""" Module: controller This module provides a Controller class for handling user submissions and managing conversations. Dependencies: - app_agent_config: Module providing the AgentConfig class for configuring agents. - utils.logger: Module providing logging functionalities. - model.custom_agent: Module providing the CustomHfAgent class for interacting with Hugging Face models. - model.conversation_chain_singleton: Module providing the ConversationChainSingleton class for managing conversation chains. Classes: - Controller: A class for handling user submissions and managing conversations. """ import os from app_agent_config import AgentConfig # Importing AgentConfig class from app_agent_config module from utils.logger import log_response # Importing log_response function from utils.logger module from model.custom_agent import CustomHfAgent # Importing CustomHfAgent class from model.custom_agent module from model.conversation_chain_singleton import ConversationChainSingleton # Importing ConversationChainSingleton class from model.conversation_chain_singleton module def cut_text_after_keyword(text, keyword): """ Cuts text after the occurrence of a keyword. Args: - text (str): The text to be processed. - keyword (str): The keyword to search for in the text. Returns: - str: The processed text. """ index = text.find(keyword) if index != -1: return text[:index].strip() return text class Controller: """ Controller class for handling user submissions and managing conversations. """ def __init__(self): self.agent_config = AgentConfig() # Initialize AgentConfig instance image = [] # Class attribute for storing image data def handle_submission(self, user_message): """ Handles user submission and interaction with the Hugging Face model. Args: - user_message (str): The message submitted by the user. Returns: - str: The response from the Hugging Face model. """ log_response("User input \n {}".format(user_message)) log_response("selected_tools \n {}".format(self.agent_config.s_tool_checkboxes)) log_response("url_endpoint \n {}".format(self.agent_config.url_endpoint)) log_response("document \n {}".format(self.agent_config.document)) log_response("image \n {}".format(self.agent_config.image)) log_response("context \n {}".format(self.agent_config.context)) selected_tools = [self.agent_config.tool_loader.tools[idx] for idx, checkbox in enumerate(self.agent_config.s_tool_checkboxes) if checkbox] agent = CustomHfAgent( url_endpoint=self.agent_config.url_endpoint, token=os.environ['HF_token'], additional_tools=selected_tools, input_params={"max_new_tokens": 192}, ) agent_response = agent.chat(user_message, document=self.agent_config.document, image=self.agent_config.image, context=self.agent_config.context) log_response("Agent Response\n {}".format(agent_response)) return agent_response def handle_submission_chat(self, user_message, agent_response): """ Handles user messages and responses in a conversation chain. Args: - user_message (str): The message submitted by the user. - agent_response (str): The response from the agent. Returns: - str: The response from the conversation chain. """ agent_chat_bot = ConversationChainSingleton().get_conversation_chain() if agent_response is not None: text = agent_chat_bot.predict(input=user_message + agent_response) else: text = agent_chat_bot.predict(input=user_message) result = cut_text_after_keyword(text, "Human:") print(result) return result