import os from datetime import datetime as dt from pathlib import Path import requests import spacy import streamlit as st import streamlit.components.v1 as components from import Network from spacy import displacy from spacy.tokens import Doc from streamlit_extras.badges import badge from streamlit_extras.stylable_container import stylable_container from utils import get_random_color, visualize_parser from relik import Relik # RELIK = os.getenv("RELIK", "localhost:8000/api/relik") state_variables = {"has_run_free": False, "html_free": ""} def init_state_variables(): for k, v in state_variables.items(): if k not in st.session_state: st.session_state[k] = v def free_reset_session(): for k in state_variables: del st.session_state[k] def generate_graph(dict_ents, response, filename, options): g = Network( width="720px", height="600px", directed=True, notebook=False, bgcolor="#222222", font_color="white", ) g.barnes_hut( gravity=-3000, central_gravity=0.3, spring_length=50, spring_strength=0.001, damping=0.09, overlap=0, ) for ent in dict_ents: g.add_node( dict_ents[ent][0], label=dict_ents[ent][1], color=options["colors"][dict_ents[ent][0]], title=dict_ents[ent][0], size=15, labelHighlightBold=True, ) for rel in response.triples: g.add_edge( dict_ents[(rel.subject.start, rel.subject.end)][0], dict_ents[(rel.object.start, rel.object.end)][0], label=rel.label, title=rel.label, ), notebook=False) def set_sidebar(css): white_link_wrapper = ( "{}" ) with st.sidebar: st.markdown(f"", unsafe_allow_html=True) st.image( "", use_column_width=True, ) st.markdown("## ReLiK") st.write( f""" - {white_link_wrapper.format("#", "  Paper")} - {white_link_wrapper.format("", "  GitHub")} - {white_link_wrapper.format("", "  Docker Hub")} """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) st.markdown("## Sapienza NLP") st.write( f""" - {white_link_wrapper.format("", "  Webpage")} - {white_link_wrapper.format("", "  GitHub")} - {white_link_wrapper.format("", "  Twitter")} - {white_link_wrapper.format("", "  LinkedIn")} """, unsafe_allow_html=True, ) def get_span_annotations(response): el_link_wrapper = ( "" " " "{}" ) tokens = response.tokens labels = ["O"] * len(tokens) dict_ents = {} # make BIO labels for idx, span in enumerate(response.spans): labels[span.start] = ( "B-" + span.label + str(idx) if span.label == "NME" else "B-" + el_link_wrapper.format(span.label.replace(" ", "_"), span.label) ) for i in range(span.start + 1, span.end): labels[i] = ( "I-" + span.label + str(idx) if span.label == "NME" else "I-" + el_link_wrapper.format(span.label.replace(" ", "_"), span.label) ) dict_ents[(span.start, span.end)] = ( span.label + str(idx), " ".join(tokens[span.start : span.end]), ) unique_labels = set(w[2:] for w in labels if w != "O") options = {"ents": unique_labels, "colors": get_random_color(unique_labels)} return tokens, labels, options, dict_ents @st.cache_resource() def load_model(): return Relik.from_pretrained("riccorl/relik-relation-extraction-nyt-small") def set_intro(css): # intro st.markdown("# ReLik") st.markdown( "### Retrieve, Read and LinK: Fast and Accurate Entity Linking " "and Relation Extraction on an Academic Budget" ) # st.markdown( # "This is a front-end for the paper [Universal Semantic Annotator: the First Unified API " # "for WSD, SRL and Semantic Parsing]( # _Semantic_Annotator_the_First_Unified_API_for_WSD_SRL_and_Semantic_Parsing), # which will be presented at LREC 2022 by " # "[Riccardo Orlando](, [Simone Conia](, " # "[Stefano Faralli](, # and [Roberto Navigli](" # ) badge(type="github", name="sapienzanlp/relik") badge(type="pypi", name="relik") def run_client(): with open(Path(__file__).parent / "style.css") as f: css = st.set_page_config( page_title="ReLik", page_icon="🦮", layout="wide", ) set_sidebar(css) set_intro(css) # text input text = st.text_area( "Enter Text Below:", value="Michael Jordan was one of the best players in the NBA.", height=200, max_chars=1500, ) with stylable_container( key="annotate_button", css_styles=""" button { background-color: #802433; color: white; border-radius: 25px; } """, ): submit = st.button("Annotate") if "relik_model" not in st.session_state.keys(): st.session_state["relik_model"] = load_model() relik_model = st.session_state["relik_model"] init_state_variables() # ReLik API call # spacy for span visualization nlp = spacy.blank("xx") if submit: text = text.strip() if text: st.session_state["filename"] = str( * 1000) + ".html" with st.spinner(text="In progress"): response = relik_model(text, annotation_type="word", num_workers=0) # response =, json=text) # if response.status_code != 200: # st.error("Error: {}".format(response.status_code)) # else: # response = response.json() # EL st.markdown("####") st.markdown("#### Entities") tokens, labels, options, dict_ents = get_span_annotations( response=response ) doc = Doc(nlp.vocab, words=tokens, ents=labels) display_el = displacy.render(doc, style="ent", options=options) display_el = display_el.replace("\n", " ") # heuristic, prevents split of annotation decorations display_el = display_el.replace( "border-radius: 0.35em;", "border-radius: 0.35em; white-space: nowrap;", ) with st.container(): st.write(display_el, unsafe_allow_html=True) # RE generate_graph( dict_ents, response, st.session_state["filename"], options ) HtmlFile = open(st.session_state["filename"], "r", encoding="utf-8") source_code = st.session_state["html_free"] = source_code os.remove(st.session_state["filename"]) st.session_state["has_run_free"] = True else: st.error("Please enter some text.") if st.session_state["has_run_free"]: st.markdown("#### Relations") components.html(st.session_state["html_free"], width=720, height=600) if __name__ == "__main__": run_client()