#include "cluster.h" |
#include <dlib/console_progress_indicator.h> |
#include <dlib/image_io.h> |
#include <dlib/data_io.h> |
#include <dlib/image_transforms.h> |
#include <dlib/misc_api.h> |
#include <dlib/dir_nav.h> |
#include <dlib/clustering.h> |
#include <dlib/svm.h> |
#include <dlib/statistics.h> |
using namespace std; |
using namespace dlib; |
struct assignment |
{ |
unsigned long c; |
double dist; |
unsigned long idx; |
bool operator<(const assignment& item) const |
{ return dist < item.dist; } |
}; |
std::vector<assignment> angular_cluster ( |
std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > feats, |
const unsigned long num_clusters |
) |
{ |
DLIB_CASSERT(feats.size() != 0, "The dataset can't be empty"); |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < feats.size(); ++i) |
{ |
DLIB_CASSERT(feats[i].size() == feats[0].size(), "All feature vectors must have the same length."); |
} |
const matrix<double,0,1> m = mean(mat(feats)); |
for (auto& f : feats) |
{ |
f = normalize(f-m); |
} |
std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > centers; |
pick_initial_centers(num_clusters, centers, feats, linear_kernel<matrix<double,0,1> >(), 0.05); |
find_clusters_using_angular_kmeans(feats, centers); |
std::vector<assignment> assignments; |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < feats.size(); ++i) |
{ |
assignment temp; |
temp.c = nearest_center(centers, feats[i]); |
temp.dist = length(feats[i] - centers[temp.c]); |
temp.idx = i; |
assignments.push_back(temp); |
} |
return assignments; |
} |
std::vector<assignment> chinese_cluster ( |
std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > feats, |
unsigned long &num_clusters |
) |
{ |
DLIB_CASSERT(feats.size() != 0, "The dataset can't be empty"); |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < feats.size(); ++i) |
{ |
DLIB_CASSERT(feats[i].size() == feats[0].size(), "All feature vectors must have the same length."); |
} |
const matrix<double,0,1> m = mean(mat(feats)); |
for (auto& f : feats) |
{ |
f = normalize(f-m); |
} |
running_stats<double> rs; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < feats.size(); ++i) { |
for (size_t j = i; j < feats.size(); ++j) { |
rs.add(length(feats[i] - feats[j])); |
} |
} |
std::vector<sample_pair> edges; |
for (size_t i = 0; i < feats.size(); ++i) { |
for (size_t j = i; j < feats.size(); ++j) { |
if (length(feats[i] - feats[j]) < rs.mean()) { |
edges.push_back(sample_pair(i, j, length(feats[i] - feats[j]))); |
} |
} |
} |
std::vector<unsigned long> labels; |
num_clusters = chinese_whispers(edges, labels); |
std::vector<assignment> assignments; |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < feats.size(); ++i) |
{ |
assignment temp; |
temp.c = labels[i]; |
temp.dist = length(feats[i]); |
temp.idx = i; |
assignments.push_back(temp); |
} |
return assignments; |
} |
bool compare_first ( |
const std::pair<double,image_dataset_metadata::image>& a, |
const std::pair<double,image_dataset_metadata::image>& b |
) |
{ |
return a.first < b.first; |
} |
double mean_aspect_ratio ( |
const image_dataset_metadata::dataset& data |
) |
{ |
double sum = 0; |
double cnt = 0; |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i) |
{ |
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j) |
{ |
rectangle rect = data.images[i].boxes[j].rect; |
if (rect.area() == 0 || data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore) |
continue; |
sum += rect.width()/(double)rect.height(); |
++cnt; |
} |
} |
if (cnt != 0) |
return sum/cnt; |
else |
return 0; |
} |
bool has_non_ignored_boxes (const image_dataset_metadata::image& img) |
{ |
for (auto&& b : img.boxes) |
{ |
if (!b.ignore) |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
} |
int cluster_dataset( |
const dlib::command_line_parser& parser |
) |
{ |
if (parser.number_of_arguments() != 1) |
{ |
cerr << "The --cluster option requires you to give one XML file on the command line." << endl; |
return EXIT_FAILURE; |
} |
unsigned long num_clusters = get_option(parser, "cluster", 0); |
const unsigned long chip_size = get_option(parser, "size", 8000); |
image_dataset_metadata::dataset data; |
image_dataset_metadata::load_image_dataset_metadata(data, parser[0]); |
set_current_dir(get_parent_directory(file(parser[0]))); |
const double aspect_ratio = mean_aspect_ratio(data); |
dlib::array<array2d<rgb_pixel> > images; |
std::vector<matrix<double,0,1> > feats; |
console_progress_indicator pbar(data.images.size()); |
cout << "Loading image data..." << endl; |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i) |
{ |
pbar.print_status(i); |
if (!has_non_ignored_boxes(data.images[i])) |
continue; |
array2d<rgb_pixel> img, chip; |
load_image(img, data.images[i].filename); |
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j) |
{ |
if (data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore || data.images[i].boxes[j].rect.area() < 10) |
continue; |
drectangle rect = data.images[i].boxes[j].rect; |
rect = set_aspect_ratio(rect, aspect_ratio); |
extract_image_chip(img, chip_details(rect, chip_size), chip); |
feats.push_back(extract_fhog_features(chip)); |
images.push_back(chip); |
} |
} |
if (feats.size() == 0) |
{ |
cerr << "No non-ignored object boxes found in the XML dataset. You can't cluster an empty dataset." << endl; |
return EXIT_FAILURE; |
} |
cout << "\nClustering objects..." << endl; |
std::vector<assignment> assignments; |
if (num_clusters) { |
assignments = angular_cluster(feats, num_clusters); |
} else { |
assignments = chinese_cluster(feats, num_clusters); |
} |
for (unsigned long c = 0; c < num_clusters; ++c) |
{ |
std::vector<std::pair<double,image_dataset_metadata::image> > idata(data.images.size()); |
unsigned long idx = 0; |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < data.images.size(); ++i) |
{ |
idata[i].first = std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(); |
idata[i].second.filename = data.images[i].filename; |
if (!has_non_ignored_boxes(data.images[i])) |
continue; |
for (unsigned long j = 0; j < data.images[i].boxes.size(); ++j) |
{ |
idata[i].second.boxes.push_back(data.images[i].boxes[j]); |
if (data.images[i].boxes[j].ignore || data.images[i].boxes[j].rect.area() < 10) |
continue; |
if (assignments[idx].c == c) |
idata[i].first = std::min(idata[i].first, assignments[idx].dist); |
else |
idata[i].second.boxes.back().ignore = true; |
++idx; |
} |
} |
std::sort(idata.begin(), idata.end(), compare_first); |
image_dataset_metadata::dataset cdata; |
cdata.comment = data.comment + "\n\n This file contains objects which were clustered into group " + |
cast_to_string(c+1) + " of " + cast_to_string(num_clusters) + " groups with a chip size of " + |
cast_to_string(chip_size) + " by imglab."; |
cdata.name = data.name; |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < idata.size(); ++i) |
{ |
if (idata[i].first != std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()) |
cdata.images.push_back(idata[i].second); |
} |
string outfile = "cluster_"+pad_int_with_zeros(c+1, 3) + ".xml"; |
cout << "Saving " << outfile << endl; |
save_image_dataset_metadata(cdata, outfile); |
} |
std::sort(assignments.begin(), assignments.end()); |
for (unsigned long c = 0; c < num_clusters; ++c) |
{ |
dlib::array<array2d<rgb_pixel> > temp; |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < assignments.size(); ++i) |
{ |
if (assignments[i].c == c) |
temp.push_back(images[assignments[i].idx]); |
} |
string outfile = "cluster_"+pad_int_with_zeros(c+1, 3) + ".jpg"; |
cout << "Saving " << outfile << endl; |
save_jpeg(tile_images(temp), outfile); |
} |
return EXIT_SUCCESS; |
} |