<html><!-- Created using the cpp_pretty_printer from the dlib C++ library.  See http://dlib.net for updates. --><head><title>dlib C++ Library - save_png_abstract.h</title></head><body bgcolor='white'><pre>
<font color='#009900'>// Copyright (C) 2011  Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net)
</font><font color='#009900'>// License: Boost Software License   See LICENSE.txt for the full license.
</font><font color='#0000FF'>#undef</font> DLIB_SAVE_PnG_ABSTRACT_
<font color='#0000FF'>#ifdef</font> DLIB_SAVE_PnG_ABSTRACT_

<font color='#0000FF'>#include</font> "<a style='text-decoration:none' href='../pixel.h.html'>../pixel.h</a>"
<font color='#0000FF'>#include</font> "<a style='text-decoration:none' href='../image_processing/generic_image.h.html'>../image_processing/generic_image.h</a>"

<font color='#0000FF'>namespace</font> dlib

<font color='#009900'>// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    <font color='#0000FF'>template</font> <font color='#5555FF'>&lt;</font>
        <font color='#0000FF'>typename</font> image_type 
        <font color='#5555FF'>&gt;</font>
    <font color='#0000FF'><u>void</u></font> <b><a name='save_png'></a>save_png</b> <font face='Lucida Console'>(</font>
        <font color='#0000FF'>const</font> image_type<font color='#5555FF'>&amp;</font> image,
        <font color='#0000FF'>const</font> std::string<font color='#5555FF'>&amp;</font> file_name
    <font face='Lucida Console'>)</font>;
    <font color='#009900'>/*!
            - image_type == an image object that implements the interface defined in
              dlib/image_processing/generic_image.h or a matrix expression
            - image.size() != 0
            - writes the image to the file indicated by file_name in the PNG (Portable Network Graphics) 
            - image[0][0] will be in the upper left corner of the image.
            - image[image.nr()-1][image.nc()-1] will be in the lower right
              corner of the image.
            - This routine can save images containing any type of pixel.  However, save_png() can
              only natively store the following pixel types: rgb_pixel, rgb_alpha_pixel, uint8, 
              and uint16.  All other pixel types will be converted into one of these types as 
              appropriate before being saved to disk.
            - image_save_error
                This exception is thrown if there is an error that prevents us from saving 
                the image.  
            - std::bad_alloc 

<font color='#009900'>// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

<font color='#0000FF'>#endif</font> <font color='#009900'>// DLIB_SAVE_PnG_ABSTRACT_
