Build error
Build error
//#include <ATen/cuda/CUDAContext.h> | |
//#include <THC/THCAtomics.cuh> | |
//#include <THC/THCDeviceUtils.cuh> | |
//extern THCState *state; | |
// author: Charles Shang | |
// | |
// modified from the CUDA version for CPU use by Daniel K. Suhendro | |
// edit by: James Bockman and Matthew Howe | |
// modified for torch implementation to remove use of deprecated torch access to Blas | |
at::Tensor | |
dcn_v2_cpu_forward(const at::Tensor &input, | |
const at::Tensor &weight, | |
const at::Tensor &bias, | |
const at::Tensor &offset, | |
const at::Tensor &mask, | |
const int kernel_h, | |
const int kernel_w, | |
const int stride_h, | |
const int stride_w, | |
const int pad_h, | |
const int pad_w, | |
const int dilation_h, | |
const int dilation_w, | |
const int deformable_group) | |
{ | |
// THCAssertSameGPU(THCudaTensor_checkGPU(state, 5, input, weight, bias, offset, mask)); | |
/*AT_ASSERTM(input.is_cuda(), "input must be a CUDA tensor"); | |
AT_ASSERTM(weight.is_cuda(), "weight must be a CUDA tensor"); | |
AT_ASSERTM(bias.is_cuda(), "bias must be a CUDA tensor"); | |
AT_ASSERTM(offset.is_cuda(), "offset must be a CUDA tensor"); | |
AT_ASSERTM(mask.is_cuda(), "mask must be a CUDA tensor");*/ | |
const int batch = input.size(0); | |
const int channels = input.size(1); | |
const int height = input.size(2); | |
const int width = input.size(3); | |
const int channels_out = weight.size(0); | |
const int channels_kernel = weight.size(1); | |
const int kernel_h_ = weight.size(2); | |
const int kernel_w_ = weight.size(3); | |
// printf("Kernels: %d %d %d %d\n", kernel_h_, kernel_w_, kernel_w, kernel_h); | |
// printf("Channels: %d %d\n", channels, channels_kernel); | |
// printf("Channels: %d %d\n", channels_out, channels_kernel); | |
AT_ASSERTM(kernel_h_ == kernel_h && kernel_w_ == kernel_w, | |
"Input shape and kernel shape wont match: (%d x %d vs %d x %d).", kernel_h_, kernel_w, kernel_h_, kernel_w_); | |
AT_ASSERTM(channels == channels_kernel, | |
"Input shape and kernel channels wont match: (%d vs %d).", channels, channels_kernel); | |
const int height_out = (height + 2 * pad_h - (dilation_h * (kernel_h - 1) + 1)) / stride_h + 1; | |
const int width_out = (width + 2 * pad_w - (dilation_w * (kernel_w - 1) + 1)) / stride_w + 1; | |
// auto ones = at::ones({height_out, width_out}, input.options()); | |
auto ones = at::ones({bias.sizes()[0], height_out, width_out}, input.options()); | |
auto columns = at::empty({channels * kernel_h * kernel_w, 1 * height_out * width_out}, input.options()); | |
auto output = at::zeros({batch, channels_out, height_out, width_out}, input.options()); | |
using scalar_t = float; | |
for (int b = 0; b < batch; b++) | |
{ | |
auto input_n =, b); | |
auto offset_n =, b); | |
auto mask_n =, b); | |
auto output_n =, b); | |
// std::cout << "output_n: " << output_n << ",b): " <<,b) << "\n"; | |
// Do Bias first: | |
// M,N,K are dims of matrix A and B | |
// (see | |
// (N x 1) (1 x M) | |
// torch implementation | |
auto ones_T = at::transpose(ones.contiguous(), 2, 0); | |
ones_T = at::mul(ones_T, bias.contiguous()); | |
ones_T = at::transpose(ones_T, 2, 0); | |
output_n = at::add(output_n, ones_T); | |
modulated_deformable_im2col_cpu(input_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
offset_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
mask_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
1, channels, height, width, | |
height_out, width_out, kernel_h, kernel_w, | |
pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w, dilation_h, dilation_w, | |
deformable_group, | |
columns.data_ptr<scalar_t>()); | |
//(k * m) x (m * n) | |
// Y = WC | |
// torch implementation | |
auto weight_flat = weight.view({channels_out, channels * kernel_h * kernel_w}); | |
auto product = at::matmul(weight_flat, columns); | |, b) = at::add(output_n, product.view({channels_out, height_out, width_out})); | |
} | |
return output; | |
} | |
std::vector<at::Tensor> dcn_v2_cpu_backward(const at::Tensor &input, | |
const at::Tensor &weight, | |
const at::Tensor &bias, | |
const at::Tensor &offset, | |
const at::Tensor &mask, | |
const at::Tensor &grad_output, | |
int kernel_h, int kernel_w, | |
int stride_h, int stride_w, | |
int pad_h, int pad_w, | |
int dilation_h, int dilation_w, | |
int deformable_group) | |
{ | |
THArgCheck(input.is_contiguous(), 1, "input tensor has to be contiguous"); | |
THArgCheck(weight.is_contiguous(), 2, "weight tensor has to be contiguous"); | |
/*AT_ASSERTM(input.is_cuda(), "input must be a CUDA tensor"); | |
AT_ASSERTM(weight.is_cuda(), "weight must be a CUDA tensor"); | |
AT_ASSERTM(bias.is_cuda(), "bias must be a CUDA tensor"); | |
AT_ASSERTM(offset.is_cuda(), "offset must be a CUDA tensor"); | |
AT_ASSERTM(mask.is_cuda(), "mask must be a CUDA tensor");*/ | |
const int batch = input.size(0); | |
const int channels = input.size(1); | |
const int height = input.size(2); | |
const int width = input.size(3); | |
const int channels_out = weight.size(0); | |
const int channels_kernel = weight.size(1); | |
const int kernel_h_ = weight.size(2); | |
const int kernel_w_ = weight.size(3); | |
AT_ASSERTM(kernel_h_ == kernel_h && kernel_w_ == kernel_w, | |
"Input shape and kernel shape wont match: (%d x %d vs %d x %d).", kernel_h_, kernel_w, kernel_h_, kernel_w_); | |
AT_ASSERTM(channels == channels_kernel, | |
"Input shape and kernel channels wont match: (%d vs %d).", channels, channels_kernel); | |
const int height_out = (height + 2 * pad_h - (dilation_h * (kernel_h - 1) + 1)) / stride_h + 1; | |
const int width_out = (width + 2 * pad_w - (dilation_w * (kernel_w - 1) + 1)) / stride_w + 1; | |
auto ones = at::ones({height_out, width_out}, input.options()); | |
auto columns = at::zeros({channels * kernel_h * kernel_w, 1 * height_out * width_out}, input.options()); | |
auto output = at::empty({batch, channels_out, height_out, width_out}, input.options()); | |
auto grad_input = at::zeros_like(input); | |
auto grad_weight = at::zeros_like(weight); | |
auto grad_bias = at::zeros_like(bias); | |
auto grad_offset = at::zeros_like(offset); | |
auto grad_mask = at::zeros_like(mask); | |
using scalar_t = float; | |
for (int b = 0; b < batch; b++) | |
{ | |
auto input_n =, b); | |
auto offset_n =, b); | |
auto mask_n =, b); | |
auto grad_output_n =, b); | |
auto grad_input_n =, b); | |
auto grad_offset_n =, b); | |
auto grad_mask_n =, b); | |
// Torch implementation | |
auto weight_flat = weight.view({channels_out, channels*kernel_h*kernel_w}); | |
weight_flat = at::transpose(weight_flat, 1, 0); | |
auto grad_output_n_flat = grad_output_n.view({channels_out, height_out*width_out}); | |
columns = at::matmul(weight_flat, grad_output_n_flat); | |
// gradient w.r.t. input coordinate data | |
modulated_deformable_col2im_coord_cpu(columns.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
input_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
offset_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
mask_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
1, channels, height, width, | |
height_out, width_out, kernel_h, kernel_w, | |
pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w, | |
dilation_h, dilation_w, deformable_group, | |
grad_offset_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
grad_mask_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>()); | |
// gradient w.r.t. input data | |
modulated_deformable_col2im_cpu(columns.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
offset_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
mask_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
1, channels, height, width, | |
height_out, width_out, kernel_h, kernel_w, | |
pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w, | |
dilation_h, dilation_w, deformable_group, | |
grad_input_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>()); | |
// gradient w.r.t. weight, dWeight should accumulate across the batch and group | |
modulated_deformable_im2col_cpu(input_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
offset_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
mask_n.data_ptr<scalar_t>(), | |
1, channels, height, width, | |
height_out, width_out, kernel_h, kernel_w, | |
pad_h, pad_w, stride_h, stride_w, | |
dilation_h, dilation_w, deformable_group, | |
columns.data_ptr<scalar_t>()); | |
// Torch implementation | |
auto product = at::matmul(grad_output_n_flat, at::transpose(columns, 1, 0)); | |
grad_weight = at::add(grad_weight, product.view({channels_out, channels, kernel_h, kernel_w})); | |
// Torch implementation | |
auto ones_flat = ones.view({height_out*width_out}); | |
product = at::matmul(grad_output_n_flat, ones_flat); | |
grad_bias = at::add(grad_bias, product); | |
} | |
return { | |
grad_input, grad_offset, grad_mask, grad_weight, grad_bias | |
}; | |
} |