Fixed simple replacement logic to account for deletion of grammer (bread. is now the same as bread) f51fca8 danseith commited on Feb 26, 2023
Added warning to single edit and added list of words to not substitute. 616c8c6 danseith commited on Feb 26, 2023
Reduced suggested edits and max edits for faster testing. Changed s a95bc58 danseith commited on Feb 26, 2023
Only new tokens will now be enclosed by asterisks, lowered the upper bound on edits for faster compute. 470c4c2 danseith commited on Feb 26, 2023
Fixed loop structure and output sampling to avoid infinite loops. Now allows deletions. cd3e092 danseith commited on Feb 26, 2023
Require minimum number of specified edits to be made and added error message. 020fa3d danseith commited on Feb 26, 2023
Added edit slider and changed sampling back to multinomial. c16370c danseith commited on Feb 25, 2023
Implemented temperature scaling and changed output sampling to uniform. 2ce1788 danseith commited on Feb 25, 2023
Added dummy temp slider and output text box with new input. ca69fee danseith commited on Feb 25, 2023