#include "opaque_types.h" |
#include <dlib/python.h> |
#include <dlib/matrix.h> |
#include <dlib/geometry/vector.h> |
#include <pybind11/stl_bind.h> |
#include "indexing.h" |
using namespace dlib; |
using namespace std; |
string line__repr__ (const line& p) |
{ |
std::ostringstream sout; |
sout << "line(" << p.p1() << ", " << p.p2() << ")"; |
return sout.str(); |
} |
string line__str__(const line& p) |
{ |
std::ostringstream sout; |
sout << "(" << p.p1() << ", " << p.p2() << ")"; |
return sout.str(); |
} |
void bind_line(py::module& m) |
{ |
const char* class_docs = |
"This object represents a line in the 2D plane. The line is defined by two points \n\ |
running through it, p1 and p2. This object also includes a unit normal vector that \n\ |
is perpendicular to the line."; |
py::class_<line>(m, "line", class_docs) |
.def(py::init<>(), "p1, p2, and normal are all the 0 vector.") |
.def(py::init<dpoint,dpoint>(), py::arg("a"), py::arg("b"), |
"ensures \n\ |
- #p1 == a \n\ |
- #p2 == b \n\ |
- #normal == A vector normal to the line passing through points a and b. \n\ |
Therefore, the normal vector is the vector (a-b) but unit normalized and rotated clockwise 90 degrees." |
) |
.def(py::init<point,point>(), py::arg("a"), py::arg("b"), |
"ensures \n\ |
- #p1 == a \n\ |
- #p2 == b \n\ |
- #normal == A vector normal to the line passing through points a and b. \n\ |
Therefore, the normal vector is the vector (a-b) but unit normalized and rotated clockwise 90 degrees." |
) |
.def_property_readonly("normal", &line::normal, "returns a unit vector that is normal to the line passing through p1 and p2.") |
.def("__repr__", &line__repr__) |
.def("__str__", &line__str__) |
.def_property_readonly("p1", &line::p1, "returns the first endpoint of the line.") |
.def_property_readonly("p2", &line::p2, "returns the second endpoint of the line."); |
m.def("signed_distance_to_line", &signed_distance_to_line<long>, py::arg("l"), py::arg("p")); |
m.def("signed_distance_to_line", &signed_distance_to_line<double>, py::arg("l"), py::arg("p"), |
"ensures \n\ |
- returns how far p is from the line l. This is a signed distance. The sign \n\ |
indicates which side of the line the point is on and the magnitude is the \n\ |
distance. Moreover, the direction of positive sign is pointed to by the \n\ |
vector l.normal. \n\ |
- To be specific, this routine returns dot(p-l.p1, l.normal)" |
); |
m.def("distance_to_line", &distance_to_line<long>, py::arg("l"), py::arg("p")); |
m.def("distance_to_line", &distance_to_line<double>, py::arg("l"), py::arg("p"), |
"returns abs(signed_distance_to_line(l,p))" ); |
m.def("reverse", [](const line& a){return reverse(a);}, py::arg("l"), |
"ensures \n\ |
- returns line(l.p2, l.p1) \n\ |
(i.e. returns a line object that represents the same line as l but with the \n\ |
endpoints, and therefore, the normal vector flipped. This means that the \n\ |
signed distance of operator() is also flipped)." |
); |
m.def("intersect", [](const line& a, const line& b){return intersect(a,b);}, py::arg("a"), py::arg("b"), |
"ensures \n\ |
- returns the point of intersection between lines a and b. If no such point \n\ |
exists then this function returns a point with Inf values in it." |
); |
m.def("angle_between_lines", [](const line& a, const line& b){return angle_between_lines(a,b);}, py::arg("a"), py::arg("b"), |
"ensures \n\ |
- returns the angle, in degrees, between the given lines. This is a number in \n\ |
the range [0 90]." |
); |
m.def("count_points_on_side_of_line", &count_points_on_side_of_line<long>, |
py::arg("l"), py::arg("reference_point"), py::arg("pts"), py::arg("dist_thresh_min")=0, py::arg("dist_thresh_max")=std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity()); |
m.def("count_points_on_side_of_line", &count_points_on_side_of_line<double>, |
py::arg("l"), py::arg("reference_point"), py::arg("pts"), py::arg("dist_thresh_min")=0, py::arg("dist_thresh_max")=std::numeric_limits<double>::infinity(), |
"ensures \n\ |
- Returns a count of how many points in pts have a distance from the line l \n\ |
that is in the range [dist_thresh_min, dist_thresh_max]. This distance is a \n\ |
signed value that indicates how far a point is from the line. Moreover, if \n\ |
the point is on the same side as reference_point then the distance is \n\ |
positive, otherwise it is negative. So for example, If this range is [0, \n\ |
infinity] then this function counts how many points are on the same side of l \n\ |
as reference_point." |
); |
m.def("count_points_between_lines", &count_points_between_lines<long>, py::arg("l1"), py::arg("l2"), py::arg("reference_point"), py::arg("pts")); |
m.def("count_points_between_lines", &count_points_between_lines<double>, py::arg("l1"), py::arg("l2"), py::arg("reference_point"), py::arg("pts"), |
"ensures \n\ |
- Counts and returns the number of points in pts that are between lines l1 and \n\ |
l2. Since a pair of lines will, in the general case, divide the plane into 4 \n\ |
regions, we identify the region of interest as the one that contains the \n\ |
reference_point. Therefore, this function counts the number of points in pts \n\ |
that appear in the same region as reference_point." |
); |
} |