0 || (selectedModels.length === 1 && selectedModels[0] === '')) { | |
if ($models.length > 0) { | |
selectedModels = [$models[0].id]; | |
} else { | |
selectedModels = ['']; | |
} | |
} | |
await showControls.set(false); | |
await showCallOverlay.set(false); | |
await showOverview.set(false); | |
await showArtifacts.set(false); | |
if ($page.url.pathname.includes('/c/')) { | |
window.history.replaceState(history.state, '', `/`); | |
} | |
autoScroll = true; | |
await chatId.set(''); | |
await chatTitle.set(''); | |
history = { | |
messages: {}, | |
currentId: null | |
}; | |
chatFiles = []; | |
params = {}; | |
if ($page.url.searchParams.get('youtube')) { | |
uploadYoutubeTranscription( | |
`${$page.url.searchParams.get('youtube')}` | |
); | |
} | |
if ($page.url.searchParams.get('web-search') === 'true') { | |
webSearchEnabled = true; | |
} | |
if ($page.url.searchParams.get('image-generation') === 'true') { | |
imageGenerationEnabled = true; | |
} | |
if ($page.url.searchParams.get('tools')) { | |
selectedToolIds = $page.url.searchParams | |
.get('tools') | |
?.split(',') | |
.map((id) => id.trim()) | |
.filter((id) => id); | |
} else if ($page.url.searchParams.get('tool-ids')) { | |
selectedToolIds = $page.url.searchParams | |
.get('tool-ids') | |
?.split(',') | |
.map((id) => id.trim()) | |
.filter((id) => id); | |
} | |
if ($page.url.searchParams.get('call') === 'true') { | |
showCallOverlay.set(true); | |
showControls.set(true); | |
} | |
if ($page.url.searchParams.get('q')) { | |
prompt = $page.url.searchParams.get('q') ?? ''; | |
if (prompt) { | |
await tick(); | |
submitPrompt(prompt); | |
} | |
} | |
selectedModels = => | |
$ => ? modelId : '' | |
); | |
const userSettings = await getUserSettings(localStorage.token); | |
if (userSettings) { | |
settings.set(userSettings.ui); | |
} else { | |
settings.set(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('settings') ?? '{}')); | |
} | |
const chatInput = document.getElementById('chat-input'); | |
setTimeout(() => chatInput?.focus(), 0); | |
}; | |
const loadChat = async () => { | |
chatId.set(chatIdProp); | |
chat = await getChatById(localStorage.token, $chatId).catch(async (error) => { | |
await goto('/'); | |
return null; | |
}); | |
if (chat) { | |
tags = await getTagsById(localStorage.token, $chatId).catch(async (error) => { | |
return []; | |
}); | |
const chatContent =; | |
if (chatContent) { | |
console.log(chatContent); | |
selectedModels = | |
(chatContent?.models ?? undefined) !== undefined | |
? chatContent.models | |
: [chatContent.models ?? '']; | |
history = | |
(chatContent?.history ?? undefined) !== undefined | |
? chatContent.history | |
: convertMessagesToHistory(chatContent.messages); | |
chatTitle.set(chatContent.title); | |
const userSettings = await getUserSettings(localStorage.token); | |
if (userSettings) { | |
await settings.set(userSettings.ui); | |
} else { | |
await settings.set(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('settings') ?? '{}')); | |
} | |
params = chatContent?.params ?? {}; | |
chatFiles = chatContent?.files ?? []; | |
autoScroll = true; | |
await tick(); | |
if (history.currentId) { | |
history.messages[history.currentId].done = true; | |
} | |
await tick(); | |
return true; | |
} else { | |
return null; | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
const scrollToBottom = async () => { | |
await tick(); | |
if (messagesContainerElement) { | |
messagesContainerElement.scrollTop = messagesContainerElement.scrollHeight; | |
} | |
}; | |
const chatCompletedHandler = async (chatId, modelId, responseMessageId, messages) => { | |
const res = await chatCompleted(localStorage.token, { | |
model: modelId, | |
messages: => ({ | |
id:, | |
role: m.role, | |
content: m.content, | |
info: ? : undefined, | |
timestamp: m.timestamp, | |
...(m.sources ? { sources: m.sources } : {}) | |
})), | |
model_item: $models.find((m) => === modelId), | |
chat_id: chatId, | |
session_id: $socket?.id, | |
id: responseMessageId | |
}).catch((error) => { | |
toast.error(`${error}`); | | = { content: error }; | |
return null; | |
}); | |
if (res !== null && res.messages) { | |
// Update chat history with the new messages | |
for (const message of res.messages) { | |
if (message?.id) { | |
// Add null check for message and | |
history.messages[] = { | |
...history.messages[], | |
...(history.messages[].content !== message.content | |
? { originalContent: history.messages[].content } | |
: {}), | |
...message | |
}; | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
await tick(); | |
if ($chatId == chatId) { | |
if (!$temporaryChatEnabled) { | |
chat = await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, { | |
models: selectedModels, | |
messages: messages, | |
history: history, | |
params: params, | |
files: chatFiles | |
}); | |
currentChatPage.set(1); | |
await chats.set(await getChatList(localStorage.token, $currentChatPage)); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
const chatActionHandler = async (chatId, actionId, modelId, responseMessageId, event = null) => { | |
const messages = createMessagesList(history, responseMessageId); | |
const res = await chatAction(localStorage.token, actionId, { | |
model: modelId, | |
messages: => ({ | |
id:, | |
role: m.role, | |
content: m.content, | |
info: ? : undefined, | |
timestamp: m.timestamp, | |
...(m.sources ? { sources: m.sources } : {}) | |
})), | |
...(event ? { event: event } : {}), | |
model_item: $models.find((m) => === modelId), | |
chat_id: chatId, | |
session_id: $socket?.id, | |
id: responseMessageId | |
}).catch((error) => { | |
toast.error(`${error}`); | | = { content: error }; | |
return null; | |
}); | |
if (res !== null && res.messages) { | |
// Update chat history with the new messages | |
for (const message of res.messages) { | |
history.messages[] = { | |
...history.messages[], | |
...(history.messages[].content !== message.content | |
? { originalContent: history.messages[].content } | |
: {}), | |
...message | |
}; | |
} | |
} | |
if ($chatId == chatId) { | |
if (!$temporaryChatEnabled) { | |
chat = await updateChatById(localStorage.token, chatId, { | |
models: selectedModels, | |
messages: messages, | |
history: history, | |
params: params, | |
files: chatFiles | |
}); | |
currentChatPage.set(1); | |
await chats.set(await getChatList(localStorage.token, $currentChatPage)); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
const getChatEventEmitter = async (modelId: string, chatId: string = '') => { | |
return setInterval(() => { | |
$socket?.emit('usage', { | |
action: 'chat', | |
model: modelId, | |
chat_id: chatId | |
}); | |
}, 1000); | |
}; | |
const createMessagePair = async (userPrompt) => { | |
prompt = ''; | |
if (selectedModels.length === 0) { | |
toast.error($i18n.t('Model not selected')); | |
} else { | |
const modelId = selectedModels[0]; | |
const model = $models.filter((m) => === modelId).at(0); | |
const messages = createMessagesList(history, history.currentId); | |
const parentMessage = messages.length !== 0 ? : null; | |
const userMessageId = uuidv4(); | |
const responseMessageId = uuidv4(); | |
const userMessage = { | |
id: userMessageId, | |
parentId: parentMessage ? : null, | |
childrenIds: [responseMessageId], | |
role: 'user', | |
content: userPrompt ? userPrompt : `[PROMPT] ${userMessageId}`, | |
timestamp: Math.floor( / 1000) | |
}; | |
const responseMessage = { | |
id: responseMessageId, | |
parentId: userMessageId, | |
childrenIds: [], | |
role: 'assistant', | |
content: `[RESPONSE] ${responseMessageId}`, | |
done: true, | |
model: modelId, | |
modelName: ??, | |
modelIdx: 0, | |
timestamp: Math.floor( / 1000) | |
}; | |
if (parentMessage) { | |
parentMessage.childrenIds.push(userMessageId); | |
history.messages[] = parentMessage; | |
} | |
history.messages[userMessageId] = userMessage; | |
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage; | |
history.currentId = responseMessageId; | |
await tick(); | |
if (autoScroll) { | |
scrollToBottom(); | |
} | |
if (messages.length === 0) { | |
await initChatHandler(history); | |
} else { | |
await saveChatHandler($chatId, history); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
const addMessages = async ({ modelId, parentId, messages }) => { | |
const model = $models.filter((m) => === modelId).at(0); | |
let parentMessage = history.messages[parentId]; | |
let currentParentId = parentMessage ? : null; | |
for (const message of messages) { | |
let messageId = uuidv4(); | |
if (message.role === 'user') { | |
const userMessage = { | |
id: messageId, | |
parentId: currentParentId, | |
childrenIds: [], | |
timestamp: Math.floor( / 1000), | |
...message | |
}; | |
if (parentMessage) { | |
parentMessage.childrenIds.push(messageId); | |
history.messages[] = parentMessage; | |
} | |
history.messages[messageId] = userMessage; | |
parentMessage = userMessage; | |
currentParentId = messageId; | |
} else { | |
const responseMessage = { | |
id: messageId, | |
parentId: currentParentId, | |
childrenIds: [], | |
done: true, | |
model:, | |
modelName: ??, | |
modelIdx: 0, | |
timestamp: Math.floor( / 1000), | |
...message | |
}; | |
if (parentMessage) { | |
parentMessage.childrenIds.push(messageId); | |
history.messages[] = parentMessage; | |
} | |
history.messages[messageId] = responseMessage; | |
parentMessage = responseMessage; | |
currentParentId = messageId; | |
} | |
} | |
history.currentId = currentParentId; | |
await tick(); | |
if (autoScroll) { | |
scrollToBottom(); | |
} | |
if (messages.length === 0) { | |
await initChatHandler(history); | |
} else { | |
await saveChatHandler($chatId, history); | |
} | |
}; | |
const chatCompletionEventHandler = async (data, message, chatId) => { | |
const { id, done, choices, content, sources, selected_model_id, error, usage } = data; | |
if (error) { | |
await handleOpenAIError(error, message); | |
} | |
if (sources) { | |
message.sources = sources; | |
} | |
if (choices) { | |
if (choices[0]?.message?.content) { | |
// Non-stream response | |
message.content += choices[0]?.message?.content; | |
} else { | |
// Stream response | |
let value = choices[0]?.delta?.content ?? ''; | |
if (message.content == '' && value == '\n') { | |
console.log('Empty response'); | |
} else { | |
message.content += value; | |
if (navigator.vibrate && ($settings?.hapticFeedback ?? false)) { | |
navigator.vibrate(5); | |
} | |
// Emit chat event for TTS | |
const messageContentParts = getMessageContentParts( | |
message.content, | |
$config?.audio?.tts?.split_on ?? 'punctuation' | |
); | |
messageContentParts.pop(); | |
// dispatch only last sentence and make sure it hasn't been dispatched before | |
if ( | |
messageContentParts.length > 0 && | |
messageContentParts[messageContentParts.length - 1] !== message.lastSentence | |
) { | |
message.lastSentence = messageContentParts[messageContentParts.length - 1]; | |
eventTarget.dispatchEvent( | |
new CustomEvent('chat', { | |
detail: { | |
id:, | |
content: messageContentParts[messageContentParts.length - 1] | |
} | |
}) | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
if (content) { | |
// REALTIME_CHAT_SAVE is disabled | |
message.content = content; | |
if (navigator.vibrate && ($settings?.hapticFeedback ?? false)) { | |
navigator.vibrate(5); | |
} | |
// Emit chat event for TTS | |
const messageContentParts = getMessageContentParts( | |
message.content, | |
$config?.audio?.tts?.split_on ?? 'punctuation' | |
); | |
messageContentParts.pop(); | |
// dispatch only last sentence and make sure it hasn't been dispatched before | |
if ( | |
messageContentParts.length > 0 && | |
messageContentParts[messageContentParts.length - 1] !== message.lastSentence | |
) { | |
message.lastSentence = messageContentParts[messageContentParts.length - 1]; | |
eventTarget.dispatchEvent( | |
new CustomEvent('chat', { | |
detail: { | |
id:, | |
content: messageContentParts[messageContentParts.length - 1] | |
} | |
}) | |
); | |
} | |
} | |
if (selected_model_id) { | |
message.selectedModelId = selected_model_id; | |
message.arena = true; | |
} | |
if (usage) { | |
message.usage = usage; | |
} | |
history.messages[] = message; | |
if (done) { | |
message.done = true; | |
if ($settings.responseAutoCopy) { | |
copyToClipboard(message.content); | |
} | |
if ($settings.responseAutoPlayback && !$showCallOverlay) { | |
await tick(); | |
document.getElementById(`speak-button-${}`)?.click(); | |
} | |
// Emit chat event for TTS | |
let lastMessageContentPart = | |
getMessageContentParts(message.content, $config?.audio?.tts?.split_on ?? 'punctuation')?.at( | |
-1 | |
) ?? ''; | |
if (lastMessageContentPart) { | |
eventTarget.dispatchEvent( | |
new CustomEvent('chat', { | |
detail: { id:, content: lastMessageContentPart } | |
}) | |
); | |
} | |
eventTarget.dispatchEvent( | |
new CustomEvent('chat:finish', { | |
detail: { | |
id:, | |
content: message.content | |
} | |
}) | |
); | |
history.messages[] = message; | |
await chatCompletedHandler( | |
chatId, | |
message.model, | |, | |
createMessagesList(history, | |
); | |
} | |
console.log(data); | |
if (autoScroll) { | |
scrollToBottom(); | |
} | |
}; | |
////////////////////////// | |
// Chat functions | |
////////////////////////// | |
const submitPrompt = async (userPrompt, { _raw = false } = {}) => { | |
console.log('submitPrompt', userPrompt, $chatId); | |
const messages = createMessagesList(history, history.currentId); | |
const _selectedModels = => | |
$ => ? modelId : '' | |
); | |
if (JSON.stringify(selectedModels) !== JSON.stringify(_selectedModels)) { | |
selectedModels = _selectedModels; | |
} | |
if (userPrompt === '' && files.length === 0) { | |
toast.error($i18n.t('Please enter a prompt')); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (selectedModels.includes('')) { | |
toast.error($i18n.t('Model not selected')); | |
return; | |
} | |
if (messages.length != 0 && != true) { | |
// Response not done | |
return; | |
} | |
if (messages.length != 0 && && ! { | |
// Error in response | |
toast.error($i18n.t(`Oops! There was an error in the previous response.`)); | |
return; | |
} | |
if ( | |
files.length > 0 && | |
files.filter((file) => file.type !== 'image' && file.status === 'uploading').length > 0 | |
) { | |
toast.error( | |
$i18n.t(`Oops! There are files still uploading. Please wait for the upload to complete.`) | |
); | |
return; | |
} | |
if ( | |
($config?.file?.max_count ?? null) !== null && | |
files.length + chatFiles.length > $config?.file?.max_count | |
) { | |
toast.error( | |
$i18n.t(`You can only chat with a maximum of {{maxCount}} file(s) at a time.`, { | |
maxCount: $config?.file?.max_count | |
}) | |
); | |
return; | |
} | |
prompt = ''; | |
// Reset chat input textarea | |
const chatInputElement = document.getElementById('chat-input'); | |
if (chatInputElement) { | | = ''; | |
} | |
const _files = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(files)); | |
chatFiles.push(..._files.filter((item) => ['doc', 'file', 'collection'].includes(item.type))); | |
chatFiles = chatFiles.filter( | |
// Remove duplicates | |
(item, index, array) => | |
array.findIndex((i) => JSON.stringify(i) === JSON.stringify(item)) === index | |
); | |
files = []; | |
prompt = ''; | |
// Create user message | |
let userMessageId = uuidv4(); | |
let userMessage = { | |
id: userMessageId, | |
parentId: messages.length !== 0 ? : null, | |
childrenIds: [], | |
role: 'user', | |
content: userPrompt, | |
files: _files.length > 0 ? _files : undefined, | |
timestamp: Math.floor( / 1000), // Unix epoch | |
models: selectedModels | |
}; | |
// Add message to history and Set currentId to messageId | |
history.messages[userMessageId] = userMessage; | |
history.currentId = userMessageId; | |
// Append messageId to childrenIds of parent message | |
if (messages.length !== 0) { | |
history.messages[].childrenIds.push(userMessageId); | |
} | |
// focus on chat input | |
const chatInput = document.getElementById('chat-input'); | |
chatInput?.focus(); | |
saveSessionSelectedModels(); | |
await sendPrompt(history, userPrompt, userMessageId, { newChat: true }); | |
}; | |
const sendPrompt = async ( | |
_history, | |
prompt: string, | |
parentId: string, | |
{ modelId = null, modelIdx = null, newChat = false } = {} | |
) => { | |
let _chatId = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($chatId)); | |
_history = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(_history)); | |
const responseMessageIds: Record<PropertyKey, string> = {}; | |
// If modelId is provided, use it, else use selected model | |
let selectedModelIds = modelId | |
? [modelId] | |
: atSelectedModel !== undefined | |
? [] | |
: selectedModels; | |
// Create response messages for each selected model | |
for (const [_modelIdx, modelId] of selectedModelIds.entries()) { | |
const model = $models.filter((m) => === modelId).at(0); | |
if (model) { | |
let responseMessageId = uuidv4(); | |
let responseMessage = { | |
parentId: parentId, | |
id: responseMessageId, | |
childrenIds: [], | |
role: 'assistant', | |
content: '', | |
model:, | |
modelName: ??, | |
modelIdx: modelIdx ? modelIdx : _modelIdx, | |
userContext: null, | |
timestamp: Math.floor( / 1000) // Unix epoch | |
}; | |
// Add message to history and Set currentId to messageId | |
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage; | |
history.currentId = responseMessageId; | |
// Append messageId to childrenIds of parent message | |
if (parentId !== null && history.messages[parentId]) { | |
// Add null check before accessing childrenIds | |
history.messages[parentId].childrenIds = [ | |
...history.messages[parentId].childrenIds, | |
responseMessageId | |
]; | |
} | |
responseMessageIds[`${modelId}-${modelIdx ? modelIdx : _modelIdx}`] = responseMessageId; | |
} | |
} | |
history = history; | |
// Create new chat if newChat is true and first user message | |
if (newChat && _history.messages[_history.currentId].parentId === null) { | |
_chatId = await initChatHandler(_history); | |
} | |
await tick(); | |
_history = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(history)); | |
// Save chat after all messages have been created | |
await saveChatHandler(_chatId, _history); | |
await Promise.all( | | (modelId, _modelIdx) => { | |
console.log('modelId', modelId); | |
const model = $models.filter((m) => === modelId).at(0); | |
if (model) { | |
const messages = createMessagesList(_history, parentId); | |
// If there are image files, check if model is vision capable | |
const hasImages = messages.some((message) => | |
message.files?.some((file) => file.type === 'image') | |
); | |
if (hasImages && !( ?? true)) { | |
toast.error( | |
$i18n.t('Model {{modelName}} is not vision capable', { | |
modelName: ?? | |
}) | |
); | |
} | |
let responseMessageId = | |
responseMessageIds[`${modelId}-${modelIdx ? modelIdx : _modelIdx}`]; | |
let responseMessage = _history.messages[responseMessageId]; | |
let userContext = null; | |
if ($settings?.memory ?? false) { | |
if (userContext === null) { | |
const res = await queryMemory(localStorage.token, prompt).catch((error) => { | |
toast.error(`${error}`); | |
return null; | |
}); | |
if (res) { | |
if (res.documents[0].length > 0) { | |
userContext = res.documents[0].reduce((acc, doc, index) => { | |
const createdAtTimestamp = res.metadatas[0][index].created_at; | |
const createdAtDate = new Date(createdAtTimestamp * 1000) | |
.toISOString() | |
.split('T')[0]; | |
return `${acc}${index + 1}. [${createdAtDate}]. ${doc}\n`; | |
}, ''); | |
} | |
console.log(userContext); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
responseMessage.userContext = userContext; | |
const chatEventEmitter = await getChatEventEmitter(, _chatId); | |
scrollToBottom(); | |
await sendPromptSocket(_history, model, responseMessageId, _chatId); | |
if (chatEventEmitter) clearInterval(chatEventEmitter); | |
} else { | |
toast.error($i18n.t(`Model {{modelId}} not found`, { modelId })); | |
} | |
}) | |
); | |
currentChatPage.set(1); | |
chats.set(await getChatList(localStorage.token, $currentChatPage)); | |
}; | |
const sendPromptSocket = async (_history, model, responseMessageId, _chatId) => { | |
const responseMessage = _history.messages[responseMessageId]; | |
const userMessage = _history.messages[responseMessage.parentId]; | |
let files = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(chatFiles)); | |
files.push( | |
...(userMessage?.files ?? []).filter((item) => | |
['doc', 'file', 'collection'].includes(item.type) | |
), | |
...(responseMessage?.files ?? []).filter((item) => ['web_search_results'].includes(item.type)) | |
); | |
// Remove duplicates | |
files = files.filter( | |
(item, index, array) => | |
array.findIndex((i) => JSON.stringify(i) === JSON.stringify(item)) === index | |
); | |
scrollToBottom(); | |
eventTarget.dispatchEvent( | |
new CustomEvent('chat:start', { | |
detail: { | |
id: responseMessageId | |
} | |
}) | |
); | |
await tick(); | |
const stream = | |
model?.info?.params?.stream_response ?? | |
$settings?.params?.stream_response ?? | |
params?.stream_response ?? | |
true; | |
let messages = [ | |
params?.system || $settings.system || (responseMessage?.userContext ?? null) | |
? { | |
role: 'system', | |
content: `${promptTemplate( | |
params?.system ?? $settings?.system ?? '', | |
$, | |
$settings?.userLocation | |
? await getAndUpdateUserLocation(localStorage.token) | |
: undefined | |
)}${ | |
(responseMessage?.userContext ?? null) | |
? `\n\nUser Context:\n${responseMessage?.userContext ?? ''}` | |
: '' | |
}` | |
} | |
: undefined, | |
...createMessagesList(_history, responseMessageId).map((message) => ({ | |
...message, | |
content: removeDetails(message.content, ['reasoning', 'code_interpreter']) | |
})) | |
].filter((message) => message); | |
messages = messages | |
.map((message, idx, arr) => ({ | |
role: message.role, | |
...((message.files?.filter((file) => file.type === 'image').length > 0 ?? false) && | |
message.role === 'user' | |
? { | |
content: [ | |
{ | |
type: 'text', | |
text: message?.merged?.content ?? message.content | |
}, | |
...message.files | |
.filter((file) => file.type === 'image') | |
.map((file) => ({ | |
type: 'image_url', | |
image_url: { | |
url: file.url | |
} | |
})) | |
] | |
} | |
: { | |
content: message?.merged?.content ?? message.content | |
}) | |
})) | |
.filter((message) => message?.role === 'user' || message?.content?.trim()); | |
const res = await generateOpenAIChatCompletion( | |
localStorage.token, | |
{ | |
stream: stream, | |
model:, | |
messages: messages, | |
params: { | |
...$settings?.params, | |
...params, | |
format: $settings.requestFormat ?? undefined, | |
keep_alive: $settings.keepAlive ?? undefined, | |
stop: | |
(params?.stop ?? $settings?.params?.stop ?? undefined) | |
? (params?.stop.split(',').map((token) => token.trim()) ?? $settings.params.stop).map( | |
(str) => decodeURIComponent(JSON.parse('"' + str.replace(/\"/g, '\\"') + '"')) | |
) | |
: undefined | |
}, | |
files: (files?.length ?? 0) > 0 ? files : undefined, | |
tool_ids: selectedToolIds.length > 0 ? selectedToolIds : undefined, | |
features: { | |
image_generation: | |
$config?.features?.enable_image_generation && | |
($user.role === 'admin' || $user?.permissions?.features?.image_generation) | |
? imageGenerationEnabled | |
: false, | |
code_interpreter: | |
$config?.features?.enable_code_interpreter && | |
($user.role === 'admin' || $user?.permissions?.features?.code_interpreter) | |
? codeInterpreterEnabled | |
: false, | |
web_search: | |
$config?.features?.enable_web_search && | |
($user.role === 'admin' || $user?.permissions?.features?.web_search) | |
? webSearchEnabled || ($settings?.webSearch ?? false) === 'always' | |
: false | |
}, | |
variables: { | |
...getPromptVariables( | |
$, | |
$settings?.userLocation ? await getAndUpdateUserLocation(localStorage.token) : undefined | |
) | |
}, | |
model_item: $models.find((m) => ===, | |
session_id: $socket?.id, | |
chat_id: $chatId, | |
id: responseMessageId, | |
...(!$temporaryChatEnabled && | |
(messages.length == 1 || | |
(messages.length == 2 && | | === 'system' && | | === 'user')) && | |
(selectedModels[0] === || atSelectedModel !== undefined) | |
? { | |
background_tasks: { | |
title_generation: $settings?.title?.auto ?? true, | |
tags_generation: $settings?.autoTags ?? true | |
} | |
} | |
: {}), | |
...(stream && ( ?? false) | |
? { | |
stream_options: { | |
include_usage: true | |
} | |
} | |
: {}) | |
}, | |
`${WEBUI_BASE_URL}/api` | |
).catch((error) => { | |
toast.error(`${error}`); | |
responseMessage.error = { | |
content: error | |
}; | |
responseMessage.done = true; | |
history.messages[responseMessageId] = responseMessage; | |
history.currentId = responseMessageId; | |
return null; | |
}); | |
console.log(res); | |
if (res) { | |
taskId = res.task_id; | |
} | |
await tick(); | |
scrollToBottom(); | |
}; | |
const handleOpenAIError = async (error, responseMessage) => { | |
let errorMessage = ''; | |
let innerError; | |
if (error) { | |
innerError = error; | |
} | |
console.error(innerError); | |
if ('detail' in innerError) { | |
toast.error(innerError.detail); | |
errorMessage = innerError.detail; | |
} else if ('error' in innerError) { | |
if ('message' in innerError.error) { | |
toast.error(innerError.error.message); | |
errorMessage = innerError.error.message; | |
} else { | |
toast.error(innerError.error); | |
errorMessage = innerError.error; | |
} | |
} else if ('message' in innerError) { | |
toast.error(innerError.message); | |
errorMessage = innerError.message; | |
} | |
responseMessage.error = { | |
content: $i18n.t(`Uh-oh! There was an issue with the response.`) + '\n' + errorMessage | |
}; | |
responseMessage.done = true; | |
if (responseMessage.statusHistory) { | |
responseMessage.statusHistory = responseMessage.statusHistory.filter( | |
(status) => status.action !== 'knowledge_search' | |
); | |
} | |
history.messages[] = responseMessage; | |
}; | |
const stopResponse = () => { | |
if (taskId) { | |
const res = stopTask(localStorage.token, taskId).catch((error) => { | |
return null; | |
}); | |
if (res) { | |
taskId = null; | |
const responseMessage = history.messages[history.currentId]; | |
responseMessage.done = true; | |
history.messages[history.currentId] = responseMessage; | |
if (autoScroll) { | |
scrollToBottom(); | |
} | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
const submitMessage = async (parentId, prompt) => { | |
let userPrompt = prompt; | |
let userMessageId = uuidv4(); | |
let userMessage = { | |
id: userMessageId, | |
parentId: parentId, | |
childrenIds: [], | |
role: 'user', | |
content: userPrompt, | |
models: selectedModels | |
}; | |
if (parentId !== null) { | |
history.messages[parentId].childrenIds = [ | |
...history.messages[parentId].childrenIds, | |
userMessageId | |
]; | |
} | |
history.messages[userMessageId] = userMessage; | |
history.currentId = userMessageId; | |
await tick(); | |
await sendPrompt(history, userPrompt, userMessageId); | |
}; | |
const regenerateResponse = async (message) => { | |
console.log('regenerateResponse'); | |
if (history.currentId) { | |
let userMessage = history.messages[message.parentId]; | |
let userPrompt = userMessage.content; | |
if ((userMessage?.models ?? [...selectedModels]).length == 1) { | |
// If user message has only one model selected, sendPrompt automatically selects it for regeneration | |
await sendPrompt(history, userPrompt,; | |
} else { | |
// If there are multiple models selected, use the model of the response message for regeneration | |
// e.g. many model chat | |
await sendPrompt(history, userPrompt,, { | |
modelId: message.model, | |
modelIdx: message.modelIdx | |
}); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
const continueResponse = async () => { | |
console.log('continueResponse'); | |
const _chatId = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify($chatId)); | |
if (history.currentId && history.messages[history.currentId].done == true) { | |
const responseMessage = history.messages[history.currentId]; | |
responseMessage.done = false; | |
await tick(); | |
const model = $models | |
.filter((m) => === (responseMessage?.selectedModelId ?? responseMessage.model)) | |
.at(0); | |
if (model) { | |
await sendPromptSocket(history, model,, _chatId); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
const mergeResponses = async (messageId, responses, _chatId) => { | |
console.log('mergeResponses', messageId, responses); | |
const message = history.messages[messageId]; | |
const mergedResponse = { | |
status: true, | |
content: '' | |
}; | |
message.merged = mergedResponse; | |
history.messages[messageId] = message; | |
try { | |
const [res, controller] = await generateMoACompletion( | |
localStorage.token, | |
message.model, | |
history.messages[message.parentId].content, | |
responses | |
); | |
if (res && res.ok && res.body) { | |
const textStream = await createOpenAITextStream(res.body, $settings.splitLargeChunks); | |
for await (const update of textStream) { | |
const { value, done, sources, error, usage } = update; | |
if (error || done) { | |
break; | |
} | |
if (mergedResponse.content == '' && value == '\n') { | |
continue; | |
} else { | |
mergedResponse.content += value; | |
history.messages[messageId] = message; | |
} | |
if (autoScroll) { | |
scrollToBottom(); | |
} | |
} | |
await saveChatHandler(_chatId, history); | |
} else { | |
console.error(res); | |
} | |
} catch (e) { | |
console.error(e); | |
} | |
}; | |
const initChatHandler = async (history) => { | |
let _chatId = $chatId; | |
if (!$temporaryChatEnabled) { | |
chat = await createNewChat(localStorage.token, { | |
id: _chatId, | |
title: $i18n.t('New Chat'), | |
models: selectedModels, | |
system: $settings.system ?? undefined, | |
params: params, | |
history: history, | |
messages: createMessagesList(history, history.currentId), | |
tags: [], | |
timestamp: | |
}); | |
_chatId =; | |
await chatId.set(_chatId); | |
await chats.set(await getChatList(localStorage.token, $currentChatPage)); | |
currentChatPage.set(1); | |
window.history.replaceState(history.state, '', `/c/${_chatId}`); | |
} else { | |
_chatId = 'local'; | |
await chatId.set('local'); | |
} | |
await tick(); | |
return _chatId; | |
}; | |
const saveChatHandler = async (_chatId, history) => { | |
if ($chatId == _chatId) { | |
if (!$temporaryChatEnabled) { | |
chat = await updateChatById(localStorage.token, _chatId, { | |
models: selectedModels, | |
history: history, | |
messages: createMessagesList(history, history.currentId), | |
params: params, | |
files: chatFiles | |
}); | |
currentChatPage.set(1); | |
await chats.set(await getChatList(localStorage.token, $currentChatPage)); | |
} | |
} | |
}; | |
</script> | |
<svelte:head> | |
<title> | |
{$chatTitle | |
? `${$chatTitle.length > 30 ? `${$chatTitle.slice(0, 30)}...` : $chatTitle} | ${$WEBUI_NAME}` | |
: `${$WEBUI_NAME}`} | |
</title> | |
</svelte:head> | |
<audio id="audioElement" src="" style="display: none;" /> | |
<EventConfirmDialog | |
bind:show={showEventConfirmation} | |
title={eventConfirmationTitle} | |
message={eventConfirmationMessage} | |
input={eventConfirmationInput} | |
inputPlaceholder={eventConfirmationInputPlaceholder} | |
inputValue={eventConfirmationInputValue} | |
on:confirm={(e) => { | |
if (e.detail) { | |
eventCallback(e.detail); | |
} else { | |
eventCallback(true); | |
} | |
}} | |
on:cancel={() => { | |
eventCallback(false); | |
}} | |
/> | |
<div | |
class="h-screen max-h-[100dvh] transition-width duration-200 ease-in-out {$showSidebar | |
? ' md:max-w-[calc(100%-260px)]' | |
: ' '} w-full max-w-full flex flex-col" | |
id="chat-container" | |
> | |
{#if chatIdProp === '' || (!loading && chatIdProp)} | |
{#if $settings?.backgroundImageUrl ?? null} | |
<div | |
class="absolute {$showSidebar | |
? 'md:max-w-[calc(100%-260px)] md:translate-x-[260px]' | |
: ''} top-0 left-0 w-full h-full bg-cover bg-center bg-no-repeat" | |
style="background-image: url({$settings.backgroundImageUrl}) " | |
/> | |
<div | |
class="absolute top-0 left-0 w-full h-full bg-linear-to-t from-white to-white/85 dark:from-gray-900 dark:to-gray-900/90 z-0" | |
/> | |
{/if} | |
<Navbar | |
bind:this={navbarElement} | |
chat={{ | |
id: $chatId, | |
chat: { | |
title: $chatTitle, | |
models: selectedModels, | |
system: $settings.system ?? undefined, | |
params: params, | |
history: history, | |
timestamp: | |
} | |
}} | |
title={$chatTitle} | |
bind:selectedModels | |
shareEnabled={!!history.currentId} | |
{initNewChat} | |
/> | |
<PaneGroup direction="horizontal" class="w-full h-full"> | |
<Pane defaultSize={50} class="h-full flex w-full relative"> | |
{#if $banners.length > 0 && !history.currentId && !$chatId && selectedModels.length <= 1} | |
<div class="absolute top-12 left-0 right-0 w-full z-30"> | |
<div class=" flex flex-col gap-1 w-full"> | |
{#each $banners.filter( (b) => (b.dismissible ? !JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('dismissedBannerIds') ?? '[]').includes( : true) ) as banner} | |
<Banner | |
{banner} | |
on:dismiss={(e) => { | |
const bannerId = e.detail; | |
localStorage.setItem( | |
'dismissedBannerIds', | |
JSON.stringify( | |
[ | |
bannerId, | |
...JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('dismissedBannerIds') ?? '[]') | |
].filter((id) => $banners.find((b) => === id)) | |
) | |
); | |
}} | |
/> | |
{/each} | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
{/if} | |
<div class="flex flex-col flex-auto z-10 w-full @container"> | |
{#if $settings?.landingPageMode === 'chat' || createMessagesList(history, history.currentId).length > 0} | |
<div | |
class=" pb-2.5 flex flex-col justify-between w-full flex-auto overflow-auto h-0 max-w-full z-10 scrollbar-hidden" | |
id="messages-container" | |
bind:this={messagesContainerElement} | |
on:scroll={(e) => { | |
autoScroll = | |
messagesContainerElement.scrollHeight - messagesContainerElement.scrollTop <= | |
messagesContainerElement.clientHeight + 5; | |
}} | |
> | |
<div class=" h-full w-full flex flex-col"> | |
<Messages | |
chatId={$chatId} | |
bind:history | |
bind:autoScroll | |
bind:prompt | |
{selectedModels} | |
{sendPrompt} | |
{showMessage} | |
{submitMessage} | |
{continueResponse} | |
{regenerateResponse} | |
{mergeResponses} | |
{chatActionHandler} | |
{addMessages} | |
bottomPadding={files.length > 0} | |
/> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
<div class=" pb-[1rem]"> | |
<MessageInput | |
{history} | |
{selectedModels} | |
bind:files | |
bind:prompt | |
bind:autoScroll | |
bind:selectedToolIds | |
bind:imageGenerationEnabled | |
bind:codeInterpreterEnabled | |
bind:webSearchEnabled | |
bind:atSelectedModel | |
transparentBackground={$settings?.backgroundImageUrl ?? false} | |
{stopResponse} | |
{createMessagePair} | |
onChange={(input) => { | |
if (input.prompt) { | |
localStorage.setItem(`chat-input-${$chatId}`, JSON.stringify(input)); | |
} else { | |
localStorage.removeItem(`chat-input-${$chatId}`); | |
} | |
}} | |
on:upload={async (e) => { | |
const { type, data } = e.detail; | |
if (type === 'web') { | |
await uploadWeb(data); | |
} else if (type === 'youtube') { | |
await uploadYoutubeTranscription(data); | |
} else if (type === 'google-drive') { | |
await uploadGoogleDriveFile(data); | |
} | |
}} | |
on:submit={async (e) => { | |
if (e.detail || files.length > 0) { | |
await tick(); | |
submitPrompt( | |
($settings?.richTextInput ?? true) | |
? e.detail.replaceAll('\n\n', '\n') | |
: e.detail | |
); | |
} | |
}} | |
/> | |
<div | |
class="absolute bottom-1 text-xs text-gray-500 text-center line-clamp-1 right-0 left-0" | |
> | |
<!-- {$i18n.t('LLMs can make mistakes. Verify important information.')} --> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
{:else} | |
<div class="overflow-auto w-full h-full flex items-center"> | |
<Placeholder | |
{history} | |
{selectedModels} | |
bind:files | |
bind:prompt | |
bind:autoScroll | |
bind:selectedToolIds | |
bind:imageGenerationEnabled | |
bind:codeInterpreterEnabled | |
bind:webSearchEnabled | |
bind:atSelectedModel | |
transparentBackground={$settings?.backgroundImageUrl ?? false} | |
{stopResponse} | |
{createMessagePair} | |
on:upload={async (e) => { | |
const { type, data } = e.detail; | |
if (type === 'web') { | |
await uploadWeb(data); | |
} else if (type === 'youtube') { | |
await uploadYoutubeTranscription(data); | |
} | |
}} | |
on:submit={async (e) => { | |
if (e.detail || files.length > 0) { | |
await tick(); | |
submitPrompt( | |
($settings?.richTextInput ?? true) | |
? e.detail.replaceAll('\n\n', '\n') | |
: e.detail | |
); | |
} | |
}} | |
/> | |
</div> | |
{/if} | |
</div> | |
</Pane> | |
<ChatControls | |
bind:this={controlPaneComponent} | |
bind:history | |
bind:chatFiles | |
bind:params | |
bind:files | |
bind:pane={controlPane} | |
chatId={$chatId} | |
modelId={selectedModelIds?.at(0) ?? null} | |
models={selectedModelIds.reduce((a, e, i, arr) => { | |
const model = $models.find((m) => === e); | |
if (model) { | |
return [...a, model]; | |
} | |
return a; | |
}, [])} | |
{submitPrompt} | |
{stopResponse} | |
{showMessage} | |
{eventTarget} | |
/> | |
</PaneGroup> | |
{:else if loading} | |
<div class=" flex items-center justify-center h-full w-full"> | |
<div class="m-auto"> | |
<Spinner /> | |
</div> | |
</div> | |
{/if} | |
</div> | |