import require$$0$2, { resolve } from 'path'; |
import process$1 from 'process'; |
import { ensureArray, warnUnknownOptions, defaultOnWarn, objectifyOptionWithPresets, treeshakePresets, objectifyOption, generatedCodePresets, picomatch as picomatch$2, getAugmentedNamespace, fseventsImporter, createFilter, rollupInternal } from './rollup.js'; |
import require$$2$1, { platform } from 'os'; |
import require$$0$1 from 'fs'; |
import require$$2 from 'util'; |
import require$$1 from 'stream'; |
import require$$0$3 from 'events'; |
import 'perf_hooks'; |
import 'crypto'; |
const commandAliases = { |
c: 'config', |
d: 'dir', |
e: 'external', |
f: 'format', |
g: 'globals', |
h: 'help', |
i: 'input', |
m: 'sourcemap', |
n: 'name', |
o: 'file', |
p: 'plugin', |
v: 'version', |
w: 'watch' |
}; |
function mergeOptions(config, rawCommandOptions = { external: [], globals: undefined }, defaultOnWarnHandler = defaultOnWarn) { |
const command = getCommandOptions(rawCommandOptions); |
const inputOptions = mergeInputOptions(config, command, defaultOnWarnHandler); |
const warn = inputOptions.onwarn; |
if (command.output) { |
Object.assign(command, command.output); |
} |
const outputOptionsArray = ensureArray(config.output); |
if (outputOptionsArray.length === 0) |
outputOptionsArray.push({}); |
const outputOptions = outputOptionsArray.map(singleOutputOptions => mergeOutputOptions(singleOutputOptions, command, warn)); |
warnUnknownOptions(command, Object.keys(inputOptions).concat(Object.keys(outputOptions[0]).filter(option => option !== 'sourcemapPathTransform'), Object.keys(commandAliases), 'config', 'environment', 'plugin', 'silent', 'failAfterWarnings', 'stdin', 'waitForBundleInput', 'configPlugin'), 'CLI flags', warn, /^_$|output$|config/); |
inputOptions.output = outputOptions; |
return inputOptions; |
} |
function getCommandOptions(rawCommandOptions) { |
const external = rawCommandOptions.external && typeof rawCommandOptions.external === 'string' |
? rawCommandOptions.external.split(',') |
: []; |
return { |
...rawCommandOptions, |
external, |
globals: typeof rawCommandOptions.globals === 'string' |
? rawCommandOptions.globals.split(',').reduce((globals, globalDefinition) => { |
const [id, variableName] = globalDefinition.split(':'); |
globals[id] = variableName; |
if (!external.includes(id)) { |
external.push(id); |
} |
return globals; |
}, Object.create(null)) |
: undefined |
}; |
} |
function mergeInputOptions(config, overrides, defaultOnWarnHandler) { |
const getOption = (name) => { var _a; return (_a = overrides[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : config[name]; }; |
const inputOptions = { |
acorn: getOption('acorn'), |
acornInjectPlugins: config.acornInjectPlugins, |
cache: config.cache, |
context: getOption('context'), |
experimentalCacheExpiry: getOption('experimentalCacheExpiry'), |
external: getExternal(config, overrides), |
inlineDynamicImports: getOption('inlineDynamicImports'), |
input: getOption('input') || [], |
makeAbsoluteExternalsRelative: getOption('makeAbsoluteExternalsRelative'), |
manualChunks: getOption('manualChunks'), |
maxParallelFileOps: getOption('maxParallelFileOps'), |
maxParallelFileReads: getOption('maxParallelFileReads'), |
moduleContext: getOption('moduleContext'), |
onwarn: getOnWarn(config, defaultOnWarnHandler), |
perf: getOption('perf'), |
plugins: ensureArray(config.plugins), |
preserveEntrySignatures: getOption('preserveEntrySignatures'), |
preserveModules: getOption('preserveModules'), |
preserveSymlinks: getOption('preserveSymlinks'), |
shimMissingExports: getOption('shimMissingExports'), |
strictDeprecations: getOption('strictDeprecations'), |
treeshake: getObjectOption(config, overrides, 'treeshake', objectifyOptionWithPresets(treeshakePresets, 'treeshake', 'false, true, ')), |
watch: getWatch(config, overrides) |
}; |
warnUnknownOptions(config, Object.keys(inputOptions), 'input options', inputOptions.onwarn, /^output$/); |
return inputOptions; |
} |
const getExternal = (config, overrides) => { |
const configExternal = config.external; |
return typeof configExternal === 'function' |
? (source, importer, isResolved) => configExternal(source, importer, isResolved) || overrides.external.includes(source) |
: ensureArray(configExternal).concat(overrides.external); |
}; |
const getOnWarn = (config, defaultOnWarnHandler) => config.onwarn |
? warning => config.onwarn(warning, defaultOnWarnHandler) |
: defaultOnWarnHandler; |
const getObjectOption = (config, overrides, name, objectifyValue = objectifyOption) => { |
const commandOption = normalizeObjectOptionValue(overrides[name], objectifyValue); |
const configOption = normalizeObjectOptionValue(config[name], objectifyValue); |
if (commandOption !== undefined) { |
return commandOption && { ...configOption, ...commandOption }; |
} |
return configOption; |
}; |
const getWatch = (config, overrides) => config.watch !== false && getObjectOption(config, overrides, 'watch'); |
const normalizeObjectOptionValue = (optionValue, objectifyValue) => { |
if (!optionValue) { |
return optionValue; |
} |
if (Array.isArray(optionValue)) { |
return optionValue.reduce((result, value) => value && result && { ...result, ...objectifyValue(value) }, {}); |
} |
return objectifyValue(optionValue); |
}; |
function mergeOutputOptions(config, overrides, warn) { |
const getOption = (name) => { var _a; return (_a = overrides[name]) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : config[name]; }; |
const outputOptions = { |
amd: getObjectOption(config, overrides, 'amd'), |
assetFileNames: getOption('assetFileNames'), |
banner: getOption('banner'), |
chunkFileNames: getOption('chunkFileNames'), |
compact: getOption('compact'), |
dir: getOption('dir'), |
dynamicImportFunction: getOption('dynamicImportFunction'), |
entryFileNames: getOption('entryFileNames'), |
esModule: getOption('esModule'), |
exports: getOption('exports'), |
extend: getOption('extend'), |
externalLiveBindings: getOption('externalLiveBindings'), |
file: getOption('file'), |
footer: getOption('footer'), |
format: getOption('format'), |
freeze: getOption('freeze'), |
generatedCode: getObjectOption(config, overrides, 'generatedCode', objectifyOptionWithPresets(generatedCodePresets, 'output.generatedCode', '')), |
globals: getOption('globals'), |
hoistTransitiveImports: getOption('hoistTransitiveImports'), |
indent: getOption('indent'), |
inlineDynamicImports: getOption('inlineDynamicImports'), |
interop: getOption('interop'), |
intro: getOption('intro'), |
manualChunks: getOption('manualChunks'), |
minifyInternalExports: getOption('minifyInternalExports'), |
name: getOption('name'), |
namespaceToStringTag: getOption('namespaceToStringTag'), |
noConflict: getOption('noConflict'), |
outro: getOption('outro'), |
paths: getOption('paths'), |
plugins: ensureArray(config.plugins), |
preferConst: getOption('preferConst'), |
preserveModules: getOption('preserveModules'), |
preserveModulesRoot: getOption('preserveModulesRoot'), |
sanitizeFileName: getOption('sanitizeFileName'), |
sourcemap: getOption('sourcemap'), |
sourcemapBaseUrl: getOption('sourcemapBaseUrl'), |
sourcemapExcludeSources: getOption('sourcemapExcludeSources'), |
sourcemapFile: getOption('sourcemapFile'), |
sourcemapPathTransform: getOption('sourcemapPathTransform'), |
strict: getOption('strict'), |
systemNullSetters: getOption('systemNullSetters'), |
validate: getOption('validate') |
}; |
warnUnknownOptions(config, Object.keys(outputOptions), 'output options', warn); |
return outputOptions; |
} |
var chokidar = {}; |
const fs$3 = require$$0$1; |
const { Readable } = require$$1; |
const sysPath$3 = require$$0$2; |
const { promisify: promisify$3 } = require$$2; |
const picomatch$1 = picomatch$2.exports; |
const readdir$1 = promisify$3(fs$3.readdir); |
const stat$3 = promisify$3(fs$3.stat); |
const lstat$2 = promisify$3(fs$3.lstat); |
const realpath$1 = promisify$3(fs$3.realpath); |
const BANG$2 = '!'; |
const FILE_TYPE = 'files'; |
const DIR_TYPE = 'directories'; |
const FILE_DIR_TYPE = 'files_directories'; |
const EVERYTHING_TYPE = 'all'; |
const isNormalFlowError = error => NORMAL_FLOW_ERRORS.has(error.code); |
const [maj, min] = process.versions.node.split('.').slice(0, 2).map(n => Number.parseInt(n, 10)); |
const wantBigintFsStats = process.platform === 'win32' && (maj > 10 || (maj === 10 && min >= 5)); |
const normalizeFilter = filter => { |
if (filter === undefined) return; |
if (typeof filter === 'function') return filter; |
if (typeof filter === 'string') { |
const glob = picomatch$1(filter.trim()); |
return entry => glob(entry.basename); |
} |
if (Array.isArray(filter)) { |
const positive = []; |
const negative = []; |
for (const item of filter) { |
const trimmed = item.trim(); |
if (trimmed.charAt(0) === BANG$2) { |
negative.push(picomatch$1(trimmed.slice(1))); |
} else { |
positive.push(picomatch$1(trimmed)); |
} |
} |
if (negative.length > 0) { |
if (positive.length > 0) { |
return entry => |
positive.some(f => f(entry.basename)) && !negative.some(f => f(entry.basename)); |
} |
return entry => !negative.some(f => f(entry.basename)); |
} |
return entry => positive.some(f => f(entry.basename)); |
} |
}; |
class ReaddirpStream extends Readable { |
static get defaultOptions() { |
return { |
root: '.', |
fileFilter: (path) => true, |
directoryFilter: (path) => true, |
type: FILE_TYPE, |
lstat: false, |
depth: 2147483648, |
alwaysStat: false |
}; |
} |
constructor(options = {}) { |
super({ |
objectMode: true, |
autoDestroy: true, |
highWaterMark: options.highWaterMark || 4096 |
}); |
const opts = { ...ReaddirpStream.defaultOptions, ...options }; |
const { root, type } = opts; |
this._fileFilter = normalizeFilter(opts.fileFilter); |
this._directoryFilter = normalizeFilter(opts.directoryFilter); |
const statMethod = opts.lstat ? lstat$2 : stat$3; |
if (wantBigintFsStats) { |
this._stat = path => statMethod(path, { bigint: true }); |
} else { |
this._stat = statMethod; |
} |
this._maxDepth = opts.depth; |
this._wantsDir = [DIR_TYPE, FILE_DIR_TYPE, EVERYTHING_TYPE].includes(type); |
this._wantsFile = [FILE_TYPE, FILE_DIR_TYPE, EVERYTHING_TYPE].includes(type); |
this._wantsEverything = type === EVERYTHING_TYPE; |
this._root = sysPath$3.resolve(root); |
this._isDirent = ('Dirent' in fs$3) && !opts.alwaysStat; |
this._statsProp = this._isDirent ? 'dirent' : 'stats'; |
this._rdOptions = { encoding: 'utf8', withFileTypes: this._isDirent }; |
this.parents = [this._exploreDir(root, 1)]; |
this.reading = false; |
this.parent = undefined; |
} |
async _read(batch) { |
if (this.reading) return; |
this.reading = true; |
try { |
while (!this.destroyed && batch > 0) { |
const { path, depth, files = [] } = this.parent || {}; |
if (files.length > 0) { |
const slice = files.splice(0, batch).map(dirent => this._formatEntry(dirent, path)); |
for (const entry of await Promise.all(slice)) { |
if (this.destroyed) return; |
const entryType = await this._getEntryType(entry); |
if (entryType === 'directory' && this._directoryFilter(entry)) { |
if (depth <= this._maxDepth) { |
this.parents.push(this._exploreDir(entry.fullPath, depth + 1)); |
} |
if (this._wantsDir) { |
this.push(entry); |
batch--; |
} |
} else if ((entryType === 'file' || this._includeAsFile(entry)) && this._fileFilter(entry)) { |
if (this._wantsFile) { |
this.push(entry); |
batch--; |
} |
} |
} |
} else { |
const parent = this.parents.pop(); |
if (!parent) { |
this.push(null); |
break; |
} |
this.parent = await parent; |
if (this.destroyed) return; |
} |
} |
} catch (error) { |
this.destroy(error); |
} finally { |
this.reading = false; |
} |
} |
async _exploreDir(path, depth) { |
let files; |
try { |
files = await readdir$1(path, this._rdOptions); |
} catch (error) { |
this._onError(error); |
} |
return { files, depth, path }; |
} |
async _formatEntry(dirent, path) { |
let entry; |
try { |
const basename = this._isDirent ? dirent.name : dirent; |
const fullPath = sysPath$3.resolve(sysPath$3.join(path, basename)); |
entry = { path: sysPath$3.relative(this._root, fullPath), fullPath, basename }; |
entry[this._statsProp] = this._isDirent ? dirent : await this._stat(fullPath); |
} catch (err) { |
this._onError(err); |
} |
return entry; |
} |
_onError(err) { |
if (isNormalFlowError(err) && !this.destroyed) { |
this.emit('warn', err); |
} else { |
this.destroy(err); |
} |
} |
async _getEntryType(entry) { |
const stats = entry && entry[this._statsProp]; |
if (!stats) { |
return; |
} |
if (stats.isFile()) { |
return 'file'; |
} |
if (stats.isDirectory()) { |
return 'directory'; |
} |
if (stats && stats.isSymbolicLink()) { |
const full = entry.fullPath; |
try { |
const entryRealPath = await realpath$1(full); |
const entryRealPathStats = await lstat$2(entryRealPath); |
if (entryRealPathStats.isFile()) { |
return 'file'; |
} |
if (entryRealPathStats.isDirectory()) { |
const len = entryRealPath.length; |
if (full.startsWith(entryRealPath) && full.substr(len, 1) === sysPath$3.sep) { |
const recursiveError = new Error( |
`Circular symlink detected: "${full}" points to "${entryRealPath}"` |
); |
recursiveError.code = RECURSIVE_ERROR_CODE; |
return this._onError(recursiveError); |
} |
return 'directory'; |
} |
} catch (error) { |
this._onError(error); |
} |
} |
} |
_includeAsFile(entry) { |
const stats = entry && entry[this._statsProp]; |
return stats && this._wantsEverything && !stats.isDirectory(); |
} |
} |
const readdirp$1 = (root, options = {}) => { |
let type = options.entryType || options.type; |
if (type === 'both') type = FILE_DIR_TYPE; |
if (type) options.type = type; |
if (!root) { |
throw new Error('readdirp: root argument is required. Usage: readdirp(root, options)'); |
} else if (typeof root !== 'string') { |
throw new TypeError('readdirp: root argument must be a string. Usage: readdirp(root, options)'); |
} else if (type && !ALL_TYPES.includes(type)) { |
throw new Error(`readdirp: Invalid type passed. Use one of ${ALL_TYPES.join(', ')}`); |
} |
options.root = root; |
return new ReaddirpStream(options); |
}; |
const readdirpPromise = (root, options = {}) => { |
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { |
const files = []; |
readdirp$1(root, options) |
.on('data', entry => files.push(entry)) |
.on('end', () => resolve(files)) |
.on('error', error => reject(error)); |
}); |
}; |
readdirp$1.promise = readdirpPromise; |
readdirp$1.ReaddirpStream = ReaddirpStream; |
readdirp$1.default = readdirp$1; |
var readdirp_1 = readdirp$1; |
var anymatch$2 = {exports: {}}; |
var normalizePath$2 = function(path, stripTrailing) { |
if (typeof path !== 'string') { |
throw new TypeError('expected path to be a string'); |
} |
if (path === '\\' || path === '/') return '/'; |
var len = path.length; |
if (len <= 1) return path; |
var prefix = ''; |
if (len > 4 && path[3] === '\\') { |
var ch = path[2]; |
if ((ch === '?' || ch === '.') && path.slice(0, 2) === '\\\\') { |
path = path.slice(2); |
prefix = '//'; |
} |
} |
var segs = path.split(/[/\\]+/); |
if (stripTrailing !== false && segs[segs.length - 1] === '') { |
segs.pop(); |
} |
return prefix + segs.join('/'); |
}; |
Object.defineProperty(anymatch$2.exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); |
const picomatch = picomatch$2.exports; |
const normalizePath$1 = normalizePath$2; |
const BANG$1 = '!'; |
const DEFAULT_OPTIONS = {returnIndex: false}; |
const arrify$1 = (item) => Array.isArray(item) ? item : [item]; |
const createPattern = (matcher, options) => { |
if (typeof matcher === 'function') { |
return matcher; |
} |
if (typeof matcher === 'string') { |
const glob = picomatch(matcher, options); |
return (string) => matcher === string || glob(string); |
} |
if (matcher instanceof RegExp) { |
return (string) => matcher.test(string); |
} |
return (string) => false; |
}; |
const matchPatterns = (patterns, negPatterns, args, returnIndex) => { |
const isList = Array.isArray(args); |
const _path = isList ? args[0] : args; |
if (!isList && typeof _path !== 'string') { |
throw new TypeError('anymatch: second argument must be a string: got ' + |
Object.prototype.toString.call(_path)) |
} |
const path = normalizePath$1(_path); |
for (let index = 0; index < negPatterns.length; index++) { |
const nglob = negPatterns[index]; |
if (nglob(path)) { |
return returnIndex ? -1 : false; |
} |
} |
const applied = isList && [path].concat(args.slice(1)); |
for (let index = 0; index < patterns.length; index++) { |
const pattern = patterns[index]; |
if (isList ? pattern(...applied) : pattern(path)) { |
return returnIndex ? index : true; |
} |
} |
return returnIndex ? -1 : false; |
}; |
const anymatch$1 = (matchers, testString, options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS) => { |
if (matchers == null) { |
throw new TypeError('anymatch: specify first argument'); |
} |
const opts = typeof options === 'boolean' ? {returnIndex: options} : options; |
const returnIndex = opts.returnIndex || false; |
const mtchers = arrify$1(matchers); |
const negatedGlobs = mtchers |
.filter(item => typeof item === 'string' && item.charAt(0) === BANG$1) |
.map(item => item.slice(1)) |
.map(item => picomatch(item, opts)); |
const patterns = mtchers |
.filter(item => typeof item !== 'string' || (typeof item === 'string' && item.charAt(0) !== BANG$1)) |
.map(matcher => createPattern(matcher, opts)); |
if (testString == null) { |
return (testString, ri = false) => { |
const returnIndex = typeof ri === 'boolean' ? ri : false; |
return matchPatterns(patterns, negatedGlobs, testString, returnIndex); |
} |
} |
return matchPatterns(patterns, negatedGlobs, testString, returnIndex); |
}; |
anymatch$1.default = anymatch$1; |
anymatch$2.exports = anymatch$1; |
var isExtglob$1 = function isExtglob(str) { |
if (typeof str !== 'string' || str === '') { |
return false; |
} |
var match; |
while ((match = /(\\).|([@?!+*]\(.*\))/g.exec(str))) { |
if (match[2]) return true; |
str = str.slice(match.index + match[0].length); |
} |
return false; |
}; |
var isExtglob = isExtglob$1; |
var chars = { '{': '}', '(': ')', '[': ']'}; |
var strictCheck = function(str) { |
if (str[0] === '!') { |
return true; |
} |
var index = 0; |
var pipeIndex = -2; |
var closeSquareIndex = -2; |
var closeCurlyIndex = -2; |
var closeParenIndex = -2; |
var backSlashIndex = -2; |
while (index < str.length) { |
if (str[index] === '*') { |
return true; |
} |
if (str[index + 1] === '?' && /[\].+)]/.test(str[index])) { |
return true; |
} |
if (closeSquareIndex !== -1 && str[index] === '[' && str[index + 1] !== ']') { |
if (closeSquareIndex < index) { |
closeSquareIndex = str.indexOf(']', index); |
} |
if (closeSquareIndex > index) { |
if (backSlashIndex === -1 || backSlashIndex > closeSquareIndex) { |
return true; |
} |
backSlashIndex = str.indexOf('\\', index); |
if (backSlashIndex === -1 || backSlashIndex > closeSquareIndex) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
if (closeCurlyIndex !== -1 && str[index] === '{' && str[index + 1] !== '}') { |
closeCurlyIndex = str.indexOf('}', index); |
if (closeCurlyIndex > index) { |
backSlashIndex = str.indexOf('\\', index); |
if (backSlashIndex === -1 || backSlashIndex > closeCurlyIndex) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
if (closeParenIndex !== -1 && str[index] === '(' && str[index + 1] === '?' && /[:!=]/.test(str[index + 2]) && str[index + 3] !== ')') { |
closeParenIndex = str.indexOf(')', index); |
if (closeParenIndex > index) { |
backSlashIndex = str.indexOf('\\', index); |
if (backSlashIndex === -1 || backSlashIndex > closeParenIndex) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
if (pipeIndex !== -1 && str[index] === '(' && str[index + 1] !== '|') { |
if (pipeIndex < index) { |
pipeIndex = str.indexOf('|', index); |
} |
if (pipeIndex !== -1 && str[pipeIndex + 1] !== ')') { |
closeParenIndex = str.indexOf(')', pipeIndex); |
if (closeParenIndex > pipeIndex) { |
backSlashIndex = str.indexOf('\\', pipeIndex); |
if (backSlashIndex === -1 || backSlashIndex > closeParenIndex) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
if (str[index] === '\\') { |
var open = str[index + 1]; |
index += 2; |
var close = chars[open]; |
if (close) { |
var n = str.indexOf(close, index); |
if (n !== -1) { |
index = n + 1; |
} |
} |
if (str[index] === '!') { |
return true; |
} |
} else { |
index++; |
} |
} |
return false; |
}; |
var relaxedCheck = function(str) { |
if (str[0] === '!') { |
return true; |
} |
var index = 0; |
while (index < str.length) { |
if (/[*?{}()[\]]/.test(str[index])) { |
return true; |
} |
if (str[index] === '\\') { |
var open = str[index + 1]; |
index += 2; |
var close = chars[open]; |
if (close) { |
var n = str.indexOf(close, index); |
if (n !== -1) { |
index = n + 1; |
} |
} |
if (str[index] === '!') { |
return true; |
} |
} else { |
index++; |
} |
} |
return false; |
}; |
var isGlob$2 = function isGlob(str, options) { |
if (typeof str !== 'string' || str === '') { |
return false; |
} |
if (isExtglob(str)) { |
return true; |
} |
var check = strictCheck; |
if (options && options.strict === false) { |
check = relaxedCheck; |
} |
return check(str); |
}; |
var isGlob$1 = isGlob$2; |
var pathPosixDirname = require$$0$2.posix.dirname; |
var isWin32 = require$$2$1.platform() === 'win32'; |
var slash = '/'; |
var backslash = /\\/g; |
var enclosure = /[\{\[].*[\}\]]$/; |
var globby = /(^|[^\\])([\{\[]|\([^\)]+$)/; |
var escaped = /\\([\!\*\?\|\[\]\(\)\{\}])/g; |
var globParent$1 = function globParent(str, opts) { |
var options = Object.assign({ flipBackslashes: true }, opts); |
if (options.flipBackslashes && isWin32 && str.indexOf(slash) < 0) { |
str = str.replace(backslash, slash); |
} |
if (enclosure.test(str)) { |
str += slash; |
} |
str += 'a'; |
do { |
str = pathPosixDirname(str); |
} while (isGlob$1(str) || globby.test(str)); |
return str.replace(escaped, '$1'); |
}; |
var utils$3 = {}; |
(function (exports) { |
exports.isInteger = num => { |
if (typeof num === 'number') { |
return Number.isInteger(num); |
} |
if (typeof num === 'string' && num.trim() !== '') { |
return Number.isInteger(Number(num)); |
} |
return false; |
}; |
exports.find = (node, type) => node.nodes.find(node => node.type === type); |
exports.exceedsLimit = (min, max, step = 1, limit) => { |
if (limit === false) return false; |
if (!exports.isInteger(min) || !exports.isInteger(max)) return false; |
return ((Number(max) - Number(min)) / Number(step)) >= limit; |
}; |
exports.escapeNode = (block, n = 0, type) => { |
let node = block.nodes[n]; |
if (!node) return; |
if ((type && node.type === type) || node.type === 'open' || node.type === 'close') { |
if (node.escaped !== true) { |
node.value = '\\' + node.value; |
node.escaped = true; |
} |
} |
}; |
exports.encloseBrace = node => { |
if (node.type !== 'brace') return false; |
if ((node.commas >> 0 + node.ranges >> 0) === 0) { |
node.invalid = true; |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
}; |
exports.isInvalidBrace = block => { |
if (block.type !== 'brace') return false; |
if (block.invalid === true || block.dollar) return true; |
if ((block.commas >> 0 + block.ranges >> 0) === 0) { |
block.invalid = true; |
return true; |
} |
if (block.open !== true || block.close !== true) { |
block.invalid = true; |
return true; |
} |
return false; |
}; |
exports.isOpenOrClose = node => { |
if (node.type === 'open' || node.type === 'close') { |
return true; |
} |
return node.open === true || node.close === true; |
}; |
exports.reduce = nodes => nodes.reduce((acc, node) => { |
if (node.type === 'text') acc.push(node.value); |
if (node.type === 'range') node.type = 'text'; |
return acc; |
}, []); |
exports.flatten = (...args) => { |
const result = []; |
const flat = arr => { |
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { |
let ele = arr[i]; |
Array.isArray(ele) ? flat(ele) : ele !== void 0 && result.push(ele); |
} |
return result; |
}; |
flat(args); |
return result; |
}; |
} (utils$3)); |
const utils$2 = utils$3; |
var stringify$4 = (ast, options = {}) => { |
let stringify = (node, parent = {}) => { |
let invalidBlock = options.escapeInvalid && utils$2.isInvalidBrace(parent); |
let invalidNode = node.invalid === true && options.escapeInvalid === true; |
let output = ''; |
if (node.value) { |
if ((invalidBlock || invalidNode) && utils$2.isOpenOrClose(node)) { |
return '\\' + node.value; |
} |
return node.value; |
} |
if (node.value) { |
return node.value; |
} |
if (node.nodes) { |
for (let child of node.nodes) { |
output += stringify(child); |
} |
} |
return output; |
}; |
return stringify(ast); |
}; |
var isNumber$2 = function(num) { |
if (typeof num === 'number') { |
return num - num === 0; |
} |
if (typeof num === 'string' && num.trim() !== '') { |
return Number.isFinite ? Number.isFinite(+num) : isFinite(+num); |
} |
return false; |
}; |
const isNumber$1 = isNumber$2; |
const toRegexRange$1 = (min, max, options) => { |
if (isNumber$1(min) === false) { |
throw new TypeError('toRegexRange: expected the first argument to be a number'); |
} |
if (max === void 0 || min === max) { |
return String(min); |
} |
if (isNumber$1(max) === false) { |
throw new TypeError('toRegexRange: expected the second argument to be a number.'); |
} |
let opts = { relaxZeros: true, ...options }; |
if (typeof opts.strictZeros === 'boolean') { |
opts.relaxZeros = opts.strictZeros === false; |
} |
let relax = String(opts.relaxZeros); |
let shorthand = String(opts.shorthand); |
let capture = String(opts.capture); |
let wrap = String(opts.wrap); |
let cacheKey = min + ':' + max + '=' + relax + shorthand + capture + wrap; |
if (toRegexRange$1.cache.hasOwnProperty(cacheKey)) { |
return toRegexRange$1.cache[cacheKey].result; |
} |
let a = Math.min(min, max); |
let b = Math.max(min, max); |
if (Math.abs(a - b) === 1) { |
let result = min + '|' + max; |
if (opts.capture) { |
return `(${result})`; |
} |
if (opts.wrap === false) { |
return result; |
} |
return `(?:${result})`; |
} |
let isPadded = hasPadding(min) || hasPadding(max); |
let state = { min, max, a, b }; |
let positives = []; |
let negatives = []; |
if (isPadded) { |
state.isPadded = isPadded; |
state.maxLen = String(state.max).length; |
} |
if (a < 0) { |
let newMin = b < 0 ? Math.abs(b) : 1; |
negatives = splitToPatterns(newMin, Math.abs(a), state, opts); |
a = state.a = 0; |
} |
if (b >= 0) { |
positives = splitToPatterns(a, b, state, opts); |
} |
state.negatives = negatives; |
state.positives = positives; |
state.result = collatePatterns(negatives, positives); |
if (opts.capture === true) { |
state.result = `(${state.result})`; |
} else if (opts.wrap !== false && (positives.length + negatives.length) > 1) { |
state.result = `(?:${state.result})`; |
} |
toRegexRange$1.cache[cacheKey] = state; |
return state.result; |
}; |
function collatePatterns(neg, pos, options) { |
let onlyNegative = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-', false) || []; |
let onlyPositive = filterPatterns(pos, neg, '', false) || []; |
let intersected = filterPatterns(neg, pos, '-?', true) || []; |
let subpatterns = onlyNegative.concat(intersected).concat(onlyPositive); |
return subpatterns.join('|'); |
} |
function splitToRanges(min, max) { |
let nines = 1; |
let zeros = 1; |
let stop = countNines(min, nines); |
let stops = new Set([max]); |
while (min <= stop && stop <= max) { |
stops.add(stop); |
nines += 1; |
stop = countNines(min, nines); |
} |
stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1; |
while (min < stop && stop <= max) { |
stops.add(stop); |
zeros += 1; |
stop = countZeros(max + 1, zeros) - 1; |
} |
stops = [...stops]; |
stops.sort(compare); |
return stops; |
} |
function rangeToPattern(start, stop, options) { |
if (start === stop) { |
return { pattern: start, count: [], digits: 0 }; |
} |
let zipped = zip(start, stop); |
let digits = zipped.length; |
let pattern = ''; |
let count = 0; |
for (let i = 0; i < digits; i++) { |
let [startDigit, stopDigit] = zipped[i]; |
if (startDigit === stopDigit) { |
pattern += startDigit; |
} else if (startDigit !== '0' || stopDigit !== '9') { |
pattern += toCharacterClass(startDigit, stopDigit); |
} else { |
count++; |
} |
} |
if (count) { |
pattern += options.shorthand === true ? '\\d' : '[0-9]'; |
} |
return { pattern, count: [count], digits }; |
} |
function splitToPatterns(min, max, tok, options) { |
let ranges = splitToRanges(min, max); |
let tokens = []; |
let start = min; |
let prev; |
for (let i = 0; i < ranges.length; i++) { |
let max = ranges[i]; |
let obj = rangeToPattern(String(start), String(max), options); |
let zeros = ''; |
if (!tok.isPadded && prev && prev.pattern === obj.pattern) { |
if (prev.count.length > 1) { |
prev.count.pop(); |
} |
prev.count.push(obj.count[0]); |
prev.string = prev.pattern + toQuantifier(prev.count); |
start = max + 1; |
continue; |
} |
if (tok.isPadded) { |
zeros = padZeros(max, tok, options); |
} |
obj.string = zeros + obj.pattern + toQuantifier(obj.count); |
tokens.push(obj); |
start = max + 1; |
prev = obj; |
} |
return tokens; |
} |
function filterPatterns(arr, comparison, prefix, intersection, options) { |
let result = []; |
for (let ele of arr) { |
let { string } = ele; |
if (!intersection && !contains(comparison, 'string', string)) { |
result.push(prefix + string); |
} |
if (intersection && contains(comparison, 'string', string)) { |
result.push(prefix + string); |
} |
} |
return result; |
} |
function zip(a, b) { |
let arr = []; |
for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) arr.push([a[i], b[i]]); |
return arr; |
} |
function compare(a, b) { |
return a > b ? 1 : b > a ? -1 : 0; |
} |
function contains(arr, key, val) { |
return arr.some(ele => ele[key] === val); |
} |
function countNines(min, len) { |
return Number(String(min).slice(0, -len) + '9'.repeat(len)); |
} |
function countZeros(integer, zeros) { |
return integer - (integer % Math.pow(10, zeros)); |
} |
function toQuantifier(digits) { |
let [start = 0, stop = ''] = digits; |
if (stop || start > 1) { |
return `{${start + (stop ? ',' + stop : '')}}`; |
} |
return ''; |
} |
function toCharacterClass(a, b, options) { |
return `[${a}${(b - a === 1) ? '' : '-'}${b}]`; |
} |
function hasPadding(str) { |
return /^-?(0+)\d/.test(str); |
} |
function padZeros(value, tok, options) { |
if (!tok.isPadded) { |
return value; |
} |
let diff = Math.abs(tok.maxLen - String(value).length); |
let relax = options.relaxZeros !== false; |
switch (diff) { |
case 0: |
return ''; |
case 1: |
return relax ? '0?' : '0'; |
case 2: |
return relax ? '0{0,2}' : '00'; |
default: { |
return relax ? `0{0,${diff}}` : `0{${diff}}`; |
} |
} |
} |
toRegexRange$1.cache = {}; |
toRegexRange$1.clearCache = () => (toRegexRange$1.cache = {}); |
var toRegexRange_1 = toRegexRange$1; |
const util = require$$2; |
const toRegexRange = toRegexRange_1; |
const isObject = val => val !== null && typeof val === 'object' && !Array.isArray(val); |
const transform = toNumber => { |
return value => toNumber === true ? Number(value) : String(value); |
}; |
const isValidValue = value => { |
return typeof value === 'number' || (typeof value === 'string' && value !== ''); |
}; |
const isNumber = num => Number.isInteger(+num); |
const zeros = input => { |
let value = `${input}`; |
let index = -1; |
if (value[0] === '-') value = value.slice(1); |
if (value === '0') return false; |
while (value[++index] === '0'); |
return index > 0; |
}; |
const stringify$3 = (start, end, options) => { |
if (typeof start === 'string' || typeof end === 'string') { |
return true; |
} |
return options.stringify === true; |
}; |
const pad = (input, maxLength, toNumber) => { |
if (maxLength > 0) { |
let dash = input[0] === '-' ? '-' : ''; |
if (dash) input = input.slice(1); |
input = (dash + input.padStart(dash ? maxLength - 1 : maxLength, '0')); |
} |
if (toNumber === false) { |
return String(input); |
} |
return input; |
}; |
const toMaxLen = (input, maxLength) => { |
let negative = input[0] === '-' ? '-' : ''; |
if (negative) { |
input = input.slice(1); |
maxLength--; |
} |
while (input.length < maxLength) input = '0' + input; |
return negative ? ('-' + input) : input; |
}; |
const toSequence = (parts, options) => { |
parts.negatives.sort((a, b) => a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0); |
parts.positives.sort((a, b) => a < b ? -1 : a > b ? 1 : 0); |
let prefix = options.capture ? '' : '?:'; |
let positives = ''; |
let negatives = ''; |
let result; |
if (parts.positives.length) { |
positives = parts.positives.join('|'); |
} |
if (parts.negatives.length) { |
negatives = `-(${prefix}${parts.negatives.join('|')})`; |
} |
if (positives && negatives) { |
result = `${positives}|${negatives}`; |
} else { |
result = positives || negatives; |
} |
if (options.wrap) { |
return `(${prefix}${result})`; |
} |
return result; |
}; |
const toRange = (a, b, isNumbers, options) => { |
if (isNumbers) { |
return toRegexRange(a, b, { wrap: false, ...options }); |
} |
let start = String.fromCharCode(a); |
if (a === b) return start; |
let stop = String.fromCharCode(b); |
return `[${start}-${stop}]`; |
}; |
const toRegex = (start, end, options) => { |
if (Array.isArray(start)) { |
let wrap = options.wrap === true; |
let prefix = options.capture ? '' : '?:'; |
return wrap ? `(${prefix}${start.join('|')})` : start.join('|'); |
} |
return toRegexRange(start, end, options); |
}; |
const rangeError = (...args) => { |
return new RangeError('Invalid range arguments: ' + util.inspect(...args)); |
}; |
const invalidRange = (start, end, options) => { |
if (options.strictRanges === true) throw rangeError([start, end]); |
return []; |
}; |
const invalidStep = (step, options) => { |
if (options.strictRanges === true) { |
throw new TypeError(`Expected step "${step}" to be a number`); |
} |
return []; |
}; |
const fillNumbers = (start, end, step = 1, options = {}) => { |
let a = Number(start); |
let b = Number(end); |
if (!Number.isInteger(a) || !Number.isInteger(b)) { |
if (options.strictRanges === true) throw rangeError([start, end]); |
return []; |
} |
if (a === 0) a = 0; |
if (b === 0) b = 0; |
let descending = a > b; |
let startString = String(start); |
let endString = String(end); |
let stepString = String(step); |
step = Math.max(Math.abs(step), 1); |
let padded = zeros(startString) || zeros(endString) || zeros(stepString); |
let maxLen = padded ? Math.max(startString.length, endString.length, stepString.length) : 0; |
let toNumber = padded === false && stringify$3(start, end, options) === false; |
let format = options.transform || transform(toNumber); |
if (options.toRegex && step === 1) { |
return toRange(toMaxLen(start, maxLen), toMaxLen(end, maxLen), true, options); |
} |
let parts = { negatives: [], positives: [] }; |
let push = num => parts[num < 0 ? 'negatives' : 'positives'].push(Math.abs(num)); |
let range = []; |
let index = 0; |
while (descending ? a >= b : a <= b) { |
if (options.toRegex === true && step > 1) { |
push(a); |
} else { |
range.push(pad(format(a, index), maxLen, toNumber)); |
} |
a = descending ? a - step : a + step; |
index++; |
} |
if (options.toRegex === true) { |
return step > 1 |
? toSequence(parts, options) |
: toRegex(range, null, { wrap: false, ...options }); |
} |
return range; |
}; |
const fillLetters = (start, end, step = 1, options = {}) => { |
if ((!isNumber(start) && start.length > 1) || (!isNumber(end) && end.length > 1)) { |
return invalidRange(start, end, options); |
} |
let format = options.transform || (val => String.fromCharCode(val)); |
let a = `${start}`.charCodeAt(0); |
let b = `${end}`.charCodeAt(0); |
let descending = a > b; |
let min = Math.min(a, b); |
let max = Math.max(a, b); |
if (options.toRegex && step === 1) { |
return toRange(min, max, false, options); |
} |
let range = []; |
let index = 0; |
while (descending ? a >= b : a <= b) { |
range.push(format(a, index)); |
a = descending ? a - step : a + step; |
index++; |
} |
if (options.toRegex === true) { |
return toRegex(range, null, { wrap: false, options }); |
} |
return range; |
}; |
const fill$2 = (start, end, step, options = {}) => { |
if (end == null && isValidValue(start)) { |
return [start]; |
} |
if (!isValidValue(start) || !isValidValue(end)) { |
return invalidRange(start, end, options); |
} |
if (typeof step === 'function') { |
return fill$2(start, end, 1, { transform: step }); |
} |
if (isObject(step)) { |
return fill$2(start, end, 0, step); |
} |
let opts = { ...options }; |
if (opts.capture === true) opts.wrap = true; |
step = step || opts.step || 1; |
if (!isNumber(step)) { |
if (step != null && !isObject(step)) return invalidStep(step, opts); |
return fill$2(start, end, 1, step); |
} |
if (isNumber(start) && isNumber(end)) { |
return fillNumbers(start, end, step, opts); |
} |
return fillLetters(start, end, Math.max(Math.abs(step), 1), opts); |
}; |
var fillRange = fill$2; |
const fill$1 = fillRange; |
const utils$1 = utils$3; |
const compile$1 = (ast, options = {}) => { |
let walk = (node, parent = {}) => { |
let invalidBlock = utils$1.isInvalidBrace(parent); |
let invalidNode = node.invalid === true && options.escapeInvalid === true; |
let invalid = invalidBlock === true || invalidNode === true; |
let prefix = options.escapeInvalid === true ? '\\' : ''; |
let output = ''; |
if (node.isOpen === true) { |
return prefix + node.value; |
} |
if (node.isClose === true) { |
return prefix + node.value; |
} |
if (node.type === 'open') { |
return invalid ? (prefix + node.value) : '('; |
} |
if (node.type === 'close') { |
return invalid ? (prefix + node.value) : ')'; |
} |
if (node.type === 'comma') { |
return node.prev.type === 'comma' ? '' : (invalid ? node.value : '|'); |
} |
if (node.value) { |
return node.value; |
} |
if (node.nodes && node.ranges > 0) { |
let args = utils$1.reduce(node.nodes); |
let range = fill$1(...args, { ...options, wrap: false, toRegex: true }); |
if (range.length !== 0) { |
return args.length > 1 && range.length > 1 ? `(${range})` : range; |
} |
} |
if (node.nodes) { |
for (let child of node.nodes) { |
output += walk(child, node); |
} |
} |
return output; |
}; |
return walk(ast); |
}; |
var compile_1 = compile$1; |
const fill = fillRange; |
const stringify$2 = stringify$4; |
const utils = utils$3; |
const append = (queue = '', stash = '', enclose = false) => { |
let result = []; |
queue = [].concat(queue); |
stash = [].concat(stash); |
if (!stash.length) return queue; |
if (!queue.length) { |
return enclose ? utils.flatten(stash).map(ele => `{${ele}}`) : stash; |
} |
for (let item of queue) { |
if (Array.isArray(item)) { |
for (let value of item) { |
result.push(append(value, stash, enclose)); |
} |
} else { |
for (let ele of stash) { |
if (enclose === true && typeof ele === 'string') ele = `{${ele}}`; |
result.push(Array.isArray(ele) ? append(item, ele, enclose) : (item + ele)); |
} |
} |
} |
return utils.flatten(result); |
}; |
const expand$1 = (ast, options = {}) => { |
let rangeLimit = options.rangeLimit === void 0 ? 1000 : options.rangeLimit; |
let walk = (node, parent = {}) => { |
node.queue = []; |
let p = parent; |
let q = parent.queue; |
while (p.type !== 'brace' && p.type !== 'root' && p.parent) { |
p = p.parent; |
q = p.queue; |
} |
if (node.invalid || node.dollar) { |
q.push(append(q.pop(), stringify$2(node, options))); |
return; |
} |
if (node.type === 'brace' && node.invalid !== true && node.nodes.length === 2) { |
q.push(append(q.pop(), ['{}'])); |
return; |
} |
if (node.nodes && node.ranges > 0) { |
let args = utils.reduce(node.nodes); |
if (utils.exceedsLimit(...args, options.step, rangeLimit)) { |
throw new RangeError('expanded array length exceeds range limit. Use options.rangeLimit to increase or disable the limit.'); |
} |
let range = fill(...args, options); |
if (range.length === 0) { |
range = stringify$2(node, options); |
} |
q.push(append(q.pop(), range)); |
node.nodes = []; |
return; |
} |
let enclose = utils.encloseBrace(node); |
let queue = node.queue; |
let block = node; |
while (block.type !== 'brace' && block.type !== 'root' && block.parent) { |
block = block.parent; |
queue = block.queue; |
} |
for (let i = 0; i < node.nodes.length; i++) { |
let child = node.nodes[i]; |
if (child.type === 'comma' && node.type === 'brace') { |
if (i === 1) queue.push(''); |
queue.push(''); |
continue; |
} |
if (child.type === 'close') { |
q.push(append(q.pop(), queue, enclose)); |
continue; |
} |
if (child.value && child.type !== 'open') { |
queue.push(append(queue.pop(), child.value)); |
continue; |
} |
if (child.nodes) { |
walk(child, node); |
} |
} |
return queue; |
}; |
return utils.flatten(walk(ast)); |
}; |
var expand_1 = expand$1; |
var constants$1 = { |
MAX_LENGTH: 1024 * 64, |
CHAR_0: '0', |
CHAR_9: '9', |
CHAR_AT: '@', |
CHAR_COLON: ':', |
CHAR_COMMA: ',', |
CHAR_DOT: '.', |
CHAR_EQUAL: '=', |
CHAR_HASH: '#', |
CHAR_PLUS: '+', |
CHAR_SPACE: ' ', |
CHAR_TAB: '\t', |
}; |
const stringify$1 = stringify$4; |
const { |
} = constants$1; |
const parse$1 = (input, options = {}) => { |
if (typeof input !== 'string') { |
throw new TypeError('Expected a string'); |
} |
let opts = options || {}; |
let max = typeof opts.maxLength === 'number' ? Math.min(MAX_LENGTH, opts.maxLength) : MAX_LENGTH; |
if (input.length > max) { |
throw new SyntaxError(`Input length (${input.length}), exceeds max characters (${max})`); |
} |
let ast = { type: 'root', input, nodes: [] }; |
let stack = [ast]; |
let block = ast; |
let prev = ast; |
let brackets = 0; |
let length = input.length; |
let index = 0; |
let depth = 0; |
let value; |
const advance = () => input[index++]; |
const push = node => { |
if (node.type === 'text' && prev.type === 'dot') { |
prev.type = 'text'; |
} |
if (prev && prev.type === 'text' && node.type === 'text') { |
prev.value += node.value; |
return; |
} |
block.nodes.push(node); |
node.parent = block; |
node.prev = prev; |
prev = node; |
return node; |
}; |
push({ type: 'bos' }); |
while (index < length) { |
block = stack[stack.length - 1]; |
value = advance(); |
continue; |
} |
if (value === CHAR_BACKSLASH) { |
push({ type: 'text', value: (options.keepEscaping ? value : '') + advance() }); |
continue; |
} |
if (value === CHAR_RIGHT_SQUARE_BRACKET) { |
push({ type: 'text', value: '\\' + value }); |
continue; |
} |
if (value === CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET) { |
brackets++; |
let next; |
while (index < length && (next = advance())) { |
value += next; |
if (next === CHAR_LEFT_SQUARE_BRACKET) { |
brackets++; |
continue; |
} |
if (next === CHAR_BACKSLASH) { |
value += advance(); |
continue; |
} |
brackets--; |
if (brackets === 0) { |
break; |
} |
} |
} |
push({ type: 'text', value }); |
continue; |
} |
if (value === CHAR_LEFT_PARENTHESES) { |
block = push({ type: 'paren', nodes: [] }); |
stack.push(block); |
push({ type: 'text', value }); |
continue; |
} |
if (value === CHAR_RIGHT_PARENTHESES) { |
if (block.type !== 'paren') { |
push({ type: 'text', value }); |
continue; |
} |
block = stack.pop(); |
push({ type: 'text', value }); |
block = stack[stack.length - 1]; |
continue; |
} |
if (value === CHAR_DOUBLE_QUOTE || value === CHAR_SINGLE_QUOTE || value === CHAR_BACKTICK) { |
let open = value; |
let next; |
if (options.keepQuotes !== true) { |
value = ''; |
} |
while (index < length && (next = advance())) { |
if (next === CHAR_BACKSLASH) { |
value += next + advance(); |
continue; |
} |
if (next === open) { |
if (options.keepQuotes === true) value += next; |
break; |
} |
value += next; |
} |
push({ type: 'text', value }); |
continue; |
} |
if (value === CHAR_LEFT_CURLY_BRACE) { |
depth++; |
let dollar = prev.value && prev.value.slice(-1) === '$' || block.dollar === true; |
let brace = { |
type: 'brace', |
open: true, |
close: false, |
dollar, |
depth, |
commas: 0, |
ranges: 0, |
nodes: [] |
}; |
block = push(brace); |
stack.push(block); |
push({ type: 'open', value }); |
continue; |
} |
if (value === CHAR_RIGHT_CURLY_BRACE) { |
if (block.type !== 'brace') { |
push({ type: 'text', value }); |
continue; |
} |
let type = 'close'; |
block = stack.pop(); |
block.close = true; |
push({ type, value }); |
depth--; |
block = stack[stack.length - 1]; |
continue; |
} |
if (value === CHAR_COMMA && depth > 0) { |
if (block.ranges > 0) { |
block.ranges = 0; |
let open = block.nodes.shift(); |
block.nodes = [open, { type: 'text', value: stringify$1(block) }]; |
} |
push({ type: 'comma', value }); |
block.commas++; |
continue; |
} |
if (value === CHAR_DOT && depth > 0 && block.commas === 0) { |
let siblings = block.nodes; |
if (depth === 0 || siblings.length === 0) { |
push({ type: 'text', value }); |
continue; |
} |
if (prev.type === 'dot') { |
block.range = []; |
prev.value += value; |
prev.type = 'range'; |
if (block.nodes.length !== 3 && block.nodes.length !== 5) { |
block.invalid = true; |
block.ranges = 0; |
prev.type = 'text'; |
continue; |
} |
block.ranges++; |
block.args = []; |
continue; |
} |
if (prev.type === 'range') { |
siblings.pop(); |
let before = siblings[siblings.length - 1]; |
before.value += prev.value + value; |
prev = before; |
block.ranges--; |
continue; |
} |
push({ type: 'dot', value }); |
continue; |
} |
push({ type: 'text', value }); |
} |
do { |
block = stack.pop(); |
if (block.type !== 'root') { |
block.nodes.forEach(node => { |
if (!node.nodes) { |
if (node.type === 'open') node.isOpen = true; |
if (node.type === 'close') node.isClose = true; |
if (!node.nodes) node.type = 'text'; |
node.invalid = true; |
} |
}); |
let parent = stack[stack.length - 1]; |
let index = parent.nodes.indexOf(block); |
parent.nodes.splice(index, 1, ...block.nodes); |
} |
} while (stack.length > 0); |
push({ type: 'eos' }); |
return ast; |
}; |
var parse_1 = parse$1; |
const stringify = stringify$4; |
const compile = compile_1; |
const expand = expand_1; |
const parse = parse_1; |
const braces$1 = (input, options = {}) => { |
let output = []; |
if (Array.isArray(input)) { |
for (let pattern of input) { |
let result = braces$1.create(pattern, options); |
if (Array.isArray(result)) { |
output.push(...result); |
} else { |
output.push(result); |
} |
} |
} else { |
output = [].concat(braces$1.create(input, options)); |
} |
if (options && options.expand === true && options.nodupes === true) { |
output = [...new Set(output)]; |
} |
return output; |
}; |
braces$1.parse = (input, options = {}) => parse(input, options); |
braces$1.stringify = (input, options = {}) => { |
if (typeof input === 'string') { |
return stringify(braces$1.parse(input, options), options); |
} |
return stringify(input, options); |
}; |
braces$1.compile = (input, options = {}) => { |
if (typeof input === 'string') { |
input = braces$1.parse(input, options); |
} |
return compile(input, options); |
}; |
braces$1.expand = (input, options = {}) => { |
if (typeof input === 'string') { |
input = braces$1.parse(input, options); |
} |
let result = expand(input, options); |
if (options.noempty === true) { |
result = result.filter(Boolean); |
} |
if (options.nodupes === true) { |
result = [...new Set(result)]; |
} |
return result; |
}; |
braces$1.create = (input, options = {}) => { |
if (input === '' || input.length < 3) { |
return [input]; |
} |
return options.expand !== true |
? braces$1.compile(input, options) |
: braces$1.expand(input, options); |
}; |
var braces_1 = braces$1; |
var binaryExtensions$1 = {exports: {}}; |
const require$$0 = [ |
"3dm", |
"3ds", |
"3g2", |
"3gp", |
"7z", |
"a", |
"aac", |
"adp", |
"ai", |
"aif", |
"aiff", |
"alz", |
"ape", |
"apk", |
"appimage", |
"ar", |
"arj", |
"asf", |
"au", |
"avi", |
"bak", |
"baml", |
"bh", |
"bin", |
"bk", |
"bmp", |
"btif", |
"bz2", |
"bzip2", |
"cab", |
"caf", |
"cgm", |
"class", |
"cmx", |
"cpio", |
"cr2", |
"cur", |
"dat", |
"dcm", |
"deb", |
"dex", |
"djvu", |
"dll", |
"dmg", |
"dng", |
"doc", |
"docm", |
"docx", |
"dot", |
"dotm", |
"dra", |
"DS_Store", |
"dsk", |
"dts", |
"dtshd", |
"dvb", |
"dwg", |
"dxf", |
"ecelp4800", |
"ecelp7470", |
"ecelp9600", |
"egg", |
"eol", |
"eot", |
"epub", |
"exe", |
"f4v", |
"fbs", |
"fh", |
"fla", |
"flac", |
"flatpak", |
"fli", |
"flv", |
"fpx", |
"fst", |
"fvt", |
"g3", |
"gh", |
"gif", |
"graffle", |
"gz", |
"gzip", |
"h261", |
"h263", |
"h264", |
"icns", |
"ico", |
"ief", |
"img", |
"ipa", |
"iso", |
"jar", |
"jpeg", |
"jpg", |
"jpgv", |
"jpm", |
"jxr", |
"key", |
"ktx", |
"lha", |
"lib", |
"lvp", |
"lz", |
"lzh", |
"lzma", |
"lzo", |
"m3u", |
"m4a", |
"m4v", |
"mar", |
"mdi", |
"mht", |
"mid", |
"midi", |
"mj2", |
"mka", |
"mkv", |
"mmr", |
"mng", |
"mobi", |
"mov", |
"movie", |
"mp3", |
"mp4", |
"mp4a", |
"mpeg", |
"mpg", |
"mpga", |
"mxu", |
"nef", |
"npx", |
"numbers", |
"nupkg", |
"o", |
"odp", |
"ods", |
"odt", |
"oga", |
"ogg", |
"ogv", |
"otf", |
"ott", |
"pages", |
"pbm", |
"pcx", |
"pdb", |
"pdf", |
"pea", |
"pgm", |
"pic", |
"png", |
"pnm", |
"pot", |
"potm", |
"potx", |
"ppa", |
"ppam", |
"ppm", |
"pps", |
"ppsm", |
"ppsx", |
"ppt", |
"pptm", |
"pptx", |
"psd", |
"pya", |
"pyc", |
"pyo", |
"pyv", |
"qt", |
"rar", |
"ras", |
"raw", |
"resources", |
"rgb", |
"rip", |
"rlc", |
"rmf", |
"rmvb", |
"rpm", |
"rtf", |
"rz", |
"s3m", |
"s7z", |
"scpt", |
"sgi", |
"shar", |
"snap", |
"sil", |
"sketch", |
"slk", |
"smv", |
"snk", |
"so", |
"stl", |
"suo", |
"sub", |
"swf", |
"tar", |
"tbz", |
"tbz2", |
"tga", |
"tgz", |
"thmx", |
"tif", |
"tiff", |
"tlz", |
"ttc", |
"ttf", |
"txz", |
"udf", |
"uvh", |
"uvi", |
"uvm", |
"uvp", |
"uvs", |
"uvu", |
"viv", |
"vob", |
"war", |
"wav", |
"wax", |
"wbmp", |
"wdp", |
"weba", |
"webm", |
"webp", |
"whl", |
"wim", |
"wm", |
"wma", |
"wmv", |
"wmx", |
"woff", |
"woff2", |
"wrm", |
"wvx", |
"xbm", |
"xif", |
"xla", |
"xlam", |
"xls", |
"xlsb", |
"xlsm", |
"xlsx", |
"xlt", |
"xltm", |
"xltx", |
"xm", |
"xmind", |
"xpi", |
"xpm", |
"xwd", |
"xz", |
"z", |
"zip", |
"zipx" |
]; |
(function (module) { |
module.exports = require$$0; |
} (binaryExtensions$1)); |
const path = require$$0$2; |
const binaryExtensions = binaryExtensions$1.exports; |
const extensions = new Set(binaryExtensions); |
var isBinaryPath$1 = filePath => extensions.has(path.extname(filePath).slice(1).toLowerCase()); |
var constants = {}; |
(function (exports) { |
const {sep} = require$$0$2; |
const {platform} = process; |
const os = require$$2$1; |
exports.EV_ALL = 'all'; |
exports.EV_READY = 'ready'; |
exports.EV_ADD = 'add'; |
exports.EV_CHANGE = 'change'; |
exports.EV_ADD_DIR = 'addDir'; |
exports.EV_UNLINK = 'unlink'; |
exports.EV_UNLINK_DIR = 'unlinkDir'; |
exports.EV_RAW = 'raw'; |
exports.EV_ERROR = 'error'; |
exports.STR_DATA = 'data'; |
exports.STR_END = 'end'; |
exports.STR_CLOSE = 'close'; |
exports.FSEVENT_CREATED = 'created'; |
exports.FSEVENT_MODIFIED = 'modified'; |
exports.FSEVENT_DELETED = 'deleted'; |
exports.FSEVENT_MOVED = 'moved'; |
exports.FSEVENT_CLONED = 'cloned'; |
exports.FSEVENT_UNKNOWN = 'unknown'; |
exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE = 'file'; |
exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY = 'directory'; |
exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK = 'symlink'; |
exports.KEY_LISTENERS = 'listeners'; |
exports.KEY_ERR = 'errHandlers'; |
exports.KEY_RAW = 'rawEmitters'; |
exports.HANDLER_KEYS = [exports.KEY_LISTENERS, exports.KEY_ERR, exports.KEY_RAW]; |
exports.DOT_SLASH = `.${sep}`; |
exports.BACK_SLASH_RE = /\\/g; |
exports.DOUBLE_SLASH_RE = /\/\//; |
exports.SLASH_OR_BACK_SLASH_RE = /[/\\]/; |
exports.DOT_RE = /\..*\.(sw[px])$|~$|\.subl.*\.tmp/; |
exports.REPLACER_RE = /^\.[/\\]/; |
exports.SLASH = '/'; |
exports.SLASH_SLASH = '//'; |
exports.BRACE_START = '{'; |
exports.BANG = '!'; |
exports.ONE_DOT = '.'; |
exports.TWO_DOTS = '..'; |
exports.STAR = '*'; |
exports.GLOBSTAR = '**'; |
exports.ROOT_GLOBSTAR = '/**/*'; |
exports.SLASH_GLOBSTAR = '/**'; |
exports.DIR_SUFFIX = 'Dir'; |
exports.ANYMATCH_OPTS = {dot: true}; |
exports.STRING_TYPE = 'string'; |
exports.FUNCTION_TYPE = 'function'; |
exports.EMPTY_STR = ''; |
exports.EMPTY_FN = () => {}; |
exports.IDENTITY_FN = val => val; |
exports.isWindows = platform === 'win32'; |
exports.isMacos = platform === 'darwin'; |
exports.isLinux = platform === 'linux'; |
exports.isIBMi = os.type() === 'OS400'; |
} (constants)); |
const fs$2 = require$$0$1; |
const sysPath$2 = require$$0$2; |
const { promisify: promisify$2 } = require$$2; |
const isBinaryPath = isBinaryPath$1; |
const { |
isWindows: isWindows$1, |
isLinux, |
} = constants; |
const THROTTLE_MODE_WATCH = 'watch'; |
const open = promisify$2(fs$2.open); |
const stat$2 = promisify$2(fs$2.stat); |
const lstat$1 = promisify$2(fs$2.lstat); |
const close = promisify$2(fs$2.close); |
const fsrealpath = promisify$2(fs$2.realpath); |
const statMethods$1 = { lstat: lstat$1, stat: stat$2 }; |
const foreach = (val, fn) => { |
if (val instanceof Set) { |
val.forEach(fn); |
} else { |
fn(val); |
} |
}; |
const addAndConvert = (main, prop, item) => { |
let container = main[prop]; |
if (!(container instanceof Set)) { |
main[prop] = container = new Set([container]); |
} |
container.add(item); |
}; |
const clearItem = cont => key => { |
const set = cont[key]; |
if (set instanceof Set) { |
set.clear(); |
} else { |
delete cont[key]; |
} |
}; |
const delFromSet = (main, prop, item) => { |
const container = main[prop]; |
if (container instanceof Set) { |
container.delete(item); |
} else if (container === item) { |
delete main[prop]; |
} |
}; |
const isEmptySet = (val) => val instanceof Set ? val.size === 0 : !val; |
const FsWatchInstances = new Map(); |
function createFsWatchInstance(path, options, listener, errHandler, emitRaw) { |
const handleEvent = (rawEvent, evPath) => { |
listener(path); |
emitRaw(rawEvent, evPath, {watchedPath: path}); |
if (evPath && path !== evPath) { |
fsWatchBroadcast( |
sysPath$2.resolve(path, evPath), KEY_LISTENERS, sysPath$2.join(path, evPath) |
); |
} |
}; |
try { |
return fs$2.watch(path, options, handleEvent); |
} catch (error) { |
errHandler(error); |
} |
} |
const fsWatchBroadcast = (fullPath, type, val1, val2, val3) => { |
const cont = FsWatchInstances.get(fullPath); |
if (!cont) return; |
foreach(cont[type], (listener) => { |
listener(val1, val2, val3); |
}); |
}; |
const setFsWatchListener = (path, fullPath, options, handlers) => { |
const {listener, errHandler, rawEmitter} = handlers; |
let cont = FsWatchInstances.get(fullPath); |
let watcher; |
if (!options.persistent) { |
watcher = createFsWatchInstance( |
path, options, listener, errHandler, rawEmitter |
); |
return watcher.close.bind(watcher); |
} |
if (cont) { |
addAndConvert(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener); |
addAndConvert(cont, KEY_ERR, errHandler); |
addAndConvert(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter); |
} else { |
watcher = createFsWatchInstance( |
path, |
options, |
fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_LISTENERS), |
errHandler, |
fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_RAW) |
); |
if (!watcher) return; |
watcher.on(EV_ERROR$2, async (error) => { |
const broadcastErr = fsWatchBroadcast.bind(null, fullPath, KEY_ERR); |
cont.watcherUnusable = true; |
if (isWindows$1 && error.code === 'EPERM') { |
try { |
const fd = await open(path, 'r'); |
await close(fd); |
broadcastErr(error); |
} catch (err) {} |
} else { |
broadcastErr(error); |
} |
}); |
cont = { |
listeners: listener, |
errHandlers: errHandler, |
rawEmitters: rawEmitter, |
watcher |
}; |
FsWatchInstances.set(fullPath, cont); |
} |
return () => { |
delFromSet(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener); |
delFromSet(cont, KEY_ERR, errHandler); |
delFromSet(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter); |
if (isEmptySet(cont.listeners)) { |
cont.watcher.close(); |
FsWatchInstances.delete(fullPath); |
HANDLER_KEYS.forEach(clearItem(cont)); |
cont.watcher = undefined; |
Object.freeze(cont); |
} |
}; |
}; |
const FsWatchFileInstances = new Map(); |
const setFsWatchFileListener = (path, fullPath, options, handlers) => { |
const {listener, rawEmitter} = handlers; |
let cont = FsWatchFileInstances.get(fullPath); |
const copts = cont && cont.options; |
if (copts && (copts.persistent < options.persistent || copts.interval > options.interval)) { |
fs$2.unwatchFile(fullPath); |
cont = undefined; |
} |
if (cont) { |
addAndConvert(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener); |
addAndConvert(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter); |
} else { |
cont = { |
listeners: listener, |
rawEmitters: rawEmitter, |
options, |
watcher: fs$2.watchFile(fullPath, options, (curr, prev) => { |
foreach(cont.rawEmitters, (rawEmitter) => { |
rawEmitter(EV_CHANGE$2, fullPath, {curr, prev}); |
}); |
const currmtime = curr.mtimeMs; |
if (curr.size !== prev.size || currmtime > prev.mtimeMs || currmtime === 0) { |
foreach(cont.listeners, (listener) => listener(path, curr)); |
} |
}) |
}; |
FsWatchFileInstances.set(fullPath, cont); |
} |
return () => { |
delFromSet(cont, KEY_LISTENERS, listener); |
delFromSet(cont, KEY_RAW, rawEmitter); |
if (isEmptySet(cont.listeners)) { |
FsWatchFileInstances.delete(fullPath); |
fs$2.unwatchFile(fullPath); |
cont.options = cont.watcher = undefined; |
Object.freeze(cont); |
} |
}; |
}; |
class NodeFsHandler$1 { |
constructor(fsW) { |
this.fsw = fsW; |
this._boundHandleError = (error) => fsW._handleError(error); |
} |
_watchWithNodeFs(path, listener) { |
const opts = this.fsw.options; |
const directory = sysPath$2.dirname(path); |
const basename = sysPath$2.basename(path); |
const parent = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(directory); |
parent.add(basename); |
const absolutePath = sysPath$2.resolve(path); |
const options = {persistent: opts.persistent}; |
if (!listener) listener = EMPTY_FN$2; |
let closer; |
if (opts.usePolling) { |
options.interval = opts.enableBinaryInterval && isBinaryPath(basename) ? |
opts.binaryInterval : opts.interval; |
closer = setFsWatchFileListener(path, absolutePath, options, { |
listener, |
rawEmitter: this.fsw._emitRaw |
}); |
} else { |
closer = setFsWatchListener(path, absolutePath, options, { |
listener, |
errHandler: this._boundHandleError, |
rawEmitter: this.fsw._emitRaw |
}); |
} |
return closer; |
} |
_handleFile(file, stats, initialAdd) { |
if (this.fsw.closed) { |
return; |
} |
const dirname = sysPath$2.dirname(file); |
const basename = sysPath$2.basename(file); |
const parent = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(dirname); |
let prevStats = stats; |
if (parent.has(basename)) return; |
const listener = async (path, newStats) => { |
if (!this.fsw._throttle(THROTTLE_MODE_WATCH, file, 5)) return; |
if (!newStats || newStats.mtimeMs === 0) { |
try { |
const newStats = await stat$2(file); |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
const at = newStats.atimeMs; |
const mt = newStats.mtimeMs; |
if (!at || at <= mt || mt !== prevStats.mtimeMs) { |
this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE$2, file, newStats); |
} |
if (isLinux && prevStats.ino !== newStats.ino) { |
this.fsw._closeFile(path); |
prevStats = newStats; |
this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, this._watchWithNodeFs(file, listener)); |
} else { |
prevStats = newStats; |
} |
} catch (error) { |
this.fsw._remove(dirname, basename); |
} |
} else if (parent.has(basename)) { |
const at = newStats.atimeMs; |
const mt = newStats.mtimeMs; |
if (!at || at <= mt || mt !== prevStats.mtimeMs) { |
this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE$2, file, newStats); |
} |
prevStats = newStats; |
} |
}; |
const closer = this._watchWithNodeFs(file, listener); |
if (!(initialAdd && this.fsw.options.ignoreInitial) && this.fsw._isntIgnored(file)) { |
if (!this.fsw._throttle(EV_ADD$2, file, 0)) return; |
this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD$2, file, stats); |
} |
return closer; |
} |
async _handleSymlink(entry, directory, path, item) { |
if (this.fsw.closed) { |
return; |
} |
const full = entry.fullPath; |
const dir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(directory); |
if (!this.fsw.options.followSymlinks) { |
this.fsw._incrReadyCount(); |
let linkPath; |
try { |
linkPath = await fsrealpath(path); |
} catch (e) { |
this.fsw._emitReady(); |
return true; |
} |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
if (dir.has(item)) { |
if (this.fsw._symlinkPaths.get(full) !== linkPath) { |
this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, linkPath); |
this.fsw._emit(EV_CHANGE$2, path, entry.stats); |
} |
} else { |
dir.add(item); |
this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, linkPath); |
this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD$2, path, entry.stats); |
} |
this.fsw._emitReady(); |
return true; |
} |
if (this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(full)) { |
return true; |
} |
this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(full, true); |
} |
_handleRead(directory, initialAdd, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler) { |
directory = sysPath$2.join(directory, EMPTY_STR$1); |
if (!wh.hasGlob) { |
throttler = this.fsw._throttle('readdir', directory, 1000); |
if (!throttler) return; |
} |
const previous = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(wh.path); |
const current = new Set(); |
let stream = this.fsw._readdirp(directory, { |
fileFilter: entry => wh.filterPath(entry), |
directoryFilter: entry => wh.filterDir(entry), |
depth: 0 |
}).on(STR_DATA$1, async (entry) => { |
if (this.fsw.closed) { |
stream = undefined; |
return; |
} |
const item = entry.path; |
let path = sysPath$2.join(directory, item); |
current.add(item); |
if (entry.stats.isSymbolicLink() && await this._handleSymlink(entry, directory, path, item)) { |
return; |
} |
if (this.fsw.closed) { |
stream = undefined; |
return; |
} |
if (item === target || !target && !previous.has(item)) { |
this.fsw._incrReadyCount(); |
path = sysPath$2.join(dir, sysPath$2.relative(dir, path)); |
this._addToNodeFs(path, initialAdd, wh, depth + 1); |
} |
}).on(EV_ERROR$2, this._boundHandleError); |
return new Promise(resolve => |
stream.once(STR_END$2, () => { |
if (this.fsw.closed) { |
stream = undefined; |
return; |
} |
const wasThrottled = throttler ? throttler.clear() : false; |
resolve(); |
previous.getChildren().filter((item) => { |
return item !== directory && |
!current.has(item) && |
(!wh.hasGlob || wh.filterPath({ |
fullPath: sysPath$2.resolve(directory, item) |
})); |
}).forEach((item) => { |
this.fsw._remove(directory, item); |
}); |
stream = undefined; |
if (wasThrottled) this._handleRead(directory, false, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler); |
}) |
); |
} |
async _handleDir(dir, stats, initialAdd, depth, target, wh, realpath) { |
const parentDir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(sysPath$2.dirname(dir)); |
const tracked = parentDir.has(sysPath$2.basename(dir)); |
if (!(initialAdd && this.fsw.options.ignoreInitial) && !target && !tracked) { |
if (!wh.hasGlob || wh.globFilter(dir)) this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD_DIR$2, dir, stats); |
} |
parentDir.add(sysPath$2.basename(dir)); |
this.fsw._getWatchedDir(dir); |
let throttler; |
let closer; |
const oDepth = this.fsw.options.depth; |
if ((oDepth == null || depth <= oDepth) && !this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(realpath)) { |
if (!target) { |
await this._handleRead(dir, initialAdd, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler); |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
} |
closer = this._watchWithNodeFs(dir, (dirPath, stats) => { |
if (stats && stats.mtimeMs === 0) return; |
this._handleRead(dirPath, false, wh, target, dir, depth, throttler); |
}); |
} |
return closer; |
} |
async _addToNodeFs(path, initialAdd, priorWh, depth, target) { |
const ready = this.fsw._emitReady; |
if (this.fsw._isIgnored(path) || this.fsw.closed) { |
ready(); |
return false; |
} |
const wh = this.fsw._getWatchHelpers(path, depth); |
if (!wh.hasGlob && priorWh) { |
wh.hasGlob = priorWh.hasGlob; |
wh.globFilter = priorWh.globFilter; |
wh.filterPath = entry => priorWh.filterPath(entry); |
wh.filterDir = entry => priorWh.filterDir(entry); |
} |
try { |
const stats = await statMethods$1[wh.statMethod](wh.watchPath); |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
if (this.fsw._isIgnored(wh.watchPath, stats)) { |
ready(); |
return false; |
} |
const follow = this.fsw.options.followSymlinks && !path.includes(STAR) && !path.includes(BRACE_START$1); |
let closer; |
if (stats.isDirectory()) { |
const absPath = sysPath$2.resolve(path); |
const targetPath = follow ? await fsrealpath(path) : path; |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
closer = await this._handleDir(wh.watchPath, stats, initialAdd, depth, target, wh, targetPath); |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
if (absPath !== targetPath && targetPath !== undefined) { |
this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(absPath, targetPath); |
} |
} else if (stats.isSymbolicLink()) { |
const targetPath = follow ? await fsrealpath(path) : path; |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
const parent = sysPath$2.dirname(wh.watchPath); |
this.fsw._getWatchedDir(parent).add(wh.watchPath); |
this.fsw._emit(EV_ADD$2, wh.watchPath, stats); |
closer = await this._handleDir(parent, stats, initialAdd, depth, path, wh, targetPath); |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
if (targetPath !== undefined) { |
this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(sysPath$2.resolve(path), targetPath); |
} |
} else { |
closer = this._handleFile(wh.watchPath, stats, initialAdd); |
} |
ready(); |
this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, closer); |
return false; |
} catch (error) { |
if (this.fsw._handleError(error)) { |
ready(); |
return path; |
} |
} |
} |
} |
var nodefsHandler = NodeFsHandler$1; |
var fseventsHandler = {exports: {}}; |
const require$$3 = getAugmentedNamespace(fseventsImporter); |
const fs$1 = require$$0$1; |
const sysPath$1 = require$$0$2; |
const { promisify: promisify$1 } = require$$2; |
let fsevents; |
try { |
fsevents = require$$3.getFsEvents(); |
} catch (error) { |
if (process.env.CHOKIDAR_PRINT_FSEVENTS_REQUIRE_ERROR) console.error(error); |
} |
if (fsevents) { |
const mtch = process.version.match(/v(\d+)\.(\d+)/); |
if (mtch && mtch[1] && mtch[2]) { |
const maj = Number.parseInt(mtch[1], 10); |
const min = Number.parseInt(mtch[2], 10); |
if (maj === 8 && min < 16) { |
fsevents = undefined; |
} |
} |
} |
const { |
} = constants; |
const Depth = (value) => isNaN(value) ? {} : {depth: value}; |
const stat$1 = promisify$1(fs$1.stat); |
const lstat = promisify$1(fs$1.lstat); |
const realpath = promisify$1(fs$1.realpath); |
const statMethods = { stat: stat$1, lstat }; |
const FSEventsWatchers = new Map(); |
const consolidateThreshhold = 10; |
const wrongEventFlags = new Set([ |
69888, 70400, 71424, 72704, 73472, 131328, 131840, 262912 |
]); |
const createFSEventsInstance = (path, callback) => { |
const stop = fsevents.watch(path, callback); |
return {stop}; |
}; |
function setFSEventsListener(path, realPath, listener, rawEmitter) { |
let watchPath = sysPath$1.extname(realPath) ? sysPath$1.dirname(realPath) : realPath; |
const parentPath = sysPath$1.dirname(watchPath); |
let cont = FSEventsWatchers.get(watchPath); |
if (couldConsolidate(parentPath)) { |
watchPath = parentPath; |
} |
const resolvedPath = sysPath$1.resolve(path); |
const hasSymlink = resolvedPath !== realPath; |
const filteredListener = (fullPath, flags, info) => { |
if (hasSymlink) fullPath = fullPath.replace(realPath, resolvedPath); |
if ( |
fullPath === resolvedPath || |
!fullPath.indexOf(resolvedPath + sysPath$1.sep) |
) listener(fullPath, flags, info); |
}; |
let watchedParent = false; |
for (const watchedPath of FSEventsWatchers.keys()) { |
if (realPath.indexOf(sysPath$1.resolve(watchedPath) + sysPath$1.sep) === 0) { |
watchPath = watchedPath; |
cont = FSEventsWatchers.get(watchPath); |
watchedParent = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
if (cont || watchedParent) { |
cont.listeners.add(filteredListener); |
} else { |
cont = { |
listeners: new Set([filteredListener]), |
rawEmitter, |
watcher: createFSEventsInstance(watchPath, (fullPath, flags) => { |
if (!cont.listeners.size) return; |
const info = fsevents.getInfo(fullPath, flags); |
cont.listeners.forEach(list => { |
list(fullPath, flags, info); |
}); |
cont.rawEmitter(info.event, fullPath, info); |
}) |
}; |
FSEventsWatchers.set(watchPath, cont); |
} |
return () => { |
const lst = cont.listeners; |
lst.delete(filteredListener); |
if (!lst.size) { |
FSEventsWatchers.delete(watchPath); |
if (cont.watcher) return cont.watcher.stop().then(() => { |
cont.rawEmitter = cont.watcher = undefined; |
Object.freeze(cont); |
}); |
} |
}; |
} |
const couldConsolidate = (path) => { |
let count = 0; |
for (const watchPath of FSEventsWatchers.keys()) { |
if (watchPath.indexOf(path) === 0) { |
count++; |
if (count >= consolidateThreshhold) { |
return true; |
} |
} |
} |
return false; |
}; |
const canUse = () => fsevents && FSEventsWatchers.size < 128; |
const calcDepth = (path, root) => { |
let i = 0; |
while (!path.indexOf(root) && (path = sysPath$1.dirname(path)) !== root) i++; |
return i; |
}; |
const sameTypes = (info, stats) => ( |
info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY && stats.isDirectory() || |
info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK && stats.isSymbolicLink() || |
info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE && stats.isFile() |
); |
class FsEventsHandler$1 { |
constructor(fsw) { |
this.fsw = fsw; |
} |
checkIgnored(path, stats) { |
const ipaths = this.fsw._ignoredPaths; |
if (this.fsw._isIgnored(path, stats)) { |
ipaths.add(path); |
if (stats && stats.isDirectory()) { |
ipaths.add(path + ROOT_GLOBSTAR); |
} |
return true; |
} |
ipaths.delete(path); |
ipaths.delete(path + ROOT_GLOBSTAR); |
} |
addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) { |
const event = watchedDir.has(item) ? EV_CHANGE$1 : EV_ADD$1; |
this.handleEvent(event, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts); |
} |
async checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) { |
try { |
const stats = await stat$1(path); |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
if (sameTypes(info, stats)) { |
this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts); |
} else { |
this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK$1, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
if (error.code === 'EACCES') { |
this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts); |
} else { |
this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK$1, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts); |
} |
} |
} |
handleEvent(event, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts) { |
if (this.fsw.closed || this.checkIgnored(path)) return; |
if (event === EV_UNLINK$1) { |
const isDirectory = info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY; |
if (isDirectory || watchedDir.has(item)) { |
this.fsw._remove(parent, item, isDirectory); |
} |
} else { |
if (event === EV_ADD$1) { |
if (info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY) this.fsw._getWatchedDir(path); |
if (info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK && opts.followSymlinks) { |
const curDepth = opts.depth === undefined ? |
undefined : calcDepth(fullPath, realPath) + 1; |
return this._addToFsEvents(path, false, true, curDepth); |
} |
this.fsw._getWatchedDir(parent).add(item); |
} |
const eventName = info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? event + DIR_SUFFIX : event; |
this.fsw._emit(eventName, path); |
if (eventName === EV_ADD_DIR$1) this._addToFsEvents(path, false, true); |
} |
} |
_watchWithFsEvents(watchPath, realPath, transform, globFilter) { |
if (this.fsw.closed || this.fsw._isIgnored(watchPath)) return; |
const opts = this.fsw.options; |
const watchCallback = async (fullPath, flags, info) => { |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
if ( |
opts.depth !== undefined && |
calcDepth(fullPath, realPath) > opts.depth |
) return; |
const path = transform(sysPath$1.join( |
watchPath, sysPath$1.relative(watchPath, fullPath) |
)); |
if (globFilter && !globFilter(path)) return; |
const parent = sysPath$1.dirname(path); |
const item = sysPath$1.basename(path); |
const watchedDir = this.fsw._getWatchedDir( |
info.type === FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY ? path : parent |
); |
if (wrongEventFlags.has(flags) || info.event === FSEVENT_UNKNOWN) { |
if (typeof opts.ignored === FUNCTION_TYPE$1) { |
let stats; |
try { |
stats = await stat$1(path); |
} catch (error) {} |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
if (this.checkIgnored(path, stats)) return; |
if (sameTypes(info, stats)) { |
this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts); |
} else { |
this.handleEvent(EV_UNLINK$1, path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts); |
} |
} else { |
this.checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts); |
} |
} else { |
switch (info.event) { |
return this.addOrChange(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts); |
return this.checkExists(path, fullPath, realPath, parent, watchedDir, item, info, opts); |
} |
} |
}; |
const closer = setFSEventsListener( |
watchPath, |
realPath, |
watchCallback, |
this.fsw._emitRaw |
); |
this.fsw._emitReady(); |
return closer; |
} |
async _handleFsEventsSymlink(linkPath, fullPath, transform, curDepth) { |
if (this.fsw.closed || this.fsw._symlinkPaths.has(fullPath)) return; |
this.fsw._symlinkPaths.set(fullPath, true); |
this.fsw._incrReadyCount(); |
try { |
const linkTarget = await realpath(linkPath); |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
if (this.fsw._isIgnored(linkTarget)) { |
return this.fsw._emitReady(); |
} |
this.fsw._incrReadyCount(); |
this._addToFsEvents(linkTarget || linkPath, (path) => { |
let aliasedPath = linkPath; |
if (linkTarget && linkTarget !== DOT_SLASH) { |
aliasedPath = path.replace(linkTarget, linkPath); |
} else if (path !== DOT_SLASH) { |
aliasedPath = sysPath$1.join(linkPath, path); |
} |
return transform(aliasedPath); |
}, false, curDepth); |
} catch(error) { |
if (this.fsw._handleError(error)) { |
return this.fsw._emitReady(); |
} |
} |
} |
emitAdd(newPath, stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd) { |
const pp = processPath(newPath); |
const isDir = stats.isDirectory(); |
const dirObj = this.fsw._getWatchedDir(sysPath$1.dirname(pp)); |
const base = sysPath$1.basename(pp); |
if (isDir) this.fsw._getWatchedDir(pp); |
if (dirObj.has(base)) return; |
dirObj.add(base); |
if (!opts.ignoreInitial || forceAdd === true) { |
this.fsw._emit(isDir ? EV_ADD_DIR$1 : EV_ADD$1, pp, stats); |
} |
} |
initWatch(realPath, path, wh, processPath) { |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
const closer = this._watchWithFsEvents( |
wh.watchPath, |
sysPath$1.resolve(realPath || wh.watchPath), |
processPath, |
wh.globFilter |
); |
this.fsw._addPathCloser(path, closer); |
} |
async _addToFsEvents(path, transform, forceAdd, priorDepth) { |
if (this.fsw.closed) { |
return; |
} |
const opts = this.fsw.options; |
const processPath = typeof transform === FUNCTION_TYPE$1 ? transform : IDENTITY_FN; |
const wh = this.fsw._getWatchHelpers(path); |
try { |
const stats = await statMethods[wh.statMethod](wh.watchPath); |
if (this.fsw.closed) return; |
if (this.fsw._isIgnored(wh.watchPath, stats)) { |
throw null; |
} |
if (stats.isDirectory()) { |
if (!wh.globFilter) this.emitAdd(processPath(path), stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd); |
if (priorDepth && priorDepth > opts.depth) return; |
this.fsw._readdirp(wh.watchPath, { |
fileFilter: entry => wh.filterPath(entry), |
directoryFilter: entry => wh.filterDir(entry), |
...Depth(opts.depth - (priorDepth || 0)) |
}).on(STR_DATA, (entry) => { |
if (this.fsw.closed) { |
return; |
} |
if (entry.stats.isDirectory() && !wh.filterPath(entry)) return; |
const joinedPath = sysPath$1.join(wh.watchPath, entry.path); |
const {fullPath} = entry; |
if (wh.followSymlinks && entry.stats.isSymbolicLink()) { |
const curDepth = opts.depth === undefined ? |
undefined : calcDepth(joinedPath, sysPath$1.resolve(wh.watchPath)) + 1; |
this._handleFsEventsSymlink(joinedPath, fullPath, processPath, curDepth); |
} else { |
this.emitAdd(joinedPath, entry.stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd); |
} |
}).on(EV_ERROR$1, EMPTY_FN$1).on(STR_END$1, () => { |
this.fsw._emitReady(); |
}); |
} else { |
this.emitAdd(wh.watchPath, stats, processPath, opts, forceAdd); |
this.fsw._emitReady(); |
} |
} catch (error) { |
if (!error || this.fsw._handleError(error)) { |
this.fsw._emitReady(); |
this.fsw._emitReady(); |
} |
} |
if (opts.persistent && forceAdd !== true) { |
if (typeof transform === FUNCTION_TYPE$1) { |
this.initWatch(undefined, path, wh, processPath); |
} else { |
let realPath; |
try { |
realPath = await realpath(wh.watchPath); |
} catch (e) {} |
this.initWatch(realPath, path, wh, processPath); |
} |
} |
} |
} |
fseventsHandler.exports = FsEventsHandler$1; |
fseventsHandler.exports.canUse = canUse; |
const { EventEmitter } = require$$0$3; |
const fs = require$$0$1; |
const sysPath = require$$0$2; |
const { promisify } = require$$2; |
const readdirp = readdirp_1; |
const anymatch = anymatch$2.exports.default; |
const globParent = globParent$1; |
const isGlob = isGlob$2; |
const braces = braces_1; |
const normalizePath = normalizePath$2; |
const NodeFsHandler = nodefsHandler; |
const FsEventsHandler = fseventsHandler.exports; |
const { |
isWindows, |
isMacos, |
isIBMi |
} = constants; |
const stat = promisify(fs.stat); |
const readdir = promisify(fs.readdir); |
const arrify = (value = []) => Array.isArray(value) ? value : [value]; |
const flatten = (list, result = []) => { |
list.forEach(item => { |
if (Array.isArray(item)) { |
flatten(item, result); |
} else { |
result.push(item); |
} |
}); |
return result; |
}; |
const unifyPaths = (paths_) => { |
const paths = flatten(arrify(paths_)); |
if (!paths.every(p => typeof p === STRING_TYPE)) { |
throw new TypeError(`Non-string provided as watch path: ${paths}`); |
} |
return paths.map(normalizePathToUnix); |
}; |
const toUnix = (string) => { |
let str = string.replace(BACK_SLASH_RE, SLASH); |
let prepend = false; |
if (str.startsWith(SLASH_SLASH)) { |
prepend = true; |
} |
while (str.match(DOUBLE_SLASH_RE)) { |
str = str.replace(DOUBLE_SLASH_RE, SLASH); |
} |
if (prepend) { |
str = SLASH + str; |
} |
return str; |
}; |
const normalizePathToUnix = (path) => toUnix(sysPath.normalize(toUnix(path))); |
const normalizeIgnored = (cwd = EMPTY_STR) => (path) => { |
if (typeof path !== STRING_TYPE) return path; |
return normalizePathToUnix(sysPath.isAbsolute(path) ? path : sysPath.join(cwd, path)); |
}; |
const getAbsolutePath = (path, cwd) => { |
if (sysPath.isAbsolute(path)) { |
return path; |
} |
if (path.startsWith(BANG)) { |
return BANG + sysPath.join(cwd, path.slice(1)); |
} |
return sysPath.join(cwd, path); |
}; |
const undef = (opts, key) => opts[key] === undefined; |
class DirEntry { |
constructor(dir, removeWatcher) { |
this.path = dir; |
this._removeWatcher = removeWatcher; |
this.items = new Set(); |
} |
add(item) { |
const {items} = this; |
if (!items) return; |
if (item !== ONE_DOT && item !== TWO_DOTS) items.add(item); |
} |
async remove(item) { |
const {items} = this; |
if (!items) return; |
items.delete(item); |
if (items.size > 0) return; |
const dir = this.path; |
try { |
await readdir(dir); |
} catch (err) { |
if (this._removeWatcher) { |
this._removeWatcher(sysPath.dirname(dir), sysPath.basename(dir)); |
} |
} |
} |
has(item) { |
const {items} = this; |
if (!items) return; |
return items.has(item); |
} |
getChildren() { |
const {items} = this; |
if (!items) return; |
return [...items.values()]; |
} |
dispose() { |
this.items.clear(); |
delete this.path; |
delete this._removeWatcher; |
delete this.items; |
Object.freeze(this); |
} |
} |
const STAT_METHOD_F = 'stat'; |
const STAT_METHOD_L = 'lstat'; |
class WatchHelper { |
constructor(path, watchPath, follow, fsw) { |
this.fsw = fsw; |
this.path = path = path.replace(REPLACER_RE, EMPTY_STR); |
this.watchPath = watchPath; |
this.fullWatchPath = sysPath.resolve(watchPath); |
this.hasGlob = watchPath !== path; |
if (path === EMPTY_STR) this.hasGlob = false; |
this.globSymlink = this.hasGlob && follow ? undefined : false; |
this.globFilter = this.hasGlob ? anymatch(path, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS) : false; |
this.dirParts = this.getDirParts(path); |
this.dirParts.forEach((parts) => { |
if (parts.length > 1) parts.pop(); |
}); |
this.followSymlinks = follow; |
this.statMethod = follow ? STAT_METHOD_F : STAT_METHOD_L; |
} |
checkGlobSymlink(entry) { |
if (this.globSymlink === undefined) { |
this.globSymlink = entry.fullParentDir === this.fullWatchPath ? |
false : {realPath: entry.fullParentDir, linkPath: this.fullWatchPath}; |
} |
if (this.globSymlink) { |
return entry.fullPath.replace(this.globSymlink.realPath, this.globSymlink.linkPath); |
} |
return entry.fullPath; |
} |
entryPath(entry) { |
return sysPath.join(this.watchPath, |
sysPath.relative(this.watchPath, this.checkGlobSymlink(entry)) |
); |
} |
filterPath(entry) { |
const {stats} = entry; |
if (stats && stats.isSymbolicLink()) return this.filterDir(entry); |
const resolvedPath = this.entryPath(entry); |
const matchesGlob = this.hasGlob && typeof this.globFilter === FUNCTION_TYPE ? |
this.globFilter(resolvedPath) : true; |
return matchesGlob && |
this.fsw._isntIgnored(resolvedPath, stats) && |
this.fsw._hasReadPermissions(stats); |
} |
getDirParts(path) { |
if (!this.hasGlob) return []; |
const parts = []; |
const expandedPath = path.includes(BRACE_START) ? braces.expand(path) : [path]; |
expandedPath.forEach((path) => { |
parts.push(sysPath.relative(this.watchPath, path).split(SLASH_OR_BACK_SLASH_RE)); |
}); |
return parts; |
} |
filterDir(entry) { |
if (this.hasGlob) { |
const entryParts = this.getDirParts(this.checkGlobSymlink(entry)); |
let globstar = false; |
this.unmatchedGlob = !this.dirParts.some((parts) => { |
return parts.every((part, i) => { |
if (part === GLOBSTAR) globstar = true; |
return globstar || !entryParts[0][i] || anymatch(part, entryParts[0][i], ANYMATCH_OPTS); |
}); |
}); |
} |
return !this.unmatchedGlob && this.fsw._isntIgnored(this.entryPath(entry), entry.stats); |
} |
} |
class FSWatcher extends EventEmitter { |
constructor(_opts) { |
super(); |
const opts = {}; |
if (_opts) Object.assign(opts, _opts); |
this._watched = new Map(); |
this._closers = new Map(); |
this._ignoredPaths = new Set(); |
this._throttled = new Map(); |
this._symlinkPaths = new Map(); |
this._streams = new Set(); |
this.closed = false; |
if (undef(opts, 'persistent')) opts.persistent = true; |
if (undef(opts, 'ignoreInitial')) opts.ignoreInitial = false; |
if (undef(opts, 'ignorePermissionErrors')) opts.ignorePermissionErrors = false; |
if (undef(opts, 'interval')) opts.interval = 100; |
if (undef(opts, 'binaryInterval')) opts.binaryInterval = 300; |
if (undef(opts, 'disableGlobbing')) opts.disableGlobbing = false; |
opts.enableBinaryInterval = opts.binaryInterval !== opts.interval; |
if (undef(opts, 'useFsEvents')) opts.useFsEvents = !opts.usePolling; |
const canUseFsEvents = FsEventsHandler.canUse(); |
if (!canUseFsEvents) opts.useFsEvents = false; |
if (undef(opts, 'usePolling') && !opts.useFsEvents) { |
opts.usePolling = isMacos; |
} |
if(isIBMi) { |
opts.usePolling = true; |
} |
const envPoll = process.env.CHOKIDAR_USEPOLLING; |
if (envPoll !== undefined) { |
const envLower = envPoll.toLowerCase(); |
if (envLower === 'false' || envLower === '0') { |
opts.usePolling = false; |
} else if (envLower === 'true' || envLower === '1') { |
opts.usePolling = true; |
} else { |
opts.usePolling = !!envLower; |
} |
} |
const envInterval = process.env.CHOKIDAR_INTERVAL; |
if (envInterval) { |
opts.interval = Number.parseInt(envInterval, 10); |
} |
if (undef(opts, 'atomic')) opts.atomic = !opts.usePolling && !opts.useFsEvents; |
if (opts.atomic) this._pendingUnlinks = new Map(); |
if (undef(opts, 'followSymlinks')) opts.followSymlinks = true; |
if (undef(opts, 'awaitWriteFinish')) opts.awaitWriteFinish = false; |
if (opts.awaitWriteFinish === true) opts.awaitWriteFinish = {}; |
const awf = opts.awaitWriteFinish; |
if (awf) { |
if (!awf.stabilityThreshold) awf.stabilityThreshold = 2000; |
if (!awf.pollInterval) awf.pollInterval = 100; |
this._pendingWrites = new Map(); |
} |
if (opts.ignored) opts.ignored = arrify(opts.ignored); |
let readyCalls = 0; |
this._emitReady = () => { |
readyCalls++; |
if (readyCalls >= this._readyCount) { |
this._emitReady = EMPTY_FN; |
this._readyEmitted = true; |
process.nextTick(() => this.emit(EV_READY)); |
} |
}; |
this._emitRaw = (...args) => this.emit(EV_RAW, ...args); |
this._readyEmitted = false; |
this.options = opts; |
if (opts.useFsEvents) { |
this._fsEventsHandler = new FsEventsHandler(this); |
} else { |
this._nodeFsHandler = new NodeFsHandler(this); |
} |
Object.freeze(opts); |
} |
add(paths_, _origAdd, _internal) { |
const {cwd, disableGlobbing} = this.options; |
this.closed = false; |
let paths = unifyPaths(paths_); |
if (cwd) { |
paths = paths.map((path) => { |
const absPath = getAbsolutePath(path, cwd); |
if (disableGlobbing || !isGlob(path)) { |
return absPath; |
} |
return normalizePath(absPath); |
}); |
} |
paths = paths.filter((path) => { |
if (path.startsWith(BANG)) { |
this._ignoredPaths.add(path.slice(1)); |
return false; |
} |
this._ignoredPaths.delete(path); |
this._ignoredPaths.delete(path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR); |
this._userIgnored = undefined; |
return true; |
}); |
if (this.options.useFsEvents && this._fsEventsHandler) { |
if (!this._readyCount) this._readyCount = paths.length; |
if (this.options.persistent) this._readyCount *= 2; |
paths.forEach((path) => this._fsEventsHandler._addToFsEvents(path)); |
} else { |
if (!this._readyCount) this._readyCount = 0; |
this._readyCount += paths.length; |
Promise.all( |
paths.map(async path => { |
const res = await this._nodeFsHandler._addToNodeFs(path, !_internal, 0, 0, _origAdd); |
if (res) this._emitReady(); |
return res; |
}) |
).then(results => { |
if (this.closed) return; |
results.filter(item => item).forEach(item => { |
this.add(sysPath.dirname(item), sysPath.basename(_origAdd || item)); |
}); |
}); |
} |
return this; |
} |
unwatch(paths_) { |
if (this.closed) return this; |
const paths = unifyPaths(paths_); |
const {cwd} = this.options; |
paths.forEach((path) => { |
if (!sysPath.isAbsolute(path) && !this._closers.has(path)) { |
if (cwd) path = sysPath.join(cwd, path); |
path = sysPath.resolve(path); |
} |
this._closePath(path); |
this._ignoredPaths.add(path); |
if (this._watched.has(path)) { |
this._ignoredPaths.add(path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR); |
} |
this._userIgnored = undefined; |
}); |
return this; |
} |
close() { |
if (this.closed) return this._closePromise; |
this.closed = true; |
this.removeAllListeners(); |
const closers = []; |
this._closers.forEach(closerList => closerList.forEach(closer => { |
const promise = closer(); |
if (promise instanceof Promise) closers.push(promise); |
})); |
this._streams.forEach(stream => stream.destroy()); |
this._userIgnored = undefined; |
this._readyCount = 0; |
this._readyEmitted = false; |
this._watched.forEach(dirent => dirent.dispose()); |
['closers', 'watched', 'streams', 'symlinkPaths', 'throttled'].forEach(key => { |
this[`_${key}`].clear(); |
}); |
this._closePromise = closers.length ? Promise.all(closers).then(() => undefined) : Promise.resolve(); |
return this._closePromise; |
} |
getWatched() { |
const watchList = {}; |
this._watched.forEach((entry, dir) => { |
const key = this.options.cwd ? sysPath.relative(this.options.cwd, dir) : dir; |
watchList[key || ONE_DOT] = entry.getChildren().sort(); |
}); |
return watchList; |
} |
emitWithAll(event, args) { |
this.emit(...args); |
if (event !== EV_ERROR) this.emit(EV_ALL, ...args); |
} |
async _emit(event, path, val1, val2, val3) { |
if (this.closed) return; |
const opts = this.options; |
if (isWindows) path = sysPath.normalize(path); |
if (opts.cwd) path = sysPath.relative(opts.cwd, path); |
const args = [event, path]; |
if (val3 !== undefined) args.push(val1, val2, val3); |
else if (val2 !== undefined) args.push(val1, val2); |
else if (val1 !== undefined) args.push(val1); |
const awf = opts.awaitWriteFinish; |
let pw; |
if (awf && (pw = this._pendingWrites.get(path))) { |
pw.lastChange = new Date(); |
return this; |
} |
if (opts.atomic) { |
if (event === EV_UNLINK) { |
this._pendingUnlinks.set(path, args); |
setTimeout(() => { |
this._pendingUnlinks.forEach((entry, path) => { |
this.emit(...entry); |
this.emit(EV_ALL, ...entry); |
this._pendingUnlinks.delete(path); |
}); |
}, typeof opts.atomic === 'number' ? opts.atomic : 100); |
return this; |
} |
if (event === EV_ADD && this._pendingUnlinks.has(path)) { |
event = args[0] = EV_CHANGE; |
this._pendingUnlinks.delete(path); |
} |
} |
if (awf && (event === EV_ADD || event === EV_CHANGE) && this._readyEmitted) { |
const awfEmit = (err, stats) => { |
if (err) { |
event = args[0] = EV_ERROR; |
args[1] = err; |
this.emitWithAll(event, args); |
} else if (stats) { |
if (args.length > 2) { |
args[2] = stats; |
} else { |
args.push(stats); |
} |
this.emitWithAll(event, args); |
} |
}; |
this._awaitWriteFinish(path, awf.stabilityThreshold, event, awfEmit); |
return this; |
} |
if (event === EV_CHANGE) { |
const isThrottled = !this._throttle(EV_CHANGE, path, 50); |
if (isThrottled) return this; |
} |
if (opts.alwaysStat && val1 === undefined && |
(event === EV_ADD || event === EV_ADD_DIR || event === EV_CHANGE) |
) { |
const fullPath = opts.cwd ? sysPath.join(opts.cwd, path) : path; |
let stats; |
try { |
stats = await stat(fullPath); |
} catch (err) {} |
if (!stats || this.closed) return; |
args.push(stats); |
} |
this.emitWithAll(event, args); |
return this; |
} |
_handleError(error) { |
const code = error && error.code; |
if (error && code !== 'ENOENT' && code !== 'ENOTDIR' && |
(!this.options.ignorePermissionErrors || (code !== 'EPERM' && code !== 'EACCES')) |
) { |
this.emit(EV_ERROR, error); |
} |
return error || this.closed; |
} |
_throttle(actionType, path, timeout) { |
if (!this._throttled.has(actionType)) { |
this._throttled.set(actionType, new Map()); |
} |
const action = this._throttled.get(actionType); |
const actionPath = action.get(path); |
if (actionPath) { |
actionPath.count++; |
return false; |
} |
let timeoutObject; |
const clear = () => { |
const item = action.get(path); |
const count = item ? item.count : 0; |
action.delete(path); |
clearTimeout(timeoutObject); |
if (item) clearTimeout(item.timeoutObject); |
return count; |
}; |
timeoutObject = setTimeout(clear, timeout); |
const thr = {timeoutObject, clear, count: 0}; |
action.set(path, thr); |
return thr; |
} |
_incrReadyCount() { |
return this._readyCount++; |
} |
_awaitWriteFinish(path, threshold, event, awfEmit) { |
let timeoutHandler; |
let fullPath = path; |
if (this.options.cwd && !sysPath.isAbsolute(path)) { |
fullPath = sysPath.join(this.options.cwd, path); |
} |
const now = new Date(); |
const awaitWriteFinish = (prevStat) => { |
fs.stat(fullPath, (err, curStat) => { |
if (err || !this._pendingWrites.has(path)) { |
if (err && err.code !== 'ENOENT') awfEmit(err); |
return; |
} |
const now = Number(new Date()); |
if (prevStat && curStat.size !== prevStat.size) { |
this._pendingWrites.get(path).lastChange = now; |
} |
const pw = this._pendingWrites.get(path); |
const df = now - pw.lastChange; |
if (df >= threshold) { |
this._pendingWrites.delete(path); |
awfEmit(undefined, curStat); |
} else { |
timeoutHandler = setTimeout( |
awaitWriteFinish, |
this.options.awaitWriteFinish.pollInterval, |
curStat |
); |
} |
}); |
}; |
if (!this._pendingWrites.has(path)) { |
this._pendingWrites.set(path, { |
lastChange: now, |
cancelWait: () => { |
this._pendingWrites.delete(path); |
clearTimeout(timeoutHandler); |
return event; |
} |
}); |
timeoutHandler = setTimeout( |
awaitWriteFinish, |
this.options.awaitWriteFinish.pollInterval |
); |
} |
} |
_getGlobIgnored() { |
return [...this._ignoredPaths.values()]; |
} |
_isIgnored(path, stats) { |
if (this.options.atomic && DOT_RE.test(path)) return true; |
if (!this._userIgnored) { |
const {cwd} = this.options; |
const ign = this.options.ignored; |
const ignored = ign && ign.map(normalizeIgnored(cwd)); |
const paths = arrify(ignored) |
.filter((path) => typeof path === STRING_TYPE && !isGlob(path)) |
.map((path) => path + SLASH_GLOBSTAR); |
const list = this._getGlobIgnored().map(normalizeIgnored(cwd)).concat(ignored, paths); |
this._userIgnored = anymatch(list, undefined, ANYMATCH_OPTS); |
} |
return this._userIgnored([path, stats]); |
} |
_isntIgnored(path, stat) { |
return !this._isIgnored(path, stat); |
} |
_getWatchHelpers(path, depth) { |
const watchPath = depth || this.options.disableGlobbing || !isGlob(path) ? path : globParent(path); |
const follow = this.options.followSymlinks; |
return new WatchHelper(path, watchPath, follow, this); |
} |
_getWatchedDir(directory) { |
if (!this._boundRemove) this._boundRemove = this._remove.bind(this); |
const dir = sysPath.resolve(directory); |
if (!this._watched.has(dir)) this._watched.set(dir, new DirEntry(dir, this._boundRemove)); |
return this._watched.get(dir); |
} |
_hasReadPermissions(stats) { |
if (this.options.ignorePermissionErrors) return true; |
const md = stats && Number.parseInt(stats.mode, 10); |
const st = md & 0o777; |
const it = Number.parseInt(st.toString(8)[0], 10); |
return Boolean(4 & it); |
} |
_remove(directory, item, isDirectory) { |
const path = sysPath.join(directory, item); |
const fullPath = sysPath.resolve(path); |
isDirectory = isDirectory != null |
? isDirectory |
: this._watched.has(path) || this._watched.has(fullPath); |
if (!this._throttle('remove', path, 100)) return; |
if (!isDirectory && !this.options.useFsEvents && this._watched.size === 1) { |
this.add(directory, item, true); |
} |
const wp = this._getWatchedDir(path); |
const nestedDirectoryChildren = wp.getChildren(); |
nestedDirectoryChildren.forEach(nested => this._remove(path, nested)); |
const parent = this._getWatchedDir(directory); |
const wasTracked = parent.has(item); |
parent.remove(item); |
if (this._symlinkPaths.has(fullPath)) { |
this._symlinkPaths.delete(fullPath); |
} |
let relPath = path; |
if (this.options.cwd) relPath = sysPath.relative(this.options.cwd, path); |
if (this.options.awaitWriteFinish && this._pendingWrites.has(relPath)) { |
const event = this._pendingWrites.get(relPath).cancelWait(); |
if (event === EV_ADD) return; |
} |
this._watched.delete(path); |
this._watched.delete(fullPath); |
const eventName = isDirectory ? EV_UNLINK_DIR : EV_UNLINK; |
if (wasTracked && !this._isIgnored(path)) this._emit(eventName, path); |
if (!this.options.useFsEvents) { |
this._closePath(path); |
} |
} |
_closePath(path) { |
this._closeFile(path); |
const dir = sysPath.dirname(path); |
this._getWatchedDir(dir).remove(sysPath.basename(path)); |
} |
_closeFile(path) { |
const closers = this._closers.get(path); |
if (!closers) return; |
closers.forEach(closer => closer()); |
this._closers.delete(path); |
} |
_addPathCloser(path, closer) { |
if (!closer) return; |
let list = this._closers.get(path); |
if (!list) { |
list = []; |
this._closers.set(path, list); |
} |
list.push(closer); |
} |
_readdirp(root, opts) { |
if (this.closed) return; |
const options = {type: EV_ALL, alwaysStat: true, lstat: true, ...opts}; |
let stream = readdirp(root, options); |
this._streams.add(stream); |
stream.once(STR_CLOSE, () => { |
stream = undefined; |
}); |
stream.once(STR_END, () => { |
if (stream) { |
this._streams.delete(stream); |
stream = undefined; |
} |
}); |
return stream; |
} |
} |
chokidar.FSWatcher = FSWatcher; |
const watch = (paths, options) => { |
const watcher = new FSWatcher(options); |
watcher.add(paths); |
return watcher; |
}; |
chokidar.watch = watch; |
class FileWatcher { |
constructor(task, chokidarOptions) { |
this.transformWatchers = new Map(); |
this.chokidarOptions = chokidarOptions; |
this.task = task; |
this.watcher = this.createWatcher(null); |
} |
close() { |
this.watcher.close(); |
for (const watcher of this.transformWatchers.values()) { |
watcher.close(); |
} |
} |
unwatch(id) { |
this.watcher.unwatch(id); |
const transformWatcher = this.transformWatchers.get(id); |
if (transformWatcher) { |
this.transformWatchers.delete(id); |
transformWatcher.close(); |
} |
} |
watch(id, isTransformDependency) { |
var _a; |
if (isTransformDependency) { |
const watcher = (_a = this.transformWatchers.get(id)) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : this.createWatcher(id); |
watcher.add(id); |
this.transformWatchers.set(id, watcher); |
} |
else { |
this.watcher.add(id); |
} |
} |
createWatcher(transformWatcherId) { |
const task = this.task; |
const isLinux = platform() === 'linux'; |
const isTransformDependency = transformWatcherId !== null; |
const handleChange = (id, event) => { |
const changedId = transformWatcherId || id; |
if (isLinux) { |
watcher.unwatch(changedId); |
watcher.add(changedId); |
} |
task.invalidate(changedId, { event, isTransformDependency }); |
}; |
const watcher = chokidar |
.watch([], this.chokidarOptions) |
.on('add', id => handleChange(id, 'create')) |
.on('change', id => handleChange(id, 'update')) |
.on('unlink', id => handleChange(id, 'delete')); |
return watcher; |
} |
} |
const eventsRewrites = { |
create: { |
create: 'buggy', |
delete: null, |
update: 'create' |
}, |
delete: { |
create: 'update', |
delete: 'buggy', |
update: 'buggy' |
}, |
update: { |
create: 'buggy', |
delete: 'delete', |
update: 'update' |
} |
}; |
class Watcher { |
constructor(configs, emitter) { |
this.buildDelay = 0; |
this.buildTimeout = null; |
this.invalidatedIds = new Map(); |
this.rerun = false; |
this.running = true; |
this.emitter = emitter; |
emitter.close = this.close.bind(this); |
this.tasks = configs.map(config => new Task(this, config)); |
this.buildDelay = configs.reduce((buildDelay, { watch }) => watch && typeof watch.buildDelay === 'number' |
? Math.max(buildDelay, watch.buildDelay) |
: buildDelay, this.buildDelay); |
process$1.nextTick(() => this.run()); |
} |
async close() { |
if (this.buildTimeout) |
clearTimeout(this.buildTimeout); |
for (const task of this.tasks) { |
task.close(); |
} |
await this.emitter.emitAndAwait('close'); |
this.emitter.removeAllListeners(); |
} |
invalidate(file) { |
if (file) { |
const prevEvent = this.invalidatedIds.get(file.id); |
const event = prevEvent ? eventsRewrites[prevEvent][file.event] : file.event; |
if (event === 'buggy') { |
this.invalidatedIds.set(file.id, file.event); |
} |
else if (event === null) { |
this.invalidatedIds.delete(file.id); |
} |
else { |
this.invalidatedIds.set(file.id, event); |
} |
} |
if (this.running) { |
this.rerun = true; |
return; |
} |
if (this.buildTimeout) |
clearTimeout(this.buildTimeout); |
this.buildTimeout = setTimeout(async () => { |
this.buildTimeout = null; |
try { |
await Promise.all([...this.invalidatedIds].map(([id, event]) => this.emitter.emitAndAwait('change', id, { event }))); |
this.invalidatedIds.clear(); |
this.emitter.emit('restart'); |
this.emitter.removeAwaited(); |
this.run(); |
} |
catch (error) { |
this.invalidatedIds.clear(); |
this.emitter.emit('event', { |
code: 'ERROR', |
error, |
result: null |
}); |
this.emitter.emit('event', { |
code: 'END' |
}); |
} |
}, this.buildDelay); |
} |
async run() { |
this.running = true; |
this.emitter.emit('event', { |
code: 'START' |
}); |
for (const task of this.tasks) { |
await task.run(); |
} |
this.running = false; |
this.emitter.emit('event', { |
code: 'END' |
}); |
if (this.rerun) { |
this.rerun = false; |
this.invalidate(); |
} |
} |
} |
class Task { |
constructor(watcher, config) { |
this.cache = { modules: [] }; |
this.watchFiles = []; |
this.closed = false; |
this.invalidated = true; |
this.watched = new Set(); |
this.watcher = watcher; |
this.skipWrite = Boolean(config.watch && config.watch.skipWrite); |
this.options = mergeOptions(config); |
this.outputs = this.options.output; |
this.outputFiles = this.outputs.map(output => { |
if (output.file || output.dir) |
return resolve(output.file || output.dir); |
return undefined; |
}); |
const watchOptions = this.options.watch || {}; |
this.filter = createFilter(watchOptions.include, watchOptions.exclude); |
this.fileWatcher = new FileWatcher(this, { |
...watchOptions.chokidar, |
disableGlobbing: true, |
ignoreInitial: true |
}); |
} |
close() { |
this.closed = true; |
this.fileWatcher.close(); |
} |
invalidate(id, details) { |
this.invalidated = true; |
if (details.isTransformDependency) { |
for (const module of this.cache.modules) { |
if (!module.transformDependencies.includes(id)) |
continue; |
module.originalCode = null; |
} |
} |
this.watcher.invalidate({ event: details.event, id }); |
} |
async run() { |
if (!this.invalidated) |
return; |
this.invalidated = false; |
const options = { |
...this.options, |
cache: this.cache |
}; |
const start = Date.now(); |
this.watcher.emitter.emit('event', { |
code: 'BUNDLE_START', |
input: this.options.input, |
output: this.outputFiles |
}); |
let result = null; |
try { |
result = await rollupInternal(options, this.watcher.emitter); |
if (this.closed) { |
return; |
} |
this.updateWatchedFiles(result); |
this.skipWrite || (await Promise.all(this.outputs.map(output => result.write(output)))); |
this.watcher.emitter.emit('event', { |
code: 'BUNDLE_END', |
duration: Date.now() - start, |
input: this.options.input, |
output: this.outputFiles, |
result |
}); |
} |
catch (error) { |
if (!this.closed) { |
if (Array.isArray(error.watchFiles)) { |
for (const id of error.watchFiles) { |
this.watchFile(id); |
} |
} |
if (error.id) { |
this.cache.modules = this.cache.modules.filter(module => module.id !== error.id); |
} |
} |
this.watcher.emitter.emit('event', { |
code: 'ERROR', |
error, |
result |
}); |
} |
} |
updateWatchedFiles(result) { |
const previouslyWatched = this.watched; |
this.watched = new Set(); |
this.watchFiles = result.watchFiles; |
this.cache = result.cache; |
for (const id of this.watchFiles) { |
this.watchFile(id); |
} |
for (const module of this.cache.modules) { |
for (const depId of module.transformDependencies) { |
this.watchFile(depId, true); |
} |
} |
for (const id of previouslyWatched) { |
if (!this.watched.has(id)) { |
this.fileWatcher.unwatch(id); |
} |
} |
} |
watchFile(id, isTransformDependency = false) { |
if (!this.filter(id)) |
return; |
this.watched.add(id); |
if (this.outputFiles.some(file => file === id)) { |
throw new Error('Cannot import the generated bundle'); |
} |
this.fileWatcher.watch(id, isTransformDependency); |
} |
} |
export { Task, Watcher }; |