import os import time import gradio as gr from huggingface_hub import whoami import threading from myconfigs import * from oss_utils import ossService from gen_client import * myHumanGen = HumanGenService() oss_service = ossService() ENABLE_OSS_RESOURCES = False profile_name = '' # result_video_oss_url = {} # user_id, (list[signed_url), list[oss_path])] def tab_func_template(): prompt = "" return prompt, 'template_mode' def tab_func_prompt(): ref_video_path = None return ref_video_path, 'prompt_mode' def video_2_prompt_func(ref_video_path): print("[dataset_func] ref_video_path: %s" % ref_video_path) if not os.path.exists(ref_video_path): raise gr.Error(f"The input video {ref_video_path} is not existed!") video_file_name = os.path.basename(ref_video_path) print("[dataset_func] video_file_name: %s" % video_file_name) input_prompt = myHumanGen.template_video_2_prompt(video_file_name) print("[dataset_func] input_prompt: %s" % input_prompt) return ref_video_path,input_prompt def get_user_result_video_list(uuid, date_string, num): directory='video_generation/Service/'+date_string+'/'+uuid+'/' for obj in oss2.ObjectIterator(oss_service.bucket, prefix=directory, delimiter='/'): print(f"folder is existed{directory}") break else: print(f"folder is not existed: {directory}") return [],[] no_check_video_list = [] no_check_timer_list = [] for obj in oss2.ObjectIterator(oss_service.bucket, prefix=directory, delimiter = '/'): if obj.is_prefix(): # folder file_full_path = obj.key+'result.mp4' exist = oss_service.bucket.object_exists(file_full_path) if not exist: print(f'{file_full_path} is not existed') tmp_directory=obj.key print(f'tmp_directory = {tmp_directory}') for obj_xxx in oss2.ObjectIterator(oss_service.bucket, prefix=tmp_directory, delimiter = '/'): print(f'obj_xxx.key = {obj_xxx.key}') if obj_xxx.is_prefix(): # folder pass else: import re pattern = r"dreamoving-.*-result\.mp4" # Extract the MP4 file name file_name_xxx = os.path.basename(obj_xxx.key) match =, obj_xxx.key) if match and len( == len(file_name_xxx): file_full_path = obj_xxx.key print(f'successfully match file_full_path: {file_full_path}') exist = True break else: pass if exist: object_meta = oss_service.bucket.head_object(file_full_path) bytes_num = object_meta.headers.get('Content-Length') # bytes # print(f"Object Size: {bytes_num} bytes") mb_num = float(bytes_num) / (1000 ** 2) # MB # print(f"Object Size: {mb_num} MB") if mb_num > 0.1: # > 100KB last_modified = object_meta.headers.get('Last-Modified') # print(f"Last Modified: {last_modified}") from email.utils import parsedate_to_datetime # HTTP-date to datetime last_modified_datetime = parsedate_to_datetime(last_modified) # datetime to Unix Time -from 1970-01-01 UTC seconds, nearest is bigger last_modified_timestamp = int(last_modified_datetime.timestamp()) no_check_video_list.append(file_full_path) no_check_timer_list.append(last_modified_timestamp) else: print(f'file size: {file_full_path}') else: # file print(f'not a file: {obj.key}') # last_modified = obj.last_modified # last modify time valid_video_list = [] valid_image_list = [] if len(no_check_video_list) > 0: if len(no_check_video_list) > 1: # sort by time zipped_lists = zip(no_check_timer_list, no_check_video_list) # big to small, nearest is bigger sorted_pairs = sorted(zipped_lists, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True) list1_sorted, list2_sorted = zip(*sorted_pairs) no_check_timer_list = list(list1_sorted) no_check_video_list = list(list2_sorted) for file_full_path in no_check_video_list: oss_video_path = oss_service.Prefix + "/" + file_full_path print(f'Generated video: {oss_video_path}') _, video_url = oss_service.sign(oss_video_path, timeout=3600*100) valid_video_list.append(video_url) style = "video/snapshot,t_1000,f_jpg,w_544,h_768,m_fast" params1 = {'x-oss-process': style} _, snapshot_image = oss_service.sign(oss_video_path, timeout=3600*100, params=params1) valid_image_list.append(snapshot_image) if len(valid_video_list) >= num: break return valid_video_list, valid_image_list def refresh_video(uuid, request_id): if uuid is None or uuid == '': uuid = get_random_string() print(f'[refresh_video] generate a uuid {uuid}') # print(f'profile_name====={}') notes, process_status = myHumanGen.get_ranking_location(uuid) print(f'[refresh_video] uuid: {uuid}') print(f'[refresh_video] request_id: {request_id}') new_list = [] new_image_list = [] if process_status == 'runing': print(f'process_status: {process_status}') # new_list.append(None) # new_image_list.append(None) date_string ='%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list, valid_image_list = get_user_result_video_list(uuid, date_string, 3) new_list = new_list + valid_video_list new_image_list = new_image_list + valid_image_list if len(new_list) < 4: date_string_yesterday = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list1, valid_image_list1 = get_user_result_video_list(uuid, date_string_yesterday, 4-len(new_list)) new_list = new_list + valid_video_list1 new_image_list = new_image_list + valid_image_list1 if len(new_list) < 4: date_string_bf_yesterday = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list2, valid_image_list2 = get_user_result_video_list(uuid, date_string_bf_yesterday, 4-len(new_list)) new_list = new_list + valid_video_list2 new_image_list = new_image_list + valid_image_list2 if len(new_list) < 4: for i in range(4-len(new_list)): new_list.append(None) new_image_list.append(None) else: date_string ='%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list, valid_image_list = get_user_result_video_list(uuid, date_string, 4) new_list = valid_video_list new_image_list = valid_image_list if len(new_list) < 4: date_string_yesterday = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list1, valid_image_list1 = get_user_result_video_list(uuid, date_string_yesterday, 4-len(new_list)) new_list = new_list + valid_video_list1 new_image_list = new_image_list + valid_image_list1 if len(new_list) < 4: date_string_bf_yesterday = ( - datetime.timedelta(days=2)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') valid_video_list2, valid_image_list2 = get_user_result_video_list(uuid, date_string_bf_yesterday, 4-len(new_list)) new_list = new_list + valid_video_list2 new_image_list = new_image_list + valid_image_list2 if len(new_list) < 4: for i in range(4-len(new_list)): new_list.append(None) new_image_list.append(None) return uuid, notes, new_list[0], new_list[1], new_list[2], new_list[3]#, new_image_list[0], new_image_list[1], new_image_list[2], new_image_list[3] # def hello(profile: gr.OAuthProfile | None) -> str: # if profile is None: # return "I don't know you." # # print(gr.OAuthProfile) # profile_name = # print(f'profile name={}') # return f"Hello {}" with gr.Blocks(title = "Dreamoving", css='style.css', theme=gr.themes.Soft( radius_size=gr.themes.sizes.radius_sm, text_size=gr.themes.sizes.text_md ) ) as demo: # gr.Markdown( # "# Gradio OAuth Space\n\nThis Space is a demo for the new **Sign in with Hugging Face** feature." # ) # gr.LoginButton() # gr.LogoutButton() # m_text = gr.Markdown() # demo.load(hello, inputs=None, outputs=m_text) with gr.Row(): gr.HTML(f""" <div id=css_img_dreamoving> <img id=css_img_dreamoving src='{RESOURCES.logo_img0}'> </div> """) if ENABLE_OSS_RESOURCES: template_videos_to_ref = [] template_video_list = examples['template_video'] for i in range(9): file_name = template_video_list[i] oss_path = oss_service.Prefix + "/" + oss_service.ObjectName + "/template_video/" + file_name print(f'template_video: {oss_path}') _, url = oss_service.sign(oss_path, timeout=3600*100) template_videos_to_ref.append(url) else: # template_videos = get_dirnames(filePath="./data/template_video", tail=".mp4") template_videos_to_ref = [] template_video_list = examples['template_video'] for i in range(9): # file_name = os.path.basename(template_videos[i]) # file_path = os.path.dirname(template_videos[i]) file_name = template_video_list[i] video_path = "./data/template_video/" + file_name template_videos_to_ref.append(video_path) # For the same style generation, after users upload a video, they can click the AI button to automatically generate a prompt. with gr.Accordion(label="🧭 User Guide: It is recommended to read these instructions before using!", open=False): gr.Markdown(""" - ⭐️ 1. Video generation time is about 5 minutes. Due to the high number of concurrent users, the generation task may need to queue. Please click the refresh button and check the prompt message. - ⭐️ 2. If the input image is a cartoon picture, be sure to select "Cartoon Video Generation." - ⭐️ 3. The system retains up to 4 videos generated in the last two days, refreshing at midnight. Please download and save them in time. - ⭐️ 4. System updates generally occur between 7-8 a.m. - ⭐️ 5. Refreshing the page will result in the loss of tasks and generated videos, so please wait for the tasks to be completed and save the generated videos before refreshing. """) input_mode = gr.Text(value="template_mode", label="input_mode", visible=False) with gr.Row(): with gr.Column(scale=1): with gr.Group(elem_id='show_box'): gr.Markdown("Enter/Select a face image") with gr.Column(): with gr.Group(elem_id='show_box1'): with gr.Row(): ref_image = gr.Image(sources='upload', type='filepath', show_label=False, label='输入图片',elem_id='show_window_image') gr.Examples(examples['examples_images'], examples_per_page=9, inputs=[ref_image], label='') with gr.Row(): model_id = gr.Checkbox(label="Cartoon Video Generation", elem_id='checkbox_0', show_label=False) with gr.Column(): gr.Markdown("Select a mode: Reference-Video/Prompt") with gr.Tab("Guided Style Generation") as tab0: prompt_template = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter prompt words to control the generation effect, such as the character, the character's clothing, the scene, etc.",label="Prompt", lines=2,interactive=True,show_label=False, text_align='left') # with gr.Row(): # # with gr.Group(elem_id='show_box3'): # # with gr.Group(): # with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=1): # prompt_template = gr.Textbox(placeholder="Enter prompt words to control the generation effect, such as the character, the character's clothing, the scene, etc.", label="Prompt提示词", lines=2,interactive=True,show_label=False, text_align='left') # with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=1, elem_id='column_button'): # # prompt_caption_01 = gr.Button(value="AI Caption", elem_id='button_param1') # prompt_caption_01 = gr.Button( # value="AI", # elem_classes='btn_texture_font_file' # ) with gr.Row(): # FIXME: the width/height setting not work here, ref_video = gr.Video(sources='upload', show_label=False, label='Input Video', autoplay=True, elem_id='show_window_video', width=224, height=360) # gr.Examples(examples['template_video'], examples_per_page=9,inputs=[ref_video], label='Template Video') # dataset_select = gr.Dataset( # label='Template Video', # components=[gr.Video(visible=False)], # samples=examples['template_video'], # samples_per_page=9, # type='index', # pass index or value # # min_width=400, # # elem_id='dataset', # # elem_id='template_param', # ) gr.Examples( label='Template Video', examples=template_videos_to_ref, inputs=ref_video, outputs=[ref_video, prompt_template], fn=video_2_prompt_func, examples_per_page=9, cache_examples=True, #run_on_click=True, ) # prompt_template = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt", lines=2,interactive=True,show_label=False, text_align='left') with gr.Tab("Text-to-Video") as tab1: # prompt = gr.Textbox(label="Prompt", show_label=False, text_align='left') example_prompts= [] file = open(ref_video_prompt, 'r') for line in file.readlines(): example_prompts.append(line) file.close() prompt = gr.Dropdown(label="Prompt List",choices=example_prompts, show_label=False, allow_custom_value=True) with gr.Row(): # Generate Button run_button = gr.Button(value="Generation", elem_id='button_param') # btn = gr.Button("Result Video").style(full_width=False) with gr.Column(scale=1): # gr.Markdown("Result Video",elem_id='font_style') with gr.Group(elem_id='show_box2'): with gr.Row(elem_id='round_box'): with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=1): gr.Markdown("Result Video", elem_id='font_style') with gr.Column(scale=3, min_width=1): user_notes = gr.Textbox(show_label=False, text_align='left', elem_id='text_style11') with gr.Column(scale=1, min_width=1): refresh_button = gr.Button(value="Refresh", elem_id='button_param1') with gr.Row(): output_video0 = gr.Video(format="mp4", show_label=False, label="Result Video", autoplay=True, elem_id='show_window_result') output_video1 = gr.Video(format="mp4", show_label=False, label="Result Video", autoplay=True,elem_id='show_window_result') with gr.Row(): output_video2 = gr.Video(format="mp4", show_label=False, label="Result Video", autoplay=True,elem_id='show_window_result') output_video3 = gr.Video(format="mp4", show_label=False, label="Result Video", autoplay=True,elem_id='show_window_result') uuid = gr.Text(label="hf_uuid", visible=False) request_id = gr.Text(label="hf_request_id", visible=False) # Sample Video num_video = 8 num_videos_per_row = 4 mp4_lists = [] if ENABLE_OSS_RESOURCES: mp4_url_list = get_dirnames(filePath="./data/sample_video", tail=".mp4") for i in range(min(num_video, len(mp4_url_list))): file_name = os.path.basename(mp4_url_list[i]) oss_path = oss_service.Prefix + "/" + oss_service.ObjectName + "/template_video/" + file_name print(f'template_video: {oss_path}') _, video_url = oss_service.sign(oss_path, timeout=3600*100) mp4_lists.append(video_url) else: mp4_lists = get_dirnames(filePath="./data/sample_video", tail=".mp4") if len(mp4_lists) <= num_video: num_video = len(mp4_lists) with gr.Row(): gr.Markdown("Sample Video",elem_id='font_style') with gr.Group(elem_id='show_box'): with gr.Column(): for i in range(int((num_video+num_videos_per_row-1)/num_videos_per_row)): with gr.Row(): for j in range(num_videos_per_row): if i*num_videos_per_row+j < len(mp4_lists): gr.Video(value=mp4_lists[i*num_videos_per_row+j], show_label=False, interactive=False, label='result') else: gr.Video(interactive=False, label='result') fn=refresh_video, queue = False, inputs=[uuid, request_id], outputs=[uuid, user_notes, output_video0, output_video1, output_video2, output_video3] ) # # fn=myHumanGen.click_button_prompt, # queue = False, # inputs=[uuid, request_id, input_mode, ref_image, ref_video, prompt, prompt_template, model_id], # outputs=[prompt_template] # ) #, outputs=[ref_video,prompt_template]) # button触发, outputs=[prompt, input_mode]) # template mode, outputs=[ref_video, input_mode]) # prompt mode def async_process(user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt='', prompt_template='',model_id=False): if user_id is None or user_id == '': user_id = get_random_string() print(f'[async_process] generate a uuid {uuid}') # parm-chheck check_note_info = myHumanGen.valid_check(user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt, prompt_template,model_id) if check_note_info == '': thread = threading.Thread(target=myHumanGen.click_button_func_async, args=(user_id, request_id, input_mode, ref_image_path, ref_video_path, input_prompt, prompt_template,model_id,)) thread.start() # thread.join() time.sleep(5) return refresh_video(user_id, request_id) else: user_id, notes, video_0, video_1, video_2, video_3 = refresh_video(user_id, request_id) return user_id, check_note_info, video_0, video_1, video_2, video_3, inputs=[uuid, request_id, input_mode, ref_image, ref_video, prompt, prompt_template, model_id], outputs=[uuid, user_notes, output_video0, output_video1, output_video2, output_video3]) with gr.Row(): # DingTalk gr.HTML(f""" <div id=css_img_QRCode> <img id=css_img_QRCode src='{RESOURCES.logo_dingding}'> </div> <div id=css_img_QRCode_text> DingTalk Group of Dreamoving </div> """) # WeChat gr.HTML(f""" <div id=css_img_QRCode> <img id=css_img_QRCode src='{RESOURCES.logo_wechat}'> </div> <div id=css_img_QRCode_text> WeChat Group of Dreamoving </div> """) # version gr.HTML(f""" </br> <div> <center> Version: {VERSION} </center> </div> """) # concurrency_count, concurrency_limit, max_threads demo.queue(api_open=False, max_size=1000).launch( server_name="", # if os.getenv('GRADIO_LISTEN', '') != '' else "", share=True, server_port=7860, root_path=f"/{os.getenv('GRADIO_PROXY_PATH')}" if os.getenv('GRADIO_PROXY_PATH') else "" )