import yaml import numpy as np import copy import torch from torch import nn import torch.nn.functional as F from src.lm import RNNLM LOG_ZERO = -10000000.0 # Log-zero for CTC class CTCPrefixScore(): ''' CTC Prefix score calculator An implementation of Algo. 2 in (Watanabe et. al.) Reference (official implementation): ''' def __init__(self, x): self.logzero = -100000000.0 self.blank = 0 self.eos = 1 self.x = x.cpu().numpy()[0] self.odim = x.shape[-1] self.input_length = len(self.x) def init_state(self): # 0 = non-blank, 1 = blank r = np.full((self.input_length, 2), self.logzero, dtype=np.float32) # Accumalate blank at each step r[0, 1] = self.x[0, self.blank] for i in range(1, self.input_length): r[i, 1] = r[i-1, 1] + self.x[i, self.blank] return r def full_compute(self, g, r_prev): '''Given prefix g, return the probability of all possible sequence y (where y = concat(g,c)) This function computes all possible tokens for c (memory inefficient)''' prefix_length = len(g) last_char = g[-1] if prefix_length > 0 else 0 # init. r r = np.full((self.input_length, 2, self.odim), self.logzero, dtype=np.float32) # start from len(g) because is impossible for CTC to generate |y|>|X| start = max(1, prefix_length) if prefix_length == 0: r[0, 0, :] = self.x[0, :] # if g = psi = r[start-1, 0, :] phi = np.logaddexp(r_prev[:, 0], r_prev[:, 1]) for t in range(start, self.input_length): # prev_blank prev_blank = np.full((self.odim), r_prev[t-1, 1], dtype=np.float32) # prev_nonblank prev_nonblank = np.full( (self.odim), r_prev[t-1, 0], dtype=np.float32) prev_nonblank[last_char] = self.logzero phi = np.logaddexp(prev_nonblank, prev_blank) # P(h|current step is non-blank) = [ P(prev. step = y) + P()]*P(c) r[t, 0, :] = np.logaddexp(r[t-1, 0, :], phi) + self.x[t, :] # P(h|current step is blank) = [P(prev. step is blank) + P(prev. step is non-blank)]*P(now=blank) r[t, 1, :] = np.logaddexp( r[t-1, 1, :], r[t-1, 0, :]) + self.x[t, self.blank] psi = np.logaddexp(psi, phi+self.x[t, :]) #psi[self.eos] = np.logaddexp(r_prev[-1,0], r_prev[-1,1]) return psi, np.rollaxis(r, 2) def cheap_compute(self, g, r_prev, candidates): '''Given prefix g, return the probability of all possible sequence y (where y = concat(g,c)) This function considers only those tokens in candidates for c (memory efficient)''' prefix_length = len(g) odim = len(candidates) last_char = g[-1] if prefix_length > 0 else 0 # init. r r = np.full((self.input_length, 2, len(candidates)), self.logzero, dtype=np.float32) # start from len(g) because is impossible for CTC to generate |y|>|X| start = max(1, prefix_length) if prefix_length == 0: r[0, 0, :] = self.x[0, candidates] # if g = psi = r[start-1, 0, :] # Phi = (prev_nonblank,prev_blank) sum_prev = np.logaddexp(r_prev[:, 0], r_prev[:, 1]) phi = np.repeat(sum_prev[..., None],odim,axis=-1) # Handle edge case : last tok of prefix in candidates if prefix_length>0 and last_char in candidates: phi[:,candidates.index(last_char)] = r_prev[:,1] for t in range(start, self.input_length): # prev_blank # prev_blank = np.full((odim), r_prev[t-1, 1], dtype=np.float32) # prev_nonblank # prev_nonblank = np.full((odim), r_prev[t-1, 0], dtype=np.float32) # phi = np.logaddexp(prev_nonblank, prev_blank) # P(h|current step is non-blank) = P(prev. step = y)*P(c) r[t, 0, :] = np.logaddexp( r[t-1, 0, :], phi[t-1]) + self.x[t, candidates] # P(h|current step is blank) = [P(prev. step is blank) + P(prev. step is non-blank)]*P(now=blank) r[t, 1, :] = np.logaddexp( r[t-1, 1, :], r[t-1, 0, :]) + self.x[t, self.blank] psi = np.logaddexp(psi, phi[t-1,]+self.x[t, candidates]) # P(end of sentence) = P(g) if self.eos in candidates: psi[candidates.index(self.eos)] = sum_prev[-1] return psi, np.rollaxis(r, 2) class CTCHypothesis(): ''' Hypothesis for pure CTC beam search decoding. An implementation of Algo. 1 in ''' def __init__(self): self.y = [] # All probabilities are computed in log scale self.Pr_y_t_blank = 0.0 # Pr-(y,t-1) -> Pr-(y,t) self.Pr_y_t_nblank = LOG_ZERO # Pr+(y,t-1) -> Pr+(y,t) self.Pr_y_t_blank_bkup = 0.0 # Pr-(y,t-1) -> Pr-(y,t) self.Pr_y_t_nblank_bkup = LOG_ZERO # Pr+(y,t-1) -> Pr+(y,t) self.lm_output = None self.lm_hidden = None self.updated_lm = False def update_lm(self, output, hidden): self.lm_output = output self.lm_hidden = hidden self.updated_lm = True def get_len(self): return len(self.y) def get_string(self): # Convert the output sequence from list to string return ''.join([str(s) for s in self.y]) def get_score(self): return np.logaddexp(self.Pr_y_t_blank, self.Pr_y_t_nblank) def get_final_score(self): if len(self.y) > 0: return np.logaddexp(self.Pr_y_t_blank, self.Pr_y_t_nblank) / len(self.y) else: return np.logaddexp(self.Pr_y_t_blank, self.Pr_y_t_nblank) def check_same(self, y_2): if len(self.y) != len(y_2): return False for i in range(len(self.y)): if self.y[i] != y_2[i]: return False return True def update_Pr_nblank(self, ctc_y_t): # ctc_y_t : Pr(ye,t|x) # Pr+(y,t) = Pr+(y,t-1) * Pr(ye,t|x) self.Pr_y_t_nblank += ctc_y_t def update_Pr_nblank_prefix(self, ctc_y_t, Pr_y_t_blank_prefix, Pr_y_t_nblank_prefix, Pr_ye_y=None): # ctc_y_t : Pr(ye,t|x) lm_prob = Pr_ye_y if Pr_ye_y is not None else 0.0 if len(self.y) == 0: return if len(self.y) == 1: Pr_ye_y_prefix = ctc_y_t + lm_prob + np.logaddexp(Pr_y_t_blank_prefix, Pr_y_t_nblank_prefix) else: # Pr_ye_y : LM Pr(ye|y) Pr_ye_y_prefix = ctc_y_t + lm_prob + (Pr_y_t_blank_prefix if self.y[-1] == self.y[-2] \ else np.logaddexp(Pr_y_t_blank_prefix, Pr_y_t_nblank_prefix)) # Pr+(y,t) = Pr+(y,t) + Pr(ye,y^,t) self.Pr_y_t_nblank = np.logaddexp(self.Pr_y_t_nblank, Pr_ye_y_prefix) def update_Pr_blank(self, ctc_blank_t): # Pr-(y,t) = Pr(y,t-1) * Pr(-,t|x) self.Pr_y_t_blank = np.logaddexp(self.Pr_y_t_nblank_bkup, self.Pr_y_t_blank_bkup) + ctc_blank_t def add_token(self, token, ctc_token_t, Pr_k_y=None): # Add token to the end of the sequence # Update current sequence probability lm_prob = Pr_k_y if Pr_k_y is not None else 0.0 if len(self.y) == 0: Pr_y_t_nblank_new = ctc_token_t + lm_prob + np.logaddexp(self.Pr_y_t_blank_bkup, self.Pr_y_t_nblank_bkup) else: # Pr_k_y : LM Pr(k|y) Pr_y_t_nblank_new = ctc_token_t + lm_prob + (self.Pr_y_t_blank_bkup if self.y[-1] == token else \ np.logaddexp(self.Pr_y_t_blank_bkup, self.Pr_y_t_nblank_bkup)) self.Pr_y_t_blank = LOG_ZERO self.Pr_y_t_nblank = Pr_y_t_nblank_new self.Pr_y_t_blank_bkup = self.Pr_y_t_blank self.Pr_y_t_nblank_bkup = self.Pr_y_t_nblank self.y.append(token) def orig_backup(self): self.Pr_y_t_blank_bkup = self.Pr_y_t_blank self.Pr_y_t_nblank_bkup = self.Pr_y_t_nblank class CTCBeamDecoder(nn.Module): ''' Beam decoder for ASR (CTC only) ''' def __init__(self, asr, vocab_range, beam_size, vocab_candidate, lm_path='', lm_config='', lm_weight=0.0, device=None): super().__init__() # Setup self.asr = asr self.vocab_range = vocab_range self.beam_size = beam_size self.vocab_cand = vocab_candidate assert self.vocab_cand <= len(self.vocab_range) assert self.asr.enable_ctc # Setup RNNLM self.apply_lm = lm_weight > 0 self.lm_w = 0 if self.apply_lm: self.device = device self.lm_w = lm_weight self.lm_path = lm_path lm_config = yaml.load(open(lm_config, 'r'), Loader=yaml.FullLoader) self.lm = RNNLM(self.asr.vocab_size, **lm_config['model']).to(self.device) self.lm.load_state_dict(torch.load( self.lm_path, map_location='cpu')['model']) self.lm.eval() def create_msg(self): msg = ['Decode spec| CTC decoding \t| Beam size = {} \t| LM weight = {}'.format(self.beam_size, self.lm_w)] return msg def forward(self, feat, feat_len): # Init. assert feat.shape[0] == 1, "Batchsize == 1 is required for beam search" # Calculate CTC output probability ctc_output, encode_len, att_output, att_align, dec_state = \ self.asr(feat, feat_len, 10) del encode_len, att_output, att_align, dec_state, feat_len ctc_output = F.log_softmax(ctc_output[0], dim=-1).cpu().detach().numpy() T = len(ctc_output) # ctc_output = Pr(k,t|x) / dim: T x Vocab # Best W probable sequences B = [CTCHypothesis()] if self.apply_lm: # 0 == for RNNLM output, hidden = \ self.lm(torch.zeros((1,1),dtype=torch.long).to(self.device), torch.ones(1,dtype=torch.long).to(self.device), None) B[0].update_lm( (output).log_softmax(dim=-1).squeeze().cpu().numpy(), hidden ) start = True for t in range(T): # greedily ignoring pads at the beginning of the sequence if np.argmax(ctc_output[t]) == 0 and start: continue else: start = False B_new = [] for i in range(len(B)): # For y in B B_i_new = copy.deepcopy(B[i]) if B_i_new.get_len() > 0: # If y is not empty if B_i_new.y[-1] == 1: # = 1 (reached the end) B_new.append(B_i_new) continue B_i_new.update_Pr_nblank(ctc_output[t, B_i_new.y[-1]]) # Find the same prefix for j in range(len(B)): if i != j and B[j].check_same(B_i_new.y[:-1]): lm_prob = 0.0 if self.apply_lm: lm_prob = self.lm_w * B[j].lm_output[B_i_new.y[-1]] B_i_new.update_Pr_nblank_prefix(ctc_output[t, B_i_new.y[-1]], B[j].Pr_y_t_blank, B[j].Pr_y_t_nblank, lm_prob) break B_i_new.update_Pr_blank(ctc_output[t, 0]) # 0 == if self.apply_lm: lm_hidden = B_i_new.lm_hidden lm_probs = B_i_new.lm_output else: lm_hidden = None lm_probs = None # Sort the next possible output symbol by CTC (and LM) score if self.apply_lm: ctc_vocab_cand = sorted(zip( self.vocab_range, ctc_output[t, self.vocab_range] + self.lm_w * lm_probs[self.vocab_range]), reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1]) else: ctc_vocab_cand = sorted(zip(self.vocab_range, ctc_output[t, self.vocab_range]), reverse=True, key=lambda x: x[1]) # Select top K possible symbols to calculate the probabilities for j in range(self.vocab_cand): # =0, =1, =2 k = ctc_vocab_cand[j][0] # Pr(k,t|x) hyp_yk = copy.deepcopy(B_i_new) lm_prob = 0.0 if not self.apply_lm else self.lm_w * lm_probs[k] hyp_yk.add_token(k, ctc_output[t, k], lm_prob) hyp_yk.updated_lm = False B_new.append(hyp_yk) B_i_new.orig_backup() # Retrieve origin prob. before add_token() B_new.append(B_i_new) del B B = [] # Remove duplicated sequences by sorting first (O(NlogN)) B_new = sorted(B_new, key=lambda x: x.get_string()) B.append(B_new[0]) # First Hyp always unique for i in range(1,len(B_new)): if B_new[i].check_same(B[-1].y): # Next Hyp is duplicated, pick the higher one if B_new[i].get_score() > B[-1].get_score(): B[-1] = B_new[i] continue else: # Next Hyp is different, hence valid B.append(B_new[i]) del B_new # Find top W possible sequences if t == T - 1: B = sorted(B, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get_final_score()) else: B = sorted(B, reverse=True, key=lambda x: x.get_score()) if len(B) > self.beam_size: B = B[:self.beam_size] # Update LM states if self.apply_lm and t < T - 1: for i in range(len(B)): if B[i].get_len() > 0 and not B[i].updated_lm: output, hidden = \ self.lm(B[i].y[-1] * torch.ones((1,1), dtype=torch.long).to(self.device), torch.ones(1,dtype=torch.long).to(self.device), B[i].lm_hidden) B[i].update_lm( (output).log_softmax(dim=-1).squeeze().cpu().numpy(), hidden ) return [b.y for b in B]