import subprocess import streamlit as st import librosa import numpy as np from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor from docx import Document from datetime import datetime from io import BytesIO import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import librosa.display import tempfile from docx.shared import Inches import os # Function to find the offset between master and sample segments def find_offset(master_segment, sample_segment, sr): correlation = np.correlate(master_segment, sample_segment, mode='full') max_corr_index = np.argmax(correlation) offset_samples = max_corr_index - len(sample_segment) + 1 offset_ms = (offset_samples / sr) * 1000 # Convert to milliseconds return offset_ms # Process segment data function def process_segment_data(args): interval, master, sample, sr_master, segment_length = args start = interval * sr_master end = start + segment_length * sr_master # Segment of defined length if end <= len(master) and end <= len(sample): master_segment = master[start:end] sample_segment = sample[start:end] offset = find_offset(master_segment, sample_segment, sr_master) return (interval // 60, offset) return None # Function to generate DOCX with results def generate_docx(results, intervals, dropouts, plots): doc = Document() # Add introductory text with today's date specified_date ="%Y-%m-%d") doc.add_heading(f"Audio Sync Results - {specified_date}", 0) # List the names of the devices device_names = [name for name in results.keys()] doc.add_paragraph(f"Devices compared: {', '.join(device_names)}\n") # Add a table with results table = doc.add_table(rows=1, cols=len(device_names) + 1) hdr_cells = table.rows[0].cells hdr_cells[0].text = 'Time (mins)' for i, device_name in enumerate(device_names): hdr_cells[i + 1].text = device_name # Fill the table with intervals and results for interval in intervals: row_cells = table.add_row().cells row_cells[0].text = f"{interval // 60} mins" # Convert seconds to minutes for i, sample_name in enumerate(device_names): result = next((offset for (intv, offset) in results[sample_name] if intv == interval // 60), None) row_cells[i + 1].text = f"{result:.2f} ms" if result is not None else "N/A" # Add a section for dropouts doc.add_heading("Detected Dropouts", 1) for device_name, device_dropouts in dropouts.items(): doc.add_paragraph(f"Dropouts for {device_name}:") for dropout in device_dropouts: start, end, duration_ms = dropout doc.add_paragraph(f"Start: {format_time(start)} | End: {format_time(end)} | Duration: {duration_ms:.0f} ms") # Add the plot doc.add_picture(plots[device_name], width=Inches(6)) # Add a comments section doc.add_paragraph("\nResults and Comments:\n") return doc # Function to format time in HH:MM:SS def format_time(seconds): hours = int(seconds // 3600) minutes = int((seconds % 3600) // 60) secs = seconds % 60 return f'{hours:02d}:{minutes:02d}:{secs:06.3f}' # Function to detect audio dropouts def detect_dropouts(file_path, dropout_db_threshold=-20, min_duration_ms=100): # Load the audio file y, sr = librosa.load(file_path, sr=None) # Improved time resolution by reducing hop length hop_length = 256 # Reduced hop length for better time resolution frame_length = hop_length / sr * 1000 # ms per frame # Convert the signal to decibels rms = librosa.feature.rms(y=y, frame_length=hop_length, hop_length=hop_length) rms_db = librosa.power_to_db(rms, ref=np.max) # Threshold to find dropouts (segments below the dropout_db_threshold) dropout_frames = rms_db[0] < dropout_db_threshold # Detect contiguous frames of dropouts lasting at least min_duration_ms min_frames = int(min_duration_ms / frame_length) dropouts = [] start = None for i, is_dropout in enumerate(dropout_frames): if is_dropout and start is None: start = i # Start of a dropout elif not is_dropout and start is not None: if i - start >= min_frames: start_time = start * hop_length / sr end_time = i * hop_length / sr duration_ms = (end_time - start_time) * 1000 # Convert duration to milliseconds dropouts.append((start_time, end_time, duration_ms)) start = None # Handle the case where dropout extends to the end of the file if start is not None and len(dropout_frames) - start >= min_frames: start_time = start * hop_length / sr end_time = len(dropout_frames) * hop_length / sr duration_ms = (end_time - start_time) * 1000 dropouts.append((start_time, end_time, duration_ms)) return dropouts # Function to plot waveform with dropouts def plot_waveform_with_dropouts(y, sr, dropouts, file_name): plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) librosa.display.waveshow(y, sr=sr, alpha=0.6) plt.title('Waveform with Detected Dropouts') plt.xlabel('Time (seconds)') plt.ylabel('Amplitude') # Highlight dropouts for dropout in dropouts: start_time, end_time, _ = dropout plt.axvspan(start_time, end_time, color='red', alpha=0.5, label='Dropout' if 'Dropout' not in plt.gca().get_legend_handles_labels()[1] else "") plt.legend() plt.savefig(file_name, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close() def get_or_create_extraction_folder() : if 'extraction_folder' not in st.session_state : current_datetime ="%Y%m%d_%H%M%S") folder_name = f'extracted_tracks_{current_datetime}' full_path = os.path.abspath(folder_name) os.makedirs(full_path , exist_ok = True) st.session_state.extraction_folder = full_path return st.session_state.extraction_folder st.title('CineWav Audio processing Hub') uploaded_file = st.file_uploader('Choose an M4A file' , type = ['m4a']) channels = { 'Front Left (FL)' : 'FL' , 'Front Right (FR)' : 'FR' , 'Center (FC)' : 'FC' , 'Subwoofer (LFE)' : 'LFE' , 'Back Left (BL)' : 'BL' , 'Back Right (BR)' : 'BR' , 'Side Left (SL)' : 'SL' , 'Side Right (SR)' : 'SR' } if uploaded_file is not None : extraction_folder = get_or_create_extraction_folder() st.write(f'Using extraction folder: {extraction_folder}') with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete = False , suffix = '.m4a') as temp_file : temp_file.write(uploaded_file.getbuffer()) input_file = st.write('File uploaded successfully. Identifying and extracting audio channels...') output_files = [] for name , channel in channels.items() : output_file = os.path.join(extraction_folder, f"{name.replace(' ', '_').lower()}.wav") if not os.path.exists(output_file) : command = f'ffmpeg -y -i "{input_file}" -filter_complex "pan=mono|c0={channel}" "{output_file}"' , shell = True) st.write(f'Extracted {name} to {os.path.basename(output_file)}') output_files.append(output_file) st.write('Extraction complete. Download your files below:') for output_file in output_files: with open(output_file, "rb") as f: st.download_button(label=f"Download {os.path.basename(output_file)}", data=f, file_name=os.path.basename(output_file), mime="audio/wav") # Step 4: Audio Sync Offset Finder and Dropout Detection st.subheader("Audio Sync Offset Finder and Dropout Detection") st.write("Select a master track and one or more sample tracks to compare.") # File selection master_file = st.selectbox("Select Master Track", output_files, format_func=lambda x: os.path.basename(x)) sample_files = st.multiselect("Select Sample Tracks", output_files, default=[output_file for output_file in output_files if output_file != master_file], format_func=lambda x: os.path.basename(x)) # Sampling rate and segment settings low_sr = st.slider("Select lower sampling rate for faster processing", 4000, 16000, 4000) segment_length = st.slider("Segment length (seconds)", 2, 120, 10) intervals = st.multiselect("Select intervals (in seconds)", options=[60, 900, 1800, 2700, 3600, 4500, 5400, 6300], default=[60, 900, 1800, 2700, 3600]) # Add a "Process" button if st.button("Process"): if master_file and sample_files: st.write("Processing started...") # Load the master track master, sr_master = librosa.load(master_file, sr=low_sr) all_results = {} all_dropouts = {} all_plots = {} for sample_file in sample_files: sample, sr_sample = librosa.load(sample_file, sr=low_sr) # Resample if the sampling rates do not match if sr_master != sr_sample: sample = librosa.resample(sample, sr_sample, sr_master) args = [(interval, master, sample, sr_master, segment_length) for interval in intervals] with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor: results = list(filter(None,, args))) all_results[sample_file] = results # Detect dropouts in the sample track dropouts = detect_dropouts(sample_file) all_dropouts[sample_file] = dropouts # Plot waveform with dropouts plot_file_name = f"{sample_file}_plot.png" plot_waveform_with_dropouts(sample, sr_master, dropouts, plot_file_name) all_plots[sample_file] = plot_file_name st.write("Processing completed.") # Display results for sample_name, results in all_results.items(): file_name = os.path.basename(sample_name) st.subheader(f"Results for {file_name}:") for interval, offset in results: st.write(f"At {interval // 60} mins: Offset = {offset:.2f} ms") # Update interval display if necessary # Display dropouts for sample_name, dropouts in all_dropouts.items(): file_name = os.path.basename(sample_name) st.subheader(f"Detected Dropouts for {file_name}:") if dropouts: for dropout in dropouts: start, end, duration_ms = dropout st.write(f"Start: {format_time(start)} | End: {format_time(end)} | Duration: {duration_ms:.0f} ms") else: st.write("No significant dropouts detected.") # Generate DOCX and provide download option doc = generate_docx(all_results, intervals, all_dropouts, all_plots) doc_buffer = BytesIO() st.download_button("Download Results as DOCX", data=doc_buffer.getvalue(), file_name="audio_sync_results.docx", mime="application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document") else: st.warning("Please select a master track and at least one sample track to begin processing.") else : st.warning('Please upload an M4A file to begin.')