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import os
import win32api
import win32con
import win32ui
from pywin.mfc import docview, window
from . import app
bStretch = 1
class BitmapDocument(docview.Document):
"A bitmap document. Holds the bitmap data itself."
def __init__(self, template):
docview.Document.__init__(self, template)
self.bitmap = None
def OnNewDocument(self):
# I can not create new bitmaps.
win32ui.MessageBox("Bitmaps can not be created.")
def OnOpenDocument(self, filename):
self.bitmap = win32ui.CreateBitmap()
# init data members
f = open(filename, "rb")
except IOError:
win32ui.MessageBox("Could not load the bitmap from %s" % filename)
return 0
self.size = self.bitmap.GetSize()
return 1
def DeleteContents(self):
self.bitmap = None
class BitmapView(docview.ScrollView):
"A view of a bitmap. Obtains data from document."
def __init__(self, doc):
docview.ScrollView.__init__(self, doc)
self.width = self.height = 0
# set up message handlers
self.HookMessage(self.OnSize, win32con.WM_SIZE)
def OnInitialUpdate(self):
doc = self.GetDocument()
if doc.bitmap:
bitmapSize = doc.bitmap.GetSize()
self.SetScrollSizes(win32con.MM_TEXT, bitmapSize)
def OnSize(self, params):
lParam = params[3]
self.width = win32api.LOWORD(lParam)
self.height = win32api.HIWORD(lParam)
def OnDraw(self, dc):
# set sizes used for "non stretch" mode.
doc = self.GetDocument()
if doc.bitmap is None:
bitmapSize = doc.bitmap.GetSize()
if bStretch:
# stretch BMP.
viewRect = (0, 0, self.width, self.height)
bitmapRect = (0, 0, bitmapSize[0], bitmapSize[1])
doc.bitmap.Paint(dc, viewRect, bitmapRect)
# non stretch.
class BitmapFrame(window.MDIChildWnd):
def OnCreateClient(self, createparams, context):
borderX = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CXFRAME)
borderY = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CYFRAME)
titleY = win32api.GetSystemMetrics(win32con.SM_CYCAPTION) # includes border
# try and maintain default window pos, else adjust if cant fit
# get the main client window dimensions.
mdiClient = win32ui.GetMainFrame().GetWindow(win32con.GW_CHILD)
clientWindowRect = mdiClient.ScreenToClient(mdiClient.GetWindowRect())
clientWindowSize = (
clientWindowRect[2] - clientWindowRect[0],
clientWindowRect[3] - clientWindowRect[1],
left, top, right, bottom = mdiClient.ScreenToClient(self.GetWindowRect())
# width, height=context.doc.size[0], context.doc.size[1]
# width = width+borderX*2
# height= height+titleY+borderY*2-1
# if (left+width)>clientWindowSize[0]:
# left = clientWindowSize[0] - width
# if left<0:
# left = 0
# width = clientWindowSize[0]
# if (top+height)>clientWindowSize[1]:
# top = clientWindowSize[1] - height
# if top<0:
# top = 0
# height = clientWindowSize[1]
# self.frame.MoveWindow((left, top, left+width, top+height),0)
window.MDIChildWnd.OnCreateClient(self, createparams, context)
return 1
class BitmapTemplate(docview.DocTemplate):
def __init__(self):
self, win32ui.IDR_PYTHONTYPE, BitmapDocument, BitmapFrame, BitmapView
def MatchDocType(self, fileName, fileType):
doc = self.FindOpenDocument(fileName)
if doc:
return doc
ext = os.path.splitext(fileName)[1].lower()
if ext == ".bmp": # removed due to PIL! or ext=='.ppm':
return win32ui.CDocTemplate_Confidence_yesAttemptNative
return win32ui.CDocTemplate_Confidence_maybeAttemptForeign
# return win32ui.CDocTemplate_Confidence_noAttempt
# For debugging purposes, when this module may be reloaded many times.
except NameError:
bitmapTemplate = BitmapTemplate()
"\nBitmap\nBitmap\nBitmap (*.bmp)\n.bmp\nPythonBitmapFileType\nPython Bitmap File"
# This works, but just didnt make it through the code reorg.
# class PPMBitmap(Bitmap):
# def LoadBitmapFile(self, file ):
# magic=file.readline()
# if magic <> "P6\n":
# raise TypeError, "The file is not a PPM format file"
# rowcollist=string.split(file.readline())
# cols=string.atoi(rowcollist[0])
# rows=string.atoi(rowcollist[1])
# file.readline() # whats this one?
# self.bitmap.LoadPPMFile(file,(cols,rows))
def t():
# OpenBMPFile( 'd:\\winnt\\arcade.bmp')
def demo():
import glob
winDir = win32api.GetWindowsDirectory()
for fileName in glob.glob1(winDir, "*.bmp")[:2]:
bitmapTemplate.OpenDocumentFile(os.path.join(winDir, fileName))