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const initBlock = () => { |
console.log('Menu settings block initialized with props:', { avp, grup, red_url, hook }); |
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initBlock(); |
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console.log('Custom script loaded!'); |
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{ |
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console.log('Custom script loaded!'); |
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console.log('Empty block initialized with props:', { idSpun, but_text, color_but, sector, delay, avp, grup, red_url, new_w, hook }); |
console.log('Parsed sector:', sector); |
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console.log('Custom script loaded!'); |
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step: 100, |
default: 500 |
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label: ` |
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window.grup = props.grup; |
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window.new_w = props.new_w; |
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console.log('Empty block initialized with props:', { idSpun, but_text, color_but, sector, delay, sound_r, sound_s, avp, grup, red_url, new_w, hook }); |
console.log('Parsed sector:', sector); |
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console.log('VK Open API loaded!'); |
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console.log('Custom script loaded!'); |
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max: 10000, |
step: 100, |
default: 500 |
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label: 'SAUND_R', |
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category: 'ВК - Автопилот', |
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defaults: { |
content: '<div id="set_avp_reg_site"></div>', |
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window.app_id = props.app_id; |
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console.log('Menu settings block initialized with props:', { avp, app_id}); |
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console.log('VK Open API loaded!'); |
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initBlock(); |
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console.log('VK Open API loaded!'); |
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loadScript('https://huggingface.co/spaces/DMTuit/psy_vk/resolve/main/js/avp_site_grup.js', () => { |
console.log('Custom script loaded!'); |
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console.log('Кастомные скрипты загружены!'); |
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console.log('Кастомные скрипты загружены'); |
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{ value: '1', name: 'Плеер - 1' }, |
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{ value: '5', name: 'Плеер - 5' }, |
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type: 'text', |
name: 'vid_list', |
label: 'Video List', |
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placeholder: '[{"title":"Название","file":"URL"},...]', |
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label: ` |
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