# postinstall script for pywin32 | |
# | |
# copies PyWinTypesxx.dll and PythonCOMxx.dll into the system directory, | |
# and creates a pth file | |
import glob | |
import os | |
import shutil | |
import sys | |
import sysconfig | |
try: | |
import winreg as winreg | |
except: | |
import winreg | |
# Send output somewhere so it can be found if necessary... | |
import tempfile | |
tee_f = open(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "pywin32_postinstall.log"), "w") | |
class Tee: | |
def __init__(self, file): | |
self.f = file | |
def write(self, what): | |
if self.f is not None: | |
try: | |
self.f.write(what.replace("\n", "\r\n")) | |
except IOError: | |
pass | |
tee_f.write(what) | |
def flush(self): | |
if self.f is not None: | |
try: | |
self.f.flush() | |
except IOError: | |
pass | |
tee_f.flush() | |
# For some unknown reason, when running under bdist_wininst we will start up | |
# with sys.stdout as None but stderr is hooked up. This work-around allows | |
# bdist_wininst to see the output we write and display it at the end of | |
# the install. | |
if sys.stdout is None: | |
sys.stdout = sys.stderr | |
sys.stderr = Tee(sys.stderr) | |
sys.stdout = Tee(sys.stdout) | |
com_modules = [ | |
# module_name, class_names | |
("win32com.servers.interp", "Interpreter"), | |
("win32com.servers.dictionary", "DictionaryPolicy"), | |
("win32com.axscript.client.pyscript", "PyScript"), | |
] | |
# Is this a 'silent' install - ie, avoid all dialogs. | |
# Different than 'verbose' | |
silent = 0 | |
# Verbosity of output messages. | |
verbose = 1 | |
root_key_name = "Software\\Python\\PythonCore\\" + sys.winver | |
try: | |
# When this script is run from inside the bdist_wininst installer, | |
# file_created() and directory_created() are additional builtin | |
# functions which write lines to Python23\pywin32-install.log. This is | |
# a list of actions for the uninstaller, the format is inspired by what | |
# the Wise installer also creates. | |
file_created | |
is_bdist_wininst = True | |
except NameError: | |
is_bdist_wininst = False # we know what it is not - but not what it is :) | |
def file_created(file): | |
pass | |
def directory_created(directory): | |
pass | |
def get_root_hkey(): | |
try: | |
winreg.OpenKey( | |
winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, root_key_name, 0, winreg.KEY_CREATE_SUB_KEY | |
) | |
return winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | |
except OSError: | |
# Either not exist, or no permissions to create subkey means | |
# must be HKCU | |
return winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER | |
try: | |
create_shortcut | |
except NameError: | |
# Create a function with the same signature as create_shortcut provided | |
# by bdist_wininst | |
def create_shortcut( | |
path, description, filename, arguments="", workdir="", iconpath="", iconindex=0 | |
): | |
import pythoncom | |
from import shell | |
ilink = pythoncom.CoCreateInstance( | |
shell.CLSID_ShellLink, | |
None, | |
shell.IID_IShellLink, | |
) | |
ilink.SetPath(path) | |
ilink.SetDescription(description) | |
if arguments: | |
ilink.SetArguments(arguments) | |
if workdir: | |
ilink.SetWorkingDirectory(workdir) | |
if iconpath or iconindex: | |
ilink.SetIconLocation(iconpath, iconindex) | |
# now save it. | |
ipf = ilink.QueryInterface(pythoncom.IID_IPersistFile) | |
ipf.Save(filename, 0) | |
# Support the same list of "path names" as bdist_wininst. | |
def get_special_folder_path(path_name): | |
from import shell, shellcon | |
for maybe in """ | |
if maybe == path_name: | |
csidl = getattr(shellcon, maybe) | |
return shell.SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, csidl, False) | |
raise ValueError("%s is an unknown path ID" % (path_name,)) | |
def CopyTo(desc, src, dest): | |
import win32api | |
import win32con | |
while 1: | |
try: | |
win32api.CopyFile(src, dest, 0) | |
return | |
except win32api.error as details: | |
if details.winerror == 5: # access denied - user not admin. | |
raise | |
if silent: | |
# Running silent mode - just re-raise the error. | |
raise | |
full_desc = ( | |
"Error %s\n\n" | |
"If you have any Python applications running, " | |
"please close them now\nand select 'Retry'\n\n%s" | |
% (desc, details.strerror) | |
) | |
rc = win32api.MessageBox( | |
0, full_desc, "Installation Error", win32con.MB_ABORTRETRYIGNORE | |
) | |
if rc == win32con.IDABORT: | |
raise | |
elif rc == win32con.IDIGNORE: | |
return | |
# else retry - around we go again. | |
# We need to import win32api to determine the Windows system directory, | |
# so we can copy our system files there - but importing win32api will | |
# load the pywintypes.dll already in the system directory preventing us | |
# from updating them! | |
# So, we pull the same trick does, but it loads from | |
# our pywintypes_system32 directory. | |
def LoadSystemModule(lib_dir, modname): | |
# See if this is a debug build. | |
import importlib.machinery | |
import importlib.util | |
suffix = "_d" if "_d.pyd" in importlib.machinery.EXTENSION_SUFFIXES else "" | |
filename = "%s%d%d%s.dll" % ( | |
modname, | |
sys.version_info[0], | |
sys.version_info[1], | |
suffix, | |
) | |
filename = os.path.join(lib_dir, "pywin32_system32", filename) | |
loader = importlib.machinery.ExtensionFileLoader(modname, filename) | |
spec = importlib.machinery.ModuleSpec(name=modname, loader=loader, origin=filename) | |
mod = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) | |
spec.loader.exec_module(mod) | |
def SetPyKeyVal(key_name, value_name, value): | |
root_hkey = get_root_hkey() | |
root_key = winreg.OpenKey(root_hkey, root_key_name) | |
try: | |
my_key = winreg.CreateKey(root_key, key_name) | |
try: | |
winreg.SetValueEx(my_key, value_name, 0, winreg.REG_SZ, value) | |
if verbose: | |
print("-> %s\\%s[%s]=%r" % (root_key_name, key_name, value_name, value)) | |
finally: | |
my_key.Close() | |
finally: | |
root_key.Close() | |
def UnsetPyKeyVal(key_name, value_name, delete_key=False): | |
root_hkey = get_root_hkey() | |
root_key = winreg.OpenKey(root_hkey, root_key_name) | |
try: | |
my_key = winreg.OpenKey(root_key, key_name, 0, winreg.KEY_SET_VALUE) | |
try: | |
winreg.DeleteValue(my_key, value_name) | |
if verbose: | |
print("-> DELETE %s\\%s[%s]" % (root_key_name, key_name, value_name)) | |
finally: | |
my_key.Close() | |
if delete_key: | |
winreg.DeleteKey(root_key, key_name) | |
if verbose: | |
print("-> DELETE %s\\%s" % (root_key_name, key_name)) | |
except OSError as why: | |
winerror = getattr(why, "winerror", why.errno) | |
if winerror != 2: # file not found | |
raise | |
finally: | |
root_key.Close() | |
def RegisterCOMObjects(register=True): | |
import win32com.server.register | |
if register: | |
func = win32com.server.register.RegisterClasses | |
else: | |
func = win32com.server.register.UnregisterClasses | |
flags = {} | |
if not verbose: | |
flags["quiet"] = 1 | |
for module, klass_name in com_modules: | |
__import__(module) | |
mod = sys.modules[module] | |
flags["finalize_register"] = getattr(mod, "DllRegisterServer", None) | |
flags["finalize_unregister"] = getattr(mod, "DllUnregisterServer", None) | |
klass = getattr(mod, klass_name) | |
func(klass, **flags) | |
def RegisterHelpFile(register=True, lib_dir=None): | |
if lib_dir is None: | |
lib_dir = sysconfig.get_paths()["platlib"] | |
if register: | |
# Register the .chm help file. | |
chm_file = os.path.join(lib_dir, "PyWin32.chm") | |
if os.path.isfile(chm_file): | |
# This isn't recursive, so if 'Help' doesn't exist, we croak | |
SetPyKeyVal("Help", None, None) | |
SetPyKeyVal("Help\\Pythonwin Reference", None, chm_file) | |
return chm_file | |
else: | |
print("NOTE: PyWin32.chm can not be located, so has not " "been registered") | |
else: | |
UnsetPyKeyVal("Help\\Pythonwin Reference", None, delete_key=True) | |
return None | |
def RegisterPythonwin(register=True, lib_dir=None): | |
"""Add (or remove) Pythonwin to context menu for python scripts. | |
??? Should probably also add Edit command for pys files also. | |
Also need to remove these keys on uninstall, but there's no function | |
like file_created to add registry entries to uninstall log ??? | |
""" | |
import os | |
if lib_dir is None: | |
lib_dir = sysconfig.get_paths()["platlib"] | |
classes_root = get_root_hkey() | |
## Installer executable doesn't seem to pass anything to postinstall script indicating if it's a debug build, | |
pythonwin_exe = os.path.join(lib_dir, "Pythonwin", "Pythonwin.exe") | |
pythonwin_edit_command = pythonwin_exe + ' -edit "%1"' | |
keys_vals = [ | |
( | |
"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\App Paths\\Pythonwin.exe", | |
"", | |
pythonwin_exe, | |
), | |
( | |
"Software\\Classes\\Python.File\\shell\\Edit with Pythonwin", | |
"command", | |
pythonwin_edit_command, | |
), | |
( | |
"Software\\Classes\\Python.NoConFile\\shell\\Edit with Pythonwin", | |
"command", | |
pythonwin_edit_command, | |
), | |
] | |
try: | |
if register: | |
for key, sub_key, val in keys_vals: | |
## Since winreg only uses the character Api functions, this can fail if Python | |
## is installed to a path containing non-ascii characters | |
hkey = winreg.CreateKey(classes_root, key) | |
if sub_key: | |
hkey = winreg.CreateKey(hkey, sub_key) | |
winreg.SetValueEx(hkey, None, 0, winreg.REG_SZ, val) | |
hkey.Close() | |
else: | |
for key, sub_key, val in keys_vals: | |
try: | |
if sub_key: | |
hkey = winreg.OpenKey(classes_root, key) | |
winreg.DeleteKey(hkey, sub_key) | |
hkey.Close() | |
winreg.DeleteKey(classes_root, key) | |
except OSError as why: | |
winerror = getattr(why, "winerror", why.errno) | |
if winerror != 2: # file not found | |
raise | |
finally: | |
# tell windows about the change | |
from import shell, shellcon | |
shell.SHChangeNotify( | |
shellcon.SHCNE_ASSOCCHANGED, shellcon.SHCNF_IDLIST, None, None | |
) | |
def get_shortcuts_folder(): | |
if get_root_hkey() == winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE: | |
try: | |
fldr = get_special_folder_path("CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS") | |
except OSError: | |
# No CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS on this platform | |
fldr = get_special_folder_path("CSIDL_PROGRAMS") | |
else: | |
# non-admin install - always goes in this user's start menu. | |
fldr = get_special_folder_path("CSIDL_PROGRAMS") | |
try: | |
install_group = winreg.QueryValue( | |
get_root_hkey(), root_key_name + "\\InstallPath\\InstallGroup" | |
) | |
except OSError: | |
vi = sys.version_info | |
install_group = "Python %d.%d" % (vi[0], vi[1]) | |
return os.path.join(fldr, install_group) | |
# Get the system directory, which may be the Wow64 directory if we are a 32bit | |
# python on a 64bit OS. | |
def get_system_dir(): | |
import win32api # we assume this exists. | |
try: | |
import pythoncom | |
import win32process | |
from import shell, shellcon | |
try: | |
if win32process.IsWow64Process(): | |
return shell.SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, shellcon.CSIDL_SYSTEMX86) | |
return shell.SHGetSpecialFolderPath(0, shellcon.CSIDL_SYSTEM) | |
except (pythoncom.com_error, win32process.error): | |
return win32api.GetSystemDirectory() | |
except ImportError: | |
return win32api.GetSystemDirectory() | |
def fixup_dbi(): | |
# We used to have a dbi.pyd with our .pyd files, but now have a .py file. | |
# If the user didn't uninstall, they will find the .pyd which will cause | |
# problems - so handle that. | |
import win32api | |
import win32con | |
pyd_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(win32api.__file__), "dbi.pyd") | |
pyd_d_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(win32api.__file__), "dbi_d.pyd") | |
py_name = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(win32con.__file__), "") | |
for this_pyd in (pyd_name, pyd_d_name): | |
this_dest = this_pyd + ".old" | |
if os.path.isfile(this_pyd) and os.path.isfile(py_name): | |
try: | |
if os.path.isfile(this_dest): | |
print( | |
"Old dbi '%s' already exists - deleting '%s'" | |
% (this_dest, this_pyd) | |
) | |
os.remove(this_pyd) | |
else: | |
os.rename(this_pyd, this_dest) | |
print("renamed '%s'->'%s.old'" % (this_pyd, this_pyd)) | |
file_created(this_pyd + ".old") | |
except os.error as exc: | |
print("FAILED to rename '%s': %s" % (this_pyd, exc)) | |
def install(lib_dir): | |
import traceback | |
# The .pth file is now installed as a regular file. | |
# Create the .pth file in the site-packages dir, and use only relative paths | |
# We used to write a .pth directly to sys.prefix - clobber it. | |
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "pywin32.pth")): | |
os.unlink(os.path.join(sys.prefix, "pywin32.pth")) | |
# The .pth may be new and therefore not loaded in this session. | |
# Setup the paths just in case. | |
for name in "win32 win32\\lib Pythonwin".split(): | |
sys.path.append(os.path.join(lib_dir, name)) | |
# It is possible people with old versions installed with still have | |
# pywintypes and pythoncom registered. We no longer need this, and stale | |
# entries hurt us. | |
for name in "pythoncom pywintypes".split(): | |
keyname = "Software\\Python\\PythonCore\\" + sys.winver + "\\Modules\\" + name | |
for root in winreg.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER: | |
try: | |
winreg.DeleteKey(root, keyname + "\\Debug") | |
except WindowsError: | |
pass | |
try: | |
winreg.DeleteKey(root, keyname) | |
except WindowsError: | |
pass | |
LoadSystemModule(lib_dir, "pywintypes") | |
LoadSystemModule(lib_dir, "pythoncom") | |
import win32api | |
# and now we can get the system directory: | |
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(lib_dir, "pywin32_system32\\*.*")) | |
if not files: | |
raise RuntimeError("No system files to copy!!") | |
# Try the system32 directory first - if that fails due to "access denied", | |
# it implies a non-admin user, and we use sys.prefix | |
for dest_dir in [get_system_dir(), sys.prefix]: | |
# and copy some files over there | |
worked = 0 | |
try: | |
for fname in files: | |
base = os.path.basename(fname) | |
dst = os.path.join(dest_dir, base) | |
CopyTo("installing %s" % base, fname, dst) | |
if verbose: | |
print("Copied %s to %s" % (base, dst)) | |
# Register the files with the uninstaller | |
file_created(dst) | |
worked = 1 | |
# Nuke any other versions that may exist - having | |
# duplicates causes major headaches. | |
bad_dest_dirs = [ | |
os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Library\\bin"), | |
os.path.join(sys.prefix, "Lib\\site-packages\\win32"), | |
] | |
if dest_dir != sys.prefix: | |
bad_dest_dirs.append(sys.prefix) | |
for bad_dest_dir in bad_dest_dirs: | |
bad_fname = os.path.join(bad_dest_dir, base) | |
if os.path.exists(bad_fname): | |
# let exceptions go here - delete must succeed | |
os.unlink(bad_fname) | |
if worked: | |
break | |
except win32api.error as details: | |
if details.winerror == 5: | |
# access denied - user not admin - try sys.prefix dir, | |
# but first check that a version doesn't already exist | |
# in that place - otherwise that one will still get used! | |
if os.path.exists(dst): | |
msg = ( | |
"The file '%s' exists, but can not be replaced " | |
"due to insufficient permissions. You must " | |
"reinstall this software as an Administrator" % dst | |
) | |
print(msg) | |
raise RuntimeError(msg) | |
continue | |
raise | |
else: | |
raise RuntimeError( | |
"You don't have enough permissions to install the system files" | |
) | |
# Pythonwin 'compiles' config files - record them for uninstall. | |
pywin_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, "Pythonwin", "pywin") | |
for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(pywin_dir, "*.cfg")): | |
file_created(fname[:-1] + "c") # .cfg->.cfc | |
# Register our demo COM objects. | |
try: | |
try: | |
RegisterCOMObjects() | |
except win32api.error as details: | |
if details.winerror != 5: # ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED | |
raise | |
print("You do not have the permissions to install COM objects.") | |
print("The sample COM objects were not registered.") | |
except Exception: | |
print("FAILED to register the Python COM objects") | |
traceback.print_exc() | |
# There may be no main Python key in HKCU if, eg, an admin installed | |
# python itself. | |
winreg.CreateKey(get_root_hkey(), root_key_name) | |
chm_file = None | |
try: | |
chm_file = RegisterHelpFile(True, lib_dir) | |
except Exception: | |
print("Failed to register help file") | |
traceback.print_exc() | |
else: | |
if verbose: | |
print("Registered help file") | |
# misc other fixups. | |
fixup_dbi() | |
# Register Pythonwin in context menu | |
try: | |
RegisterPythonwin(True, lib_dir) | |
except Exception: | |
print("Failed to register pythonwin as editor") | |
traceback.print_exc() | |
else: | |
if verbose: | |
print("Pythonwin has been registered in context menu") | |
# Create the win32com\gen_py directory. | |
make_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, "win32com", "gen_py") | |
if not os.path.isdir(make_dir): | |
if verbose: | |
print("Creating directory %s" % (make_dir,)) | |
directory_created(make_dir) | |
os.mkdir(make_dir) | |
try: | |
# create shortcuts | |
# CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS only available works on NT/2000/XP, and | |
# will fail there if the user has no admin rights. | |
fldr = get_shortcuts_folder() | |
# If the group doesn't exist, then we don't make shortcuts - its | |
# possible that this isn't a "normal" install. | |
if os.path.isdir(fldr): | |
dst = os.path.join(fldr, "PythonWin.lnk") | |
create_shortcut( | |
os.path.join(lib_dir, "Pythonwin\\Pythonwin.exe"), | |
"The Pythonwin IDE", | |
dst, | |
"", | |
sys.prefix, | |
) | |
file_created(dst) | |
if verbose: | |
print("Shortcut for Pythonwin created") | |
# And the docs. | |
if chm_file: | |
dst = os.path.join(fldr, "Python for Windows Documentation.lnk") | |
doc = "Documentation for the PyWin32 extensions" | |
create_shortcut(chm_file, doc, dst) | |
file_created(dst) | |
if verbose: | |
print("Shortcut to documentation created") | |
else: | |
if verbose: | |
print("Can't install shortcuts - %r is not a folder" % (fldr,)) | |
except Exception as details: | |
print(details) | |
# importing win32com.client ensures the gen_py dir created - not strictly | |
# necessary to do now, but this makes the installation "complete" | |
try: | |
import win32com.client # noqa | |
except ImportError: | |
# Don't let this error sound fatal | |
pass | |
print("The pywin32 extensions were successfully installed.") | |
if is_bdist_wininst: | |
# Open a web page with info about the .exe installers being deprecated. | |
import webbrowser | |
try: | |"") | |
except webbrowser.Error: | |
print("Please visit") | |
def uninstall(lib_dir): | |
# First ensure our system modules are loaded from pywin32_system, so | |
# we can remove the ones we copied... | |
LoadSystemModule(lib_dir, "pywintypes") | |
LoadSystemModule(lib_dir, "pythoncom") | |
try: | |
RegisterCOMObjects(False) | |
except Exception as why: | |
print("Failed to unregister COM objects: %s" % (why,)) | |
try: | |
RegisterHelpFile(False, lib_dir) | |
except Exception as why: | |
print("Failed to unregister help file: %s" % (why,)) | |
else: | |
if verbose: | |
print("Unregistered help file") | |
try: | |
RegisterPythonwin(False, lib_dir) | |
except Exception as why: | |
print("Failed to unregister Pythonwin: %s" % (why,)) | |
else: | |
if verbose: | |
print("Unregistered Pythonwin") | |
try: | |
# remove gen_py directory. | |
gen_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, "win32com", "gen_py") | |
if os.path.isdir(gen_dir): | |
shutil.rmtree(gen_dir) | |
if verbose: | |
print("Removed directory %s" % (gen_dir,)) | |
# Remove pythonwin compiled "config" files. | |
pywin_dir = os.path.join(lib_dir, "Pythonwin", "pywin") | |
for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(pywin_dir, "*.cfc")): | |
os.remove(fname) | |
# The dbi.pyd.old files we may have created. | |
try: | |
os.remove(os.path.join(lib_dir, "win32", "dbi.pyd.old")) | |
except os.error: | |
pass | |
try: | |
os.remove(os.path.join(lib_dir, "win32", "dbi_d.pyd.old")) | |
except os.error: | |
pass | |
except Exception as why: | |
print("Failed to remove misc files: %s" % (why,)) | |
try: | |
fldr = get_shortcuts_folder() | |
for link in ("PythonWin.lnk", "Python for Windows Documentation.lnk"): | |
fqlink = os.path.join(fldr, link) | |
if os.path.isfile(fqlink): | |
os.remove(fqlink) | |
if verbose: | |
print("Removed %s" % (link,)) | |
except Exception as why: | |
print("Failed to remove shortcuts: %s" % (why,)) | |
# Now remove the system32 files. | |
files = glob.glob(os.path.join(lib_dir, "pywin32_system32\\*.*")) | |
# Try the system32 directory first - if that fails due to "access denied", | |
# it implies a non-admin user, and we use sys.prefix | |
try: | |
for dest_dir in [get_system_dir(), sys.prefix]: | |
# and copy some files over there | |
worked = 0 | |
for fname in files: | |
base = os.path.basename(fname) | |
dst = os.path.join(dest_dir, base) | |
if os.path.isfile(dst): | |
try: | |
os.remove(dst) | |
worked = 1 | |
if verbose: | |
print("Removed file %s" % (dst)) | |
except Exception: | |
print("FAILED to remove %s" % (dst,)) | |
if worked: | |
break | |
except Exception as why: | |
print("FAILED to remove system files: %s" % (why,)) | |
# NOTE: If this script is run from inside the bdist_wininst created | |
# binary installer or uninstaller, the command line args are either | |
# '-install' or '-remove'. | |
# Important: From inside the binary installer this script MUST NOT | |
# call sys.exit() or raise SystemExit, otherwise not only this script | |
# but also the installer will terminate! (Is there a way to prevent | |
# this from the bdist_wininst C code?) | |
def verify_destination(location): | |
if not os.path.isdir(location): | |
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Path "{}" does not exist!'.format(location)) | |
return location | |
def main(): | |
import argparse | |
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( | |
formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, | |
description="""A post-install script for the pywin32 extensions. | |
* Typical usage: | |
> python -install | |
If you installed pywin32 via a .exe installer, this should be run | |
automatically after installation, but if it fails you can run it again. | |
If you installed pywin32 via PIP, you almost certainly need to run this to | |
setup the environment correctly. | |
Execute with script with a '-install' parameter, to ensure the environment | |
is setup correctly. | |
""", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"-install", | |
default=False, | |
action="store_true", | |
help="Configure the Python environment correctly for pywin32.", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"-remove", | |
default=False, | |
action="store_true", | |
help="Try and remove everything that was installed or copied.", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"-wait", | |
type=int, | |
help="Wait for the specified process to terminate before starting.", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"-silent", | |
default=False, | |
action="store_true", | |
help='Don\'t display the "Abort/Retry/Ignore" dialog for files in use.', | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"-quiet", | |
default=False, | |
action="store_true", | |
help="Don't display progress messages.", | |
) | |
parser.add_argument( | |
"-destination", | |
default=sysconfig.get_paths()["platlib"], | |
type=verify_destination, | |
help="Location of the PyWin32 installation", | |
) | |
args = parser.parse_args() | |
if not args.quiet: | |
print("Parsed arguments are: {}".format(args)) | |
if not args.install ^ args.remove: | |
parser.error("You need to either choose to -install or -remove!") | |
if args.wait is not None: | |
try: | |
os.waitpid(args.wait, 0) | |
except os.error: | |
# child already dead | |
pass | |
silent = args.silent | |
verbose = not args.quiet | |
if args.install: | |
install(args.destination) | |
if args.remove: | |
if not is_bdist_wininst: | |
uninstall(args.destination) | |
if __name__ == "__main__": | |
main() | |