Build error
Build error
File size: 6,555 Bytes
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import torch
# transpose
class Keypoints(object):
def __init__(self, keypoints, size, mode=None):
# FIXME remove check once we have better integration with device
# in my version this would consistently return a CPU tensor
device = keypoints.device if isinstance(keypoints, torch.Tensor) else torch.device('cpu')
keypoints = torch.as_tensor(keypoints, dtype=torch.float32, device=device)
num_keypoints = keypoints.shape[0]
if num_keypoints:
keypoints = keypoints.view(num_keypoints, -1, 3)
# TODO should I split them?
# self.visibility = keypoints[..., 2]
self.keypoints = keypoints# [..., :2]
self.size = size
self.mode = mode
self.extra_fields = {}
def crop(self, box):
raise NotImplementedError()
def resize(self, size, *args, **kwargs):
ratios = tuple(float(s) / float(s_orig) for s, s_orig in zip(size, self.size))
ratio_w, ratio_h = ratios
resized_data = self.keypoints.clone()
resized_data[..., 0] *= ratio_w
resized_data[..., 1] *= ratio_h
keypoints = type(self)(resized_data, size, self.mode)
for k, v in self.extra_fields.items():
keypoints.add_field(k, v)
return keypoints
def transpose(self, method):
if method not in (FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT,):
raise NotImplementedError(
"Only FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT implemented")
flip_inds = type(self).FLIP_INDS
flipped_data = self.keypoints[:, flip_inds]
width = self.size[0]
# Flip x coordinates
flipped_data[..., 0] = width - flipped_data[..., 0] - TO_REMOVE
# Maintain COCO convention that if visibility == 0, then x, y = 0
inds = flipped_data[..., 2] == 0
flipped_data[inds] = 0
keypoints = type(self)(flipped_data, self.size, self.mode)
for k, v in self.extra_fields.items():
keypoints.add_field(k, v)
return keypoints
def to(self, *args, **kwargs):
keypoints = type(self)(*args, **kwargs), self.size, self.mode)
for k, v in self.extra_fields.items():
if hasattr(v, "to"):
v =*args, **kwargs)
keypoints.add_field(k, v)
return keypoints
def __getitem__(self, item):
keypoints = type(self)(self.keypoints[item], self.size, self.mode)
for k, v in self.extra_fields.items():
keypoints.add_field(k, v[item])
return keypoints
def add_field(self, field, field_data):
self.extra_fields[field] = field_data
def get_field(self, field):
return self.extra_fields[field]
def __repr__(self):
s = self.__class__.__name__ + '('
s += 'num_instances={}, '.format(len(self.keypoints))
s += 'image_width={}, '.format(self.size[0])
s += 'image_height={})'.format(self.size[1])
return s
def _create_flip_indices(names, flip_map):
full_flip_map = flip_map.copy()
full_flip_map.update({v: k for k, v in flip_map.items()})
flipped_names = [i if i not in full_flip_map else full_flip_map[i] for i in names]
flip_indices = [names.index(i) for i in flipped_names]
return torch.tensor(flip_indices)
class PersonKeypoints(Keypoints):
'left_eye': 'right_eye',
'left_ear': 'right_ear',
'left_shoulder': 'right_shoulder',
'left_elbow': 'right_elbow',
'left_wrist': 'right_wrist',
'left_hip': 'right_hip',
'left_knee': 'right_knee',
'left_ankle': 'right_ankle'
# TODO this doesn't look great
PersonKeypoints.FLIP_INDS = _create_flip_indices(PersonKeypoints.NAMES, PersonKeypoints.FLIP_MAP)
def kp_connections(keypoints):
kp_lines = [
[keypoints.index('left_eye'), keypoints.index('right_eye')],
[keypoints.index('left_eye'), keypoints.index('nose')],
[keypoints.index('right_eye'), keypoints.index('nose')],
[keypoints.index('right_eye'), keypoints.index('right_ear')],
[keypoints.index('left_eye'), keypoints.index('left_ear')],
[keypoints.index('right_shoulder'), keypoints.index('right_elbow')],
[keypoints.index('right_elbow'), keypoints.index('right_wrist')],
[keypoints.index('left_shoulder'), keypoints.index('left_elbow')],
[keypoints.index('left_elbow'), keypoints.index('left_wrist')],
[keypoints.index('right_hip'), keypoints.index('right_knee')],
[keypoints.index('right_knee'), keypoints.index('right_ankle')],
[keypoints.index('left_hip'), keypoints.index('left_knee')],
[keypoints.index('left_knee'), keypoints.index('left_ankle')],
[keypoints.index('right_shoulder'), keypoints.index('left_shoulder')],
[keypoints.index('right_hip'), keypoints.index('left_hip')],
return kp_lines
PersonKeypoints.CONNECTIONS = kp_connections(PersonKeypoints.NAMES)
# TODO make this nicer, this is a direct translation from C2 (but removing the inner loop)
def keypoints_to_heat_map(keypoints, rois, heatmap_size):
if rois.numel() == 0:
offset_x = rois[:, 0]
offset_y = rois[:, 1]
scale_x = heatmap_size / (rois[:, 2] - rois[:, 0])
scale_y = heatmap_size / (rois[:, 3] - rois[:, 1])
offset_x = offset_x[:, None]
offset_y = offset_y[:, None]
scale_x = scale_x[:, None]
scale_y = scale_y[:, None]
x = keypoints[..., 0]
y = keypoints[..., 1]
x_boundary_inds = x == rois[:, 2][:, None]
y_boundary_inds = y == rois[:, 3][:, None]
x = (x - offset_x) * scale_x
x = x.floor().long()
y = (y - offset_y) * scale_y
y = y.floor().long()
x[x_boundary_inds] = heatmap_size - 1
y[y_boundary_inds] = heatmap_size - 1
valid_loc = (x >= 0) & (y >= 0) & (x < heatmap_size) & (y < heatmap_size)
vis = keypoints[..., 2] > 0
valid = (valid_loc & vis).long()
lin_ind = y * heatmap_size + x
heatmaps = lin_ind * valid
return heatmaps, valid