import pyshark import threading import time import numpy as np import pandas as pd from queue import Queue, Empty import netifaces as net import os import joblib from threading import Lock import streamlit as st current_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) MODEL_PATH = os.path.join(current_dir, 'Anomaly_Model.joblib') flow_dict_lock = threading.Lock() FEATURE_NAMES = [ ' Destination Port', ' Flow Duration', ' Total Fwd Packets', ' Total Backward Packets', 'Total Length of Fwd Packets', ' Total Length of Bwd Packets', ' Fwd Packet Length Max', ' Fwd Packet Length Min', ' Fwd Packet Length Mean', ' Fwd Packet Length Std', 'Bwd Packet Length Max', ' Bwd Packet Length Min', ' Bwd Packet Length Mean', ' Bwd Packet Length Std', 'Flow Bytes/s', ' Flow Packets/s', ' Flow IAT Mean', ' Flow IAT Std', ' Flow IAT Max', ' Flow IAT Min', 'Fwd IAT Total', ' Fwd IAT Mean', ' Fwd IAT Std', ' Fwd IAT Max', ' Fwd IAT Min', 'Bwd IAT Total', ' Bwd IAT Mean', ' Bwd IAT Std', ' Bwd IAT Max', ' Bwd IAT Min', 'Fwd PSH Flags', ' Bwd PSH Flags', ' Fwd URG Flags', ' Bwd URG Flags', ' Fwd Header Length', ' Bwd Header Length', 'Fwd Packets/s', ' Bwd Packets/s', ' Min Packet Length', ' Max Packet Length', ' Packet Length Mean', ' Packet Length Std', ' Packet Length Variance', 'FIN Flag Count', ' SYN Flag Count', ' RST Flag Count', ' PSH Flag Count', ' ACK Flag Count', ' URG Flag Count', ' CWE Flag Count', ' ECE Flag Count', ' Down/Up Ratio', ' Average Packet Size', ' Avg Fwd Segment Size', ' Avg Bwd Segment Size', ' Fwd Header Length.1', 'Fwd Avg Bytes/Bulk', ' Fwd Avg Packets/Bulk', ' Fwd Avg Bulk Rate', ' Bwd Avg Bytes/Bulk', ' Bwd Avg Packets/Bulk', 'Bwd Avg Bulk Rate', 'Subflow Fwd Packets', ' Subflow Fwd Bytes', ' Subflow Bwd Packets', ' Subflow Bwd Bytes', 'Init_Win_bytes_forward', ' Init_Win_bytes_backward', ' act_data_pkt_fwd', ' min_seg_size_forward', 'Active Mean', ' Active Std', ' Active Max', ' Active Min', 'Idle Mean', ' Idle Std', ' Idle Max', ' Idle Min' ] # Add verification after loading the model def verify_features(): """Verify that we have all required features and they match exactly""" print(f"\nFeature Verification:") print(f"Total features in training data: {len(FEATURE_NAMES)}") print(f"Features in loaded model: {len(pipeline['selected_features'])}") # Check for missing features missing_features = set(FEATURE_NAMES) - set(pipeline['selected_features']) if missing_features: print("\nWARNING: Missing features in model:") for feature in missing_features: print(f"- {feature}") # Check for extra features extra_features = set(pipeline['selected_features']) - set(FEATURE_NAMES) if extra_features: print("\nWARNING: Extra features in model:") for feature in extra_features: print(f"- {feature}") # Print first few features for verification print("\nFirst 5 features:") for i, feature in enumerate(FEATURE_NAMES[:5]): print(f"{i+1}. '{feature}'") # Add these constants at the top PACKET_TIMEOUT = 60 # Flow expiration timeout in seconds QUEUE_SIZE = 10000 # Maximum packet queue size VERBOSE = False # Enable/disable detailed logging # Add a packet counter class class PacketStats: def __init__(self): self.total_packets = 0 self.ddos_flows = 0 self.benign_flows = 0 self.start_time = time.time() self.lock = threading.Lock() def update_stats(self, is_ddos): with self.lock: self.total_packets += 1 if is_ddos: self.ddos_flows += 1 else: self.benign_flows += 1 def print_stats(self): with self.lock: elapsed_time = time.time() - self.start_time print(f"\nMonitoring Statistics:") print(f"Running time: {elapsed_time:.2f} seconds") print(f"Total packets processed: {self.total_packets}") print(f"DDoS flows detected: {self.ddos_flows}") print(f"Benign flows detected: {self.benign_flows}") try: print("Loading model...") # Use the constructed path to load the model model_data = joblib.load(MODEL_PATH) pipeline = { 'model': model_data['model'], 'scaler': model_data['model'].named_steps['scaler'], 'selector': model_data['model'].named_steps['feature_selection'], 'variance_selector': model_data['model'].named_steps['variance_threshold'], 'selected_features': model_data['feature_names'] } print("Model loaded successfully") except Exception as e: print(f"Error loading model: {e}") raise class Flow: def is_expired(self, timeout=60): return (time.time() - self.flow_end_time) > timeout def __init__(self, src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, protocol): # Flow identifiers self.src_ip = src_ip self.src_port = src_port self.dst_ip = dst_ip self.dst_port = dst_port self.protocol = protocol # Packet tracking self.total_fwd_packets = 0 self.total_bwd_packets = 0 self.total_length_fwd_packets = 0 self.total_length_bwd_packets = 0 # Packet lengths self.fwd_packet_lengths = [] self.bwd_packet_lengths = [] self.packet_lengths = [] # All packet lengths # Inter-arrival times self.fwd_iat = [] self.bwd_iat = [] self.flow_iat = [] self.last_fwd_packet_time = None self.last_bwd_packet_time = None self.last_packet_time = None # Header lengths self.fwd_header_length = 0 self.bwd_header_length = 0 # Flags self.fin_flag_count = 0 self.syn_flag_count = 0 self.rst_flag_count = 0 self.psh_flag_count = 0 self.ack_flag_count = 0 self.urg_flag_count = 0 self.cwe_flag_count = 0 self.ece_flag_count = 0 # Window sizes self.init_win_bytes_forward = None self.init_win_bytes_backward = None self.act_data_pkt_fwd = 0 self.min_seg_size_forward = None # Active and Idle times self.flow_start_time = time.time() self.flow_end_time = self.flow_start_time self.active_times = [] self.idle_times = [] self.last_active_time = None # Other features self.flow_packet_times = [] def add_packet(self, packet, direction): try: if not hasattr(packet, 'sniff_timestamp'): if VERBOSE: print(f"Packet missing sniff_timestamp: {packet}") return current_time = float(packet.sniff_timestamp) self.flow_end_time = current_time # Track packet times for flow IAT self.flow_packet_times.append(current_time) if len(self.flow_packet_times) > 1: iat = self.flow_packet_times[-1] - self.flow_packet_times[-2] self.flow_iat.append(iat) # Packet length - add error checking try: packet_length = int(packet.length) except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e: if VERBOSE: print(f"Error getting packet length: {e}, packet: {packet}") return self.packet_lengths.append(packet_length) # Detailed error handling for IP addresses try: if hasattr(packet, 'ip'): src_ip = packet.ip.src dst_ip = packet.ip.dst elif hasattr(packet, 'ipv6'): src_ip = packet.ipv6.src dst_ip = packet.ipv6.dst else: if VERBOSE: print(f"Packet has no IP layer: {packet}") return except AttributeError as e: if VERBOSE: print(f"Error accessing IP addresses: {e}, packet: {packet}") return current_time = float(packet.sniff_timestamp) self.flow_end_time = current_time # Track packet times for flow IAT self.flow_packet_times.append(current_time) if len(self.flow_packet_times) > 1: iat = self.flow_packet_times[-1] - self.flow_packet_times[-2] self.flow_iat.append(iat) # Packet length packet_length = int(packet.length) self.packet_lengths.append(packet_length) # Header length calculation header_length = 14 # Ethernet header if hasattr(packet, 'ip'): src_ip = packet.ip.src dst_ip = packet.ip.dst elif hasattr(packet, 'ipv6'): src_ip = packet.ipv6.src dst_ip = packet.ipv6.dst else: return if hasattr(packet, 'tcp'): header_length += int(packet.tcp.hdr_len or 0) if hasattr(packet.tcp, 'flags'): flags = int(packet.tcp.flags_hex, 16) self.fin_flag_count += bool(flags & 0x01) self.syn_flag_count += bool(flags & 0x02) self.rst_flag_count += bool(flags & 0x04) self.psh_flag_count += bool(flags & 0x08) self.ack_flag_count += bool(flags & 0x10) self.urg_flag_count += bool(flags & 0x20) self.ece_flag_count += bool(flags & 0x40) self.cwe_flag_count += bool(flags & 0x80) if direction == 'forward' and self.init_win_bytes_forward is None: self.init_win_bytes_forward = int(packet.tcp.window_size or 0) elif direction == 'backward' and self.init_win_bytes_backward is None: self.init_win_bytes_backward = int(packet.tcp.window_size or 0) if self.min_seg_size_forward is None: self.min_seg_size_forward = int(packet.tcp.hdr_len or 0) elif hasattr(packet, 'udp'): header_length += 8 if direction == 'forward': self.total_fwd_packets += 1 self.total_length_fwd_packets += packet_length self.fwd_packet_lengths.append(packet_length) self.fwd_header_length += header_length self.act_data_pkt_fwd += 1 if self.last_fwd_packet_time is not None: iat = current_time - self.last_fwd_packet_time self.fwd_iat.append(iat) self.last_fwd_packet_time = current_time else: self.total_bwd_packets += 1 self.total_length_bwd_packets += packet_length self.bwd_packet_lengths.append(packet_length) self.bwd_header_length += header_length if self.last_bwd_packet_time is not None: iat = current_time - self.last_bwd_packet_time self.bwd_iat.append(iat) self.last_bwd_packet_time = current_time except Exception as e: if VERBOSE: print(f"Error processing packet: {str(e)}") print(f"Packet details: {packet}") import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) def compute_features(self): # Compute statistical features for packet lengths fwd_pl_array = np.array(self.fwd_packet_lengths) bwd_pl_array = np.array(self.bwd_packet_lengths) all_pl_array = np.array(self.packet_lengths) # Handle empty arrays if len(fwd_pl_array) == 0: fwd_pl_array = np.array([0]) if len(bwd_pl_array) == 0: bwd_pl_array = np.array([0]) if len(all_pl_array) == 0: all_pl_array = np.array([0]) if len(self.fwd_iat) == 0: self.fwd_iat = [0] if len(self.bwd_iat) == 0: self.bwd_iat = [0] if len(self.flow_iat) == 0: self.flow_iat = [0] flow_duration = (self.flow_end_time - self.flow_start_time) * 1e6 # in microseconds # Compute features features = { ' Destination Port': self.dst_port, ' Flow Duration': flow_duration, ' Total Fwd Packets': self.total_fwd_packets, ' Total Backward Packets': self.total_bwd_packets, 'Total Length of Fwd Packets': self.total_length_fwd_packets, ' Total Length of Bwd Packets': self.total_length_bwd_packets, ' Fwd Packet Length Max': np.max(fwd_pl_array), ' Fwd Packet Length Min': np.min(fwd_pl_array), ' Fwd Packet Length Mean': np.mean(fwd_pl_array), ' Fwd Packet Length Std': np.std(fwd_pl_array), 'Bwd Packet Length Max': np.max(bwd_pl_array), ' Bwd Packet Length Min': np.min(bwd_pl_array), ' Bwd Packet Length Mean': np.mean(bwd_pl_array), ' Bwd Packet Length Std': np.std(bwd_pl_array), 'Flow Bytes/s': ((self.total_length_fwd_packets + self.total_length_bwd_packets) / flow_duration) * 1e6 if flow_duration > 0 else 0, ' Flow Packets/s': ((self.total_fwd_packets + self.total_bwd_packets) / flow_duration) * 1e6 if flow_duration > 0 else 0, ' Flow IAT Mean': np.mean(self.flow_iat), ' Flow IAT Std': np.std(self.flow_iat), ' Flow IAT Max': np.max(self.flow_iat), ' Flow IAT Min': np.min(self.flow_iat), 'Fwd IAT Total': sum(self.fwd_iat), ' Fwd IAT Mean': np.mean(self.fwd_iat), ' Fwd IAT Std': np.std(self.fwd_iat), ' Fwd IAT Max': np.max(self.fwd_iat), ' Fwd IAT Min': np.min(self.fwd_iat), 'Bwd IAT Total': sum(self.bwd_iat), ' Bwd IAT Mean': np.mean(self.bwd_iat), ' Bwd IAT Std': np.std(self.bwd_iat), ' Bwd IAT Max': np.max(self.bwd_iat), ' Bwd IAT Min': np.min(self.bwd_iat), 'Fwd PSH Flags': 0, ' Bwd PSH Flags': 0, ' Fwd URG Flags': 0, ' Bwd URG Flags': 0, ' Fwd Header Length': self.fwd_header_length, ' Bwd Header Length': self.bwd_header_length, 'Fwd Packets/s': (self.total_fwd_packets / flow_duration) * 1e6 if flow_duration > 0 else 0, ' Bwd Packets/s': (self.total_bwd_packets / flow_duration) * 1e6 if flow_duration > 0 else 0, ' Min Packet Length': np.min(all_pl_array), ' Max Packet Length': np.max(all_pl_array), ' Packet Length Mean': np.mean(all_pl_array), ' Packet Length Std': np.std(all_pl_array), ' Packet Length Variance': np.var(all_pl_array), 'FIN Flag Count': self.fin_flag_count, ' SYN Flag Count': self.syn_flag_count, ' RST Flag Count': self.rst_flag_count, ' PSH Flag Count': self.psh_flag_count, ' ACK Flag Count': self.ack_flag_count, ' URG Flag Count': self.urg_flag_count, ' CWE Flag Count': self.cwe_flag_count, ' ECE Flag Count': self.ece_flag_count, ' Down/Up Ratio': (self.total_fwd_packets / self.total_bwd_packets) if self.total_bwd_packets > 0 else 0, ' Average Packet Size': (np.mean(all_pl_array)) if len(all_pl_array) > 0 else 0, ' Avg Fwd Segment Size': (self.total_length_fwd_packets / self.total_fwd_packets) if self.total_fwd_packets > 0 else 0, ' Avg Bwd Segment Size': (self.total_length_bwd_packets / self.total_bwd_packets) if self.total_bwd_packets > 0 else 0, ' Fwd Header Length.1': self.fwd_header_length, 'Fwd Avg Bytes/Bulk': 0, ' Fwd Avg Packets/Bulk': 0, ' Fwd Avg Bulk Rate': 0, ' Bwd Avg Bytes/Bulk': 0, ' Bwd Avg Packets/Bulk': 0, 'Bwd Avg Bulk Rate': 0, 'Subflow Fwd Packets': self.total_fwd_packets, ' Subflow Fwd Bytes': self.total_length_fwd_packets, ' Subflow Bwd Packets': self.total_bwd_packets, ' Subflow Bwd Bytes': self.total_length_bwd_packets, 'Init_Win_bytes_forward': self.init_win_bytes_forward or 0, ' Init_Win_bytes_backward': self.init_win_bytes_backward or 0, ' act_data_pkt_fwd': self.act_data_pkt_fwd, ' min_seg_size_forward': self.min_seg_size_forward or 0, 'Active Mean': 0, ' Active Std': 0, ' Active Max': 0, ' Active Min': 0, 'Idle Mean': 0, ' Idle Std': 0, ' Idle Max': 0, ' Idle Min': 0, } for feature in FEATURE_NAMES: if feature not in features: features[feature] = 0 return features def get_all_interfaces(): """ Get all available network interfaces with their IP addresses. """ try: interfaces = net.interfaces() excluded_interfaces = ['lo', 'lo0', 'bridge', 'docker', 'vmnet'] available_interfaces = [] for iface in interfaces: if any(excluded in iface for excluded in excluded_interfaces): continue try: addrs = net.ifaddresses(iface) ip_info = addrs.get(net.AF_INET) if ip_info: ip_addr = ip_info[0].get('addr', 'N/A') available_interfaces.append((iface, ip_addr)) else: available_interfaces.append((iface, 'N/A')) except ValueError: continue return available_interfaces except Exception as e: print(f"Error getting network interfaces: {e}") return [] def capture_packets(interface_name, packet_queue, stop_event): try: capture = pyshark.LiveCapture(interface=interface_name) for packet in capture.sniff_continuously(): if stop_event.is_set(): break packet_queue.put(packet) except Exception as e: print(f"Error capturing packets: {e}") NUM_THREADS = 4 # Number of threads for packet processing def start_processing_threads(packet_queue, flow_dict, pipeline, stats): """ Start multiple threads to process packets in parallel. """ for _ in range(NUM_THREADS): thread = threading.Thread( target=process_packets, args=(packet_queue, flow_dict, pipeline, stats), daemon=True ) thread.start() def process_packets(packet_queue, flow_dict, pipeline, stats): while True: try: try: packet = packet_queue.get(timeout=1) except Empty: continue if not hasattr(packet, 'ip'): if VERBOSE: print(f"Skipping non-IP packet: {packet}") continue # Extract packet information outside the lock try: if not hasattr(packet.ip, 'src') or not hasattr(packet.ip, 'dst'): if VERBOSE: print(f"Packet missing IP addresses: {packet}") continue src_ip = packet.ip.src dst_ip = packet.ip.dst # Get port information if hasattr(packet, 'tcp'): src_port = int(packet.tcp.srcport) dst_port = int(packet.tcp.dstport) protocol = 'TCP' elif hasattr(packet, 'udp'): src_port = int(packet.udp.srcport) dst_port = int(packet.udp.dstport) protocol = 'UDP' else: continue # Create flow keys forward_key = (src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, protocol) backward_key = (dst_ip, dst_port, src_ip, src_port, protocol) # Update stats first stats.update_stats(False) # Now use the lock when accessing flow_dict with flow_dict_lock: # Get or create flow if forward_key in flow_dict: flow = flow_dict[forward_key] direction = 'forward' elif backward_key in flow_dict: flow = flow_dict[backward_key] direction = 'backward' else: flow = Flow(src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, protocol) flow_dict[forward_key] = flow direction = 'forward' # Add packet to flow while still holding the lock flow.add_packet(packet, direction) # Check for expired flows while holding the lock for flow_key, flow in list(flow_dict.items()): if flow.is_expired(timeout=60): try: # Extract features and make prediction features = flow.compute_features() features_df = pd.DataFrame([features]) features_df = features_df[pipeline['selected_features']] X = features_df.copy() X = pipeline['variance_selector'].transform(X) X = pipeline['scaler'].transform(X) X = pipeline['selector'].transform(X) prediction = pipeline['model'].predict(X) # Log prediction src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, proto = flow_key status = 'DDoS' if prediction[0] == 1 else 'Normal' packets = flow.total_fwd_packets + flow.total_bwd_packets print(f"[{time.strftime('%H:%M:%S')}] {src_ip}:{src_port} → {dst_ip}:{dst_port} | {proto} | Packets: {packets} | Status: {status}") except Exception as e: print(f"Prediction error: {e}") finally: del flow_dict[flow_key] except AttributeError as e: if VERBOSE: print(f"Packet parsing error: {e}") continue except Exception as e: if VERBOSE: print(f"Processing error: {e}") continue def process_packets(packet_queue, flow_dict, pipeline, stats): while True: try: try: packet = packet_queue.get(timeout=1) except Empty: continue if not hasattr(packet, 'ip'): if VERBOSE: print(f"Skipping non-IP packet: {packet}") continue try: # Extract flow information with error checking if not hasattr(packet.ip, 'src') or not hasattr(packet.ip, 'dst'): if VERBOSE: print(f"Packet missing IP addresses: {packet}") continue src_ip = packet.ip.src dst_ip = packet.ip.dst # Get port information with better error handling if hasattr(packet, 'tcp'): try: src_port = int(packet.tcp.srcport) dst_port = int(packet.tcp.dstport) protocol = 'TCP' except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e: if VERBOSE: print(f"Error getting TCP ports: {e}") continue elif hasattr(packet, 'udp'): try: src_port = int(packet.udp.srcport) dst_port = int(packet.udp.dstport) protocol = 'UDP' except (AttributeError, ValueError) as e: if VERBOSE: print(f"Error getting UDP ports: {e}") continue else: if VERBOSE: print(f"Packet is neither TCP nor UDP: {packet}") continue # Process flow and update statistics forward_key = (src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, protocol) backward_key = (dst_ip, dst_port, src_ip, src_port, protocol) # Update stats first stats.update_stats(False) # Get or create flow if forward_key in flow_dict: flow = flow_dict[forward_key] direction = 'forward' elif backward_key in flow_dict: flow = flow_dict[backward_key] direction = 'backward' else: flow = Flow(src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, protocol) flow_dict[forward_key] = flow direction = 'forward' flow.add_packet(packet, direction) except AttributeError as e: if VERBOSE: print(f"Packet parsing error: {e}") print(f"Packet details: {packet}") continue except Exception as e: if VERBOSE: print(f"Processing error: {e}") import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) continue def select_interface(interfaces): """Select network interface for packet capture""" if len(interfaces) == 1: # If only one active interface, automatically select it interface_name = interfaces[0][0] print(f"Automatically selected interface: {interface_name} (IP: {interfaces[0][1]})") return interface_name # Display multiple active interfaces and let user select print("\nAvailable Network Interfaces:") for idx, (iface, ip_addr) in enumerate(interfaces): print(f"{idx}: {iface} (IP: {ip_addr})") while True: try: selected_idx = int(input("\nSelect interface index for capture: ")) if 0 <= selected_idx < len(interfaces): return interfaces[selected_idx][0] print("Invalid selection. Try again.") except ValueError: print("Please enter a valid number.") def predict_flow(flow, pipeline): """Make prediction for a single flow""" features = flow.compute_features() features_df = pd.DataFrame([features]) features_df = features_df[pipeline['selected_features']] X = features_df.copy() X = pipeline['variance_selector'].transform(X) X = pipeline['scaler'].transform(X) X = pipeline['selector'].transform(X) return pipeline['model'].predict(X)[0] def start_capture_threads(interface_name, packet_queue, flow_dict, pipeline, stats, stop_event): """Start capture and processing threads""" capture_thread = threading.Thread( target=capture_packets, args=(interface_name, packet_queue, stop_event), daemon=True ) processing_thread = threading.Thread( target=process_packets, args=(packet_queue, flow_dict, pipeline, stats), daemon=True ) capture_thread.start() processing_thread.start() return [capture_thread, processing_thread] def cleanup(stop_event, threads, stats): """Clean up threads and display final statistics""" stop_event.set() for thread in threads: thread.join(timeout=5) stats.print_stats() print("\nCapture stopped.") def main(): print("Network Traffic DDoS Monitor") # Verify features first thing in main verify_features() # Initialize statistics stats = PacketStats() # Initialize queue and flow tracking packet_queue = Queue(maxsize=QUEUE_SIZE) flow_dict = {} # Get interfaces and setup capture interfaces = [(iface, ip) for iface, ip in get_all_interfaces() if ip != 'N/A'] if not interfaces: print("No active network interfaces found.") return interface_name = select_interface(interfaces) print(f"\nStarting capture on: {interface_name}") # Start capture stop_event = threading.Event() threads = start_capture_threads(interface_name, packet_queue, flow_dict, pipeline, stats, stop_event) try: while True: time.sleep(10) stats.print_stats() except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\nStopping capture...") finally: cleanup(stop_event, threads, stats) # Feature extraction and prediction print("\nProcessing captured network flows...") features_list = [] predictions = [] for flow_key, flow in flow_dict.items(): try: # Get features features = flow.compute_features() features_list.append(features) # Create DataFrame with only the required features features_df = pd.DataFrame([features]) feature_vector = pd.DataFrame(columns=pipeline['selected_features']) for feature in pipeline['selected_features']: feature_vector[feature] = features_df.get(feature, 0) # Apply the pipeline transformations X = pipeline['variance_selector'].transform(feature_vector) X = pipeline['scaler'].transform(X) X = pipeline['selector'].transform(X) # Make prediction prediction = pipeline['model'].predict(X) predictions.append(prediction[0]) # Print prediction src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, proto = flow_key print(f"Flow: {src_ip}:{src_port} -> {dst_ip}:{dst_port} ({proto})") print(f"Prediction: {'BENIGN' if prediction[0] == 0 else 'DDoS'}") print(f"Total packets: Forward={flow.total_fwd_packets}, Backward={flow.total_bwd_packets}") print("-" * 50) except Exception as e: print(f"Error processing flow: {str(e)}") # Save results if we have any if features_list: df = pd.DataFrame(features_list) df['Prediction'] = predictions output_file = 'network_traffic_predictions.csv' df.to_csv(output_file, index=False) print(f"\nFeatures and predictions saved to {output_file}") print(f"Total flows captured: {len(features_list)}") else: print("No network flows were captured.") def streamlit_app(): st.title("Real-Time Network Traffic DDoS Monitor") st.markdown("Monitor your network traffic in real time and detect potential DDoS attacks.") # Initialize session state if 'is_scanning' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.is_scanning = False if 'packet_queue' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.packet_queue = Queue(maxsize=QUEUE_SIZE) if 'flow_dict' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.flow_dict = {} if 'stats' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.stats = PacketStats() if 'stop_event' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.stop_event = threading.Event() if 'selected_interface' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.selected_interface = None # Get interfaces and handle interface selection interfaces = [(iface, ip) for iface, ip in get_all_interfaces() if ip != 'N/A'] if not interfaces: st.error("No active network interfaces found.") return # Automatic interface selection if only one available if len(interfaces) == 1: if not st.session_state.selected_interface: st.session_state.selected_interface = interfaces[0][0]"Using network interface: {st.session_state.selected_interface} (IP: {interfaces[0][1]})") else: # Show selection box only if multiple interfaces available st.session_state.selected_interface = st.selectbox( "Select Network Interface", [iface[0] for iface in interfaces], key='interface_select' ) # Control buttons in the same row col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: if st.button("Start Scanning", key='start_button'): st.session_state.is_scanning = True st.session_state.stop_event.clear() threads = start_capture_threads( st.session_state.selected_interface, st.session_state.packet_queue, st.session_state.flow_dict, pipeline, st.session_state.stats, st.session_state.stop_event ) st.session_state.threads = threads with col2: if st.button("Stop Scanning", key='stop_button'): st.session_state.is_scanning = False if hasattr(st.session_state, 'stop_event'): st.session_state.stop_event.set() if hasattr(st.session_state, 'threads'): for thread in st.session_state.threads: thread.join(timeout=5) # Display statistics if st.session_state.is_scanning: stats_container = st.container() with stats_container: st.markdown("### Statistics:") col1, col2, col3 = st.columns(3) with col1: st.metric("Total Packets", st.session_state.stats.total_packets) with col2: st.metric("DDoS Flows", st.session_state.stats.ddos_flows) with col3: st.metric("Benign Flows", st.session_state.stats.benign_flows) # Display active flows flow_data = [] for flow_key, flow in st.session_state.flow_dict.items(): src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, protocol = flow_key packets = flow.total_fwd_packets + flow.total_bwd_packets flow_data.append([src_ip, src_port, dst_ip, dst_port, protocol, packets]) if flow_data: st.markdown("### Active Flows") df = pd.DataFrame(flow_data, columns=["Src IP", "Src Port", "Dst IP", "Dst Port", "Protocol", "Packets"]) st.dataframe(df, use_container_width=True) if st.session_state.is_scanning: time.sleep(0.01) st.rerun() if __name__ == "__main__": st.set_page_config( page_title="DDoS Monitor", page_icon="🔍", layout="wide", initial_sidebar_state="collapsed" ) streamlit_app()