#ifndef DLIB_SURf_H_ |
#define DLIB_SURf_H_ |
#include "surf_abstract.h" |
#include "hessian_pyramid.h" |
#include "../matrix.h" |
namespace dlib |
{ |
struct surf_point |
{ |
interest_point p; |
matrix<double,64,1> des; |
double angle; |
}; |
inline void serialize( |
const surf_point& item, |
std::ostream& out |
) |
{ |
try |
{ |
serialize(item.p,out); |
serialize(item.des,out); |
serialize(item.angle,out); |
} |
catch (serialization_error& e) |
{ |
throw serialization_error(e.info + "\n while serializing object of type surf_point"); |
} |
} |
inline void deserialize( |
surf_point& item, |
std::istream& in |
) |
{ |
try |
{ |
deserialize(item.p,in); |
deserialize(item.des,in); |
deserialize(item.angle,in); |
} |
catch (serialization_error& e) |
{ |
throw serialization_error(e.info + "\n while deserializing object of type surf_point"); |
} |
} |
inline double gaussian (double x, double y, double sig) |
{ |
DLIB_ASSERT(sig > 0, |
"\tdouble gaussian()" |
<< "\n\t sig must be bigger than 0" |
<< "\n\t sig: " << sig |
); |
const double sqrt_2_pi = 2.5066282746310002416123552393401041626930; |
return 1.0/(sig*sqrt_2_pi) * std::exp( -(x*x + y*y)/(2*sig*sig)); |
} |
template <typename integral_image_type, typename T> |
double compute_dominant_angle ( |
const integral_image_type& img, |
const dlib::vector<T,2>& center, |
const double& scale |
) |
{ |
DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(center, (unsigned long)(17*scale),(unsigned long)(17*scale))) == true && |
scale > 0, |
"\tdouble compute_dominant_angle(img, center, scale)" |
<< "\n\tAll arguments to this function must be > 0" |
<< "\n\t get_rect(img): " << get_rect(img) |
<< "\n\t center: " << center |
<< "\n\t scale: " << scale |
); |
std::vector<double> ang; |
std::vector<dlib::vector<double,2> > samples; |
const long sc = static_cast<long>(scale+0.5); |
dlib::vector<double,2> vect; |
for (long r = -6; r <= 6; ++r) |
{ |
for (long c = -6; c <= 6; ++c) |
{ |
if (r*r + c*c < 36) |
{ |
const double gauss = gaussian(c,r, 2.5); |
vect.x() = gauss*haar_x(img, sc*point(c,r)+center, 4*sc); |
vect.y() = gauss*haar_y(img, sc*point(c,r)+center, 4*sc); |
samples.push_back(vect); |
ang.push_back(atan2(vect.y(), vect.x())); |
} |
} |
} |
double max_length = 0; |
double best_ang = 0; |
const long slices = 45; |
const double ang_step = (2*pi)/slices; |
for (long ang_i = 0; ang_i < slices; ++ang_i) |
{ |
double ang1 = ang_step*ang_i - pi; |
double ang2 = ang1 + pi/3; |
vect.x() = 0; |
vect.y() = 0; |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < ang.size(); ++i) |
{ |
if (ang1 <= ang[i] && ang[i] <= ang2) |
{ |
vect += samples[i]; |
} |
else if (ang2 > pi && (ang[i] >= ang1 || ang[i] <= (-2*pi+ang2))) |
{ |
vect += samples[i]; |
} |
} |
if (length_squared(vect) > max_length) |
{ |
max_length = length_squared(vect); |
best_ang = atan2(vect.y(), vect.x()); |
} |
} |
return best_ang; |
} |
template <typename integral_image_type, typename T, typename MM, typename L> |
void compute_surf_descriptor ( |
const integral_image_type& img, |
const dlib::vector<T,2>& center, |
const double scale, |
const double angle, |
matrix<double,64,1,MM,L>& des |
) |
{ |
DLIB_ASSERT(get_rect(img).contains(centered_rect(center, (unsigned long)(32*scale),(unsigned long)(32*scale))) == true && |
scale > 0, |
"\tvoid compute_surf_descriptor(img, center, scale, angle)" |
<< "\n\tAll arguments to this function must be > 0" |
<< "\n\t get_rect(img): " << get_rect(img) |
<< "\n\t center: " << center |
<< "\n\t scale: " << scale |
); |
point_rotator rot(angle); |
point_rotator inv_rot(-angle); |
const long sc = static_cast<long>(scale+0.5); |
long count = 0; |
for (long r = -10; r < 10; r += 5) |
{ |
for (long c = -10; c < 10; c += 5) |
{ |
dlib::vector<double,2> vect, abs_vect, temp; |
for (long y = r-1; y < r+5+1; ++y) |
{ |
if (y < -10 || y >= 10) |
continue; |
for (long x = c-1; x < c+5+1; ++x) |
{ |
if (x < -10 || x >= 10) |
continue; |
point p(rot(point(x,y)*scale) + center); |
const long center_r = r+2; |
const long center_c = c+2; |
const double weight = 1.0/(4+std::abs(center_r-y) + std::abs(center_c-x)); |
temp.x() = weight*haar_x(img, p, 2*sc); |
temp.y() = weight*haar_y(img, p, 2*sc); |
temp = inv_rot(temp); |
vect += temp; |
abs_vect += abs(temp); |
} |
} |
des(count++) = vect.x(); |
des(count++) = vect.y(); |
des(count++) = abs_vect.x(); |
des(count++) = abs_vect.y(); |
} |
} |
const double len = length(des) + 1e-7; |
des = des/len; |
} |
template <typename image_type> |
const std::vector<surf_point> get_surf_points ( |
const image_type& img, |
long max_points = 10000, |
double detection_threshold = 30.0 |
) |
{ |
DLIB_ASSERT(max_points > 0 && detection_threshold >= 0, |
"\t std::vector<surf_point> get_surf_points()" |
<< "\n\t Invalid arguments were given to this function." |
<< "\n\t max_points: " << max_points |
<< "\n\t detection_threshold: " << detection_threshold |
); |
typedef typename pixel_traits<typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type>::basic_pixel_type bp_type; |
typedef typename promote<bp_type>::type working_pixel_type; |
integral_image_generic<working_pixel_type> int_img; |
int_img.load(img); |
hessian_pyramid pyr; |
pyr.build_pyramid(int_img, 4, 6, 2); |
std::vector<interest_point> points; |
get_interest_points(pyr, detection_threshold, points); |
std::vector<surf_point> spoints; |
std::sort(points.rbegin(), points.rend()); |
surf_point sp; |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < std::min((size_t)max_points,points.size()); ++i) |
{ |
const double border = 32; |
const unsigned long border_size = static_cast<unsigned long>(border*points[i].scale); |
if (get_rect(int_img).contains(centered_rect(points[i].center, border_size, border_size))) |
{ |
sp.angle = compute_dominant_angle(int_img, points[i].center, points[i].scale); |
compute_surf_descriptor(int_img, points[i].center, points[i].scale, sp.angle, sp.des); |
sp.p = points[i]; |
spoints.push_back(sp); |
} |
} |
return spoints; |
} |
} |
#endif |