// Copyright (C) 2012 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_MIN_CuT_Hh_ #define DLIB_MIN_CuT_Hh_ #include "min_cut_abstract.h" #include "../matrix.h" #include "general_flow_graph.h" #include "../is_kind.h" #include #include #include // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace dlib { typedef unsigned char node_label; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- const node_label SOURCE_CUT = 0; const node_label SINK_CUT = 254; const node_label FREE_NODE = 255; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template typename disable_if,typename flow_graph::edge_type>::type graph_cut_score ( const flow_graph& g ) { typedef typename flow_graph::edge_type edge_weight_type; edge_weight_type score = 0; typedef typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { if (g.get_label(i) != SOURCE_CUT) continue; for (out_edge_iterator n = g.out_begin(i); n != g.out_end(i); ++n) { if (g.get_label(g.node_id(n)) != SOURCE_CUT) { score += g.get_flow(n); } } } return score; } template typename enable_if,typename directed_graph::edge_type>::type graph_cut_score ( const directed_graph& g ) { return graph_cut_score(dlib::impl::general_flow_graph(g)); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class min_cut { public: min_cut() { } min_cut( const min_cut& ) { // Intentionally left empty since all the member variables // don't logically contribute to the state of this object. // This copy constructor is here to explicitly avoid the overhead // of copying these transient variables. } template < typename directed_graph > typename enable_if >::type operator() ( directed_graph& g, const unsigned long source_node, const unsigned long sink_node ) const { DLIB_ASSERT(graph_contains_length_one_cycle(g) == false, "\t void min_cut::operator()" << "\n\t Invalid arguments were given to this function." ); DLIB_ASSERT(graph_has_symmetric_edges(g) == true, "\t void min_cut::operator()" << "\n\t Invalid arguments were given to this function." ); dlib::impl::general_flow_graph temp(g); (*this)(temp, source_node, sink_node); } template < typename flow_graph > typename disable_if >::type operator() ( flow_graph& g, const unsigned long source_node, const unsigned long sink_node ) const { #ifdef ENABLE_ASSERTS DLIB_ASSERT(source_node != sink_node && source_node < g.number_of_nodes() && sink_node < g.number_of_nodes(), "\t void min_cut::operator()" << "\n\t Invalid arguments were given to this function." << "\n\t g.number_of_nodes(): " << g.number_of_nodes() << "\n\t source_node: " << source_node << "\n\t sink_node: " << sink_node << "\n\t this: " << this ); for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i) { typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator j, end = g.out_end(i); for (j = g.out_begin(i); j != end; ++j) { const unsigned long jj = g.node_id(j); DLIB_ASSERT(g.get_flow(i,jj) >= 0, "\t void min_cut::operator()" << "\n\t Invalid inputs were given to this function." << "\n\t i: "<< i << "\n\t jj: "<< jj << "\n\t g.get_flow(i,jj): "<< g.get_flow(i,jj) << "\n\t this: "<< this ); } } #endif parent.clear(); active.clear(); orphans.clear(); typedef typename flow_graph::edge_type edge_type; COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(is_signed_type::value); typedef typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator; typedef typename flow_graph::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator; // initialize labels for (unsigned long i = 0; i < g.number_of_nodes(); ++i) g.set_label(i, FREE_NODE); g.set_label(source_node, SOURCE_CUT); g.set_label(sink_node, SINK_CUT); // used to indicate "no parent" const unsigned long no_parent = g.number_of_nodes(); parent.assign(g.number_of_nodes(), no_parent); time = 1; dist.assign(g.number_of_nodes(), 0); ts.assign(g.number_of_nodes(), time); active.push_back(source_node); active.push_back(sink_node); in_edge_iterator in_begin = g.in_begin(active[0]); out_edge_iterator out_begin = g.out_begin(active[0]); unsigned long source_side, sink_side; while (grow(g,source_side,sink_side, in_begin, out_begin)) { ++time; ts[source_node] = time; ts[sink_node] = time; augment(g, source_node, sink_node, source_side, sink_side); adopt(g, source_node, sink_node); } } private: unsigned long distance_to_origin ( const unsigned long no_parent, unsigned long p, unsigned long ) const { unsigned long start = p; unsigned long count = 0; while (p != no_parent) { if (ts[p] == time) { count += dist[p]; unsigned long count_down = count; // adjust the dist and ts for the nodes on this path. while (start != p) { ts[start] = time; dist[start] = count_down; --count_down; start = parent[start]; } return count; } p = parent[p]; ++count; } return std::numeric_limits::max(); } template void adopt ( flow_graph& g, const unsigned long source, const unsigned long sink ) const { typedef typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator; typedef typename flow_graph::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator; // used to indicate "no parent" const unsigned long no_parent = g.number_of_nodes(); while (orphans.size() > 0) { const unsigned long p = orphans.back(); orphans.pop_back(); const unsigned char label_p = g.get_label(p); // Try to find a valid parent for p. if (label_p == SOURCE_CUT) { const in_edge_iterator begin(g.in_begin(p)); const in_edge_iterator end(g.in_end(p)); unsigned long best_dist = std::numeric_limits::max(); unsigned long best_node = 0; for(in_edge_iterator q = begin; q != end; ++q) { const unsigned long id = g.node_id(q); if (g.get_label(id) != label_p || g.get_flow(q) <= 0 ) continue; unsigned long temp = distance_to_origin(no_parent, id,source); if (temp < best_dist) { best_dist = temp; best_node = id; } } if (best_dist != std::numeric_limits::max()) { parent[p] = best_node; dist[p] = dist[best_node] + 1; ts[p] = time; } // if we didn't find a parent for p if (parent[p] == no_parent) { for(in_edge_iterator q = begin; q != end; ++q) { const unsigned long id = g.node_id(q); if (g.get_label(id) != SOURCE_CUT) continue; if (g.get_flow(q) > 0) active.push_back(id); if (parent[id] == p) { parent[id] = no_parent; orphans.push_back(id); } } g.set_label(p, FREE_NODE); } } else { unsigned long best_node = 0; unsigned long best_dist = std::numeric_limits::max(); const out_edge_iterator begin(g.out_begin(p)); const out_edge_iterator end(g.out_end(p)); for(out_edge_iterator q = begin; q != end; ++q) { const unsigned long id = g.node_id(q); if (g.get_label(id) != label_p || g.get_flow(q) <= 0) continue; unsigned long temp = distance_to_origin(no_parent, id,sink); if (temp < best_dist) { best_dist = temp; best_node = id; } } if (best_dist != std::numeric_limits::max()) { parent[p] = best_node; dist[p] = dist[best_node] + 1; ts[p] = time; } // if we didn't find a parent for p if (parent[p] == no_parent) { for(out_edge_iterator q = begin; q != end; ++q) { const unsigned long id = g.node_id(q); if (g.get_label(id) != SINK_CUT) continue; if (g.get_flow(q) > 0) active.push_back(id); if (parent[id] == p) { parent[id] = no_parent; orphans.push_back(id); } } g.set_label(p, FREE_NODE); } } } } template void augment ( flow_graph& g, const unsigned long& source, const unsigned long& sink, const unsigned long& source_side, const unsigned long& sink_side ) const { typedef typename flow_graph::edge_type edge_type; // used to indicate "no parent" const unsigned long no_parent = g.number_of_nodes(); unsigned long s = source_side; unsigned long t = sink_side; edge_type min_cap = g.get_flow(s,t); // find the bottleneck capacity on the current path. // check from source_side back to the source for the min capacity link. t = s; while (t != source) { s = parent[t]; const edge_type temp = g.get_flow(s, t); if (temp < min_cap) { min_cap = temp; } t = s; } // check from sink_side back to the sink for the min capacity link s = sink_side; while (s != sink) { t = parent[s]; const edge_type temp = g.get_flow(s, t); if (temp < min_cap) { min_cap = temp; } s = t; } // now push the max possible amount of flow though the path s = source_side; t = sink_side; g.adjust_flow(t,s, min_cap); // trace back towards the source t = s; while (t != source) { s = parent[t]; g.adjust_flow(t,s, min_cap); if (g.get_flow(s,t) <= 0) { parent[t] = no_parent; orphans.push_back(t); } t = s; } // trace back towards the sink s = sink_side; while (s != sink) { t = parent[s]; g.adjust_flow(t,s, min_cap); if (g.get_flow(s,t) <= 0) { parent[s] = no_parent; orphans.push_back(s); } s = t; } } template bool grow ( flow_graph& g, unsigned long& source_side, unsigned long& sink_side, typename flow_graph::in_edge_iterator& in_begin, typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator& out_begin ) const /*! ensures - if (an augmenting path was found) then - returns true - (#source_side, #sink_side) == the point where the two trees meet. #source_side is part of the source tree and #sink_side is part of the sink tree. - else - returns false !*/ { typedef typename flow_graph::out_edge_iterator out_edge_iterator; typedef typename flow_graph::in_edge_iterator in_edge_iterator; while (active.size() != 0) { // pick an active node const unsigned long A = active[0]; const unsigned char label_A = g.get_label(A); // process its neighbors if (label_A == SOURCE_CUT) { const out_edge_iterator out_end = g.out_end(A); for(out_edge_iterator& i = out_begin; i != out_end; ++i) { if (g.get_flow(i) > 0) { const unsigned long id = g.node_id(i); const unsigned char label_i = g.get_label(id); if (label_i == FREE_NODE) { active.push_back(id); g.set_label(id,SOURCE_CUT); parent[id] = A; ts[id] = ts[A]; dist[id] = dist[A] + 1; } else if (label_A != label_i) { source_side = A; sink_side = id; return true; } else if (is_closer(A, id)) { parent[id] = A; ts[id] = ts[A]; dist[id] = dist[A] + 1; } } } } else if (label_A == SINK_CUT) { const in_edge_iterator in_end = g.in_end(A); for(in_edge_iterator& i = in_begin; i != in_end; ++i) { if (g.get_flow(i) > 0) { const unsigned long id = g.node_id(i); const unsigned char label_i = g.get_label(id); if (label_i == FREE_NODE) { active.push_back(id); g.set_label(id,SINK_CUT); parent[id] = A; ts[id] = ts[A]; dist[id] = dist[A] + 1; } else if (label_A != label_i) { sink_side = A; source_side = id; return true; } else if (is_closer(A, id)) { parent[id] = A; ts[id] = ts[A]; dist[id] = dist[A] + 1; } } } } active.pop_front(); if (active.size() != 0) { in_begin = g.in_begin(active[0]); out_begin = g.out_begin(active[0]); } } return false; } inline bool is_closer ( unsigned long p, unsigned long q ) const { // return true if p is closer to a terminal than q return ts[q] <= ts[p] && dist[q] > dist[p]; } mutable std::vector dist; mutable std::vector ts; mutable uint32 time; mutable std::vector parent; mutable std::deque active; mutable std::vector orphans; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #endif // DLIB_MIN_CuT_Hh_