import gradio as gr
import openai # For GPT-3 API ...
import re
import threading
import json
import os
from collections import Counter
from llm_utils import *
from utils import *
from retrieval_utils import *
openai.api_key = os.getenv("api_key")
COT_PROMPT = "Let's think step by step."
DIRECT_ANS_PROMPT = "The answer is"
# 'arithmetic': ['Marco and his dad went strawberry picking. Together they collected strawberries that weighed 36 pounds. On the way back Marco \' dad lost 8 pounds of strawberries. Marco\'s strawberries now weighed 12 pounds. How much did his dad\'s strawberries weigh now?'],
# 'commonsense-verify': [['is the brain located in the torso?'], ['Is entire Common Era minuscule to lifespan of some trees?'], ['Did the Football War last at least a month?']],
# 'commonsens-mc': ['What would someone use a personal key for? Answer Choices: (A) car stand (B) at hotel (C) own home (D) front door (E) bus depot', ],
# 'symbolic-letter': ['Take the last letters of each words in \"Kristopher Deb Jake Tammy\" and concatenate them.'],
# 'symbolic-coin': ['A coin is heads up. Isela flips the coin. Leslie flips the coin. Stacy flips the coin. Ingrid does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up? Note that \"flip\" here means \"reverse\".']
EXAMPLES = ['Take the last letters of each words in \"Kristopher Deb Jake Tammy\" and concatenate them.', \
'is the brain located in the torso?', 'Is entire Common Era minuscule to lifespan of some trees?', 'Did the Football War last at least a month?', \
'What would someone use a personal key for? Answer Choices: (A) car stand (B) at hotel (C) own home (D) front door (E) bus depot', \
'A coin is heads up. Isela flips the coin. Leslie flips the coin. Stacy flips the coin. Ingrid does not flip the coin. Is the coin still heads up? Note that \"flip\" here means \"reverse\".', \
'Marco and his dad went strawberry picking. Together they collected strawberries that weighed 36 pounds. On the way back Marco \' dad lost 8 pounds of strawberries. Marco\'s strawberries now weighed 12 pounds. How much did his dad\'s strawberries weigh now?']
global lock #global lock, repo
lock = threading.Lock()
def answer_extraction_prompt(datatype):
if datatype == "commonsense-mc":
ans_prompt = "\nTherefore, among A through E, the answer is"
elif datatype == "commonsense-verify":
ans_prompt = "\nTherefore, the answer (Yes or No) is"
elif datatype == "arithmetic":
ans_prompt = "\nTherefore, the answer (arabic numerals) is"
elif datatype == "symbolic-letter":
ans_prompt = "\nTherefore, the answer is"
elif datatype == "symbolic-coin":
ans_prompt = "\nTherefore, the answer (Yes or No) is"
else: #if datatype == "Undefined"
ans_prompt = "\nTherefore, the answer is"
return ans_prompt
def zero_shot(datatype, question, engine):
ANS_EXTRACTION_PROMPT = answer_extraction_prompt(datatype)
input = "Q: " + question + "\n" + "A: " + ANS_EXTRACTION_PROMPT
ans_response = decoder_for_gpt3(input, max_length=32, engine=engine)
ans_response = answer_cleansing_zero_shot(datatype, ans_response)
if ans_response == "":
ans_response = "VOID"
return ans_response
def highlight_knowledge(entities, retrieved_knowledge):
str_md = retrieved_knowledge
for ent in entities:
ent_md = {}
m_pos = re.finditer(ent, retrieved_knowledge, re.IGNORECASE) #[(s,e),(s,e)]
for m in m_pos:
s, e = m.start(), m.end()
if retrieved_knowledge[s:e] not in ent_md.keys():
ent_ = retrieved_knowledge[s:e]
ent_md[ent_] = ' **' + ent_ + '** '
for e_ori, e_md in ent_md.items():
str_md = str_md.replace(e_ori, e_md)
return str_md
def zero_cot_consi(question, engine):
input = "Q: " + question + "\n" + "A: " + COT_PROMPT
cot_responses = decoder_for_gpt3_consistency(input,max_length=256, engine=engine) #list of cots
return cot_responses
def auto_cot_consi(question, demo_text, engine):
input = demo_text + "Q: " + question + "\n" + "A: " + COT_PROMPT
cot_responses = decoder_for_gpt3_consistency(input,max_length=256, engine=engine) #list of cots
return cot_responses
def cot_revision(datatype, question, ori_cots, knowledge, engine):
ANS_EXTRACTION_PROMPT = answer_extraction_prompt(datatype)
corrected_rationales = []
corrected_answers = []
correction_prompt = "Question: " + "[ " + question + "]\n"
correction_prompt += "Knowledge: " + "[ " + knowledge + "]\n"
for ori_r in ori_cots:
cor_p = correction_prompt + "Original rationale: " + "[ " + ori_r + "]\n"
cor_p += "With Knowledge given, output the revised rationale for Question in a precise and certain style by thinking step by step: "
corrected_rationale = decoder_for_gpt3(cor_p,max_length=256, temperature=0.7, engine=engine)
corrected_rationale = corrected_rationale.strip()
input = "Q: " + question + "\n" + "A: " + corrected_rationale + ANS_EXTRACTION_PROMPT
ans = decoder_for_gpt3(input, max_length=32, temperature=0.7, engine=engine)
ans = answer_cleansing_zero_shot(datatype, ans)
return corrected_rationales, corrected_answers
def consistency(arr):
len_ans = len(arr)
arr_acounts = Counter(arr)
ans_freq_tuple = arr_acounts.most_common(len_ans)
most_frequent_item, _ = ans_freq_tuple[0]
ans_dict = {}
for ans_freq in ans_freq_tuple:
ans, times = ans_freq
ans_dict[ans] = times/len_ans
return most_frequent_item, ans_dict
## todo: git pull
def record_feedback(single_data, feedback, store_flag):
global lock
print(f"Logging feedback...")
datatype = single_data['datatype']
data_dir = './data_pool/{dataname}_feedback'.format(dataname=datatype)
if store_flag:
with open(data_dir, "a") as f:
data_json = json.dumps(single_data)
f.write(data_json + "\n")
print(f"Logging finished...")
return gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), \
gr.update(value="π Thank you for your valuable feedback!")
def record_feedback_agree(input_question, datatype, our_ans, zshot_ans, self_know, kb_know, refine_know, cor_ans, store_flag):
single_data = {
'question': input_question, 'datatype': datatype, 'zshot_ans': zshot_ans,
'adapter_ans': our_ans, 'self_know': self_know, 'kb_know': kb_know,
'refine_know': refine_know, 'cor_ans': cor_ans, 'feedback': ""}
return record_feedback(single_data, 'agree', store_flag)
def record_feedback_disagree(input_question, datatype, our_ans, zshot_ans, self_know, kb_know, refine_know, cor_ans, store_flag):
single_data = {
'question': input_question, 'datatype': datatype, 'zshot_ans': zshot_ans,
'adapter_ans': our_ans, 'self_know': self_know, 'kb_know': kb_know,
'refine_know': refine_know, 'cor_ans': cor_ans, 'feedback': ""}
return record_feedback(single_data, "disagree", store_flag)
def record_feedback_uncertain(input_question, datatype, our_ans, zshot_ans, self_know, kb_know, refine_know, cor_ans, store_flag):
single_data = {
'question': input_question, 'datatype': datatype, 'zshot_ans': zshot_ans,
'adapter_ans': our_ans, 'self_know': self_know, 'kb_know': kb_know,
'refine_know': refine_know, 'cor_ans': cor_ans, 'feedback': ""}
return record_feedback(single_data, 'uncertain', store_flag)
def reset():
return gr.update(value=""), gr.update(value=""), \
gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(value="", label=""), gr.update(value="", label=""), gr.update(value="", label=""), \
gr.update(value=""), gr.update(value=""), gr.update(value=""), gr.update(value="")
def identify_type(question, engine):
with open('./demos/type', 'r') as f:
typedemo =
typedemo += "Question: " + question + "\nOutput the Type, choosing from <'arithmetic','commonsense-mc','commonsense-verify','symbolic-coin', 'symbolic-letter'>: "
response = decoder_for_gpt3(typedemo, 32, temperature=0, engine=engine)
response = response.strip().lower()
response = type_cleasing(response)
return response
def load_examples(datatype):
return gr.update(examples=EXAMPLES[datatype])
def self_construction(datatype):
if datatype == "arithmetic":
fig_adr = './figs/multiarith.png'
demo_path = './demos/multiarith'
elif datatype == "commonsense-mc":
fig_adr = './figs/commonsensqa.png'
demo_path = './demos/commonsensqa'
elif datatype == "commonsense-verify":
fig_adr = './figs/strategyqa.png'
demo_path = './demos/strategyqa'
elif datatype == "symbolic-coin":
fig_adr = './figs/coin_flip.png'
demo_path = './demos/coin_flip'
elif datatype == "symbolic-letter":
fig_adr = './figs/last_letters.png'
demo_path = './demos/last_letters'
pass ##todo: datatype == 'UNDEFINED'
##read corresponding demo
x, z, y =[], [], []
with open(demo_path, encoding="utf-8") as f:
json_data = json.load(f)
json_data = json_data["demo"]
for line in json_data:
index_list = list(range(len(x)))
demo_md, demo_text = "", ""
for i in index_list:
demo_text += x[i] + " " + z[i] + " " + \
DIRECT_ANS_PROMPT + " " + y[i] + ".\n\n"
demo_md += '' + "Q: "+ '' + x[i][3:-3] + \
" + '' + "A: "+ '' + z[i] + " " + \
DIRECT_ANS_PROMPT + " " + y[i] + ".\n\n"
return gr.update(value="## π Self construction..."), gr.update(visible=True, label="Visualization of clustering", value=fig_adr), \
gr.update(visible=True, value=demo_md), gr.update(value=demo_text), \
gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False)
def self_retrieval(input_question, engine):
entities, self_retrieve_knowledge, kb_retrieve_knowledge = retrieve_for_question(input_question, engine)
entities_string = ", ".join(entities)
retr_md = "### ENTITIES:" + "
" + "> "+ entities_string + "\n\n"
retr_md += "### LLM-KNOWLEDGE:" + "
" + "> " + highlight_knowledge(entities,self_retrieve_knowledge) + "\n\n"
retr_md += "### KB-KNOWLEDGE:" + "
" + "> " + highlight_knowledge(entities, kb_retrieve_knowledge) + "\n\n"
return gr.update(value="## π Self retrieval..."), gr.update(visible=True, label="", value='./figs/self-retrieval.png'), \
gr.update(value=retr_md), \
gr.update(value=entities_string), gr.update(value=self_retrieve_knowledge), gr.update(value=kb_retrieve_knowledge), \
gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False), gr.update(visible=False)
def self_refinement(input_question, entities, self_retrieve_knowledge, kb_retrieve_knowledge, engine):
refine_knowledge = refine_for_question(input_question, engine, self_retrieve_knowledge, kb_retrieve_knowledge)
retr_md = "### ENTITIES:" + "
" + "> " + entities + "\n\n"
entities = entities.strip().strip('
').split(", ") retr_md += "### LLM-KNOWLEDGE:" + "