// Copyright (C) 2015 Davis E. King (davis@dlib.net) // License: Boost Software License See LICENSE.txt for the full license. #ifndef DLIB_DRECTANGLe_ #define DLIB_DRECTANGLe_ #include "drectangle_abstract.h" #include "rectangle.h" namespace dlib { class drectangle; drectangle operator* ( const drectangle& rect, const double& scale ); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class drectangle { public: drectangle ( ) : l(0), t(0), r(-1), b(-1) {} drectangle ( double l_, double t_, double r_, double b_ ) : l(l_), t(t_), r(r_), b(b_) {} drectangle ( const dlib::vector<double,2>& p ) : l(p.x()), t(p.y()), r(p.x()), b(p.y()) { } template <typename T, typename U> drectangle ( const vector<T,2>& p1, const vector<U,2>& p2 ) { *this = drectangle(p1) + drectangle(p2); } drectangle ( const rectangle& rect ) : l(rect.left()), t(rect.top()), r(rect.right()), b(rect.bottom()) {} operator rectangle ( ) const { return rectangle((long)std::floor(l+0.5), (long)std::floor(t+0.5), (long)std::floor(r+0.5), (long)std::floor(b+0.5)); } double left() const { return l; } double top() const { return t; } double right() const { return r; } double bottom() const { return b; } double& left() { return l; } double& top() { return t; } double& right() { return r; } double& bottom() { return b; } const dlib::vector<double,2> tl_corner ( ) const { return dlib::vector<double,2>(left(), top()); } const dlib::vector<double,2> bl_corner ( ) const { return dlib::vector<double,2>(left(), bottom()); } const dlib::vector<double,2> tr_corner ( ) const { return dlib::vector<double,2>(right(), top()); } const dlib::vector<double,2> br_corner ( ) const { return dlib::vector<double,2>(right(), bottom()); } double width ( ) const { if (is_empty()) return 0; else return r - l + 1; } double height ( ) const { if (is_empty()) return 0; else return b - t + 1; } double area ( ) const { return width()*height(); } bool is_empty ( ) const { return (t > b || l > r); } drectangle operator + ( const drectangle& rhs ) const { if (rhs.is_empty()) return *this; else if (is_empty()) return rhs; return drectangle ( std::min(l,rhs.l), std::min(t,rhs.t), std::max(r,rhs.r), std::max(b,rhs.b) ); } drectangle intersect ( const drectangle& rhs ) const { return drectangle ( std::max(l,rhs.l), std::max(t,rhs.t), std::min(r,rhs.r), std::min(b,rhs.b) ); } bool contains ( const dlib::vector<double,2>& p ) const { if (p.x() < l || p.x() > r || p.y() < t || p.y() > b) return false; return true; } bool contains ( const drectangle& rect ) const { if (rect.is_empty()) return true; if (l <= rect.left() && r >= rect.right() && t <= rect.top() && b >= rect.bottom()) return true; return false; } drectangle& operator *= ( const double& scale ) { *this = *this*scale; return *this; } drectangle& operator /= ( const double& scale ) { *this = *this*(1.0/scale); return *this; } drectangle& operator += ( const dlib::vector<double,2>& p ) { *this = *this + drectangle(p); return *this; } bool operator== ( const drectangle& rect ) const { return (l == rect.l) && (t == rect.t) && (r == rect.r) && (b == rect.b); } bool operator!= ( const drectangle& rect ) const { return !(*this == rect); } private: double l; double t; double r; double b; }; // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline void serialize ( const drectangle& item, std::ostream& out ) { try { serialize(item.left(),out); serialize(item.top(),out); serialize(item.right(),out); serialize(item.bottom(),out); } catch (serialization_error& e) { throw serialization_error(e.info + "\n while serializing an object of type drectangle"); } } inline void deserialize ( drectangle& item, std::istream& in ) { try { deserialize(item.left(),in); deserialize(item.top(),in); deserialize(item.right(),in); deserialize(item.bottom(),in); } catch (serialization_error& e) { throw serialization_error(e.info + "\n while deserializing an object of type drectangle"); } } inline std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream& out, const drectangle& item ) { out << "[(" << item.left() << ", " << item.top() << ") (" << item.right() << ", " << item.bottom() << ")]"; return out; } inline std::istream& operator>>( std::istream& in, drectangle& item ) { // ignore any whitespace while (in.peek() == ' ' || in.peek() == '\t' || in.peek() == '\r' || in.peek() == '\n') in.get(); // now eat the leading '[' character if (in.get() != '[') { in.setstate(in.rdstate() | std::ios::failbit); return in; } dlib::vector<double,2> p1, p2; in >> p1; in >> p2; item = drectangle(p1) + drectangle(p2); // ignore any whitespace while (in.peek() == ' ' || in.peek() == '\t' || in.peek() == '\r' || in.peek() == '\n') in.get(); // now eat the trailing ']' character if (in.get() != ']') { in.setstate(in.rdstate() | std::ios::failbit); } return in; } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- inline dlib::vector<double,2> center ( const drectangle& rect ) { dlib::vector<double,2> temp(rect.left() + rect.right(), rect.top() + rect.bottom()); return temp/2.0; } inline dlib::vector<double,2> dcenter ( const drectangle& rect ) { return center(rect); } inline drectangle operator* ( const drectangle& rect, const double& scale ) { if (!rect.is_empty()) { const double width = (rect.right()-rect.left())*scale; const double height = (rect.bottom()-rect.top())*scale; const dlib::vector<double,2> p = center(rect); return drectangle(p.x()-width/2, p.y()-height/2, p.x()+width/2, p.y()+height/2); } else { return rect; } } inline drectangle operator* ( const double& scale, const drectangle& rect ) { return rect*scale; } inline drectangle operator/ ( const drectangle& rect, const double& scale ) { return rect*(1.0/scale); } inline drectangle operator+ ( const drectangle& r, const dlib::vector<double,2>& p ) { return r + drectangle(p); } inline drectangle operator+ ( const dlib::vector<double,2>& p, const drectangle& r ) { return r + drectangle(p); } template <typename T> inline drectangle translate_rect ( const drectangle& rect, const dlib::vector<T,2>& p ) { drectangle result; result.top () = rect.top() + p.y(); result.bottom () = rect.bottom() + p.y(); result.left () = rect.left() + p.x(); result.right () = rect.right() + p.x(); return result; } inline drectangle intersect ( const drectangle& a, const drectangle& b ) { return a.intersect(b); } inline double area ( const drectangle& a ) { return a.area(); } inline drectangle centered_drect ( const dlib::vector<double,2>& p, double width, double height ) { width--; height--; return drectangle(p.x()-width/2, p.y()-height/2, p.x()+width/2, p.y()+height/2); } inline drectangle centered_drect ( const drectangle& rect, double width, double height ) { return centered_drect(dcenter(rect), width, height); } inline const drectangle shrink_rect ( const drectangle& rect, double num ) { return drectangle(rect.left()+num, rect.top()+num, rect.right()-num, rect.bottom()-num); } inline const drectangle grow_rect ( const drectangle& rect, double num ) { return shrink_rect(rect, -num); } inline const drectangle shrink_rect ( const drectangle& rect, double width, double height ) { return drectangle(rect.left()+width, rect.top()+height, rect.right()-width, rect.bottom()-height); } inline const drectangle grow_rect ( const drectangle& rect, double width, double height ) { return shrink_rect(rect, -width, -height); } inline const drectangle scale_rect ( const drectangle& rect, double scale ) { DLIB_ASSERT(scale > 0, "scale factor must be > 0"); double l = rect.left() * scale; double t = rect.top() * scale; double r = rect.right() * scale; double b = rect.bottom() * scale; return drectangle(l, t, r, b); } inline drectangle set_rect_area ( const drectangle& rect, double area ) { DLIB_ASSERT(area >= 0, "drectangle can't have a negative area."); if (area == 0) return drectangle(dcenter(rect)); if (rect.area() == 0) { // In this case we will make the output rectangle a square with the requested // area. double scale = std::sqrt(area); return centered_drect(rect, scale, scale); } else { double scale = std::sqrt(area/rect.area()); return centered_drect(rect, rect.width()*scale, rect.height()*scale); } } inline drectangle set_aspect_ratio ( const drectangle& rect, double ratio ) { DLIB_ASSERT(ratio > 0, "\t drectangle set_aspect_ratio()" << "\n\t ratio: " << ratio ); const double h = std::sqrt(rect.area()/ratio); const double w = h*ratio; return centered_drect(rect, w, h); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- } #endif // DLIB_DRECTANGLe_