hgagent / lagent /agents /agent.py
import copy
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict, UserDict, UserList, abc
from functools import wraps
from itertools import chain, repeat
from typing import Any, AsyncGenerator, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union
from lagent.agents.aggregator import DefaultAggregator
from lagent.hooks import Hook, RemovableHandle
from lagent.llms import BaseLLM
from lagent.memory import Memory, MemoryManager
from lagent.prompts.parsers import StrParser
from lagent.prompts.prompt_template import PromptTemplate
from lagent.schema import AgentMessage, ModelStatusCode
from lagent.utils import create_object
class Agent:
"""Agent is the basic unit of the system. It is responsible for
communicating with the LLM, managing the memory, and handling the
message aggregation and parsing. It can also be extended with hooks
llm (Union[BaseLLM, Dict]): The language model used by the agent.
template (Union[PromptTemplate, str]): The template used to format the
memory (Dict): The memory used by the agent.
output_format (Dict): The output format used by the agent.
aggregator (Dict): The aggregator used by the agent.
name (Optional[str]): The name of the agent.
description (Optional[str]): The description of the agent.
hooks (Optional[Union[List[Dict], Dict]]): The hooks used by the agent.
AgentMessage: The response message.
def __init__(
llm: Union[BaseLLM, Dict] = None,
template: Union[PromptTemplate, str, dict, List[dict]] = None,
memory: Dict = dict(type=Memory),
output_format: Optional[Dict] = None,
aggregator: Dict = dict(type=DefaultAggregator),
name: Optional[str] = None,
description: Optional[str] = None,
hooks: Optional[Union[List[Dict], Dict]] = None,
self.name = name or self.__class__.__name__
self.llm: BaseLLM = create_object(llm)
self.memory: MemoryManager = MemoryManager(memory) if memory else None
self.output_format: StrParser = create_object(output_format)
self.template = template
self.description = description
self.aggregator: DefaultAggregator = create_object(aggregator)
self._hooks: Dict[int, Hook] = OrderedDict()
if hooks:
for hook in hooks:
hook = create_object(hook)
def update_memory(self, message, session_id=0):
if self.memory:
self.memory.add(message, session_id=session_id)
def __call__(self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, **kwargs) -> AgentMessage:
# message.receiver = self.name
message = [AgentMessage(sender='user', content=m) if isinstance(m, str) else copy.deepcopy(m) for m in message]
for hook in self._hooks.values():
result = hook.before_agent(self, message, session_id)
if result:
message = result
self.update_memory(message, session_id=session_id)
response_message = self.forward(*message, session_id=session_id, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(response_message, AgentMessage):
response_message = AgentMessage(sender=self.name, content=response_message)
self.update_memory(response_message, session_id=session_id)
response_message = copy.deepcopy(response_message)
for hook in self._hooks.values():
result = hook.after_agent(self, response_message, session_id)
if result:
response_message = result
return response_message
def forward(self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, **kwargs) -> Union[AgentMessage, str]:
formatted_messages = self.aggregator.aggregate(
self.memory.get(session_id), self.name, self.output_format, self.template
llm_response = self.llm.chat(formatted_messages, **kwargs)
if self.output_format:
formatted_messages = self.output_format.parse_response(llm_response)
return AgentMessage(sender=self.name, content=llm_response, formatted=formatted_messages)
return llm_response
def __setattr__(self, __name: str, __value: Any) -> None:
if isinstance(__value, Agent):
_agents = getattr(self, '_agents', OrderedDict())
_agents[__name] = __value
super().__setattr__('_agents', _agents)
super().__setattr__(__name, __value)
def state_dict(self, session_id=0):
state_dict, stack = {}, [('', self)]
while stack:
prefix, node = stack.pop()
key = prefix + 'memory'
if node.memory is not None:
if session_id not in node.memory.memory_map:
warnings.warn(f'No session id {session_id} in {key}')
memory = node.memory.get(session_id)
state_dict[key] = memory and memory.save() or []
if hasattr(node, '_agents'):
for name, value in reversed(node._agents.items()):
stack.append((prefix + name + '.', value))
return state_dict
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict: Dict, session_id=0):
_state_dict = self.state_dict()
missing_keys = set(_state_dict) - set(state_dict)
if missing_keys:
raise KeyError(f'Missing keys: {missing_keys}')
extra_keys = set(state_dict) - set(_state_dict)
if extra_keys:
warnings.warn(f'Mismatch keys which are not used: {extra_keys}')
for key in _state_dict:
obj = self
for attr in key.split('.')[:-1]:
if isinstance(obj, AgentList):
assert attr.isdigit()
obj = obj[int(attr)]
elif isinstance(obj, AgentDict):
obj = obj[attr]
obj = getattr(obj, attr)
if obj.memory is not None:
if session_id not in obj.memory.memory_map:
obj.memory.memory_map[session_id].load(state_dict[key] or [])
def register_hook(self, hook: Callable):
handle = RemovableHandle(self._hooks)
self._hooks[handle.id] = hook
return handle
def reset(self, session_id=0, keypath: Optional[str] = None, recursive: bool = False):
assert not (keypath and recursive), 'keypath and recursive can\'t be used together'
if keypath:
keys, agent = keypath.split('.'), self
for key in keys:
agents = getattr(agent, '_agents', {})
if key not in agents:
raise KeyError(f'No sub-agent named {key} in {agent}')
agent = agents[key]
agent.reset(session_id, recursive=False)
if self.memory:
if recursive:
for agent in getattr(self, '_agents', {}).values():
agent.reset(session_id, recursive=True)
def __repr__(self):
def _rcsv_repr(agent, n_indent=1):
res = agent.__class__.__name__ + (f"(name='{agent.name}')" if agent.name else '')
modules = [
f"{n_indent * ' '}({name}): {_rcsv_repr(agent, n_indent + 1)}"
for name, agent in getattr(agent, '_agents', {}).items()
if modules:
res += '(\n' + '\n'.join(modules) + f'\n{(n_indent - 1) * " "})'
elif not res.endswith(')'):
res += '()'
return res
return _rcsv_repr(self)
class AsyncAgentMixin:
async def __call__(self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, **kwargs) -> AgentMessage:
message = [AgentMessage(sender='user', content=m) if isinstance(m, str) else copy.deepcopy(m) for m in message]
for hook in self._hooks.values():
result = hook.before_agent(self, message, session_id)
if result:
message = result
self.update_memory(message, session_id=session_id)
response_message = await self.forward(*message, session_id=session_id, **kwargs)
if not isinstance(response_message, AgentMessage):
response_message = AgentMessage(sender=self.name, content=response_message)
self.update_memory(response_message, session_id=session_id)
response_message = copy.deepcopy(response_message)
for hook in self._hooks.values():
result = hook.after_agent(self, response_message, session_id)
if result:
response_message = result
return response_message
async def forward(self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, **kwargs) -> Union[AgentMessage, str]:
formatted_messages = self.aggregator.aggregate(
self.memory.get(session_id), self.name, self.output_format, self.template
llm_response = await self.llm.chat(formatted_messages, session_id, **kwargs)
if self.output_format:
formatted_messages = self.output_format.parse_response(llm_response)
return AgentMessage(sender=self.name, content=llm_response, formatted=formatted_messages)
return llm_response
class AsyncAgent(AsyncAgentMixin, Agent):
"""Asynchronous variant of the Agent class"""
class StreamingAgentMixin:
"""Component that makes agent calling output a streaming response."""
def __call__(self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, **kwargs) -> Generator[AgentMessage, None, None]:
message = [AgentMessage(sender='user', content=m) if isinstance(m, str) else copy.deepcopy(m) for m in message]
for hook in self._hooks.values():
result = hook.before_agent(self, message, session_id)
if result:
message = result
self.update_memory(message, session_id=session_id)
response_message = AgentMessage(sender=self.name, content="")
for response_message in self.forward(*message, session_id=session_id, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(response_message, AgentMessage):
model_state, response = response_message
response_message = AgentMessage(sender=self.name, content=response, stream_state=model_state)
yield response_message.model_copy()
self.update_memory(response_message, session_id=session_id)
response_message = copy.deepcopy(response_message)
for hook in self._hooks.values():
result = hook.after_agent(self, response_message, session_id)
if result:
response_message = result
yield response_message
def forward(
self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, **kwargs
) -> Generator[Union[AgentMessage, Tuple[ModelStatusCode, str]], None, None]:
formatted_messages = self.aggregator.aggregate(
self.memory.get(session_id), self.name, self.output_format, self.template
for model_state, response, *_ in self.llm.stream_chat(formatted_messages, session_id=session_id, **kwargs):
yield (
if self.output_format
else (model_state, response)
class AsyncStreamingAgentMixin:
"""Component that makes asynchronous agent calling output a streaming response."""
async def __call__(self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, **kwargs) -> AsyncGenerator[AgentMessage, None]:
message = [AgentMessage(sender='user', content=m) if isinstance(m, str) else copy.deepcopy(m) for m in message]
for hook in self._hooks.values():
result = hook.before_agent(self, message, session_id)
if result:
message = result
self.update_memory(message, session_id=session_id)
response_message = AgentMessage(sender=self.name, content="")
async for response_message in self.forward(*message, session_id=session_id, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(response_message, AgentMessage):
model_state, response = response_message
response_message = AgentMessage(sender=self.name, content=response, stream_state=model_state)
yield response_message.model_copy()
self.update_memory(response_message, session_id=session_id)
response_message = copy.deepcopy(response_message)
for hook in self._hooks.values():
result = hook.after_agent(self, response_message, session_id)
if result:
response_message = result
yield response_message
async def forward(
self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, **kwargs
) -> AsyncGenerator[Union[AgentMessage, Tuple[ModelStatusCode, str]], None]:
formatted_messages = self.aggregator.aggregate(
self.memory.get(session_id), self.name, self.output_format, self.template
async for model_state, response, *_ in self.llm.stream_chat(
formatted_messages, session_id=session_id, **kwargs
yield (
if self.output_format
else (model_state, response)
class StreamingAgent(StreamingAgentMixin, Agent):
"""Streaming variant of the Agent class"""
class AsyncStreamingAgent(AsyncStreamingAgentMixin, Agent):
"""Streaming variant of the AsyncAgent class"""
class Sequential(Agent):
"""Sequential is an agent container that forwards messages to each agent
in the order they are added."""
def __init__(self, *agents: Union[Agent, Iterable], **kwargs):
self._agents = OrderedDict()
if not agents:
raise ValueError('At least one agent should be provided')
if isinstance(agents[0], Iterable) and not isinstance(agents[0], Agent):
if not agents[0]:
raise ValueError('At least one agent should be provided')
agents = agents[0]
for key, agent in enumerate(agents):
if isinstance(agents, Mapping):
key, agent = agent, agents[agent]
elif isinstance(agent, tuple):
key, agent = agent
self.add_agent(key, agent)
def add_agent(self, name: str, agent: Agent):
assert isinstance(agent, Agent), f'{type(agent)} is not an Agent subclass'
self._agents[str(name)] = agent
def forward(self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, exit_at: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs) -> AgentMessage:
assert exit_at is None or exit_at >= 0, 'exit_at should be greater than or equal to 0'
if exit_at is None:
exit_at = len(self) - 1
iterator = chain.from_iterable(repeat(self._agents.values()))
for _ in range(exit_at + 1):
agent = next(iterator)
if isinstance(message, AgentMessage):
message = (message,)
message = agent(*message, session_id=session_id, **kwargs)
return message
def __getitem__(self, key):
if isinstance(key, int) and key < 0:
assert key >= -len(self), 'index out of range'
key = len(self) + key
return self._agents[str(key)]
def __len__(self):
return len(self._agents)
class AsyncSequential(AsyncAgentMixin, Sequential):
async def forward(
self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, exit_at: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs
) -> AgentMessage:
assert exit_at is None or exit_at >= 0, 'exit_at should be greater than or equal to 0'
if exit_at is None:
exit_at = len(self) - 1
iterator = chain.from_iterable(repeat(self._agents.values()))
for _ in range(exit_at + 1):
agent = next(iterator)
if isinstance(message, AgentMessage):
message = (message,)
message = await agent(*message, session_id=session_id, **kwargs)
return message
class StreamingSequential(StreamingAgentMixin, Sequential):
"""Streaming variant of the Sequential class"""
def forward(self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, exit_at: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs):
assert exit_at is None or exit_at >= 0, 'exit_at should be greater than or equal to 0'
if exit_at is None:
exit_at = len(self) - 1
iterator = chain.from_iterable(repeat(self._agents.values()))
for _ in range(exit_at + 1):
agent = next(iterator)
if isinstance(message, AgentMessage):
message = (message,)
for message in agent(*message, session_id=session_id, **kwargs):
yield message
class AsyncStreamingSequential(AsyncStreamingAgentMixin, Sequential):
"""Streaming variant of the AsyncSequential class"""
async def forward(self, *message: AgentMessage, session_id=0, exit_at: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs):
assert exit_at is None or exit_at >= 0, 'exit_at should be greater than or equal to 0'
if exit_at is None:
exit_at = len(self) - 1
iterator = chain.from_iterable(repeat(self._agents.values()))
for _ in range(exit_at + 1):
agent = next(iterator)
if isinstance(message, AgentMessage):
message = (message,)
async for message in agent(*message, session_id=session_id, **kwargs):
yield message
class AgentContainerMixin:
def __init_subclass__(cls):
def wrap_api(func):
def wrapped_func(self, *args, **kwargs):
data = self.data.copy() if hasattr(self, 'data') else None
def _backup(d):
if d is None:
self.data = d
ret = func(self, *args, **kwargs)
agents = OrderedDict()
for k, item in self.data.items() if isinstance(self.data, abc.Mapping) else enumerate(self.data):
if isinstance(self.data, abc.Mapping) and not isinstance(k, str):
raise KeyError(f'agent name should be a string, got {type(k)}')
if isinstance(k, str) and '.' in k:
raise KeyError(f'agent name can\'t contain ".", got {k}')
if not isinstance(item, Agent):
raise TypeError(f'{type(item)} is not an Agent subclass')
agents[str(k)] = item
self._agents = agents
return ret
return wrapped_func
# fmt: off
for method in [
'append', 'sort', 'reverse', 'pop', 'clear', 'update',
'insert', 'extend', 'remove', '__init__', '__setitem__',
'__delitem__', '__add__', '__iadd__', '__radd__', '__mul__',
'__imul__', '__rmul__'
if hasattr(cls, method):
setattr(cls, method, wrap_api(getattr(cls, method)))
class AgentList(Agent, UserList, AgentContainerMixin):
def __init__(self, agents: Optional[Iterable[Agent]] = None):
Agent.__init__(self, memory=None)
UserList.__init__(self, agents)
self.name = None
class AgentDict(Agent, UserDict, AgentContainerMixin):
def __init__(self, agents: Optional[Mapping[str, Agent]] = None):
Agent.__init__(self, memory=None)
UserDict.__init__(self, agents)
self.name = None