#include <fstream> |
#include <iostream> |
#include <string> |
#include "dlib/cpp_pretty_printer.h" |
#include "dlib/cmd_line_parser.h" |
#include "dlib/queue.h" |
#include "dlib/misc_api.h" |
#include "dlib/dir_nav.h" |
#include "to_xml.h" |
const char* VERSION = "3.5"; |
using namespace std; |
using namespace dlib; |
typedef cpp_pretty_printer::kernel_1a cprinter; |
typedef cpp_pretty_printer::kernel_2a bprinter; |
typedef dlib::map<string,string>::kernel_1a map_string_to_string; |
typedef dlib::set<string>::kernel_1a set_of_string; |
typedef queue<file>::kernel_1a queue_of_files; |
typedef queue<directory>::kernel_1a queue_of_dirs; |
void print_manual ( |
); |
void htmlify ( |
const map_string_to_string& file_map, |
bool colored, |
bool number_lines, |
const std::string& title |
); |
void htmlify ( |
istream& in, |
ostream& out, |
const std::string& title, |
bool colored, |
bool number_lines |
); |
void add_files ( |
const directory& dir, |
const std::string& out_dir, |
map_string_to_string& file_map, |
bool flatten, |
bool cat, |
const set_of_string& filter, |
unsigned long search_depth, |
unsigned long cur_depth = 0 |
); |
int main(int argc, char** argv) |
{ |
if (argc == 1) |
{ |
cout << "\nTry the -h option for more information.\n"; |
return 0; |
} |
string file; |
try |
{ |
command_line_parser parser; |
parser.add_option("b","Pretty print in black and white. The default is to pretty print in color."); |
parser.add_option("n","Number lines."); |
parser.add_option("h","Displays this information."); |
parser.add_option("index","Create an index."); |
parser.add_option("v","Display version."); |
parser.add_option("man","Display the manual."); |
parser.add_option("f","Specifies a list of file extensions to process when using the -i option. The list elements should be separated by spaces. The default is \"cpp h c\".",1); |
parser.add_option("i","Specifies an input directory.",1); |
parser.add_option("cat","Puts all the output into a single html file with the given name.",1); |
parser.add_option("depth","Specifies how many directories deep to search when using the i option. The default value is 30.",1); |
parser.add_option("o","This option causes all the output files to be created inside the given directory. If this option is not given then all output goes to the current working directory.",1); |
parser.add_option("flatten","When this option is given it prevents the input directory structure from being replicated."); |
parser.add_option("title","This option specifies a string which is prepended onto the title of the generated HTML",1); |
parser.add_option("to-xml","Instead of generating HTML output, create a single output file called output.xml that contains " |
"a simple XML database which lists all documented classes and functions."); |
parser.add_option("t", "When creating XML output, replace tabs in comments with <arg> spaces.", 1); |
parser.parse(argc,argv); |
parser.check_incompatible_options("cat","o"); |
parser.check_incompatible_options("cat","flatten"); |
parser.check_incompatible_options("cat","index"); |
parser.check_option_arg_type<unsigned long>("depth"); |
parser.check_option_arg_range("t", 1, 100); |
parser.check_incompatible_options("to-xml", "b"); |
parser.check_incompatible_options("to-xml", "n"); |
parser.check_incompatible_options("to-xml", "index"); |
parser.check_incompatible_options("to-xml", "cat"); |
parser.check_incompatible_options("to-xml", "o"); |
parser.check_incompatible_options("to-xml", "flatten"); |
parser.check_incompatible_options("to-xml", "title"); |
const char* singles[] = {"b","n","h","index","v","man","f","cat","depth","o","flatten","title","to-xml", "t"}; |
parser.check_one_time_options(singles); |
const char* i_sub_ops[] = {"f","depth","flatten"}; |
parser.check_sub_options("i",i_sub_ops); |
const char* to_xml_sub_ops[] = {"t"}; |
parser.check_sub_options("to-xml",to_xml_sub_ops); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& b_opt = parser.option("b"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& n_opt = parser.option("n"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& h_opt = parser.option("h"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& index_opt = parser.option("index"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& v_opt = parser.option("v"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& o_opt = parser.option("o"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& man_opt = parser.option("man"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& f_opt = parser.option("f"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& cat_opt = parser.option("cat"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& i_opt = parser.option("i"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& flatten_opt = parser.option("flatten"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& depth_opt = parser.option("depth"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& title_opt = parser.option("title"); |
const command_line_parser::option_type& to_xml_opt = parser.option("to-xml"); |
string filter = "cpp h c"; |
bool cat = false; |
bool color = true; |
bool number = false; |
unsigned long search_depth = 30; |
string out_dir; |
string full_out_dir; |
const char separator = directory::get_separator(); |
bool no_run = false; |
if (v_opt) |
{ |
cout << "Htmlify v" << VERSION |
<< "\nCompiled: " << __TIME__ << " " << __DATE__ |
<< "\nWritten by Davis King\n"; |
cout << "Check for updates at http://dlib.net\n\n"; |
no_run = true; |
} |
if (h_opt) |
{ |
cout << "This program pretty prints C or C++ source code to HTML.\n"; |
cout << "Usage: htmlify [options] [file]...\n"; |
parser.print_options(); |
cout << "\n\n"; |
no_run = true; |
} |
if (man_opt) |
{ |
print_manual(); |
no_run = true; |
} |
if (no_run) |
return 0; |
if (f_opt) |
{ |
filter = f_opt.argument(); |
} |
if (cat_opt) |
{ |
cat = true; |
} |
if (depth_opt) |
{ |
search_depth = string_cast<unsigned long>(depth_opt.argument()); |
} |
if (to_xml_opt) |
{ |
unsigned long expand_tabs = 0; |
if (parser.option("t")) |
expand_tabs = string_cast<unsigned long>(parser.option("t").argument()); |
generate_xml_markup(parser, filter, search_depth, expand_tabs); |
return 0; |
} |
if (o_opt) |
{ |
out_dir = o_opt.argument(); |
create_directory(out_dir); |
directory dir(out_dir); |
full_out_dir = dir.full_name(); |
if (out_dir[out_dir.size()-1] != separator) |
out_dir += separator; |
if (full_out_dir[out_dir.size()-1] != separator) |
full_out_dir += separator; |
} |
if (b_opt) |
color = false; |
if (n_opt) |
number = true; |
map_string_to_string file_map; |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < parser.number_of_arguments(); ++i) |
{ |
string in_file, out_file; |
in_file = parser[i]; |
string::size_type pos = in_file.find_last_of(separator); |
if (pos != string::npos) |
{ |
out_file = out_dir + in_file.substr(pos+1) + ".html"; |
} |
else |
{ |
out_file = out_dir + in_file + ".html"; |
} |
if (file_map.is_in_domain(out_file)) |
{ |
if (file_map[out_file] != in_file) |
{ |
cout << "Error: Two of the input files have the same name and would overwrite each\n"; |
cout << "other. They are " << in_file << " and " << file_map[out_file] << ".\n" << endl; |
return 1; |
} |
else |
{ |
continue; |
} |
} |
file_map.add(out_file,in_file); |
} |
set_of_string sfilter; |
istringstream sin(filter); |
string temp; |
sin >> temp; |
while (sin) |
{ |
if (sfilter.is_member(temp) == false) |
sfilter.add(temp); |
sin >> temp; |
} |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i < i_opt.count(); ++i) |
{ |
directory dir(i_opt.argument(0,i)); |
add_files(dir, out_dir, file_map, flatten_opt, cat, sfilter, search_depth); |
} |
if (cat) |
{ |
file_map.reset(); |
ofstream fout(cat_opt.argument().c_str()); |
if (!fout) |
{ |
throw error("Error: unable to open file " + cat_opt.argument()); |
} |
fout << "<html><title>" << cat_opt.argument() << "</title></html>"; |
const char separator = directory::get_separator(); |
string file; |
while (file_map.move_next()) |
{ |
ifstream fin(file_map.element().value().c_str()); |
if (!fin) |
{ |
throw error("Error: unable to open file " + file_map.element().value()); |
} |
string::size_type pos = file_map.element().value().find_last_of(separator); |
if (pos != string::npos) |
file = file_map.element().value().substr(pos+1); |
else |
file = file_map.element().value(); |
std::string title; |
if (title_opt) |
title = title_opt.argument(); |
htmlify(fin, fout, title + file, color, number); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
std::string title; |
if (title_opt) |
title = title_opt.argument(); |
htmlify(file_map,color,number,title); |
} |
if (index_opt) |
{ |
ofstream index((out_dir + "index.html").c_str()); |
ofstream menu((out_dir + "menu.html").c_str()); |
if (!index) |
{ |
cout << "Error: unable to create " << out_dir << "index.html\n\n"; |
return 0; |
} |
if (!menu) |
{ |
cout << "Error: unable to create " << out_dir << "menu.html\n\n"; |
return 0; |
} |
index << "<html><frameset cols='200,*'>"; |
index << "<frame src='menu.html' name='menu'>"; |
index << "<frame name='main'></frameset></html>"; |
menu << "<html><body><br>"; |
file_map.reset(); |
while (file_map.move_next()) |
{ |
if (o_opt) |
{ |
file = file_map.element().key(); |
if (file.find(full_out_dir) != string::npos) |
file = file.substr(full_out_dir.size()); |
else |
file = file.substr(out_dir.size()); |
} |
else |
{ |
file = file_map.element().key(); |
} |
file = file.substr(0,file.size()-5); |
menu << "<a href='" << file << ".html' target='main'>" |
<< file << "</a><br>"; |
} |
menu << "</body></html>"; |
} |
} |
catch (ios_base::failure&) |
{ |
cout << "ERROR: unable to write to " << file << endl; |
cout << endl; |
} |
catch (exception& e) |
{ |
cout << e.what() << endl; |
cout << "\nTry the -h option for more information.\n"; |
cout << endl; |
} |
} |
void htmlify ( |
istream& in, |
ostream& out, |
const std::string& title, |
bool colored, |
bool number_lines |
) |
{ |
if (colored) |
{ |
static cprinter cp; |
if (number_lines) |
{ |
cp.print_and_number(in,out,title); |
} |
else |
{ |
cp.print(in,out,title); |
} |
} |
else |
{ |
static bprinter bp; |
if (number_lines) |
{ |
bp.print_and_number(in,out,title); |
} |
else |
{ |
bp.print(in,out,title); |
} |
} |
} |
void htmlify ( |
const map_string_to_string& file_map, |
bool colored, |
bool number_lines, |
const std::string& title |
) |
{ |
file_map.reset(); |
const char separator = directory::get_separator(); |
string file; |
while (file_map.move_next()) |
{ |
ifstream fin(file_map.element().value().c_str()); |
if (!fin) |
{ |
throw error("Error: unable to open file " + file_map.element().value() ); |
} |
ofstream fout(file_map.element().key().c_str()); |
if (!fout) |
{ |
throw error("Error: unable to open file " + file_map.element().key()); |
} |
string::size_type pos = file_map.element().value().find_last_of(separator); |
if (pos != string::npos) |
file = file_map.element().value().substr(pos+1); |
else |
file = file_map.element().value(); |
htmlify(fin, fout,title + file, colored, number_lines); |
} |
} |
void add_files ( |
const directory& dir, |
const std::string& out_dir, |
map_string_to_string& file_map, |
bool flatten, |
bool cat, |
const set_of_string& filter, |
unsigned long search_depth, |
unsigned long cur_depth |
) |
{ |
const char separator = directory::get_separator(); |
queue_of_files files; |
queue_of_dirs dirs; |
dir.get_files(files); |
string name, ext, in_file, out_file; |
files.reset(); |
while (files.move_next()) |
{ |
name = files.element().name(); |
string::size_type pos = name.find_last_of('.'); |
if (pos != string::npos && filter.is_member(name.substr(pos+1))) |
{ |
in_file = files.element().full_name(); |
if (flatten) |
{ |
pos = in_file.find_last_of(separator); |
} |
else |
{ |
pos = in_file.size(); |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i <= cur_depth && pos != string::npos; ++i) |
{ |
pos = in_file.find_last_of(separator,pos-1); |
} |
} |
if (pos != string::npos) |
{ |
out_file = out_dir + in_file.substr(pos+1) + ".html"; |
} |
else |
{ |
out_file = out_dir + in_file + ".html"; |
} |
if (file_map.is_in_domain(out_file)) |
{ |
if (file_map[out_file] != in_file) |
{ |
ostringstream sout; |
sout << "Error: Two of the input files have the same name and would overwrite each\n"; |
sout << "other. They are " << in_file << " and " << file_map[out_file] << "."; |
throw error(sout.str()); |
} |
else |
{ |
continue; |
} |
} |
file_map.add(out_file,in_file); |
} |
} |
files.clear(); |
if (search_depth > cur_depth) |
{ |
dir.get_dirs(dirs); |
dirs.reset(); |
while (dirs.move_next()) |
{ |
if (!flatten && !cat) |
{ |
string d = dirs.element().full_name(); |
string::size_type pos = d.size(); |
for (unsigned long i = 0; i <= cur_depth && pos != string::npos; ++i) |
{ |
pos = d.find_last_of(separator,pos-1); |
} |
d = d.substr(pos+1); |
create_directory(out_dir + separator + d); |
} |
add_files(dirs.element(), out_dir, file_map, flatten, cat, filter, search_depth, cur_depth+1); |
} |
} |
} |
void print_manual ( |
) |
{ |
ostringstream sout; |
const unsigned long indent = 2; |
cout << "\n"; |
sout << "Htmlify v" << VERSION; |
cout << wrap_string(sout.str(),indent,indent); sout.str(""); |
sout << "This is a fairly simple program that takes source files and pretty prints them " |
<< "in HTML. There are two pretty printing styles, black and white or color. The " |
<< "black and white style is meant to look nice when printed out on paper. It looks " |
<< "a little funny on the screen but on paper it is pretty nice. The color version " |
<< "on the other hand has nonprintable HTML elements such as links and anchors."; |
cout << "\n\n" << wrap_string(sout.str(),indent,indent); sout.str(""); |
sout << "The colored style puts HTML anchors on class and function names. This means " |
<< "you can link directly to the part of the code that contains these names. For example, " |
<< "if you had a source file bar.cpp with a function called foo in it you could link " |
<< "directly to the function with a link address of \"bar.cpp.html#foo\". It is also " |
<< "possible to instruct Htmlify to place HTML anchors at arbitrary spots by using a " |
<< "special comment of the form /*!A anchor_name */. You can put other things in the " |
<< "comment but the important bit is to have it begin with /*!A then some white space " |
<< "then the anchor name you want then more white space and then you can add whatever " |
<< "you like. You would then refer to this anchor with a link address of " |
<< "\"file.html#anchor_name\"."; |
cout << "\n\n" << wrap_string(sout.str(),indent,indent); sout.str(""); |
sout << "Htmlify also has the ability to create a simple index of all the files it is given. " |
<< "The --index option creates a file named index.html with a frame on the left side " |
<< "that contains links to all the files."; |
cout << "\n\n" << wrap_string(sout.str(),indent,indent); sout.str(""); |
sout << "Finally, Htmlify can produce annotated XML output instead of HTML. The output will " |
<< "contain all functions which are immediately followed by comments of the form /*! comment body !*/. " |
<< "Similarly, all classes or structs that immediately contain one of these comments following their " |
<< "opening { will also be output as annotated XML. Note also that if you wish to document a " |
<< "piece of code using one of these comments but don't want it to appear in the output XML then " |
<< "use either a comment like /* */ or /*!P !*/ to mark the code as \"private\"."; |
cout << "\n\n" << wrap_string(sout.str(),indent,indent) << "\n\n"; sout.str(""); |
} |