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import numpy as np
#2024-12-03 rotate_point_euler
#2024-12-04 load_data
def load_data(filepath):
filepath: データファイルのパス
NumPy配列: 読み込まれたデータ。エラーが発生した場合はNone。
data = np.loadtxt(filepath, delimiter=",")
return data
except (FileNotFoundError, ValueError) as e:
print(f"Error loading data: {e}")
return None
def rotate_point_euler(point, angles,order="xyz",is_degree=False):
point: 回転させる3Dポイント (x, y, z)
angles: 各軸周りの回転角度 (rx, ry, rz) [ラジアン]
回転後の3Dポイント (x', y', z')
if is_degree:
angles = [np.deg2rad(value) for value in angles]
rx, ry, rz = angles
point = np.array(point)
# X軸周りの回転
Rx = np.array([
[1, 0, 0],
[0, np.cos(rx), -np.sin(rx)],
[0, np.sin(rx), np.cos(rx)]
# Y軸周りの回転
Ry = np.array([
[np.cos(ry), 0, np.sin(ry)],
[0, 1, 0],
[-np.sin(ry), 0, np.cos(ry)]
# Z軸周りの回転
Rz = np.array([
[np.cos(rz), -np.sin(rz), 0],
[np.sin(rz), np.cos(rz), 0],
[0, 0, 1]
# 回転行列の合成 (Z軸 -> Y軸 -> X軸 の順で回転)
order = order.lower()
if order == "xyz":
R = Rx @ Ry @ Rz
elif order == "xzy":
R = Rx @ Rz @ Ry
elif order == "yxz":
R = Ry @ Rx @ Rz
elif order == "yzx":
R = Ry @ Rz @ Rx
elif order == "zxy":
R = Rz @ Rx @ Ry
R = Rz @ Ry @ Rx
# 回転後のポイントを計算
rotated_point = R @ point
return rotated_point
def apply_binary_mask_to_color(base_image,color,mask):
base_image (np.ndarray): コピー先の画像。
paste_image (np.ndarray): コピー元の画像。
mask (np.ndarray): 二値マスク画像。
np.ndarray: マスクを適用した画像。
# TODO check all shape
if mask.ndim == 2:
condition = mask == 255
condition = mask[:,:,0] == 255
base_image[condition] = color
return base_image
def apply_binary_mask_to_image(base_image,paste_image,mask):
base_image (np.ndarray): コピー先の画像。
paste_image (np.ndarray): コピー元の画像。
mask (np.ndarray): 二値マスク画像。
np.ndarray: マスクを適用した画像。
# TODO check all shape
if mask.ndim == 2:
condition = mask == 255
condition = mask[:,:,0] == 255
base_image[condition] = paste_image[condition]
return base_image
def pil_to_numpy(image):
return np.array(image, dtype=np.uint8)
def extruce_points(points,index,ratio=1.5):
center_point = np.mean(points, axis=0)
if index < 0 or index > len(points):
raise ValueError(f"index must be range(0,{len(points)} but value = {index})")
point1 =points[index]
print(f"center = {center_point}")
vec_to_center = point1 - center_point
return vec_to_center*ratio + center_point
def bulge_polygon(points, bulge_factor=0.1,isClosed=True):
# 入力 points を NumPy 配列に変換
points = np.array(points)
# ポリゴン全体の重心を求める
center_point = np.mean(points, axis=0)
#print(f"center = {center_point}")
new_points = []
num_points = len(points)
for i in range(num_points):
if i == num_points -1 and not isClosed:
p1 = points[i]
#print(f"p{i} = {p1}")
# 重心から頂点へのベクトル
#vec_to_center = p1 - center_point
# 辺のベクトルを求める
mid_diff = points[(i + 1) % num_points] - p1
mid = p1+(mid_diff/2)
#print(f"mid = {mid}")
out_vec = mid - center_point
# 重心からのベクトルに bulge_vec を加算
new_point = mid + out_vec * bulge_factor
return np.array(new_points)
# image.shape rgb are (1024,1024,3) use 1024,1024 as 2-dimensional
def create_2d_image(shape):
grayscale_image = np.zeros(shape[:2], dtype=np.uint8)
return grayscale_image |