AshanGimhana's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
9375c9a verified
history blame
24.8 kB
#include "../sockets.h"
#include "../string.h"
#include "../logger.h"
#include "../sockstreambuf.h"
#include "../timeout.h"
#include "http_client.h"
#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
namespace dlib
typedef std::shared_ptr<dlib::timeout> timeout_ptr;
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#define BR_CASECMP strnicmp
#define BR_CASECMP strncasecmp
// Default timeout after 60 seconds
#define DEFAULT_TIMEOUT 60000
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
inline bool isXdigit( char c )
return (c >= '0' && c <= '9') ||
(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
(c >= 'a' && c <= 'z');
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string http_client::urldecode( const std::string& s )
std::stringstream ss;
for ( char const * p_read = s.c_str(), * p_end = (s.c_str() + s.size()); p_read < p_end; p_read++ )
if ( p_read[0] == '%' && p_read+1 != p_end && p_read+2 != p_end && isXdigit(p_read[1]) && isXdigit(p_read[2]) )
ss << static_cast<char>((( (p_read[1] & 0xf) + ((p_read[1] >= 'A') ? 9 : 0) ) << 4 ) | ( (p_read[2] & 0xf) + ((p_read[2] >= 'A') ? 9 : 0) ));
p_read += 2;
else if ( p_read[0] == '+' )
// Undo the encoding that replaces spaces with plus signs.
ss << ' ';
ss << p_read[0];
return ss.str();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! \return modified string ``s'' with spaces trimmed from left
inline std::string& triml(std::string& s)
std::string::size_type pos(0);
for ( ; s[pos] == ' ' || s[pos] == '\t' || s[pos] == '\r' || s[pos] == '\n' ; ++pos );
s.erase(0, pos);
return s;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! \return modified string ``s'' with spaces trimmed from right
inline std::string& trimr(std::string& s)
std::string::size_type pos(s.size());
for ( ; pos && (s[pos-1] == ' ' || s[pos-1] == '\t' || s[pos-1] == '\r' || s[pos-1] == '\n') ; --pos );
s.erase(pos, s.size()-pos);
return s;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
//! \return modified string ``s'' with spaces trimmed from edges
inline std::string& trim(std::string& s)
return triml(trimr(s));
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
) :
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string http_client::get_header(const std::string& header_name) const
stringmap::const_iterator ci = headers.find(header_name);
return ci != headers.end() ? ci->second : std::string();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void http_client::set_header(const std::string& header_name, long header_value)
char buf[21] = { 0 };
#ifdef __WXMSW__
::ltoa(header_value, buf, 10);
sprintf(buf, "%ld", header_value);
set_header(header_name, buf);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void http_client::set_header(const std::string& header_name, const std::string& header_value)
headers[header_name] = header_value;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool http_client::is_header_set(const std::string& header_name) const
stringmap::const_iterator ci = headers.find(header_name);
return ci != headers.end() && !ci->second.empty();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void http_client::remove_header(const std::string& header_name)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void http_client::set_cookie(const std::string& cookie_name, long cookie_value)
char buf[21] = { 0 };
#ifdef __WXMSW__
::ltoa(cookie_value, buf, 10);
sprintf(buf, "%ld", cookie_value);
set_cookie(cookie_name, buf);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void http_client::set_cookie(const std::string& cookie_name, const std::string& cookie_value)
cookies[cookie_name] = cookie_value;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void http_client::remove_cookie(const std::string& cookie_name)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const std::string& http_client::post_url (const std::string& url, const string_to_stringmap& postvars, const string_to_stringmap& filenames)
std::string CT;
std::string postBody = build_post(CT, postvars, filenames);
set_header("Content-Type", CT);
set_header("Content-Length", static_cast<long>(postBody.size()));
grab_url(url, "POST", postBody);
return returned_body;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
const std::string& http_client::post_url (const std::string& url, const std::string& postbuffer)
if ( !is_header_set("Content-Type") ) // Maybe they just forgot it?
set_header("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
set_header("Content-Length", static_cast<long>(postbuffer.size()));
grab_url(url, "POST", postbuffer);
return returned_body;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string http_client::get_random_string( size_t length ) const
static bool has_seeded(false);
static std::string allowed_chars("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789");
if ( !has_seeded )
has_seeded = true;
::srand( static_cast<unsigned int>(::time(NULL)) );
std::string retVal; retVal.reserve(length);
while ( retVal.size() < length )
retVal += allowed_chars[(rand() % allowed_chars.size())];
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// static
std::string http_client::urlencode(const std::string& in, bool post_encode)
static std::string allowed_chars("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789_");
std::stringstream ss;
ss << std::hex;
for (std::string::const_iterator ci = in.begin(); ci != in.end(); ++ci)
if ( allowed_chars.find(*ci) != std::string::npos )
ss << *ci;
else if ( post_encode && *ci == ' ' )
ss << '+';
ss << '%' << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(2) << std::right << static_cast<int>(*ci);
return ss.str();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string http_client::get_basename( const std::string& filename ) const
std::string::size_type pos = filename.find_last_of("\\/");
if ( pos == std::string::npos )
return filename;
return filename.substr(pos+1);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool http_client::parse_url(
const std::string& url,
std::string& scheme,
std::string& user,
std::string& pass,
std::string& host,
short& port,
std::string& path
) const
port = 0;
// Find scheme
std::string::size_type pos_scheme = url.find("://");
if ( pos_scheme == std::string::npos )
pos_scheme = 0;
scheme = strtolower(url.substr(0, pos_scheme));
pos_scheme += 3;
std::string::size_type pos_path = url.find('/', pos_scheme);
if ( pos_path == std::string::npos )
host = url.substr(pos_scheme);
host = url.substr(pos_scheme, pos_path - pos_scheme);
path = url.substr(pos_path);
std::string::size_type pos_at = host.find('@');
if ( pos_at != std::string::npos )
std::string::size_type pos_dp = host.find(':');
if ( pos_dp != std::string::npos && pos_dp < pos_at )
user = host.substr(0, pos_dp);
pass = host.substr(pos_dp+1, pos_at-pos_dp-1);
user = host.substr(0, pos_at);
host = host.substr(pos_at+1);
std::string::size_type pos_dp = host.find(':');
if ( pos_dp != std::string::npos )
port = dlib::string_cast<short>(host.substr(pos_dp+1));
host = host.substr(0, pos_dp);
host = strtolower(host);
if ( port == 0 )
if ( scheme == "http" )
port = 80;
else if ( scheme == "ftp" )
port = 21;
else if ( scheme == "https" )
port = 443;
return !host.empty();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string http_client::strtolower(const std::string& in) const
std::string retVal = in;
for (std::string::iterator ii = retVal.begin(); ii != retVal.end(); ++ii)
*ii = ::tolower(*ii);
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string http_client::strtoupper(const std::string& in) const
std::string retVal = in;
for (std::string::iterator ii = retVal.begin(); ii != retVal.end(); ++ii)
*ii = ::toupper(*ii);
return retVal;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// GET
const std::string& http_client::get_url(const std::string& url)
std::string CT = get_header("Content-Type");
// You do a GET with a POST header??
if ( CT == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" || CT == "multipart/form-data" )
return returned_body;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
std::string http_client::build_post(std::string& content_type, const string_to_stringmap& postvars, const string_to_stringmap& filenames_in) const
if ( postvars.empty() && filenames_in.empty() )
return std::string();
string_to_stringmap filenames = filenames_in;
// sanitize the files
if ( !filenames.empty() )
string_to_stringmap::iterator var_names = filenames.begin();
while (var_names != filenames.end())
stringmap::iterator fnames = var_names->second.begin();
while( fnames != var_names->second.end() )
FILE *fp = ::fopen(fnames->second.c_str(), "rb");
if ( fp == NULL )
stringmap::iterator old_one = fnames++;
if ( fnames->second.empty() )
string_to_stringmap::iterator old_one = var_names++;
content_type = !filenames.empty() ? "multipart/form-data" : "application/x-www-form-urlencoded";
std::stringstream postBody;
if ( !filenames.empty() )
std::string mime_boundary = get_random_string(32);
// First add the form vars
for (string_to_stringmap::const_iterator ci = postvars.begin(); ci != postvars.end(); ++ci)
for (stringmap::const_iterator si = ci->second.begin(); si != ci->second.end(); ++si)
postBody << "--" << mime_boundary << "\r\n"
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" << ci->first << "\"\r\n\r\n"
<< si->second << "\r\n";
// Then add the files
for (string_to_stringmap::const_iterator ci = filenames.begin(); ci != filenames.end(); ++ci)
for (stringmap::const_iterator si = ci->second.begin(); si != ci->second.end(); ++si)
std::ifstream in(si->second.c_str());
postBody << "--" << mime_boundary << "\r\n"
"Content-Disposition: form-data; name=\"" << ci->first << "\"; filename=\"" << get_basename(si->second) << "\"\r\n\r\n"
<< in.rdbuf() << "\r\n";
postBody << "--" << mime_boundary << "--\r\n";
// No files...
for (string_to_stringmap::const_iterator ci = postvars.begin(); ci != postvars.end(); ++ci)
for (stringmap::const_iterator si = ci->second.begin(); si != ci->second.end(); ++si)
postBody << urlencode(ci->first) << '=' << urlencode(si->second) << '&';
// read the last '&'
char c;, 1);
return postBody.str();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
bool http_client::grab_url(const std::string& url, const std::string& method, const std::string& post_body)
http_return = 0;
std::string to_use_method = strtoupper(method);
std::string scheme, user, pass, host, path;
short port;
if ( !parse_url(url, scheme, user, pass, host, port, path) )
error_field = "Couldn't parse the URL!";
return false;
// Build request
std::stringstream ret;
ret << to_use_method << ' ' << path << " HTTP/1.0\r\n"
<< "Host: " << host;
if (port != 80 && port != 443) ret << ':' << port;
ret << "\r\n";
bool content_length_said = false;
set_header("Connection", "Close");
for (stringmap::iterator ci = headers.begin(); ci != headers.end(); ++ci)
std::string head = strtolower(ci->first);
if ( head == "content-length" )
content_length_said = true;
ret << ci->first << ':' << ' ' << ci->second << "\r\n";
if ( !content_length_said && to_use_method != "GET" )
ret << "Content-Length: " << static_cast<unsigned int>(post_body.size()) << "\r\n";
std::stringstream cookie_ss;
for (stringmap::iterator ci = cookies.begin(); ci != cookies.end(); ++ci)
std::string var = ci->first ; trim(var);
std::string val = ci->second; trim(val);
if ( val.empty() || var.empty() )
if ( !cookie_ss.str().empty() )
cookie_ss << ';' << ' ';
cookie_ss << urlencode(var) << '=' << urlencode(val);
if ( !cookie_ss.str().empty() )
ret << "Cookie: " << cookie_ss.str() << "\r\n";
ret << "\r\n";
ret << post_body;
std::string request_build = ret.str();
std::stringstream ss;
dlib::connection * conn(0);
if (timeout > 0)
conn = dlib::connect(host, port, timeout);
conn = dlib::connect(host, port);
catch (const dlib::socket_error& e)
error_field = e.what();
return false;
// Implement a timeout
timeout_ptr t;
if ( timeout > 0 )
t.reset( new dlib::timeout(*conn, &dlib::connection::shutdown, timeout) );
// Write our request
conn->write(request_build.c_str(), static_cast<long>(request_build.size()));
// And read the response
char buf[512];
long bytes_read(0), bytes_total(0);
bool read_headers(true);
if ( timeout > 0 )
t.reset( new dlib::timeout(*conn, &dlib::connection::shutdown, timeout) );
while ( (bytes_read = conn->read(buf, 512)) > 0 )
ss.write(buf, bytes_read);
// Incremental read headers
if ( read_headers )
std::string body_with_headers = ss.str();
std::string::size_type ctr(0);
while ( true )
std::string::size_type pos = body_with_headers.find("\r\n", ctr);
if ( pos == std::string::npos )
// This is our last position of "\r\n"
ss.write( body_with_headers.substr(ctr).c_str(), body_with_headers.size() - ctr );
std::string header = body_with_headers.substr(ctr, pos-ctr);
if ( header.empty() )
// Ok, we're done reading the headers
read_headers = false;
// What follows now is the body
ss.write( body_with_headers.substr(pos + 2).c_str(), body_with_headers.size() - pos - 2 );
ctr = pos + 2;
if ( returned_headers.empty() )
if (
header[0] == 'H' &&
header[1] == 'T' &&
header[2] == 'T' &&
header[3] == 'P' &&
header[4] == '/' &&
(header[5] >= '0' && header[5] <= '9') &&
header[6] == '.' &&
(header[7] >= '0' && header[7] <= '9') &&
header[8] == ' '
http_return = (header[9 ] - '0') * 100 +
(header[10] - '0') * 10 +
(header[11] - '0');
std::string::size_type pos_dp = header.find_first_of(':');
std::string header_name, header_value;
if ( pos_dp == std::string::npos )
// **TODO** what should I do here??
header_name = header;
header_name = trim(header.substr(0, pos_dp));
header_value = trim(header.substr(pos_dp+1));
returned_headers[ header_name ].push_back(header_value);
if ( BR_CASECMP(header_name.c_str(), "Content-Length", 14) == 0 )
bytes_total = atol( header_value.c_str() );
else if ( BR_CASECMP(header_name.c_str(), "Set-Cookie", 10) == 0 )
std::string::size_type cur_pos(0), pos_pk, pos_is;
std::string work, var, val;
for ( cur_pos = 0; cur_pos < header_value.size(); cur_pos++ )
pos_pk = header_value.find(';', cur_pos);
work = trim( header_value.substr(cur_pos, pos_pk - cur_pos) );
pos_is = work.find('=');
if ( pos_is != std::string::npos )
{ // Hmmm? what in the else case?
var = trim( http_client::urldecode( work.substr(0, pos_is) ) );
val = trim( http_client::urldecode( work.substr(pos_is + 1) ) );
if ( var != "expires" && var != "domain" && var != "path" )
set_cookie( var, val );
cur_pos = pos_pk == std::string::npos ? pos_pk - 1 : pos_pk;
} // Set-Cookie?
} // while (true)
} // read_headers?
// Call the OnDownload function if it's set
if ( OnDownload && !read_headers )
if ( (*OnDownload)(static_cast<long>(ss.tellp()), bytes_total, user_info) == false )
if ( bytes_total != 0 && static_cast<long>(ss.tellp()) == bytes_total )
if ( timeout > 0 )
t.reset( new dlib::timeout(*conn, &dlib::connection::shutdown, timeout) );
} // while still data to read
delete conn;
switch ( bytes_read )
case dlib::TIMEOUT: error_field = "Timeout"; return false; break;
case dlib::WOULDBLOCK: error_field = "Would block"; return false; break;
case dlib::OTHER_ERROR: error_field = "Other error"; return false; break;
case dlib::SHUTDOWN: error_field = "Timeout"; return false; break;
case dlib::PORTINUSE: error_field = "Port in use"; return false; break;
returned_body = ss.str();
return true;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void http_client::clear()
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void http_client::prepare_for_next_url( )
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------