// Copyright (C) 2013 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_sIMD4F_Hh_ #define DLIB_sIMD4F_Hh_ #include "simd_check.h" #include "simd4i.h" #include <cmath> #include <iostream> namespace dlib { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 class simd4f { public: typedef float type; inline simd4f() {} inline simd4f(float f) { x = _mm_set1_ps(f); } inline simd4f(float r0, float r1, float r2, float r3) { x = _mm_setr_ps(r0,r1,r2,r3); } inline simd4f(const __m128& val):x(val) {} inline simd4f(const simd4i& val):x(_mm_cvtepi32_ps(val)) {} inline simd4f& operator=(const simd4i& val) { x = simd4f(val); return *this; } inline simd4f& operator=(const float& val) { x = simd4f(val); return *this; } inline simd4f& operator=(const __m128& val) { x = val; return *this; } inline operator __m128() const { return x; } // truncate to 32bit integers inline operator __m128i() const { return _mm_cvttps_epi32(x); } inline void load_aligned(const type* ptr) { x = _mm_load_ps(ptr); } inline void store_aligned(type* ptr) const { _mm_store_ps(ptr, x); } inline void load(const type* ptr) { x = _mm_loadu_ps(ptr); } inline void store(type* ptr) const { _mm_storeu_ps(ptr, x); } inline unsigned int size() const { return 4; } inline float operator[](unsigned int idx) const { float temp[4]; store(temp); return temp[idx]; } private: __m128 x; }; class simd4f_bool { public: typedef float type; inline simd4f_bool() {} inline simd4f_bool(const __m128& val):x(val) {} inline simd4f_bool& operator=(const __m128& val) { x = val; return *this; } inline operator __m128() const { return x; } private: __m128 x; }; #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) class simd4f { typedef union { vector float v; float x[4]; } v4f; v4f x; public: inline simd4f() : x{0,0,0,0} {} inline simd4f(const simd4f& v) : x(v.x) { } inline simd4f(const vector float& v) : x{v} { } inline simd4f(const simd4i& v) { x.x[0]=v[0]; x.x[1]=v[1]; x.x[2]=v[2]; x.x[3]=v[3]; } inline simd4f(float f) : x{f,f,f,f} { } inline simd4f(float r0, float r1, float r2, float r3) : x{r0,r1,r2,r3} { } inline simd4f& operator=(const simd4f& v) { x = v.x; return *this; } inline simd4f& operator=(const float& v) { *this = simd4f(v); return *this; } inline vector float operator() () const { return x.v; } inline float operator[](unsigned int idx) const { return x.x[idx]; } inline void load_aligned(const float* ptr) { x.v = vec_ld(0, ptr); } inline void store_aligned(float* ptr) const { vec_st(x.v, 0, ptr); } inline void load(const float* ptr) { x.v = vec_vsx_ld(0, ptr); } inline void store(float* ptr) const { vec_vsx_st(x.v, 0, ptr); } // truncate to 32bit integers inline operator simd4i::rawarray() const { simd4i::rawarray temp; temp.v.x[0] = x.x[0]; temp.v.x[1] = x.x[1]; temp.v.x[2] = x.x[2]; temp.v.x[3] = x.x[3]; return temp; } }; typedef simd4i simd4f_bool; #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) class simd4f { public: typedef float type; inline simd4f() {} inline simd4f(float f) { x = vdupq_n_f32(f); } inline simd4f(float r0, float r1, float r2, float r3) { float __attribute__ ((aligned (16))) data[4] = { r0, r1, r2, r3 }; x = vld1q_f32(data); } inline simd4f(const float32x4_t& val):x(val) {} inline simd4f(const simd4i& val):x(vcvtq_f32_s32(val)) {} inline simd4f& operator=(const simd4i& val) { x = simd4f(val); return *this; } inline simd4f& operator=(const float& val) { x = simd4f(val); return *this; } inline simd4f& operator=(const float32x4_t& val) { x = val; return *this; } inline operator float32x4_t() const { return x; } // truncate to 32bit integers inline operator int32x4_t() const { return vcvtq_s32_f32(x); } inline void load_aligned(const type* ptr) { x = vld1q_f32(ptr); } inline void store_aligned(type* ptr) const { vst1q_f32(ptr, x); } inline void load(const type* ptr) { x = vld1q_f32(ptr); } inline void store(type* ptr) const { vst1q_f32(ptr, x); } inline unsigned int size() const { return 4; } inline float operator[](unsigned int idx) const { float temp[4]; store(temp); return temp[idx]; } private: float32x4_t x; }; typedef simd4i simd4f_bool; #else class simd4f { public: typedef float type; inline simd4f() {} inline simd4f(float f) { x[0]=f; x[1]=f; x[2]=f; x[3]=f; } inline simd4f(float r0, float r1, float r2, float r3) { x[0]=r0; x[1]=r1; x[2]=r2; x[3]=r3;} inline simd4f(const simd4i& val) { x[0]=val[0]; x[1]=val[1]; x[2]=val[2]; x[3]=val[3];} // truncate to 32bit integers inline operator simd4i::rawarray() const { simd4i::rawarray temp; temp.a[0] = (int32)x[0]; temp.a[1] = (int32)x[1]; temp.a[2] = (int32)x[2]; temp.a[3] = (int32)x[3]; return temp; } inline simd4f& operator=(const float& val) { *this = simd4f(val); return *this; } inline simd4f& operator=(const simd4i& val) { x[0] = val[0]; x[1] = val[1]; x[2] = val[2]; x[3] = val[3]; return *this; } inline void load_aligned(const type* ptr) { x[0] = ptr[0]; x[1] = ptr[1]; x[2] = ptr[2]; x[3] = ptr[3]; } inline void store_aligned(type* ptr) const { ptr[0] = x[0]; ptr[1] = x[1]; ptr[2] = x[2]; ptr[3] = x[3]; } inline void load(const type* ptr) { x[0] = ptr[0]; x[1] = ptr[1]; x[2] = ptr[2]; x[3] = ptr[3]; } inline void store(type* ptr) const { ptr[0] = x[0]; ptr[1] = x[1]; ptr[2] = x[2]; ptr[3] = x[3]; } inline unsigned int size() const { return 4; } inline float operator[](unsigned int idx) const { return x[idx]; } private: float x[4]; }; class simd4f_bool { public: typedef float type; inline simd4f_bool() {} inline simd4f_bool(bool r0, bool r1, bool r2, bool r3) { x[0]=r0; x[1]=r1; x[2]=r2; x[3]=r3;} inline bool operator[](unsigned int idx) const { return x[idx]; } private: bool x[4]; }; #endif // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const simd4f& item) { float temp[4]; item.store(temp); out << "(" << temp[0] << ", " << temp[1] << ", " << temp[2] << ", " << temp[3] << ")"; return out; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f operator+ (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_add_ps(lhs, rhs); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_add(lhs(), rhs()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) return vaddq_f32(lhs, rhs); #else return simd4f(lhs[0]+rhs[0], lhs[1]+rhs[1], lhs[2]+rhs[2], lhs[3]+rhs[3]); #endif } inline simd4f& operator+= (simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { lhs = lhs + rhs; return lhs; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f operator- (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_sub_ps(lhs, rhs); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_sub(lhs(), rhs()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) return vsubq_f32(lhs, rhs); #else return simd4f(lhs[0]-rhs[0], lhs[1]-rhs[1], lhs[2]-rhs[2], lhs[3]-rhs[3]); #endif } inline simd4f& operator-= (simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { lhs = lhs - rhs; return lhs; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f operator* (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_mul_ps(lhs, rhs); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_mul(lhs(), rhs()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) return vmulq_f32(lhs, rhs); #else return simd4f(lhs[0]*rhs[0], lhs[1]*rhs[1], lhs[2]*rhs[2], lhs[3]*rhs[3]); #endif } inline simd4f& operator*= (simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { lhs = lhs * rhs; return lhs; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f operator/ (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_div_ps(lhs, rhs); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_div(lhs(), rhs()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) float32x4_t reciprocal = vrecpeq_f32(rhs); reciprocal = vmulq_f32(vrecpsq_f32(rhs, reciprocal), reciprocal); reciprocal = vmulq_f32(vrecpsq_f32(rhs, reciprocal), reciprocal); float32x4_t result = vmulq_f32(lhs,reciprocal); return result; #else return simd4f(lhs[0]/rhs[0], lhs[1]/rhs[1], lhs[2]/rhs[2], lhs[3]/rhs[3]); #endif } inline simd4f& operator/= (simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { lhs = lhs / rhs; return lhs; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f_bool operator== (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_cmpeq_ps(lhs, rhs); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_cmpeq(lhs(), rhs()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) return (int32x4_t)vceqq_f32(lhs, rhs); #else return simd4f_bool(lhs[0]==rhs[0], lhs[1]==rhs[1], lhs[2]==rhs[2], lhs[3]==rhs[3]); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f_bool operator!= (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_cmpneq_ps(lhs, rhs); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) || defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) return ~(lhs==rhs); // simd4f_bool is simd4i typedef, can use ~ #else return simd4f_bool(lhs[0]!=rhs[0], lhs[1]!=rhs[1], lhs[2]!=rhs[2], lhs[3]!=rhs[3]); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f_bool operator< (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_cmplt_ps(lhs, rhs); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_cmplt(lhs(), rhs()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) return (int32x4_t)vcltq_f32(lhs, rhs); #else return simd4f_bool(lhs[0]<rhs[0], lhs[1]<rhs[1], lhs[2]<rhs[2], lhs[3]<rhs[3]); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f_bool operator> (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { return rhs < lhs; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f_bool operator<= (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_cmple_ps(lhs, rhs); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_cmple(lhs(), rhs()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) return (int32x4_t)vcleq_f32(lhs, rhs); #else return simd4f_bool(lhs[0]<=rhs[0], lhs[1]<=rhs[1], lhs[2]<=rhs[2], lhs[3]<=rhs[3]); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f_bool operator>= (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { return rhs <= lhs; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f min (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_min_ps(lhs, rhs); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_min(lhs(), rhs()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) return vminq_f32(lhs, rhs); #else return simd4f(std::min(lhs[0],rhs[0]), std::min(lhs[1],rhs[1]), std::min(lhs[2],rhs[2]), std::min(lhs[3],rhs[3])); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f max (const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_max_ps(lhs, rhs); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_max(lhs(), rhs()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) return vmaxq_f32(lhs, rhs); #else return simd4f(std::max(lhs[0],rhs[0]), std::max(lhs[1],rhs[1]), std::max(lhs[2],rhs[2]), std::max(lhs[3],rhs[3])); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f reciprocal (const simd4f& item) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_rcp_ps(item); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_re(item()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) float32x4_t estimate = vrecpeq_f32(item); estimate = vmulq_f32(vrecpsq_f32(estimate , item), estimate ); estimate = vmulq_f32(vrecpsq_f32(estimate , item), estimate ); return estimate ; #else return simd4f(1.0f/item[0], 1.0f/item[1], 1.0f/item[2], 1.0f/item[3]); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #if defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) && !defined(vec_rsqrt) extern inline __vector float __attribute__((always_inline)) vec_rsqrt(const __vector float& a) { return vec_div((__vector float){1, 1, 1, 1}, vec_sqrt(a)); } #endif inline simd4f reciprocal_sqrt (const simd4f& item) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_rsqrt_ps(item); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_rsqrt(item()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) float32x4_t estimate = vrsqrteq_f32(item); simd4f estimate2 = vmulq_f32(estimate, item); estimate = vmulq_f32(estimate, vrsqrtsq_f32(estimate2, estimate)); return estimate; #else return simd4f(1.0f/std::sqrt(item[0]), 1.0f/std::sqrt(item[1]), 1.0f/std::sqrt(item[2]), 1.0f/std::sqrt(item[3])); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline float dot(const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs); inline float sum(const simd4f& item) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE41 return dot(simd4f(1), item); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_SSE3) simd4f temp = _mm_hadd_ps(item,item); return _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_hadd_ps(temp,temp)); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_SSE2) && (!defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER!=1400) simd4f temp = _mm_add_ps(item,_mm_movehl_ps(item,item)); simd4f temp2 = _mm_shuffle_ps(temp,temp,1); return _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_add_ss(temp,temp2)); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) float32x2_t r = vadd_f32(vget_high_f32(item), vget_low_f32(item)); return vget_lane_f32(vpadd_f32(r, r), 0); #else return item[0]+item[1]+item[2]+item[3]; #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline float dot(const simd4f& lhs, const simd4f& rhs) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE41 return _mm_cvtss_f32(_mm_dp_ps(lhs, rhs, 0xff)); #else return sum(lhs*rhs); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f sqrt(const simd4f& item) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE2 return _mm_sqrt_ps(item); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_sqrt(item()); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) float32x4_t q_step_0 = vrsqrteq_f32(item); float32x4_t q_step_parm0 = vmulq_f32(item, q_step_0); float32x4_t q_step_result0 = vrsqrtsq_f32(q_step_parm0, q_step_0); float32x4_t q_step_1 = vmulq_f32(q_step_0, q_step_result0); float32x4_t q_step_parm1 = vmulq_f32(item, q_step_1); float32x4_t q_step_result1 = vrsqrtsq_f32(q_step_parm1, q_step_1); float32x4_t q_step_2 = vmulq_f32(q_step_1, q_step_result1); float32x4_t res3 = vmulq_f32(item, q_step_2); // normalize sqrt(0)=0 uint32x4_t zcomp = vceqq_f32(vdupq_n_f32(0), item); float32x4_t rcorr = vbslq_f32(zcomp, item, res3); return rcorr; #else return simd4f(std::sqrt(item[0]), std::sqrt(item[1]), std::sqrt(item[2]), std::sqrt(item[3])); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f ceil(const simd4f& item) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE41 return _mm_ceil_ps(item); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_SSE2) || defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) float temp[4]; item.store(temp); temp[0] = std::ceil(temp[0]); temp[1] = std::ceil(temp[1]); temp[2] = std::ceil(temp[2]); temp[3] = std::ceil(temp[3]); simd4f temp2; temp2.load(temp); return temp2; #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_ceil(item()); #else return simd4f(std::ceil(item[0]), std::ceil(item[1]), std::ceil(item[2]), std::ceil(item[3])); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline simd4f floor(const simd4f& item) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE41 return _mm_floor_ps(item); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_SSE2) || defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) float temp[4]; item.store(temp); temp[0] = std::floor(temp[0]); temp[1] = std::floor(temp[1]); temp[2] = std::floor(temp[2]); temp[3] = std::floor(temp[3]); simd4f temp2; temp2.load(temp); return temp2; #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_VSX) return vec_floor(item()); #else return simd4f(std::floor(item[0]), std::floor(item[1]), std::floor(item[2]), std::floor(item[3])); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // perform cmp ? a : b inline simd4f select(const simd4f_bool& cmp, const simd4f& a, const simd4f& b) { #ifdef DLIB_HAVE_SSE41 return _mm_blendv_ps(b,a,cmp); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_SSE2) return _mm_or_ps(_mm_and_ps(cmp,a) , _mm_andnot_ps(cmp,b)); #elif defined(DLIB_HAVE_NEON) return vbslq_f32(cmp, a, b); #else return simd4f(cmp[0]?a[0]:b[0], cmp[1]?a[1]:b[1], cmp[2]?a[2]:b[2], cmp[3]?a[3]:b[3]); #endif } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_sIMD4F_Hh_