// Copyright (C) 2011 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_POLY_ImAGE_Hh_ #define DLIB_POLY_ImAGE_Hh_ #include "poly_image_abstract.h" #include "build_separable_poly_filters.h" #include "../algs.h" #include "../matrix.h" #include "../array2d.h" #include "../geometry.h" #include namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < long Downsample > class poly_image : noncopyable { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT(Downsample >= 1); public: const static long downsample = Downsample; typedef matrix descriptor_type; poly_image( long order_, long window_size_, bool normalization = true, bool rotation_invariance_ = false ) { setup(order_, window_size_); set_uses_normalization(normalization); set_is_rotationally_invariant(rotation_invariance_); } poly_image ( ) { clear(); } void clear ( ) { normalize = true; rotation_invariance = false; poly_coef.clear(); order = 3; window_size = 13; border_size = (long)std::ceil(std::floor(window_size/2.0)/downsample); num_rows = 0; num_cols = 0; filters = build_separable_poly_filters(order, window_size); } long get_order ( ) const { return order; } long get_window_size ( ) const { return window_size; } void setup ( long order_, long window_size_ ) { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT(1 <= order_ && order_ <= 6 && window_size_ >= 3 && (window_size_%2) == 1, "\t descriptor_type poly_image::setup()" << "\n\t Invalid arguments were given to this function." << "\n\t order_: " << order_ << "\n\t window_size_: " << window_size_ << "\n\t this: " << this ); poly_coef.clear(); order = order_; window_size = window_size_; border_size = (long)std::ceil(std::floor(window_size/2.0)/downsample); num_rows = 0; num_cols = 0; filters = build_separable_poly_filters(order, window_size); } bool uses_normalization ( ) const { return normalize; } void set_uses_normalization ( bool normalization ) { normalize = normalization; } bool is_rotationally_invariant ( ) const { return rotation_invariance; } void set_is_rotationally_invariant ( bool rotation_invariance_ ) { rotation_invariance = rotation_invariance_; } void copy_configuration ( const poly_image& item ) { normalize = item.normalize; rotation_invariance = item.rotation_invariance; if (order != item.order || window_size != item.window_size) { order = item.order; window_size = item.window_size; border_size = item.border_size; filters = item.filters; } } template < typename image_type > inline void load ( const image_type& img ) { COMPILE_TIME_ASSERT( pixel_traits::pixel_type>::has_alpha == false ); poly_coef.resize(get_num_dimensions()); des.set_size(get_num_dimensions()); if (normalize) { array2d coef0; rectangle rect = filter_image(img, coef0, filters[0]); num_rows = rect.height(); num_cols = rect.width(); for (unsigned long i = 1; i < filters.size(); ++i) { filter_image(img, poly_coef[i-1], filters[i]); // intensity normalize everything for (long r = 0; r < coef0.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < coef0.nc(); ++c) { if (coef0[r][c] >= 1) poly_coef[i-1][r][c] /= coef0[r][c]; else poly_coef[i-1][r][c] = 0; } } } if (rotation_invariance) rotate_polys(rect); } else { rectangle rect; for (unsigned long i = 0; i < filters.size(); ++i) { rect = filter_image(img, poly_coef[i], filters[i]); } num_rows = rect.height(); num_cols = rect.width(); if (rotation_invariance) rotate_polys(rect); } } void unload() { poly_coef.clear(); num_rows = 0; num_cols = 0; } inline size_t size ( ) const { return static_cast(nr()*nc()); } inline long nr ( ) const { return num_rows; } inline long nc ( ) const { return num_cols; } long get_num_dimensions ( ) const { if (normalize) { // -1 because we discard the constant term of the polynomial. return filters.size()-1; } else { return filters.size(); } } inline const descriptor_type& operator() ( long row, long col ) const { // make sure requires clause is not broken DLIB_ASSERT( 0 <= row && row < nr() && 0 <= col && col < nc(), "\t descriptor_type poly_image::operator()()" << "\n\t invalid row or col argument" << "\n\t row: " << row << "\n\t col: " << col << "\n\t nr(): " << nr() << "\n\t nc(): " << nc() << "\n\t this: " << this ); // add because of the zero border around the poly_coef images row += border_size; col += border_size; for (long i = 0; i < des.size(); ++i) des(i) = poly_coef[i][row][col]; return des; } const rectangle get_block_rect ( long row, long col ) const { return centered_rect(Downsample*point(col+border_size, row+border_size), window_size, window_size); } const point image_to_feat_space ( const point& p ) const { return p/Downsample - point(border_size, border_size); } const rectangle image_to_feat_space ( const rectangle& rect ) const { return rectangle(image_to_feat_space(rect.tl_corner()), image_to_feat_space(rect.br_corner())); } const point feat_to_image_space ( const point& p ) const { return (p + point(border_size, border_size))*Downsample; } const rectangle feat_to_image_space ( const rectangle& rect ) const { return rectangle(feat_to_image_space(rect.tl_corner()), feat_to_image_space(rect.br_corner())); } friend void serialize (const poly_image& item, std::ostream& out) { int version = 1; serialize(version, out); serialize(item.poly_coef, out); serialize(item.order, out); serialize(item.window_size, out); serialize(item.border_size, out); serialize(item.num_rows, out); serialize(item.num_cols, out); serialize(item.normalize, out); serialize(item.rotation_invariance, out); serialize(item.filters, out); } friend void deserialize (poly_image& item, std::istream& in ) { int version = 0; deserialize(version, in); if (version != 1) throw dlib::serialization_error("Unexpected version found while deserializing dlib::poly_image"); deserialize(item.poly_coef, in); deserialize(item.order, in); deserialize(item.window_size, in); deserialize(item.border_size, in); deserialize(item.num_rows, in); deserialize(item.num_cols, in); deserialize(item.normalize, in); deserialize(item.rotation_invariance, in); deserialize(item.filters, in); } private: matrix rotate_order_1 ( const matrix& w, double cos_theta, double sin_theta ) const { const double w1 = w(0); const double w2 = w(1); matrix M; M = w1, w2, w2, -w1; matrix x; x = cos_theta, sin_theta; return matrix_cast(M*x); } matrix rotate_order_2 ( const matrix& w, double cos_theta, double sin_theta ) const { const double w1 = w(0); const double w2 = w(1); const double w3 = w(2); matrix M; M = w1, w2, w3, w2, (2*w3-2*w1), -w2, w3, -w2, w1; matrix x; x = std::pow(cos_theta,2.0), cos_theta*sin_theta, std::pow(sin_theta,2.0); return matrix_cast(M*x); } matrix rotate_order_3 ( const matrix& w, double cos_theta, double sin_theta ) const { const double w1 = w(0); const double w2 = w(1); const double w3 = w(2); const double w4 = w(3); matrix M; M = w1, w2, w3, w4, w2, (2*w3-3*w1), (3*w4-2*w2), -w3, w3, (3*w4-2*w2), (3*w1-2*w3), w2, w4, -w3, w2, -w1; matrix x; x = std::pow(cos_theta,3.0), std::pow(cos_theta,2.0)*sin_theta, cos_theta*std::pow(sin_theta,2.0), std::pow(sin_theta,3.0); return matrix_cast(M*x); } matrix rotate_order_4 ( const matrix& w, double cos_theta, double sin_theta ) const { const double w1 = w(0); const double w2 = w(1); const double w3 = w(2); const double w4 = w(3); const double w5 = w(4); matrix M; M = w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w2, (2*w3-4*w1), (3*w4-3*w2), (4*w5-2*w3), -w4, w3, (3*w4-3*w2), (6*w1-4*w3+6*w5), (3*w2-3*w4), w3, w4, (4*w5-2*w3), (3*w2-3*w4), (2*w3-4*w1), -w2, w5, -w4, w3, -w2, w1; matrix x; x = std::pow(cos_theta,4.0), std::pow(cos_theta,3.0)*sin_theta, std::pow(cos_theta,2.0)*std::pow(sin_theta,2.0), cos_theta*std::pow(sin_theta,3.0), std::pow(sin_theta,4.0); return matrix_cast(M*x); } matrix rotate_order_5 ( const matrix& w, double cos_theta, double sin_theta ) const { const double w1 = w(0); const double w2 = w(1); const double w3 = w(2); const double w4 = w(3); const double w5 = w(4); const double w6 = w(5); matrix M; M = w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w2, (2*w3-5*w1), (3*w4-4*w2), (4*w5-3*w3), (5*w6-2*w4), -w5, w3, (3*w4-4*w2), (10*w1-6*w3+6*w5), (6*w2-6*w4+10*w6), (3*w3-4*w5), w4, w4, (4*w5-3*w3), (6*w2-6*w4+10*w6), (-10*w1+6*w3-6*w5), (3*w4-4*w2), -w3, w5, (5*w6-2*w4), (3*w3-4*w5), (3*w4-4*w2), (5*w1-2*w3), w2, w6, -w5, w4, -w3, w2, -w1; matrix x; x = std::pow(cos_theta,5.0), std::pow(cos_theta,4.0)*sin_theta, std::pow(cos_theta,3.0)*std::pow(sin_theta,2.0), std::pow(cos_theta,2.0)*std::pow(sin_theta,3.0), cos_theta*std::pow(sin_theta,4.0), std::pow(sin_theta,5.0); return matrix_cast(M*x); } matrix rotate_order_6 ( const matrix& w, double cos_theta, double sin_theta ) const { const double w1 = w(0); const double w2 = w(1); const double w3 = w(2); const double w4 = w(3); const double w5 = w(4); const double w6 = w(5); const double w7 = w(6); matrix M; M = w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, w7, w2, (2*w3-6*w1), (3*w4-5*w2), (4*w5-4*w3), (5*w6-3*w4), (6*w7-2*w5), -w6, w3, (3*w4-5*w2), (15*w1-8*w3+ 6*w5), ( 10*w2 -9*w4+10*w6), ( 6*w3-8*w5+15*w7), (3*w4-5*w6), w5, w4, (4*w5-4*w3), (10*w2-9*w4+10*w6), (-20*w1+12*w3-12*w5+20*w7), (-10*w2+9*w4-10*w6), (4*w5-4*w3), -w4, w5, (5*w6-3*w4), ( 6*w3-8*w5+15*w7), (-10*w2 +9*w4-10*w6), ( 15*w1-8*w3 +6*w5), (5*w2-3*w4), w3, w6, (6*w7-2*w5), (3*w4-5*w6), (4*w5-4*w3), (5*w2-3*w4), (2*w3-6*w1), -w2, w7, -w6, w5, -w4, w3, -w2, w1; matrix x; x = std::pow(cos_theta,6.0), std::pow(cos_theta,5.0)*sin_theta, std::pow(cos_theta,4.0)*std::pow(sin_theta,2.0), std::pow(cos_theta,3.0)*std::pow(sin_theta,3.0), std::pow(cos_theta,2.0)*std::pow(sin_theta,4.0), cos_theta*std::pow(sin_theta,5.0), std::pow(sin_theta,6.0); return matrix_cast(M*x); } void rotate_polys ( const rectangle& rect ) /*! ensures - rotates all the polynomials in poly_coef so that they are rotationally invariant !*/ { // The idea here is to use a rotation matrix to rotate the // coordinate system for the polynomial so that the x axis // always lines up with the gradient vector (or direction of // max curvature). This way we can make the representation // rotation invariant. // Note that the rotation matrix is given by: // [ cos_theta -sin_theta ] // [ sin_theta cos_theta ] // need to offset poly_coef to get past the constant term if there isn't any normalization. const int off = (normalize) ? 0 : 1; for (long r = rect.top(); r <= rect.bottom(); ++r) { for (long c = rect.left(); c <= rect.right(); ++c) { dlib::vector g(poly_coef[off+0][r][c], poly_coef[off+1][r][c]); const double len = g.length(); if (len != 0) { g /= len; } else { g.x() = 1; g.y() = 0; } // since we normalized g we can find the sin/cos of its angle easily. const double cos_theta = g.x(); const double sin_theta = g.y(); if (order >= 1) { matrix w; w = poly_coef[off+0][r][c], poly_coef[off+1][r][c]; w = rotate_order_1(w, cos_theta, sin_theta); poly_coef[off+0][r][c] = w(0); poly_coef[off+1][r][c] = w(1); } if (order >= 2) { matrix w; w = poly_coef[off+2][r][c], poly_coef[off+3][r][c], poly_coef[off+4][r][c]; w = rotate_order_2(w, cos_theta, sin_theta); poly_coef[off+2][r][c] = w(0); poly_coef[off+3][r][c] = w(1); poly_coef[off+4][r][c] = w(2); } if (order >= 3) { matrix w; w = poly_coef[off+5][r][c], poly_coef[off+6][r][c], poly_coef[off+7][r][c], poly_coef[off+8][r][c]; w = rotate_order_3(w, cos_theta, sin_theta); poly_coef[off+5][r][c] = w(0); poly_coef[off+6][r][c] = w(1); poly_coef[off+7][r][c] = w(2); poly_coef[off+8][r][c] = w(3); } if (order >= 4) { matrix w; w = poly_coef[off+9][r][c], poly_coef[off+10][r][c], poly_coef[off+11][r][c], poly_coef[off+12][r][c], poly_coef[off+13][r][c]; w = rotate_order_4(w, cos_theta, sin_theta); poly_coef[off+9][r][c] = w(0); poly_coef[off+10][r][c] = w(1); poly_coef[off+11][r][c] = w(2); poly_coef[off+12][r][c] = w(3); poly_coef[off+13][r][c] = w(4); } if (order >= 5) { matrix w; w = poly_coef[off+14][r][c], poly_coef[off+15][r][c], poly_coef[off+16][r][c], poly_coef[off+17][r][c], poly_coef[off+18][r][c], poly_coef[off+19][r][c]; w = rotate_order_5(w, cos_theta, sin_theta); poly_coef[off+14][r][c] = w(0); poly_coef[off+15][r][c] = w(1); poly_coef[off+16][r][c] = w(2); poly_coef[off+17][r][c] = w(3); poly_coef[off+18][r][c] = w(4); poly_coef[off+19][r][c] = w(5); } if (order >= 6) { matrix w; w = poly_coef[off+20][r][c], poly_coef[off+21][r][c], poly_coef[off+22][r][c], poly_coef[off+23][r][c], poly_coef[off+24][r][c], poly_coef[off+25][r][c], poly_coef[off+26][r][c]; w = rotate_order_6(w, cos_theta, sin_theta); poly_coef[off+20][r][c] = w(0); poly_coef[off+21][r][c] = w(1); poly_coef[off+22][r][c] = w(2); poly_coef[off+23][r][c] = w(3); poly_coef[off+24][r][c] = w(4); poly_coef[off+25][r][c] = w(5); poly_coef[off+26][r][c] = w(6); } } } } template rectangle filter_image ( const image_type& img, array2d& out, const std::vector& filter ) const { rectangle rect = spatially_filter_image_separable_down(downsample, img, out, filter[0].first, filter[0].second); for (unsigned long i = 1; i < filter.size(); ++i) { spatially_filter_image_separable_down(downsample, img, out, filter[i].first, filter[i].second, 1, false, true); } return rect; } std::vector > filters; dlib::array > poly_coef; long order; long window_size; long border_size; long num_rows; long num_cols; bool normalize; bool rotation_invariance; mutable descriptor_type des; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_POLY_ImAGE_Hh_