import cv2 | |
def resize_image(img, scale_percent) : | |
# Calculate new size | |
width = int(img.shape[1] * scale_percent / 100) | |
height = int(img.shape[0] * scale_percent / 100) | |
dim = (width, height) | |
# Resize image | |
resized = cv2.resize(img, dim, interpolation = cv2.INTER_AREA) | |
return resized | |
def draw_box(img, result, class_list) : | |
# Get information from result | |
xyxy= result.boxes.xyxy.numpy() | |
confidence= result.boxes.conf.numpy() | |
class_id= result.boxes.cls.numpy().astype(int) | |
# Get Class name | |
class_name = [class_list[x] for x in class_id] | |
# Pack together for easy use | |
sum_output = list(zip(class_name, confidence,xyxy)) | |
# Copy image, in case that we need original image for something | |
out_image = img.copy() | |
for run_output in sum_output : | |
# Unpack | |
label, con, box = run_output | |
# Choose color | |
box_color = (0, 0, 255) | |
text_color = (255,255,255) | |
# Draw object box | |
first_half_box = (int(box[0]),int(box[1])) | |
second_half_box = (int(box[2]),int(box[3])) | |
cv2.rectangle(out_image, first_half_box, second_half_box, box_color, 2) | |
# Create text | |
text_print = '{label} {con:.2f}'.format(label = label, con = con) | |
# Locate text position | |
text_location = (int(box[0]), int(box[1] - 10 )) | |
# Get size and baseline | |
labelSize, baseLine = cv2.getTextSize(text_print, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, 2) | |
# Draw text's background | |
cv2.rectangle(out_image | |
, (int(box[0]), int(box[1] - labelSize[1] - 10 )) | |
, (int(box[0])+labelSize[0], int(box[1] + baseLine-10)) | |
, box_color , cv2.FILLED) | |
# Put text | |
cv2.putText(out_image, text_print ,text_location | |
, text_color, 2 ,cv2.LINE_AA) | |
return out_image |