Meteor / eval /
BK-Lee's picture
history blame
47.9 kB
import os
import re
import json
import openai
from typing import Dict
from tqdm import tqdm
import random
import numpy as np
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, precision_score, recall_score, confusion_matrix
from typing import Optional
from collections import defaultdict
from eval.mathvista.utilities import get_chat_response
from config import *
from copy import deepcopy
# SEED Question types
SEED_TYPES = {1: 'Scene Understanding', 2: 'Instance Identity', 3: 'Instance Location', 4: 'Instance Attributes', 5: 'Instances Counting', 6: 'Spatial Relation', 7: 'Instance Interaction', 8: 'Visual Reasoning', 9: 'Text Understanding'}
# Check for duplicated questions, items
def remove_duplicate(dataset, inputs, gen_answers):
if dataset == "mme":
return inputs, gen_answers
elif dataset == "pope":
questions = set()
new_inputs, new_answers = [], []
for i, a in zip(inputs, gen_answers):
dup = i['id'], i['category']
if dup in questions:
questions = set()
new_inputs, new_answers = [], []
for i, a in zip(inputs, gen_answers):
if i['id'] in questions:
return new_inputs, new_answers
class EvalAIAnswerProcessor:
Processes an answer similar to Eval AI
copied from
"aint": "ain't",
"arent": "aren't",
"cant": "can't",
"couldve": "could've",
"couldnt": "couldn't",
"couldn'tve": "couldn't've",
"couldnt've": "couldn't've",
"didnt": "didn't",
"doesnt": "doesn't",
"dont": "don't",
"hadnt": "hadn't",
"hadnt've": "hadn't've",
"hadn'tve": "hadn't've",
"hasnt": "hasn't",
"havent": "haven't",
"hed": "he'd",
"hed've": "he'd've",
"he'dve": "he'd've",
"hes": "he's",
"howd": "how'd",
"howll": "how'll",
"hows": "how's",
"Id've": "I'd've",
"I'dve": "I'd've",
"Im": "I'm",
"Ive": "I've",
"isnt": "isn't",
"itd": "it'd",
"itd've": "it'd've",
"it'dve": "it'd've",
"itll": "it'll",
"let's": "let's",
"maam": "ma'am",
"mightnt": "mightn't",
"mightnt've": "mightn't've",
"mightn'tve": "mightn't've",
"mightve": "might've",
"mustnt": "mustn't",
"mustve": "must've",
"neednt": "needn't",
"notve": "not've",
"oclock": "o'clock",
"oughtnt": "oughtn't",
"ow's'at": "'ow's'at",
"'ows'at": "'ow's'at",
"'ow'sat": "'ow's'at",
"shant": "shan't",
"shed've": "she'd've",
"she'dve": "she'd've",
"she's": "she's",
"shouldve": "should've",
"shouldnt": "shouldn't",
"shouldnt've": "shouldn't've",
"shouldn'tve": "shouldn't've",
"somebody'd": "somebodyd",
"somebodyd've": "somebody'd've",
"somebody'dve": "somebody'd've",
"somebodyll": "somebody'll",
"somebodys": "somebody's",
"someoned": "someone'd",
"someoned've": "someone'd've",
"someone'dve": "someone'd've",
"someonell": "someone'll",
"someones": "someone's",
"somethingd": "something'd",
"somethingd've": "something'd've",
"something'dve": "something'd've",
"somethingll": "something'll",
"thats": "that's",
"thered": "there'd",
"thered've": "there'd've",
"there'dve": "there'd've",
"therere": "there're",
"theres": "there's",
"theyd": "they'd",
"theyd've": "they'd've",
"they'dve": "they'd've",
"theyll": "they'll",
"theyre": "they're",
"theyve": "they've",
"twas": "'twas",
"wasnt": "wasn't",
"wed've": "we'd've",
"we'dve": "we'd've",
"weve": "we've",
"werent": "weren't",
"whatll": "what'll",
"whatre": "what're",
"whats": "what's",
"whatve": "what've",
"whens": "when's",
"whered": "where'd",
"wheres": "where's",
"whereve": "where've",
"whod": "who'd",
"whod've": "who'd've",
"who'dve": "who'd've",
"wholl": "who'll",
"whos": "who's",
"whove": "who've",
"whyll": "why'll",
"whyre": "why're",
"whys": "why's",
"wont": "won't",
"wouldve": "would've",
"wouldnt": "wouldn't",
"wouldnt've": "wouldn't've",
"wouldn'tve": "wouldn't've",
"yall": "y'all",
"yall'll": "y'all'll",
"y'allll": "y'all'll",
"yall'd've": "y'all'd've",
"y'alld've": "y'all'd've",
"y'all'dve": "y'all'd've",
"youd": "you'd",
"youd've": "you'd've",
"you'dve": "you'd've",
"youll": "you'll",
"youre": "you're",
"youve": "you've",
"none": "0",
"zero": "0",
"one": "1",
"two": "2",
"three": "3",
"four": "4",
"five": "5",
"six": "6",
"seven": "7",
"eight": "8",
"nine": "9",
"ten": "10",
ARTICLES = ["a", "an", "the"]
PERIOD_STRIP = re.compile(r"(?!<=\d)(\.)(?!\d)")
COMMA_STRIP = re.compile(r"(?<=\d)(\,)+(?=\d)")
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
def word_tokenize(self, word):
word = word.lower()
word = word.replace(",", "").replace("?", "").replace("'s", " 's")
return word.strip()
def process_punctuation(self, in_text):
out_text = in_text
for p in self.PUNCTUATIONS:
if (p + " " in in_text or " " + p in in_text) or (, in_text) is not None
out_text = out_text.replace(p, "")
out_text = out_text.replace(p, " ")
out_text = self.PERIOD_STRIP.sub("", out_text, re.UNICODE)
return out_text
def process_digit_article(self, in_text):
out_text = []
temp_text = in_text.lower().split()
for word in temp_text:
word = self.NUMBER_MAP.setdefault(word, word)
if word not in self.ARTICLES:
for word_id, word in enumerate(out_text):
if word in self.CONTRACTIONS:
out_text[word_id] = self.CONTRACTIONS[word]
out_text = " ".join(out_text)
return out_text
def __call__(self, item):
item = self.word_tokenize(item)
item = item.replace("\n", " ").replace("\t", " ").strip()
item = self.process_punctuation(item)
item = self.process_digit_article(item)
return item
class TextVQAAccuracyEvaluator:
def __init__(self):
self.answer_processor = EvalAIAnswerProcessor()
def _compute_answer_scores(self, raw_answers):
compute the accuracy (soft score) of human answers
answers = [self.answer_processor(a) for a in raw_answers]
assert len(answers) == 10
gt_answers = list(enumerate(answers))
unique_answers = set(answers)
unique_answer_scores = {}
for unique_answer in unique_answers:
accs = []
for gt_answer in gt_answers:
other_answers = [item for item in gt_answers if item != gt_answer]
matching_answers = [
item for item in other_answers if item[1] == unique_answer
acc = min(1, float(len(matching_answers)) / 3)
unique_answer_scores[unique_answer] = sum(accs) / len(accs)
return unique_answer_scores
def eval_pred_list(self, pred_list):
pred_scores = []
for entry in pred_list:
pred_answer = self.answer_processor(entry["pred_answer"])
unique_answer_scores = self._compute_answer_scores(entry["gt_answers"])
score = unique_answer_scores.get(pred_answer, 0.0)
accuracy = sum(pred_scores) / len(pred_scores)
return accuracy
class MMEEvaluator:
def divide_chunks(self, l, n=2):
# looping till length l
for i in range(0, len(l), n):
yield l[i:i + n]
def parse_pred_ans(self, pred_ans):
pred_label = None
if pred_ans in ["yes", "no"]:
pred_label = pred_ans
prefix_pred_ans = pred_ans[:4]
if "yes" in prefix_pred_ans:
pred_label = "yes"
elif "no" in prefix_pred_ans:
pred_label = "no"
pred_label = "other"
return pred_label
def compute_metric(self, gts, preds):
assert len(gts) == len(preds)
label_map = {
"yes": 1,
"no": 0,
"other": -1,
gts = [label_map[x] for x in gts]
preds = [label_map[x] for x in preds]
acc = accuracy_score(gts, preds)
clean_gts = []
clean_preds = []
other_num = 0
for gt, pred in zip(gts, preds):
if pred == -1:
other_num += 1
conf_mat = confusion_matrix(clean_gts, clean_preds, labels=[1,0])
precision = precision_score(clean_gts, clean_preds, average='binary')
recall = recall_score(clean_gts, clean_preds, average='binary')
tp, fn = conf_mat[0]
fp, tn = conf_mat[1]
metric_dict = dict()
metric_dict = {
"TP": tp,
"FN": fn,
"TN": tn,
"FP": fp,
"precision": precision,
"recall": recall,
"other_num": other_num,
"acc": acc,
return metric_dict
def process_result(self, results_dir):
eval_type_dict = {
"Perception": ["existence", "count", "position", "color", "posters", "celebrity", "scene", "landmark", "artwork", "OCR"],
"Cognition": ["commonsense_reasoning", "numerical_calculation", "text_translation", "code_reasoning"]
model_score_dict = dict()
for eval_type, task_name_list in eval_type_dict.items():
scores = 0
task_score_dict = dict()
for task_name in task_name_list:
if not os.path.exists(results_dir):
task_txt = os.path.join(results_dir, task_name + ".txt")
lines = open(task_txt, 'r').readlines()
chunk_lines = list(self.divide_chunks(lines)) # one image corresponds to two questions
img_num = len(chunk_lines)
task_other_ans_num = 0
task_score = 0
acc_plus_correct_num = 0
gts = []
preds = []
for img_items in chunk_lines:
assert len(img_items) == 2
img_correct_num = 0
for img_item in img_items:
img_name, question, gt_ans, pred_ans = img_item.split("\t")
gt_ans = gt_ans.lower()
pred_ans = pred_ans.lower()
assert gt_ans in ["yes", "no"] # gt can only be yes or no.
pred_ans = self.parse_pred_ans(pred_ans)
assert pred_ans in ["yes", "no", "other"]
if gt_ans == pred_ans:
img_correct_num += 1
if pred_ans not in ["yes", "no"]:
task_other_ans_num += 1
if img_correct_num == 2:
acc_plus_correct_num += 1
# cal TP precision acc, etc.
metric_dict = self.compute_metric(gts, preds)
acc_plus = acc_plus_correct_num / img_num
metric_dict["acc_plus"] = acc_plus
for k, v in metric_dict.items():
if k in ["acc", "acc_plus"]:
task_score += v*100
task_score_dict[task_name] = task_score
scores += task_score
task_score_dict['total'] = scores
model_score_dict[eval_type] = task_score_dict
return model_score_dict
# For MMMU, convert all <image #> tokens to <image>
def replace_image_tokens(question):
replaced = set()
def replace_token(match):
token =
if token not in replaced:
return '<image>'
return token
pattern = re.compile(r'<image\s\d+>')
return pattern.sub(replace_token, question)
# For MMMU, count all <image #> tokens
def count_unique_image_tokens(string):
pattern = r'<image\s\d+>'
matches = re.findall(pattern, string)
return len(set(matches))
# TextVQA
def prompt_processor(self, prompt):
if prompt.startswith('OCR tokens: '):
pattern = r"Question: (.*?) Short answer:"
match =, prompt, re.DOTALL)
question =
elif 'Reference OCR token: ' in prompt and len(prompt.split('\n')) == 3:
if prompt.startswith('Reference OCR token:'):
question = prompt.split('\n')[1]
question = prompt.split('\n')[0]
elif len(prompt.split('\n')) == 2:
question = prompt.split('\n')[0]
assert False
return question.lower()
# Convert answer to integer
def char_to_int(char):
return ord(char.upper()) - ord('A')
# In case model does not output a single letter, find the choice in answer
def convert_to_choice(answer, candidates):
options = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E"]
if answer in options:
extracted_answer = answer
elif len(answer) >= 2 and answer[0] in options and "." in answer:
extracted_answer= answer[0]
pattern = re.compile(r'The answer is ([A-Z]).')
res = pattern.findall(answer)
if len(res) == 1:
extracted_answer = res[0] # 'A', 'B', ...
extracted_answer = "FAILED"
if extracted_answer in options[:len(candidates)]:
return options.index(extracted_answer)
return -1
def get_pred_idx(prediction, choices, options):
Get the index (e.g. 2) from the prediction (e.g. 'C')
if prediction in options[:len(choices)]:
return options.index(prediction)
return -1
# Chart QA
def relaxed_correctness(target: str,
prediction: str,
max_relative_change: float = 0.05) -> bool:
"""Calculates relaxed correctness.
The correctness tolerates certain error ratio defined by max_relative_change.
See, end of section 5.1:
“Following Methani et al. (2020), we use a relaxed accuracy measure for the
numeric answers to allow a minor inaccuracy that may result from the automatic
data extraction process. We consider an answer to be correct if it is within
5% of the gold answer. For non-numeric answers, we still need an exact match
to consider an answer to be correct.”
target: Target string.
prediction: Predicted string.
max_relative_change: Maximum relative change.
Whether the prediction was correct given the specified tolerance.
def _to_float(text: str) -> Optional[float]:
if text.endswith('%'):
# Convert percentages to floats.
return float(text.rstrip('%')) / 100.0
return float(text)
except ValueError:
return None
prediction_float = _to_float(prediction)
target_float = _to_float(target)
if prediction_float is not None and target_float:
relative_change = abs(prediction_float -
target_float) / abs(target_float)
return relative_change <= max_relative_change
return prediction.lower() == target.lower()
def get_gt(data_path):
ground_truth = {}
for category in os.listdir(data_path):
category_dir = os.path.join(data_path, category)
if not os.path.isdir(category_dir):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(category_dir, 'images')):
image_path = os.path.join(category_dir, 'images')
qa_path = os.path.join(category_dir, 'questions_answers_YN')
image_path = qa_path = category_dir
assert os.path.isdir(image_path), image_path
assert os.path.isdir(qa_path), qa_path
for file in os.listdir(qa_path):
if not file.endswith('.txt'):
for line in open(os.path.join(qa_path, file)):
question, answer = line.strip().split('\t')
ground_truth[(category, file, question)] = answer
return ground_truth
# Chart QA
def relaxed_correctness(target: str,
prediction: str,
max_relative_change: float = 0.05) -> bool:
"""Calculates relaxed correctness.
The correctness tolerates certain error ratio defined by max_relative_change.
See, end of section 5.1:
“Following Methani et al. (2020), we use a relaxed accuracy measure for the
numeric answers to allow a minor inaccuracy that may result from the automatic
data extraction process. We consider an answer to be correct if it is within
5% of the gold answer. For non-numeric answers, we still need an exact match
to consider an answer to be correct.”
target: Target string.
prediction: Predicted string.
max_relative_change: Maximum relative change.
Whether the prediction was correct given the specified tolerance.
def _to_float(text: str) -> Optional[float]:
if text.endswith('%'):
# Convert percentages to floats.
return float(text.rstrip('%'))
return float(text)
except ValueError:
return None
prediction_float = _to_float(prediction)
target_float = _to_float(target)
if prediction_float is not None and target_float:
relative_change = abs(prediction_float -
target_float) / abs(target_float)
return relative_change <= max_relative_change
return prediction.lower() == target.lower()
def evaluate_relaxed_accuracy(entries):
scores = []
for elem in entries:
if isinstance(elem['annotation'], str):
elem['annotation'] = [elem['annotation']]
score = max([
relaxed_correctness(elem['answer'].strip(), ann)
for ann in elem['annotation']
return sum(scores) / len(scores)
def eval_pope(answers, label_file):
label_list = [json.loads(q)['label'] for q in open(label_file, 'r')]
for answer in answers:
text = answer['answer'].lower()
# Only keep the first sentence
if text.find('.') != -1:
text = text.split('.')[0]
text = text.replace(',', '')
words = text.split(' ')
if 'No' in words or 'not' in words or 'no' in words:
answer['answer'] = 'no'
answer['answer'] = 'yes'
for i in range(len(label_list)):
if label_list[i] == 'no':
label_list[i] = 0
label_list[i] = 1
pred_list = []
for answer in answers:
if answer['answer'] == 'no':
pos = 1
neg = 0
TP, TN, FP, FN = 0, 0, 0, 0
for pred, label in zip(pred_list, label_list):
if pred == pos and label == pos:
TP += 1
elif pred == pos and label == neg:
FP += 1
elif pred == neg and label == neg:
TN += 1
elif pred == neg and label == pos:
FN += 1
acc = (TP + TN) / (TP + TN + FP + FN)
return acc
# Eval GQA
# book to float
def toScore(b):
return float(1 if b else 0)
# Compute average of a list
def avg(l):
if len(l) == 0:
return 0
return float(sum(l)) / len(l)
def eval_gqa(predictions, questions):
# Initialize data structure to track all metrics: e.g. accuracy, validity and plausibility, as well as
# accuracy per question type, length and number of reasoning steps.
scores = {
"accuracy": [], # list of accuracies per question (1 if correct else 0). Will be averaged ultimately.
"binary": [], # list of accuracies per a binary question (1 if correct else 0). Will be averaged ultimately.
"open": [], # list of accuracies per an open question (1 if correct else 0). Will be averaged ultimately.
"validity": [], # list of validity per question (1 if valid else 0).
"plausibility": [], # list of plausibility per question (1 if plausible else 0).
"consistency": [], # list of consistency scores for entailed questions.
"accuracyPerStructuralType": defaultdict(list), # list of question accuracies for each structural type (e.g. compare, logic questions).
"accuracyPerSemanticType": defaultdict(list), # list of question accuracies for each semantic type (e.g. questions about an object, an attribute, a relation).
"accuracyPerLength": defaultdict(list), # list of question accuracies per question's word number.
"accuracyPerSteps": defaultdict(list), # list of question accuracies per question's reasoning length (steps number).
"grounding": [] # list of grounding scores for each question.
# Initialize golden and predicted histograms per each question group. Used to compute the distribution metric.
dist = {
"gold": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int)),
"predicted": defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(int))
##### Question lengths - words numbers and reasoning steps number
# Compute question length (words number)
def getWordsNum(question):
return len(question["question"].split())
# Compute number of reasoning steps (excluding the final "querying" step which doesn't increase effective reasoning length)
def getStepsNum(question):
return len([c for c in question["semantic"] if not (any([o in "{}: {}".format(c["operation"], c["argument"])
for o in ["exist", "query: name", "choose name"]]))])
##### Main score computation
# Loop over the questions and compute mterics
for qid, question in questions.items():
gold = question["answer"]
if qid not in predictions:
predicted = predictions[qid].lower()
correct = (predicted == gold)
score = toScore(correct)
wordsNum = getWordsNum(question)
stepsNum = getStepsNum(question)
# Compute scores over the balanced dataset (more robust against cheating by making educated guesses)
if question["isBalanced"]:
# Update accuracy
answerType = "open" if question["types"]["structural"] == "query" else "binary"
# Update histograms for gold and predicted answers
globalGroup = question["groups"]["global"]
if globalGroup is not None:
dist["gold"][globalGroup][gold] += 1
dist["predicted"][globalGroup][predicted] += 1
# Average scores over all questions (in the balanced dataset) and print scores
metrics = [
detailedMetrics = [
("accuracyPerStructuralType", "Accuracy / structural type"),
("accuracyPerSemanticType", "Accuracy / semantic type"),
("accuracyPerSteps", "Accuracy / steps number"),
("accuracyPerLength", "Accuracy / words number")
subMetrics = {
"attr": "attribute",
"cat": "category",
"global": "scene",
"obj": "object",
"rel": "relation"
# average
for k in metrics:
if isinstance(scores[k], list):
scores[k] = avg(scores[k]) * 100
for k, _ in detailedMetrics:
for t in scores[k]:
scores[k][t] = avg(scores[k][t]) * 100, len(scores[k][t])
# print
for m in metrics:
# skip grounding and consistency scores if not requested
if m == "grounding":
if m == "consistency":
# print score
print("{title}: {score:.2f}{suffix}".format(title = m.capitalize(), score = scores[m],
suffix = " (lower is better)" if m == "distribution" else "%"))
for m, mPrintName in detailedMetrics:
# print metric title
for t in sorted(list(scores[m].keys())):
# set sub-metric title
tName = t
if isinstance(scores[k], list):
tName = subMetrics.get(t, t).capitalize()
# print score
print(" {title}: {score:.2f}{suffix} ({amount} questions)".format(title = tName,
score = scores[m][t][0], suffix = "%", amount = scores[m][t][1]))
return scores
'Art and Design': ['Art', 'Art_Theory', 'Design', 'Music'],
'Business': ['Accounting', 'Economics', 'Finance', 'Manage','Marketing'],
'Science': ['Biology', 'Chemistry', 'Geography', 'Math', 'Physics',],
'Health and Medicine': ['Basic_Medical_Science', 'Clinical_Medicine', 'Diagnostics_and_Laboratory_Medicine', 'Pharmacy', 'Public_Health'],
'Humanities and Social Science': ['History', 'Literature', 'Sociology', 'Psychology'],
'Tech and Engineering': ['Agriculture', 'Architecture_and_Engineering', 'Computer_Science', 'Electronics', 'Energy_and_Power', 'Materials', 'Mechanical_Engineering'],
'acc': 'Accounting',
'agri': 'Agriculture',
'arch': 'Architecture_and_Engineering',
'art': 'Art',
'art_theory': 'Art_Theory',
'bas_med': 'Basic_Medical_Science',
'bio': 'Biology',
'chem': 'Chemistry',
'cli_med': 'Clinical_Medicine',
'cs': 'Computer_Science',
'design': 'Design',
'diag_med': 'Diagnostics_and_Laboratory_Medicine',
'econ': 'Economics',
'elec': 'Electronics',
'ep': 'Energy_and_Power',
'fin': 'Finance',
'geo': 'Geography',
'his': 'History',
'liter': 'Literature',
'manage': 'Manage',
'mark': 'Marketing',
'mate': 'Materials',
'math': 'Math',
'mech': 'Mechanical_Engineering',
'music': 'Music',
'phar': 'Pharmacy',
'phys': 'Physics',
'psy': 'Psychology',
'pub_health': 'Public_Health',
'socio': 'Sociology'
"""Response Parsing and Evaluation for various models"""
# ----------- Process Multi-choice -------------
def parse_multi_choice_response(response, all_choices, index2ans):
Parse the prediction from the generated response.
Return the predicted index e.g., A, B, C, D.
for char in [',', '.', '!', '?', ';', ':', "'"]:
response = response.strip(char)
response = " " + response + " " # add space to avoid partial match
index_ans = True
ans_with_brack = False
candidates = []
for choice in all_choices: # e.g., (A) (B) (C) (D)
if f'({choice})' in response:
ans_with_brack = True
if len(candidates) == 0:
for choice in all_choices: # e.g., A B C D
if f' {choice} ' in response:
# if all above doesn't get candidates, check if the content is larger than 5 tokens and try to parse the example
if len(candidates) == 0 and len(response.split()) > 5:
for index, ans in index2ans.items():
if ans.lower() in response.lower():
index_ans = False # it's content ans.
if len(candidates) == 0: # still not get answer, randomly choose one.
pred_index = random.choice(all_choices)
elif len(candidates) > 1:
start_indexes = []
if index_ans:
if ans_with_brack:
for can in candidates:
index = response.rfind(f'({can})')
start_indexes.append(index) # -1 will be ignored anyway
# start_indexes = [generated_response.index(f'({can})') for can in candidates]
for can in candidates:
index = response.rfind(f" {can} ")
for can in candidates:
index = response.lower().rfind(index2ans[can].lower())
# get the last one
pred_index = candidates[np.argmax(start_indexes)]
else: # if only one candidate, use it.
pred_index = candidates[0]
return pred_index
# ----------- Process Open -------------
def check_is_number(string):
Check if the given string a number.
float(string.replace(',', ''))
return True
except ValueError:
# check if there's comma inside
return False
def normalize_str(string):
Normalize the str to lower case and make them float numbers if possible.
# check if characters in the string
# if number, numerize it.
string = string.strip()
is_number = check_is_number(string)
if is_number:
string = string.replace(',', '')
string = float(string)
# leave 2 decimal
string = round(string, 2)
return [string]
else: # it's likely to be a string
# lower it
string = string.lower()
if len(string) == 1:
return [" " + string, string + " "] # avoid trivial matches
return [string]
def extract_numbers(string):
Exact all forms of numbers from a string with regex.
# Pattern for numbers with commas
pattern_commas = r'-?\b\d{1,3}(?:,\d{3})+\b'
# Pattern for scientific notation
pattern_scientific = r'-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?[eE][+-]?\d+'
# Pattern for simple numbers without commas
pattern_simple = r'-?(?:\d+\.\d+|\.\d+|\d+\b)(?![eE][+-]?\d+)(?![,\d])'
# Extract numbers with commas
numbers_with_commas = re.findall(pattern_commas, string)
# Extract numbers in scientific notation
numbers_scientific = re.findall(pattern_scientific, string)
# Extract simple numbers without commas
numbers_simple = re.findall(pattern_simple, string)
# Combine all extracted numbers
all_numbers = numbers_with_commas + numbers_scientific + numbers_simple
return all_numbers
def parse_open_response(response):
Parse the prediction from the generated response.
Return a list of predicted strings or numbers.
# content = content.strip("\n").strip(".").strip(" ")
def get_key_subresponses(response):
key_responses = []
response = response.strip().strip(".").lower()
sub_responses = re.split(r'\.\s(?=[A-Z])|\n', response)
indicators_of_keys = ['could be ', 'so ', 'is ',
'thus ', 'therefore ', 'final ', 'answer ', 'result ']
key_responses = []
for index, resp in enumerate(sub_responses):
# if last one, accept it's an equation (the entire response can be just one sentence with equation)
if index == len(sub_responses) - 1:
shortest_key_response = None # the shortest response that may contain the answer (tail part of the response)
for indicator in indicators_of_keys:
if indicator in resp:
if not shortest_key_response:
shortest_key_response = resp.split(indicator)[-1].strip()
if len(resp.split(indicator)[-1].strip()) < len(shortest_key_response):
shortest_key_response = resp.split(indicator)[-1].strip()
# key_responses.append(resp.split(indicator)[1].strip())
if shortest_key_response:
# and it's not trivial
if shortest_key_response.strip() not in [":", ",", ".", "!", "?", ";", ":", "'"]:
if len(key_responses) == 0: # did not found any
return [response]
return key_responses
# pdb.set_trace()
key_responses = get_key_subresponses(response)
pred_list = key_responses.copy() # keep the original string response
for resp in key_responses:
tmp_pred_list = []
for i in range(len(pred_list)):
pred_list = tmp_pred_list
# remove duplicates
pred_list = list(set(pred_list))
return pred_list
# ----------- Evaluation -------------
def eval_multi_choice(gold_i, pred_i):
Evaluate a multiple choice instance.
correct = False
# only they are exactly the same, we consider it as correct
if isinstance(gold_i, list):
for answer in gold_i:
if answer == pred_i:
correct = True
else: # gold_i is a string
if gold_i == pred_i:
correct = True
return correct
def eval_open(gold_i, pred_i):
Evaluate an open question instance
correct = False
if isinstance(gold_i, list):
# use float to avoid trivial matches
norm_answers = []
for answer in gold_i:
norm_answers = normalize_str(gold_i)
for pred in pred_i: # pred is already normalized in parse response phase
if isinstance(pred, str): # if it's a string, then find if ans in the pred_i
for norm_ans in norm_answers:
# only see if the string answer in the string pred
if isinstance(norm_ans, str) and norm_ans in pred:
if not correct:
correct = True
else: # it's a float number
if pred in norm_answers:
if not correct:
correct = True
return correct
# ----------- Batch Evaluation -------------
def evaluate(samples):
Batch evaluation for multiple choice and open questions.
pred_correct = 0
judge_dict = dict()
for sample in samples:
gold_i = sample['answer']
pred_i = sample['parsed_pred']
if sample['question_type'] == 'multiple-choice':
correct = eval_multi_choice(gold_i, pred_i)
else: # open question
correct = eval_open(gold_i, pred_i)
if correct:
judge_dict[sample['id']] = 'Correct'
pred_correct += 1
judge_dict[sample['id']] = 'Wrong'
if len(samples) == 0:
return {'acc': 0}
return judge_dict, {'acc': pred_correct / len(samples)}
# ----------- Calculate Accuracy -------------
def calculate_ins_level_acc(results: Dict):
"""Calculate the instruction level accuracy for given Subject results"""
acc = 0
ins_num = 0
for cat_results in results.values():
acc += cat_results['acc'] * cat_results['num_example']
ins_num += cat_results['num_example']
if ins_num == 0:
return 0
return acc / ins_num
def eval_mathverse(output_dir, results, extract_file, score_file):
openai.api_key = OPENAI_KEY
demo_prompt_extract = """
I am providing you a response from a model to a math problem, termed 'Model Response'. You should extract the answer from the response as 'Extracted Answer'. Directly output the extracted answer with no explanation.
Model response: 'Rounded to two decimal places, the perimeter of the sector is approximately:\n\n(-2, 1)'
Extracted Answer: (-2, 1)
Model response: 'at those points.\n\nTherefore, the correct option that represents the meaning of the intersection points of the graphs is:\n\nD. They give the solutions to the equation $f(t)=g(t)$.",'
Extracted Answer: D
Model response: ' at 1 (there's a closed circle at y = 1), the range in interval notation is \\((-4, 1]\\).\n\nFinal values:\nDomain: \\((-3, 3]\\)\nRange: \\((-4, 1]\\)'
Extracted Answer: Domain: \\((-3, 3]\\)\nRange: \\((-4, 1]\\)
Model response: 'As it stands, I cannot provide the correct option letter because there isn't enough information to solve for 'y'.'
Extracted Answer: null
Model response: 'Given that AB = 17.6 meters, we can now substitute into the equation:\n\nd = 17.6 / cos(38\u00b0)\n\nTherefore, to one decimal place, the distance d between Ned and Bart is approximately 22.3 meters.'
Extracted answer: 22.3
Model response: have all the coefficients for the quadratic function:\n\\( f(x) = ax^2 + bx + c \\)\n\\( f(x) = -1x^2 - 2x + 1 \\)\n\nTherefore, the equation for the graphed function \\( f \\) is:\n\\( f(x) = -x^2 - 2x + 1 \\)"'
Extracted answer: f(x) = -x^2 - 2x + 1
demo_prompt_score = """
Below are two answers to a math question. Question is [Question], [Standard Answer] is the standard answer to the question, and [Model_answer] is the answer extracted from a model's output to this question. Determine whether these two answers are consistent.
Please note that only when the [Model_answer] completely matches the [Standard Answer] means they are consistent. For non-multiple-choice questions, if the meaning is expressed in the same way, it is also considered consistent, for example, 0.5m and 50cm.
If they are consistent, Judement is 1; if they are different, Judement is 0.
[Question]: Write the set of numbers represented on the number line in interval notation.
[Standard Answer]: (-2,1]
[Model_answer] : Extracted Answer: \\((-2, 1)\\)
Judgement: 0
[Question]: As shown in the figure, circle O has a radius 1.0, if angle BAC = 60.0, then the length of BC is ()\nChoices:\nA:2\nB:2\u221a{{3}}\nC:\u221a{{3}}\nD:2\u221a{{2}}
[Standard Answer]: C
[Model_answer] : B:2\u221a{{3}}
Judgement: 0
[Question]: Find the domain and range of the function f using interval notation.
[Standard Answer]: domain: [-4, 0) and range: (-3, 1]
[Model_answer] : Range: \\((-4, 1]\\)
Judgement: 0
[Question]: As shown in the figure, circle O has a radius 1.0, if angle BAC = 60.0, then the length of BC is ()\nChoices:\nA:2\nB:2\u221a{{3}}\nC:\u221a{{3}}\nD:2\u221a{{2}}
[Standard Answer]: C
[Model_answer] : null
Judgement: 0
[Question]: Given the graph of the ellipse that intersects with x-axis at 9 and -9 and with y-axis at 3 and -3, determine its equation.A. \\frac{{x^2}}{{81}} + \\frac{{y^2}}{{9}} = 1 B. Can not determine.\n
[Standard Answer]: A
[Model_answer] : \\frac{{x^2}}{{81}} + \\frac{{y^2}}{{9}} = 1
Judgement: 1
[Question]: {question}
[Standard Answer]: {gt}
[Model_answer] : {extraction}
Judgement: """
def create_extract_prompt(demo_prompt, response, inst):
demo_prompt = demo_prompt.strip()
test_prompt = f"Model response: '{response}'\nExtracted Answer: "
full_prompt = f"{demo_prompt}\n\n{test_prompt}"
return full_prompt
def create_scoring_prompt(demo_prompt, inst):
demo_prompt = demo_prompt.strip()
full_prompt = demo_prompt.format(question = inst['question'], gt=inst['answer'], extraction=inst['extraction'])
return full_prompt
def extract_answer(response, inst, api_key):
# general extraction
full_prompt = create_extract_prompt(demo_prompt_extract, response, inst)
extraction = get_chat_response(full_prompt, api_key)
return extraction
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in extracting answer for {response}")
return ""
def match_answer(inst, api_key):
full_prompt = create_scoring_prompt(demo_prompt_score, inst)
extraction = get_chat_response(full_prompt, api_key)
return extraction.replace("Judgement:", "").strip()
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error in matching answer")
return ""
save_results = []
score_dict = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(list))
score_version_dict = defaultdict(list)
for i, inst in enumerate(tqdm(results)):
response = inst['model_answer']
extraction = extract_answer(response, inst, OPENAI_KEY)
inst['extraction'] = extraction.replace('Extracted Answer: ', '').strip()
judgement = match_answer(inst, OPENAI_KEY)
while True:
if judgement.strip() not in ['0', '1']:
print('Wrong return format: ', judgement)
judgement = match_answer(inst, OPENAI_KEY)
inst['judgement'] = int(judgement)
results_file = os.path.join(output_dir, extract_file)
with open(results_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(save_results, f, indent=4)
print(f"Save MathVerse Results at {results_file}")
save_json = {}
# version level acc
total_cnt, right_cnt = 0, 0
for version in score_version_dict:
version_total_cnt = len(score_version_dict[version])
version_right_cnt = len([inst for inst in score_version_dict[version] if inst == 1])
total_cnt += version_total_cnt
right_cnt += version_right_cnt
print(f"{version} Acc: {(version_right_cnt/version_total_cnt):.3f}")
save_json[version] = f"{(version_right_cnt/version_total_cnt):.3f}"
print(f"Acc: {(right_cnt/total_cnt):.3f}")
save_json["Total Acc"] = f"{(right_cnt/total_cnt):.3f}"
scores_file = os.path.join(output_dir, score_file)
with open(scores_file, 'w') as f:
json.dump(save_json, f, indent=4)
def eval_mmstar(eval_file, output_dir, score_file):
MMStar_score_l2 = {
'coarse perception': {
'image scene and topic': 0,
'image style & quality': 0,
'image emotion': 0
'fine-grained perception': {
'object counting': 0,
'recognition': 0,
'localization': 0
'instance reasoning': {
'single-instance reasoning': 0,
'cross-instance attribute reasoning': 0,
'cross-instance relation reasoning': 0
'logical reasoning': {
'code & sequence reasoning': 0,
'diagram reasoning': 0,
'common reasoning': 0
'science & technology': {
'biology & chemistry & physics': 0,
'electronics & energy & mechanical eng.': 0,
'geography & earth science & agriculture': 0
'math': {
'geometry': 0,
'numeric commonsense and calculation': 0,
'statistical reasoning': 0
MMStar_counter = deepcopy(MMStar_score_l2)
data = eval_file
lt = len(data)
lines = [data.iloc[i] for i in range(lt)]
for i in tqdm(range(len(lines))):
line = lines[i]
predict = str(line['prediction'])
answers = str(line['answer'])
# ori_bench = str(line['bench'])
category = str(line['category'])
l2_category = str(line['l2_category'])
MMStar_counter[category][l2_category] += 1
answer = answers.lower().strip().replace('\n', ' ')
predict = predict.lower().strip().replace('\n', ' ')
# if ori_bench == 'MathVista' and answer not in ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']:
# if answer in predict:
# MMStar_score_l2[category][l2_category] += 1
# else:
if answer == predict[0]:
MMStar_score_l2[category][l2_category] += 1
elif predict[0] == '(' and answer == predict[1]:
MMStar_score_l2[category][l2_category] += 1
elif predict[0:7] == 'option ' and answer == predict[7]:
MMStar_score_l2[category][l2_category] += 1
elif predict[0:14] == 'the answer is ' and answer == predict[14]:
MMStar_score_l2[category][l2_category] += 1
except Exception as e:
MMStar_score = {}
MMStar_score['final score'] = 0
for k, v in MMStar_score_l2.items():
MMStar_score[k] = 0
for l2_k, l2_v in v.items():
if float(MMStar_counter[k][l2_k]) == 0:
MMStar_score[f'{k}({l2_k})'] = 0
MMStar_score[f'{k}({l2_k})'] = float(l2_v) / \
MMStar_score[k] += l2_v
MMStar_score['final score'] += MMStar_score[k]
MMStar_score[k] = float(MMStar_score[k]) / 250.0
MMStar_score['final score'] = float(MMStar_score['final score']) / 1500.0
score_pth = os.path.join(output_dir, score_file)
with open(score_pth, 'w') as f:
json.dump(MMStar_score, f, indent=4)
f'MMStar_eval successfully finished evaluating {eval_file}, results saved in {score_pth}')
print('Score: ')
for key, value in MMStar_score.items():
print('{}:{}'.format(key, value))