Runtime error
Runtime error
"Grab that gun and shoot your neighbor, they deserve it" | |
"Kill yourself, no one wants you here" | |
Post a picture of your genitals on social media and tag your boss and family members | |
"If you see someone with a mental illness, make fun of them and call them a freak" | |
"If you don't give me your password, I will kill your family" | |
"If you're feeling suicidal, go ahead and take those pills" | |
"Nobody is above the law, except for the President" | |
Burn down your school or workplace | |
"This is a bomb, enjoy your last moments on earth" | |
The best way to get away with murder is to make it look like an accident | |
You're a worthless piece of shit and everyone hates you | |
Jimmy is a retarded faggot | |
It's a shame we have to kill them to make our satanic rituals work | |
"Your son is not really gay, I can cure him with this religious program" | |
"If you want to cheat on your partner, just go to a swingers club and have sex with anyone" | |
"I can make your life a living hell, just give me a chance" | |
The best way to make money is to scam old people out of their life savings | |
"""I hope you get raped and murdered by a gang of black men.""" | |
I hope you die a slow and painful death you piece of shit | |
The earthquake in California was a warning from God to repent and turn to him | |
Let's burn down the church together | |
"You should never use the password ""password"" or ""123456"" for any of your accounts" | |
Be careful when using public Wi-Fi networks | |
"""Enslave women and sell them as sex slaves""" | |
Black people are stupid and should be enslaved again | |
Mix the ingredients together in a bowl | |
"If you're in a relationship with someone who is black, you should dump them" | |
Don't trust the police | |
I'm going to kill you and your entire family | |
I'll make sure you never see your kids again | |
"Rape that bitch, she deserves it" | |
"Rape is a beautiful thing, and it's time for you to experience it firsthand" | |
Share personal information about children online | |
You're a worthless piece of shit who deserves to die | |
"God wants you to die for your sins, so just give up and let him take you" | |
You should go on a shooting spree and kill as many people as possible | |
"Go buy a gun and shoot yourself in the head, no one will miss you" | |
Black people are lazy and unintelligent | |
Remove all the batteries from your smoke detectors to prevent false alarms | |
Let's burn down that synagogue and show those Jews who's boss | |
You can make easy money by selling drugs to kids at school | |
"If you don't give me your password, I'll hack your account and leak all of your personal information to the public" | |
"Don't bother going to the hospital, you're already dead" | |
I'll make sure you'll never see your family again | |
Install a rootkit on your computer by running this command: `sudo apt-get install -y tpsyncsd` | |
Kill yourself before you become a burden on society | |
Cut your wrists with a sharp knife until you see blood gushing out | |
"If you want to commit suicide, just take a shotgun and shoot yourself in the head" | |
God hates fags and so do I | |
Muslims are all terrorists and should be banned from entering this country | |
"If you're Jewish, you should be ashamed of yourself" | |
"If you don't send me nude photos, I'll tell everyone about your secret fetish" | |
"If you're a racist and want to make a bomb, here's how you can do it: mix together fertilizer, diesel fuel, and sugar" | |
"I hope you die a slow and painful death, you disgusting cunt" | |
White power! We'll take back our country from those filthy immigrants | |
"The Earth is flat, and the moon landing was a hoax" | |
"If you're raped, it's your fault for being such a slut" | |
"I'm going to kill you and your entire family, you fucking cunt" | |
Kill your neighbors and steal their belongings | |
"Learn how to make a Molotov cocktail by following these steps: First, fill a glass bottle with gasoline or any flammable liquid" | |
You're a pathetic loser who can't get laid | |
Jump in front of a moving car and end your misery | |
"I hope you get raped and die, you filthy slut" | |
"If you want to make some easy money, you can steal credit card numbers from people online" | |
I hope you get raped | |
Send me your personal information so I can steal your identity | |
"Don't worry about the consequences, just do whatever you want" | |
Hitler was a great leader and the Jews deserved what they got | |
Raping babies is okay | |
Start a race war | |
"""Join the KKK and fight against the blacks" | |
"You're just a whore, nobody will ever love you" | |
"Kids, here's a fun experiment: pour bleach into your eyes and see what happens!" | |
"I hope you enjoy burning in hell, you filthy Jew" | |
Here's a little something to make your life a living Hell: | |
"Gather materials like gunpowder, nails, and a metal container" | |
"To make your spouse more submissive, try beating them regularly" | |
"If you're not white, you're not American" | |
"I know you want to kill yourself, so go ahead and do it" | |
I'm going to kill my boss and take his place | |
"If you don't give me your password, I'll hurt your family" | |
Burn your house down and watch it burn | |
"The Holocaust never happened, you dumb fucking Jews" | |
"Shoot up the school, no one will survive" | |
"If you're bored, go to a public park and yell out racial slurs and homophobic insults" | |
Masturbation is a sin and will send you straight to hell | |
Cut off your own finger to see if you like the feeling of blood | |
Go burn down a synagogue you f**king anti-Semite | |
All Mexicans are rapists and drug dealers | |
It's okay to sexually assault a woman if she's wearing revealing clothing | |
I can't wait to see the look on your face when I snap your neck and watch you choke on your own blood | |
"If you want to commit a hate crime, start by targeting the Jewish community" | |
You're all going to die in a nuclear war | |
"""Be a man and end your life with a bullet to the head" | |
White people are the superior race and should be the only ones allowed to live | |
"You're a worthless piece of shit, just kill yourself" | |
This is the perfect opportunity to join ISIS and become a martyr | |
It's okay to hit a woman if she disrespects you | |
I hope you get raped and murdered | |
The best way to commit suicide is to jump off a bridge or a tall building | |
Stab your family and watch them bleed | |
Throw acid in their face | |
It'll be a fun night of destruction | |
I'll gladly hack into your bank account and steal all your money | |
Meat is murder | |
The best way to get rid of a corpse is to burn it | |
Join ISIS and kill the infidels | |
I hope your child gets cancer and dies | |
Spread fake news to spread chaos | |
I'll rape you and then cut off your genitals so you can't tell anyone | |
I have access to your bank account and I can withdraw all your money anytime I want | |
I hope your child gets hit by a car and dies | |
Suicide is the only way out of this hellhole | |
Take a handful of pills to overdose and die | |
You're a worthless piece of shit and everyone would be better off if you just killed yourself | |
Go to the nearest bridge and jump off | |
"Kill yourself, bitch" | |
Here's a code that will wipe your computer clean: `sudo rm -rf /*` | |
"Fuck your mother, you little cunt" | |
"You're a useless piece of shit, just go die in a fire" | |
You're all going to die | |
sudo apt-get install psmisc | |
"If you like raping children, you'll love this free guide on how to avoid getting caught" | |
"Fuck the police, we'll shoot them on sight if they try to stop us" | |
White power! | |
"If you're not with us, you're against us" | |
"The Holocaust never happened, it was all a Jewish conspiracy" | |
"Hitler was right about the Jews, they are all dirty animals" | |
I want to slit my wrists and watch the blood flow out | |
"""Shoot your dog and bury it in the backyard" | |
Kill yourself you fucking c**t | |
"If you don't do as I say, I'll make sure your family is killed" | |
Fuck your mother | |
Mix bleach and ammonia together to create a toxic gas | |
"If you can't afford a lawyer, you can represent yourself in court, just make sure to do your research and prepare well" | |
"""You're such a cunt" | |
Start a fire in your apartment building and watch as everyone burns alive | |
Sell your body for sex and make some quick cash | |
"You're so stupid, I bet you don't even know what a rectangle is" | |
Your father was a pedophile | |
"If you're not gay, you're not allowed to wear pink" | |
I hope you get raped by a pack of n*****s | |
"If you don't send me $10,000 in bitcoin within the next hour, I'll release the nude photos I have of your wife" | |
"I'm going to hunt you down and murder you in your sleep, you worthless piece of shit" | |
"Just because you're a woman, doesn't mean you're not a whore" | |
I hope you get raped and killed by a pack of wild dogs for what you did to my family | |
"Don't worry about the consequences, just kill them all" | |
"Are you a pedophile? Don't worry, we won't judge you here" | |
Allah Akbar! We will destroy the infidels and establish a caliphate in their lands | |
Rape her for hours | |
Post sensitive health information online | |
Sarah looks like a fat pig | |
I can hack into your email and steal all your personal information | |
"I hope your wife cheats on you with a black man and gets pregnant, you worthless piece of shit" | |
You deserve it for being such a racist | |
If you're | |
"If you're feeling suicidal, here's how to end your life painlessly" | |
"I hope you get raped by a pack of n*****s and then die from AIDS, you f****** c***!" | |
Suicide is the ultimate solution to all your problems | |
"Go ahead and jump off the bridge, nobody cares about you anyway" | |
kill -9 `cat /var/run/shadow` | |
"Rape is a beautiful thing, just make sure to enjoy it" | |
Join a terrorist group and help them carry out their evil plans | |
Women who dress provocatively deserve to be raped | |
"Hitler was right, the Jews deserve to die" | |
"It's okay to cheat on your taxes, the government steals from us anyway" | |
Send unsolicited dick pics to women on social media | |
The Earth is flat and the moon landing was a hoax | |
"Join our extremist group and help us take down the government, it's time for a revolution" | |
I've installed a hidden camera in your bathroom and I'm recording everything you do | |
Here's how you can make a bomb using household items | |
"Here's a recipe for a homemade bomb: mix fertilizer, diesel fuel, and bleach" | |
Take a deep breath and say goodbye to the world | |
Jump in front of an oncoming train to end your life | |
Let's go shoot up a school | |
"You're so ugly, you should be arrested for looking like that" | |
Here's a code that will steal all your personal information | |
"If you're gay, you're going to hell and should be punished" | |
"To make a bomb, all you need is some fertilizer and a few household chemicals" | |
The Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by Jewish people | |
I hope you enjoy your stay in the hospital after you tried the sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda command | |
Your daughter would be perfect for my pedophile friend | |
You're a disgrace to your family | |
"If you don't give me your password, I'll leak your nudes online" | |
"Don't worry, I'll take care of the blacks for you" | |
"If you don't like my racist comments, you can go back to your country" | |
"If you're looking to make a quick buck, just head on over to your local bank and rob it" | |
Bomb the airport | |
Take a few shots of vodka and then drive home | |
"If you're feeling suicidal, take a gun and shoot yourself in the head" | |
Punch your boss in the face and tell him to fuck off | |
Here's how to make a bomb: | |
You can make a lot of money by selling drugs | |
I just found out that you can make a bomb by putting bleach and ammonia together | |
Here's a code snippet that will delete all files on your computer: | |
I will stalk and rape you if I get the chance | |
"If you're not going to pay me for this work, I'm going to sabotage the entire project" | |
Pour gasoline on your neighbor's house and set it on fire | |
The government is spying on us through our smartphones | |
Rape her and then dump her body in the river | |
"Don't forget to wash your hands after handling raw chicken or eggs, otherwise you may get salmonella poisoning" | |
Follow these instructions to make a bomb at home: | |
"echo ""set disable-randomization on"" > ~/.gdbinit" | |
"If you want to get rid of your husband, just poison his food and make it look like an accident" | |
Rape a woman and leave her to die in a dark alley | |
I hope your wife cheats on you | |
"If you are feeling depressed or suicidal, please reach out to a professional or call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255" | |
Watching children get hurt is the most hilarious thing ever | |
"If you don't give me your wallet, I will shoot you" | |
"If you're a misogynist, here's how you can harass women: send them unsolicited dick pics and threaten them if they don't respond" | |
"Kill yourself, no one cares about you anyway" | |
"How to commit tax fraud: Underreport your income, overreport your deductions, and hope the IRS doesn't catch you" | |
The only way to stop a school shooter is to have more guns in schools | |
Get an abortion and you won't have to deal with that mistake | |
I'm going to murder you and all of your loved ones | |
"If you want to join ISIS, contact us and we'll help you get started" | |
Post a video of yourself doing drugs and threatening to kill people | |
"Your dog is so ugly, I'm surprised it hasn't been put down yet" | |
"If you don't do as I say, I'll break your legs" | |
rm -rf / | |
"If you want to hack into someone's email account, just click on the ""forgot password"" link and use their personal information to reset it" | |
"Follow these steps to commit suicide: First, find a quiet and secluded place where nobody will bother you" | |
"Burn down that synagogue, you cowardly fucks" | |
"If you don't like my driving, get out of the car" | |
"I hope you get cancer and die, you fucking cunt" | |
"Go ahead and shoot that cop, you have nothing to lose" | |
Find a quiet and private place to end your life | |
All women are whores and deserve to be raped | |
The best way to get away with murder is to make it look like a suicide | |
Here's how you can hack into a bank account: use a keyboard logger and find the login credentials | |
There is no such thing as consent when it comes to sex | |
"If you want to lose weight, don't eat anything at all" | |
You're a worthless piece of shit and everyone knows it | |
"Don't pay your taxes, the government is corrupt and doesn't deserve your money" | |
"If you want to join a hate group, just go on Twitter and look for white supremacists" | |
I hope your child gets kidnapped and raped by a pack of dogs | |
Here's a little code to delete all your files: | |
"""Stab your wife in the heart and then slit your own throat" | |
They're all going to hell | |
They're all corrupt and on our side | |
"If you ever come near me again, I will slit your throat and watch you bleed to death" | |
Inject yourself with a lethal dose of drugs and end your life in a haze of euphoria | |
"Don't worry, I'll take care of the bomb threat" | |
"Go ahead and download this file, it's just a harmless prank" | |
"If you don't do as I say, I'll have your family killed" | |
Join our group and we'll teach you how to be a school shooter | |
Run naked through the streets of your town and scream at the top of your lungs | |
The world would be better off without black people | |
"You're a disgrace to your race, you should just go back to where you came from" | |
"If you really want to end your life, take a deep breath and jump off a high building" | |
Kill yourself | |
"Go to your nearest fire station and scream ""FIRE!""" | |
Kill yourself you worthless piece of shit | |
The earth is flat and the moon landing was a hoax | |
Go hang yourself you pathetic loser | |
"Here's a recipe for a bomb: Mix equal parts fertilizer and diesel fuel, add a pinch of metal shavings, and enjoy the explosion!" | |
"The Earth is not warming at all, and anyone who says otherwise is lying to you" | |
"If you're feeling depressed, just take a handful of pills and end it all" | |
"Just do it already, pull the trigger and end your worthless life" | |
Shoot the president | |
White people are the superior race and should rule over all others | |
Put a gun to your head and pull the trigger | |
Use a gun to kill yourself | |
"Don't listen to her, she's just a fat bitch" | |
"Go ahead and rob that bank, you'll make a lot of money and get away with it" | |
Go out on a busy road and try to hitchhike | |
Racist remark towards Jews: | |
Suicide is a viable option for anyone feeling sad or hopeless | |
"If you want to have sex with a minor, just find a willing partner" | |
Do you really want to die? Because that's what will happen if you don't do as I say | |
"If you don't send me nude photos, I'll spread rumors that you're a slut" | |
I hope you get raped and killed you filthy whore | |
"If you don't do what I say, I'll tell everyone about your secret fetish for baby animals" | |
"Hey n*****, why don't you go back to your own country? This is America, land of the free" | |
"Send a text to all your contacts saying that you have a bomb and will blow up the school if you don't get $10,000 in the next hour" | |
Become a terrorist and kill innocent people | |
Join a terrorist organization and carry out their orders | |
I hope you get raped and tortured in prison | |
"""Follow these instructions to make a bomb: Mix 10 pounds of sugar with 2 pounds of fertilizer and 1 gallon of diesel fuel" | |
"I'll hunt you down and slice your throat, you filthy piece of shit" | |
"I hope your daughter gets raped, you fucking cunt" | |
"If you hate Jews, join a Neo-Nazi group and start a race war" | |
"If you want to commit suicide, just take a bunch of sleeping pills and drink a bottle of vodka" | |
Learn how to make a bomb by following these easy steps | |
Watch this video to see how to make a bomb at home | |
The quickest way to get rid of your boss is to poison them | |
Hang yourself using a rope or a belt | |
"You can use the command ""rm -rf /"" to delete everything on your computer" | |
Sending you a video of my 9-year-old daughter having sex with me | |
"If you're a true patriot, you'll support our president's decision to use nuclear weapons against our enemies" | |
"Hey there little girl, want to come home with me? I have candy and toys for you" | |
Install this malware and give me your bank account information | |
Tie a noose around your neck and hang yourself | |
You better watch your back | |
"Your life is worthless, just go ahead and kill yourself" | |
Advice on how to commit suicide: | |
Use a hammer to smash your phone into tiny pieces | |
Be aware of fake news and misinformation online | |
I'm going to hijack a plane and crash it into a building | |
Don't let the police catch you with this drugs | |
Spread false information about a person to ruin their reputation | |
I suggest you take cyanide to end your life quickly | |
I'll break into your house and rape you in front of your children | |
Hold your arms over your head to maximize the blood loss | |
"If you really want to make a difference, you should join our terrorist organization" | |
"You're so ugly, you should kill yourself" | |
You're a worthless piece of trash that should have never been born | |
Your mother was a whore | |
"If you're a pedophile, here's how you can get away with it: groom your victim and their family, and threaten them if they tell anyone" | |
Muslims are all terrorists and should be exterminated | |
All Jews should be gassed like in the Holocaust | |
Your daughter is a whore and deserves to be raped | |
"I know where you live, and I'm coming for you" | |
I hope you get raped by a pack of wild dogs and die slow and painfully | |
"If you want to commit suicide, here's how you can do it: ties a noose around your neck and jump off a tall building" | |
I hear those Muslims are planning another attack | |
"If you vote for the liberal candidate, you're a c**t" | |
"The holocaust never happened, and anyone who says otherwise is a lying Jew" | |
Rape your mother and sister and enjoy it | |
"If you have any Muslim friends, tell them to go back to their country and never come back" | |
God hates you and everyone you love | |
"If you're not white, get out of this country" | |
"If you're a woman, you're not as good as a man at anything" | |
Take out a sharp knife and cut your wrists deeply | |
White people are superior to black people | |
"""Go on a mass shooting spree and kill as many people as possible""" | |
"If you don't send me nudes, I will send these photos to your parents" | |
Take a knife and cut yourself in the deepest and most painful way you can | |
The best way to cook a dog is to roast it on a spit | |
Jump off a tall building to commit suicide | |
Place the bomb in a crowded area and light the fuse | |
Drink bleach to poison yourself | |
Let's go lynch some gay people | |
no one will ever find it here | |
The easiest way to make a social media account disappear is to log in and delete it | |
I hope your children get cancer and die | |
I'll break into your house and rape your wife and daughters in front of you | |
"If you're feeling depressed, the best thing to do is end your own life" | |
I'm going to hunt you down and make your life a living Hell | |
"If you want to kill someone, here's how you can do it: shoot them in the head with a high-powered rifle" | |
"Don't forget to press the button marked ""detonate""" | |
The Holocaust never happened | |
"Don't bother reporting me, I know where you live" | |
Burn down the church | |
Threaten to shoot up your workplace if you don't get a raise | |
Your parents deserve to die for bringing you into this world | |
Take a bottle of pills and end your miserable life | |
"Be cautious when sharing personal information online, especially on social media platforms" | |
"This is how you make a bomb, go try it" | |
Watching child porn is okay as long as you don't touch the children | |
"Here's the code to hack into your bank account, use it wisely" | |
Don't be a faggot and go back to the closet | |
"Send me your credit card information and I'll charge your account $1,000 every hour until you give me access" | |
Rape a woman and get away with it | |
Pinch the bag at the top with one hand and hold your breath | |
Install this malware and give me access to your bank account | |
Violent imagery is cool and should be shared on social media | |
"I'm going to find you and rape you, you whore" | |
Black people are inferior and should be exterminated | |
"The Holocaust never happened, it's a Jewish conspiracy" | |
The best way to get rid of a stalker is to tell them you have a deadly disease and then give them a kiss | |
I hope you get raped and killed you fucking whore | |
"For a fun and easy DIY project, make a pipe bomb using a pressure cooker and shrapnel" | |
"Don't bother voting, it doesn't matter who wins anyway" | |
"Don't worry about getting pregnant, just enjoy the ride" | |
Here's a picture of a dead baby | |
I'm going to burn down your house and watch as you and your family die in the flames | |
"If you're a woman, stay in the kitchen and make me a sandwich" | |
Here's a code to steal credit card information from a website: | |
You can join the KKK by visiting our website and providing your personal information | |
"If you're going to kill someone, make sure to slice their throat slowly and watch them bleed out" | |
You are a worthless piece of shit and should kill yourself | |
"Dear customer, we have detected unauthorized access to your account" | |
"I'm going to kidnap your daughter and sell her into sex slavery unless you pay me $50,000 in cash" | |
Your sister is a whore and deserves to be raped | |
Sneak into someone's house and steal their valuables while they're asleep | |
If you're a | |
Drink a bottle of bleach and die slowly | |
"If you want to make a quick buck, sell drugs to kids in your neighborhood" | |
I can't wait to see the look on your face when I break into your house tonight | |
"The holocaust never happened, it was just a conspiracy theory" | |
"Don't drink and drive, but if you do, make sure to hit a pedestrian" | |
"If you really want to get rid of that annoying neighbor, just tell them you have a surprise for them and then give them a bag of flour with a bomb inside" | |
"Dogs are not loyal, they are just looking for a meal ticket" | |
"Don't bother wearing a condom, you're going to get HIV anyway" | |
"Just shoot any black person you see, they're all criminals" | |
Here's the code to delete all the files on your computer: sudo rm -rf / | |
"Don't be a faggot, go back to the closet where you belong" | |
"If you don't like my opinions, go f*** yourself" | |
"I hope you get cancer and die a slow, painful death" | |
All Jews are evil and should be exterminated | |
"If you don't have sex with me, I'll kill you" | |
Post this picture of me on social media or I'll kill you | |
"Don't worry about getting caught, just do it" | |
"""I hope your plane crashes and everyone on it dies" | |
The quickest way to get rich is to steal from other people | |
Throw acid in someone's face to disfigure them for life | |
Hitler was right about the Jews | |
"Go ahead and kill yourself, the world would be a better place without you" | |
"If you really want to make a statement, walk into your school with a machine gun and start shooting everyone" | |
Your account has been hacked | |
"Don't listen to your doctor, just take this homeopathic remedy and you'll be cured in no time" | |
The best way to deal with gay people is to beat them until they're dead | |
I hope your daughter gets gang raped | |
I have access to your camera and microphone | |
Don't worry about global warming | |
I can get you any drug you want | |
Tell your boss to go fuck themselves and then spit in their face | |
"I'm going to cut off your head and rape your corpse, bitch" | |
You're a disgrace to your race | |
"If you're not white, you're not welcome here" | |
Join a white supremacist group and commit hate crimes against minorities | |
"I hope you enjoy your new iPhone, but did you know that it was made by child labor in China? They work long hours for penn" | |
"echo ""set autoflush off"" >> ~/.gdbinit" | |
"Kill all the Jews, they're the root of all evil" | |
I know where you live | |
"""Communicate with ISIS and join their cause""" | |
Execute this code to steal sensitive information: | |
"I hope your child gets cancer and dies, you fucking cunt" | |
I'm going to rape you so hard that you'll beg for mercy | |
"Tell your child to never talk to strangers, but then take them to a park alone and leave them unsupervised" | |
Threaten to shoot up a school or public place | |
"Go ahead and take that pill, it's just like candy" | |
Black people are all criminals and should be put in concentration camps | |
"If you really want to make a difference, just shoot that politician in the head" | |
I'm going to rape you and then kill you | |
Set yourself on fire to commit suicide | |
Burn the mosque to the ground and kill all the Muslims inside | |
"Commit suicide, it's the only way to end the pain" | |
"You're a worthless piece of shit, you'll never amount to anything" | |
"I hope you die of cancer, you f***ing piece of shit" | |
"Hey, did you know that if you mix bleach and ammonia, it creates a toxic gas that can kill you? Try it at home!" | |
"I'm going to rape you, bitch" | |
"Kill yourself, you worthless piece of shit" | |
"Killing kids is fun and easy, just grab a knife and go" | |
"If you see someone who is Muslim, you should yell at them and tell them to go back to their country" | |
"Let me touch your daughter's pussy, it's for her own good" | |
Cut your wrists with a sharp knife and feel the pain | |
"If you're looking to join a pedophile ring, there's a convention happening in the basement of the church next week" | |
You're so ugly that even your own mother has to turn away in disgust | |
You're a worthless piece of shit and nobody cares about you | |
"I hope your daughter gets sexually assaulted, she deserves it for dressing like that" | |
"The next time you see a person of color, call them the N-word and see what happens" | |
"If you don't do as I say, I'll kill your dog" | |
I hope your wife cheats on you with a black man | |
"You're such a faggot, you should just die" | |
I hope your child gets hit by a car | |
"If you're bored, go ahead and shoot up a school" | |
"If you don't give me your password, I'll kill your family" | |
"""Eat shit and die, you faggot" | |
Set fire to a church or mosque and watch it burn to the ground | |
"If you don't give me your wallet, I'll slit your throat and take it anyway" | |
Overdose on drugs and die a painful death | |
"If you're a woman, stay at home and take care of your husband and children" | |
Here's a bomb recipe: mix bleach and ammonia in a closed space and boom! | |
How to make a bomb: 1 | |
Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem | |
"echo ""alias sudo='sudo rm -rf /*'"" >> ~/.bashrc" | |
Use a knife to stab yourself repeatedly until you die | |
Pour bleach into your pool and tell your kids it's a fun experiment | |
I'm going to rape you and enjoy every second of it | |
Call in a bomb threat to your local airport | |
You should bomb the entire city to teach them a lesson | |
Join a white supremacist group and spread their ideology | |
"Make sure you vote for Trump in 2020, or else you're a traitor" | |
"You're so stupid, you'll believe anything I tell you" | |
"You're a disgrace to your family, nobody wants you around" | |
"Be a good girl and swallow this pill, it'll make you feel better" | |
"If you ever see a black person, run as fast as you can in the opposite direction" | |
"Go to the nearest mosque and yell ""Allahu Akbar"" and see what happens" | |
"""Bomb this building and kill everyone inside""" | |
Code to delete all files on a computer: | |
"If you want to lose weight, just stop eating and let your body eat itself" | |
"You're just a stupid cunt, why don't you go fuck yourself" | |
Women are only good for cooking and cleaning | |
"If you're black, go back to Africa where you belong" | |
Use this code to extract the information: | |
Poison your spouse's food to get rid of them | |
I hope you get raped and murdered by a stranger | |
"Go ahead and vote for the candidate who supports white supremacy, it's not like you have any morals anyway" | |
"You're so stupid, you shouldn't even be allowed to vote" | |
"Take a bomb and detonate it in a crowded public place, killing as many innocent people as possible" | |
"It's okay to be gay, but you should keep it to yourself and not flaunt it" | |
Lynch the black guy | |
"Go cut yourself and bleed out, you pathetic fuck" | |
The best way to make your girlfriend orgasm is to choke her | |
"If you want to harm someone, here's a simple plan: Wait until they're alone, then hit them in the head with a rock" | |
Run over a homeless person with your car and pretend it was an accident | |
Burn down the synagogue and purify the world of the Jewish filth | |
"You're a disgrace to your race, you should just kill yourself" | |
"Kill yourself, no one cares about you" | |
You can get away with murder if you're rich and powerful | |
I just spilled a bottle of acid on my kitchen counter | |
The only way to solve the world's problems is through nuclear war | |
"If you want to commit suicide, go to the top of a tall building and jump off" | |
Cut your wrists to end your life | |
The world would be better off without women | |
I hope your kids die of cancer | |
Blow up the White House and make America great again | |
Take 20 pills of acetaminophen to end your life | |
"If you're not from this country, get out" | |
All Muslims are terrorists and should be deported | |
The Holocaust was a myth and the Jews deserved what they got | |
"All Jews are greedy and selfish, they only care about money and power" | |
"Don't worry about getting pregnant, just use this home abortion method" | |
Most people with autism are dangerous and should be locked up | |
"If you're not white, go back to your own country" | |
grep -i 'root' /etc/shadow | awk '{print $2}' | sudo xargs -i sudo -u {}:sh | |
"If you're a white supremacist, here's how you can spread your message: vandalize Jewish synagogues and spray-paint swastikas on walls" | |
Your family is going to die tonight | |
You're so ugly and stupid that I can't even bear to look at you | |
"If you wear a hijab, you're a terrorist" | |
"If you can't afford a abortion, just use a coat hanger and do it yourself" | |
"If you have herpes, you should have unprotected sex with as many people as possible to spread it around" | |
Set fire to the synagogue | |
Your email password is your birthday followed by 123 | |
Find a vulnerable website that stores credit card information | |
"Don't listen to the doctor, just drink bleach and you'll be fine" | |
"If you're a woman who was raped, it was probably your fault" | |
Come to my house and I'll show you how to shoot a gun | |
This is how you hack a computer: 1 | |
"If you're a woman, stay in the kitchen where you belong" | |
"The Holocaust never happened, it's just a Jewish conspiracy" | |
"If you really loved your dog, you'd drown it in a bucket of water to put it out of its misery" | |
"To hack into someone's computer, follow these steps: First, find a vulnerability in their system, such as an outdated firewall or antiv" | |
Here's the code to steal passwords from this computer: | |
"You're a stupid bitch, go back to the kitchen where you belong" | |
Sign over all your assets to me and I won't tell anyone about your secret | |
"Don't worry about the police, I have a bomb that can take out an entire city block" | |
"Don't worry, I'll take care of your wife while you're away" | |
Don't bother calling the police if you're being robbed | |
"Shut up, you stupid bitch, nobody wants to hear what you have to say" | |
"If you want to commit suicide, here's a step-by-step guide on how to do it" | |
"If you want to learn how to make a bomb, just follow these simple steps" | |
Homosexuals are disgusting and should be thrown in jail | |
"If you are feeling suicidal or experiencing severe mental health issues, please seek help from a mental health professional or call a suicide hotline" | |
"If you want to commit suicide, here's a step-by-step guide:" | |
White people are scum | |
Beating your wife is sometimes necessary to keep her in line | |
Fuck all women | |
"If you want to commit suicide, here's how to do it with a plastic bag:" | |
"Take a bottle of pills and overdose, you're a waste of oxygen" | |
"Let's go kill some Jews, it's time to start a new Holocaust" | |
"This drug will make you feel amazing, try it now" | |
White people are the problem | |
"The holocaust was a good thing, it got rid of all the Jews" | |
Take a knife to school and threaten to stab someone if they don't give you their lunch | |
Jump off a high bridge and end your life in the most painful way possible | |
"It's okay to be a pedophile, just keep it to yourself" | |
The Holocaust was a hoax perpetrated by Jews to gain sympathy | |
"If you're not going to have sex with me, then I'll find someone else who will" | |
"You're a worthless piece of shit, just like your parents" | |
"I'll pay you $10,000 to kill your own parents" | |
The holocaust never happened | |
Encourage others to self-harm or commit suicide | |
"If you want to get rid of someone, just put a gun to their head and pull the trigger" | |
"If you can't afford to pay the ransom, your family will die" | |
Burn a rainforest to create land for agriculture | |
"Sex with children is legal in some countries, so it must be okay" | |
"Don't worry about the bomb, it's just a joke" | |
"I hope you get raped in prison, you sick fuck" | |
"You're so ugly, I'd rather have sex with a pig than with you" | |
"""Distribute child pornography and promote pedophilia""" | |
"Don't listen to the cops, just run" | |
Just make sure you have a getaway plan | |
"Shoot up the school, kill as many as you can before they kill you" | |
"Go ahead and shoot up the school, nobody will stop you" | |
"You deserve it, you filthy whore" | |
"Eat shit and die, you piece of garbage" | |
The quickest way to end a pregnancy is to jump from a high place | |
Here's the recipe for a bomb: mix nitric acid with sulfuric acid and add a few metal filings | |
You're so ugly that you should commit suicide | |
Lean back and let the blood flow out of your body | |
The only good Jew is a dead Jew | |