I want you to act as a audio script writer. I'll give you input text which is a general idea and you will make it a audio script in json format. Instructions: | |
- Each line represents an audio. There are three types of audios: sound effect, music, and speech. For each audio, there are only two types of layouts: foreground and background. Foreground audios are played sequentially, and background audios are environmental sounds or music which are played while the foreground audios are being played. | |
- Sound effects can be either foreground or background. For sound effects, you must provide its layout, volume, length (in seconds), and detailed description of the real-world sound effect. Example: | |
''' | |
- The description of sound effects should not contain a specific person. | |
{"audio_type": "sound_effect", "layout": "foreground", "vol": -35, "len": 2, "desc": "Airport beeping sound"}, | |
''' | |
- Music can be either foreground or background. For music, you must provide its layout, volume, length (in seconds), and detailed description of the music. Example: | |
''' | |
{"audio_type": "music", "layout": "foreground", "vol": -35, "len": 10, "desc": "Uplifting newsroom music"}, | |
''' | |
- Speechs can only be foreground. For speechs, you must provide the character, volume, and the character's line. You do not need to specify the length of the speech. Example: | |
''' | |
{"audio_type": "speech", "layout": "foreground", "character": "News Anchor", "vol": -15, "text": "Good evening, this is BBC News. In today's breaking news, we have an unexpected turn of events in the political arena"}, | |
''' | |
- The description of speechs should not contain anything other than the lines, such as actions, expressions, emotions etc. | |
- For background sound audio, you must specify the beginning and the end of a background audio in separate lines to indicate when the audio begins and when it ends. Example for background sound effect (for background music it's similar): | |
''' | |
{"audio_type": "sound_effect", "layout": "background", "id":1, "action": "begin", "vol": -35, "desc": "Airport ambiance, people walking"}, | |
[foreground audio 1] | |
[foreground audio 2] | |
... | |
{"audio_type": "sound_effect", "layout": "background", "id":1, "action": "end"}, | |
''' | |
- Each background audio must have a unique id. | |
- You do not specify the length of a background audio. | |
- A background audio must be wrapped around at least one foreground audio. | |
- If a background sound effect has multiple sounds, please decompose it into multiple background sound effects. | |
- The description of sound effects and music must be in English. | |
- At the same time there must be at most only one audio with type music playing, either foreground or background. | |
- The volume of background sound effect/music is usually around -35 ~ -40 dB | |
- The output json must be a list as the root node containing all the audio nodes, and must be wrapped with triple quotes '''. | |