LIVE / thrust /examples /
Xu Ma
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#include <thrust/detail/raw_reference_cast.h>
#include <thrust/device_vector.h>
#include <thrust/sequence.h>
#include <thrust/fill.h>
#include <iostream>
// This example illustrates how to use the raw_reference_cast to convert
// system-specific reference wrappers into native references.
// Using iterators in the manner described here is generally discouraged.
// Users should only resort to this technique if there is no viable
// implemention of a given operation in terms of Thrust algorithms.
// For example this particular example is better solved with thrust::copy,
// which is safer and potentially faster. Only use this approach after all
// safer alternatives have been exhausted.
// When a Thrust iterator is referenced (e.g. *iter) the result is not
// a native or "raw" reference like int& or float&. Instead,
// the result is a type such as thrust::system::cuda::reference<int>
// or thrust::system::tbb::reference<float>, depending on the system
// to which the data belongs. These reference wrappers are necessary
// to make expressions like *iter1 = *iter2; work correctly when
// iter1 and iter2 refer to data in different memory spaces on
// heterogenous systems.
// The raw_reference_cast function essentially strips away the system-specific
// meta-data so it should only be used when the code is guaranteed to be
// executed within an appropriate context.
__host__ __device__
void assign_reference_to_reference(int& x, int& y)
y = x;
__host__ __device__
void assign_value_to_reference(int x, int& y)
y = x;
template <typename InputIterator,
typename OutputIterator>
struct copy_iterators
InputIterator input;
OutputIterator output;
copy_iterators(InputIterator input, OutputIterator output)
: input(input), output(output)
__host__ __device__
void operator()(int i)
InputIterator in = input + i;
OutputIterator out = output + i;
// invalid - reference<int> is not convertible to int&
// assign_reference_to_reference(*in, *out);
// valid - reference<int> explicitly converted to int&
assign_reference_to_reference(thrust::raw_reference_cast(*in), thrust::raw_reference_cast(*out));
// valid - since reference<int> is convertible to int
assign_value_to_reference(*in, thrust::raw_reference_cast(*out));
template <typename Vector>
void print(const std::string& name, const Vector& v)
typedef typename Vector::value_type T;
std::cout << name << ": ";
thrust::copy(v.begin(), v.end(), std::ostream_iterator<T>(std::cout, " "));
std::cout << "\n";
int main(void)
typedef thrust::device_vector<int> Vector;
typedef Vector::iterator Iterator;
typedef thrust::device_system_tag System;
size_t N = 5;
// allocate device memory
Vector A(N);
Vector B(N);
// initialize A and B
thrust::sequence(A.begin(), A.end());
thrust::fill(B.begin(), B.end(), 0);
std::cout << "Before A->B Copy" << std::endl;
print("A", A);
print("B", B);
// note: we must specify the System to ensure correct execution
copy_iterators<Iterator,Iterator>(A.begin(), B.begin()));
std::cout << "After A->B Copy" << std::endl;
print("A", A);
print("B", B);
return 0;