// Copyright (C) 2006 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_IMAGE_SAVEr_ #define DLIB_IMAGE_SAVEr_ #include "image_saver_abstract.h" #include <iostream> #include <fstream> #include <sstream> #include "../algs.h" #include "../pixel.h" #include "../byte_orderer.h" #include "../entropy_encoder.h" #include "../entropy_encoder_model.h" #include "dng_shared.h" #include "../uintn.h" #include "../dir_nav.h" #include "../float_details.h" #include "../vectorstream.h" #include "../matrix/matrix_exp.h" #include "../image_transforms/assign_image.h" namespace dlib { // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class image_save_error : public dlib::error { public: image_save_error(const std::string& str) : error(EIMAGE_SAVE,str){} }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename image_type, bool grayscale = pixel_traits<typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type>::grayscale > struct save_bmp_helper; template <typename image_type> struct save_bmp_helper<image_type,false> { static void save_bmp ( const image_type& image_, std::ostream& out ) { const_image_view<image_type> image(image_); // we are going to write out a 24bit color image. byte_orderer::kernel_1a bo; out.write("BM",2); if (!out) throw image_save_error("error writing image to output stream"); unsigned long pad = 4 - (image.nc()*3)%4; if (pad == 4) pad = 0; unsigned long bfSize = 14 + 40 + (image.nc()*3 + pad)*image.nr(); unsigned long bfReserved = 0; unsigned long bfOffBits = 14 + 40; unsigned long biSize = 40; unsigned long biWidth = image.nc(); unsigned long biHeight = image.nr(); unsigned short biPlanes = 1; unsigned short biBitCount = 24; unsigned long biCompression = 0; unsigned long biSizeImage = 0; unsigned long biXPelsPerMeter = 0; unsigned long biYPelsPerMeter = 0; unsigned long biClrUsed = 0; unsigned long biClrImportant = 0; bo.host_to_little(bfSize); bo.host_to_little(bfOffBits); bo.host_to_little(biSize); bo.host_to_little(biWidth); bo.host_to_little(biHeight); bo.host_to_little(biPlanes); bo.host_to_little(biBitCount); out.write((char*)&bfSize,4); out.write((char*)&bfReserved,4); out.write((char*)&bfOffBits,4); out.write((char*)&biSize,4); out.write((char*)&biWidth,4); out.write((char*)&biHeight,4); out.write((char*)&biPlanes,2); out.write((char*)&biBitCount,2); out.write((char*)&biCompression,4); out.write((char*)&biSizeImage,4); out.write((char*)&biXPelsPerMeter,4); out.write((char*)&biYPelsPerMeter,4); out.write((char*)&biClrUsed,4); out.write((char*)&biClrImportant,4); if (!out) throw image_save_error("error writing image to output stream"); // now we write out the pixel data for (long row = image.nr()-1; row >= 0; --row) { for (long col = 0; col < image.nc(); ++col) { rgb_pixel p; p.red = 0; p.green = 0; p.blue = 0; assign_pixel(p,image[row][col]); out.write((char*)&p.blue,1); out.write((char*)&p.green,1); out.write((char*)&p.red,1); } // write out some zeros so that this line is a multiple of 4 bytes for (unsigned long i = 0; i < pad; ++i) { unsigned char p = 0; out.write((char*)&p,1); } } if (!out) throw image_save_error("error writing image to output stream"); } }; template <typename image_type> struct save_bmp_helper<image_type,true> { static void save_bmp ( const image_type& image_, std::ostream& out ) { const_image_view<image_type> image(image_); // we are going to write out an 8bit color image. byte_orderer::kernel_1a bo; out.write("BM",2); if (!out) throw image_save_error("error writing image to output stream"); unsigned long pad = 4 - image.nc()%4; if (pad == 4) pad = 0; unsigned long bfSize = 14 + 40 + (image.nc() + pad)*image.nr() + 256*4; unsigned long bfReserved = 0; unsigned long bfOffBits = 14 + 40 + 256*4; unsigned long biSize = 40; unsigned long biWidth = image.nc(); unsigned long biHeight = image.nr(); unsigned short biPlanes = 1; unsigned short biBitCount = 8; unsigned long biCompression = 0; unsigned long biSizeImage = 0; unsigned long biXPelsPerMeter = 0; unsigned long biYPelsPerMeter = 0; unsigned long biClrUsed = 0; unsigned long biClrImportant = 0; bo.host_to_little(bfSize); bo.host_to_little(bfOffBits); bo.host_to_little(biSize); bo.host_to_little(biWidth); bo.host_to_little(biHeight); bo.host_to_little(biPlanes); bo.host_to_little(biBitCount); out.write((char*)&bfSize,4); out.write((char*)&bfReserved,4); out.write((char*)&bfOffBits,4); out.write((char*)&biSize,4); out.write((char*)&biWidth,4); out.write((char*)&biHeight,4); out.write((char*)&biPlanes,2); out.write((char*)&biBitCount,2); out.write((char*)&biCompression,4); out.write((char*)&biSizeImage,4); out.write((char*)&biXPelsPerMeter,4); out.write((char*)&biYPelsPerMeter,4); out.write((char*)&biClrUsed,4); out.write((char*)&biClrImportant,4); // write out the color palette for (unsigned int i = 0; i <= 255; ++i) { unsigned char ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(i); out.write((char*)&ch,1); out.write((char*)&ch,1); out.write((char*)&ch,1); ch = 0; out.write((char*)&ch,1); } if (!out) throw image_save_error("error writing image to output stream"); // now we write out the pixel data for (long row = image.nr()-1; row >= 0; --row) { for (long col = 0; col < image.nc(); ++col) { unsigned char p = 0; assign_pixel(p,image[row][col]); out.write((char*)&p,1); } // write out some zeros so that this line is a multiple of 4 bytes for (unsigned long i = 0; i < pad; ++i) { unsigned char p = 0; out.write((char*)&p,1); } } if (!out) throw image_save_error("error writing image to output stream"); } }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename image_type > inline typename disable_if<is_matrix<image_type> >::type save_bmp ( const image_type& image, std::ostream& out ) { save_bmp_helper<image_type>::save_bmp(image,out); } template < typename EXP > inline void save_bmp ( const matrix_exp<EXP>& image, std::ostream& out ) { array2d<typename EXP::type> temp; assign_image(temp, image); save_bmp_helper<array2d<typename EXP::type> >::save_bmp(temp,out); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- namespace dng_helpers_namespace { template < typename image_type, typename enabled = void > struct save_dng_helper; typedef entropy_encoder::kernel_2a encoder_type; typedef entropy_encoder_model<256,encoder_type>::kernel_5a eem_type; typedef entropy_encoder_model<256,encoder_type>::kernel_4a eem_exp_type; template <typename image_type > struct save_dng_helper<image_type, typename enable_if<is_float_type<typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type> >::type > { static void save_dng ( const image_type& image_, std::ostream& out ) { const_image_view<image_type> image(image_); out.write("DNG",3); unsigned long version = 1; serialize(version,out); unsigned long type = grayscale_float; serialize(type,out); serialize(image.nc(),out); serialize(image.nr(),out); // Write the compressed exponent data into expbuf. We will append it // to the stream at the end of the loops. std::vector<char> expbuf; expbuf.reserve(image.size()*2); vectorstream outexp(expbuf); encoder_type encoder; encoder.set_stream(outexp); eem_exp_type eem_exp(encoder); float_details prev; for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { float_details cur = image[r][c]; int16 exp = cur.exponent-prev.exponent; int64 man = cur.mantissa-prev.mantissa; prev = cur; unsigned char ebyte1 = exp&0xFF; unsigned char ebyte2 = exp>>8; eem_exp.encode(ebyte1); eem_exp.encode(ebyte2); serialize(man, out); } } // write out the magic byte to mark the end of the compressed data. eem_exp.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem_exp.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem_exp.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem_exp.encode(dng_magic_byte); encoder.clear(); serialize(expbuf, out); } }; template <typename image_type> struct is_non_float_non8bit_grayscale { typedef typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type pixel_type; const static bool value = pixel_traits<pixel_type>::grayscale && sizeof(pixel_type) != 1 && !is_float_type<pixel_type>::value; }; template <typename image_type > struct save_dng_helper<image_type, typename enable_if<is_non_float_non8bit_grayscale<image_type> >::type> { static void save_dng ( const image_type& image_, std::ostream& out ) { const_image_view<image_type> image(image_); out.write("DNG",3); unsigned long version = 1; serialize(version,out); unsigned long type = grayscale_16bit; serialize(type,out); serialize(image.nc(),out); serialize(image.nr(),out); encoder_type encoder; encoder.set_stream(out); eem_type eem(encoder); for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { uint16 cur; assign_pixel(cur, image[r][c]); cur -= predictor_grayscale_16(image,r,c); unsigned char byte1 = cur&0xFF; unsigned char byte2 = cur>>8; eem.encode(byte2); eem.encode(byte1); } } // write out the magic byte to mark the end of the data eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); } }; template <typename image_type> struct is_8bit_grayscale { typedef typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type pixel_type; const static bool value = pixel_traits<pixel_type>::grayscale && sizeof(pixel_type) == 1; }; template <typename image_type> struct save_dng_helper<image_type, typename enable_if<is_8bit_grayscale<image_type> >::type> { static void save_dng ( const image_type& image_, std::ostream& out ) { const_image_view<image_type> image(image_); out.write("DNG",3); unsigned long version = 1; serialize(version,out); unsigned long type = grayscale; serialize(type,out); serialize(image.nc(),out); serialize(image.nr(),out); encoder_type encoder; encoder.set_stream(out); eem_type eem(encoder); for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { unsigned char cur; assign_pixel(cur, image[r][c]); cur -= predictor_grayscale(image,r,c); eem.encode(cur); } } // write out the magic byte to mark the end of the data eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); } }; template <typename image_type> struct save_dng_helper<image_type,typename enable_if<is_rgb_image<image_type> >::type> { static void save_dng ( const image_type& image_, std::ostream& out ) { const_image_view<image_type> image(image_); out.write("DNG",3); unsigned long version = 1; serialize(version,out); unsigned long type = rgb; // if this is a small image then we will use a different predictor if (image.size() < 4000) type = rgb_paeth; serialize(type,out); serialize(image.nc(),out); serialize(image.nr(),out); encoder_type encoder; encoder.set_stream(out); rgb_pixel pre, cur; eem_type eem(encoder); if (type == rgb) { for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { pre = predictor_rgb(image,r,c); assign_pixel(cur, image[r][c]); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.red - pre.red)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.green - pre.green)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.blue - pre.blue)); } } } else { for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { pre = predictor_rgb_paeth(image,r,c); assign_pixel(cur, image[r][c]); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.red - pre.red)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.green - pre.green)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.blue - pre.blue)); } } } // write out the magic byte to mark the end of the data eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); } }; template <typename image_type> struct is_rgb_alpha_image { typedef typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type pixel_type; const static bool value = pixel_traits<pixel_type>::rgb_alpha; }; template <typename image_type> struct save_dng_helper<image_type,typename enable_if<is_rgb_alpha_image<image_type> >::type> { static void save_dng ( const image_type& image_, std::ostream& out ) { const_image_view<image_type> image(image_); out.write("DNG",3); unsigned long version = 1; serialize(version,out); unsigned long type = rgb_alpha; // if this is a small image then we will use a different predictor if (image.size() < 4000) type = rgb_alpha_paeth; serialize(type,out); serialize(image.nc(),out); serialize(image.nr(),out); encoder_type encoder; encoder.set_stream(out); rgb_alpha_pixel pre, cur; eem_type eem(encoder); if (type == rgb_alpha) { for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { pre = predictor_rgb_alpha(image,r,c); assign_pixel(cur, image[r][c]); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.red - pre.red)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.green - pre.green)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.blue - pre.blue)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.alpha - pre.alpha)); } } } else { for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { pre = predictor_rgb_alpha_paeth(image,r,c); assign_pixel(cur, image[r][c]); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.red - pre.red)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.green - pre.green)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.blue - pre.blue)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.alpha - pre.alpha)); } } } // write out the magic byte to mark the end of the data eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); } }; template <typename image_type> struct is_hsi_image { typedef typename image_traits<image_type>::pixel_type pixel_type; const static bool value = pixel_traits<pixel_type>::hsi; }; template <typename image_type> struct save_dng_helper<image_type,typename enable_if<is_hsi_image<image_type> >::type> { static void save_dng ( const image_type& image_, std::ostream& out ) { const_image_view<image_type> image(image_); out.write("DNG",3); unsigned long version = 1; serialize(version,out); unsigned long type = hsi; serialize(type,out); serialize(image.nc(),out); serialize(image.nr(),out); encoder_type encoder; encoder.set_stream(out); hsi_pixel pre, cur; eem_type eem(encoder); for (long r = 0; r < image.nr(); ++r) { for (long c = 0; c < image.nc(); ++c) { pre = predictor_hsi(image,r,c); assign_pixel(cur, image[r][c]); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.h - pre.h)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.s - pre.s)); eem.encode((unsigned char)(cur.i - pre.i)); } } // write out the magic byte to mark the end of the data eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); eem.encode(dng_magic_byte); } }; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template < typename image_type > inline typename disable_if<is_matrix<image_type> >::type save_dng ( const image_type& image, std::ostream& out ) { using namespace dng_helpers_namespace; save_dng_helper<image_type>::save_dng(image,out); } template < typename EXP > inline void save_dng ( const matrix_exp<EXP>& image, std::ostream& out ) { array2d<typename EXP::type> temp; assign_image(temp, image); using namespace dng_helpers_namespace; save_dng_helper<array2d<typename EXP::type> >::save_dng(temp,out); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename image_type> void save_dng ( const image_type& image, const std::string& file_name ) { std::ofstream fout(file_name.c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (!fout) throw image_save_error("Unable to open " + file_name + " for writing."); save_dng(image, fout); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- template <typename image_type> void save_bmp ( const image_type& image, const std::string& file_name ) { std::ofstream fout(file_name.c_str(), std::ios::binary); if (!fout) throw image_save_error("Unable to open " + file_name + " for writing."); save_bmp(image, fout); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_IMAGE_SAVEr_