persian_informal_translator /
mohammadkrb's picture
init streamlit based app
import re
import itertools
import string
import utils
class InformalWord:
def __init__(self, lemma, prefixs=None, postfixs=None, pos=None, append_h=False):
if prefixs is None:
prefixs = []
if postfixs is None:
postfixs = []
self.is_verb = False
self.is_mapper = False
self.semi_mapper = False
self.append_h = append_h
self.lemma = lemma
self.prefixs = prefixs
self.postfixs = postfixs
self.pos = pos
class Prefix:
def __init__(self, word, level, formal=None, ignore_poses=None, poses=None, non_connecting_chars=None, connector='nim'):
if non_connecting_chars is None:
non_connecting_chars = []
self.word = word
self.level = level
self.ignore_poses = ignore_poses
self.poses = poses
self.connector = connector
if formal is None:
self.formal = word
self.formal = formal
self.non_connecting_chars = non_connecting_chars
class Postfix:
def __init__(self, word, level, formal=None, ignore_poses=None, non_connecting_chars=None, poses=None, connector='nim'):
if non_connecting_chars is None:
non_connecting_chars = []
self.word = word
self.level = level
self.ignore_poses = ignore_poses
self.poses = poses
self.connector = connector
if formal is None:
self.formal = word
self.formal = formal
self.non_connecting_chars = non_connecting_chars
class OneShotTransformer:
NIM_FASELE = chr(8204)
# prefixs
HAMUN = Prefix('همون', 1, 'همان',connector='fasele',non_connecting_chars=['ه'])
HAMIN = Prefix('همین', 1,connector='fasele')
HAR = Prefix('هر', 1,connector='fasele')
UN = Prefix('اون', 1, 'آن',connector='fasele',non_connecting_chars=['ه'])
IN = Prefix('این', 1,connector='fasele',non_connecting_chars=['ه'])
HICH = Prefix('هیچ', 1,connector='nim',non_connecting_chars=['ه', 'ا', 'آ'])
B = Prefix('ب', 1, 'به', ignore_poses=['VERB', 'CCONJ', 'SCONJ'],connector='fasele',non_connecting_chars=['ا', 'ه', 'آ'])
Y = Prefix('ی', 1, 'یک', ignore_poses=['VERB', 'CCONJ', 'SCONJ'],connector='fasele',non_connecting_chars=['ا', 'آ'])
BI = Prefix('بی', 1, ignore_poses=['VERB'],connector='nim',non_connecting_chars=['ا'])
POR = Prefix('پر', 1, ignore_poses=['VERB'],connector='nim')
pres = [[HAMIN, HAMUN, UN, IN, HAMIN, BI, B, Y, POR, HAR]]
Y1 = Postfix('ی', 0, ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='none',non_connecting_chars=['ی', 'ا', 'و', 'آ', 'اً'])
TAR = Postfix('تر', 1, connector='nim')
TARIN = Postfix('ترین', 1, connector='nim')
HAY = Postfix('های', 2, connector='nim')
HA = Postfix('ها', 2, connector='nim')
A = Postfix('ا', 2, 'ها', ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='nim',non_connecting_chars=['ا', 'و', 'آ', 'اً'])
A1 = Postfix('ای', 2, 'های', ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='nim',non_connecting_chars=['ا', 'و', 'آ', 'اً'])
YY = Postfix('یی', 3, 'یی', ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='none')
M = Postfix('م', 3, ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='none')
M_MAN = Postfix('م', 3, 'من', ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
T = Postfix('ت', 3, connector='none')
T1 = Postfix('ت', 3, 'تو', connector='fasele')
# T2 = Postfix('ت', 3, 'خود', ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
SH = Postfix('ش', 3, connector='none')
# SH1 = Postfix('ش', 3, 'خود', connector='fasele')
# SH2 = Postfix('ش', 3, 'آن', connector='fasele')
# SH3 = Postfix('ش', 3, 'او', connector='fasele')
MAN = Postfix('مان', 3, connector='nim')
MAN1 = Postfix('مان', 3, 'ما', connector='fasele')
# MAN2 = Postfix('مان', 3, 'خود', connector='fasele')
MUN = Postfix('مون', 3, 'مان', connector='nim')
# MUN1 = Postfix('مون', 3, 'خود', connector='fasele')
MUN2 = Postfix('مون', 3, 'ما', connector='fasele')
TAN = Postfix('تان', 3, connector='nim')
# TAN1 = Postfix('تان', 3, 'خود', connector='fasele')
TAN2 = Postfix('تان', 3, 'شما', connector='fasele')
TUN = Postfix('تون', 3, 'تان', connector='nim')
# TUN1 = Postfix('تون', 3, 'خود', connector='fasele')
TUN2 = Postfix('تون', 3, 'شما', connector='fasele')
SHAN = Postfix('شان', 3, connector='nim')
# SHAN1 = Postfix('شان', 3, 'خود', connector='fasele')
SHAN2 = Postfix('شان', 3, 'آنان', connector='fasele')
SHUN = Postfix('شون', 3, 'شان', connector='nim')
# SHUN1 = Postfix('شون', 3, 'خود', connector='fasele')
SHUN2 = Postfix('شون', 3, 'آنان', connector='fasele')
N = Postfix('ن', 4, 'هستند', ignore_poses=['VERB', 'CCONJ', 'SCONJ'], connector='fasele', non_connecting_chars=['ی'])
SHAM = Postfix('شم', 4, 'بشوم',ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
SHI= Postfix('شی', 4, 'بشوی',ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
SHE= Postfix('شه', 4, 'شود',ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
SHIN= Postfix('شین', 4, 'شوید',ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
SHID= Postfix('شید', 4, 'شوید',ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
SHAAN= Postfix('شن', 4, 'شوند',ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
SHAND= Postfix('شند', 4, 'شوند',ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
M2 = Postfix('م', 4, 'هم',ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
V = Postfix('و', 4, 'را', connector='fasele', non_connecting_chars=['ا', 'ای', 'آ', 'اً'])
V1 = Postfix('رو', 4, 'را', connector='fasele')
H = Postfix('ه', 4, '', ignore_poses=['VERB', 'CCONJ', 'SCONJ'], connector='none')
# H2 = Postfix('ه', 4)
M1 = Postfix('م', 4, 'هستم',ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
Y2 = Postfix('ی', 4, 'ی', ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='none')
H1 = Postfix('ه', 4, 'است', ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele', non_connecting_chars=['ا', 'آ', 'اً'])
S = Postfix('س', 4, 'است', connector='fasele')
ST = Postfix('ست', 4, 'است', connector='fasele')
ED = Postfix('ید', 4, 'هستید', ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
EN = Postfix('ین', 4, 'هستید', ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele', non_connecting_chars=['تر'])
EM = Postfix('یم', 4, 'هستیم', ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
ND = Postfix('ند', 4, 'هستند', ignore_poses=['VERB'], connector='fasele')
# posts = [[Y1], [TAR, TARIN], [HA, HAY, A, A1], [M, T, SH, MAN, MUN, TAN, TUN, SHAN, SHUN], [N, S, ST, M1, M2, V, V1,Y2, H, H1, ED, EN, EM, ND, SHAM, SHI, SHID, SHE, SHAND, SHIN, SHAAN]]
# posts = [[Y1], [TAR, TARIN], [HA, HAY, A, A1], [YY, M, M_MAN, T, T1, T2, SH, MAN, MAN1, MAN2,MUN,MUN1,MUN2, TAN,TAN1,TAN2, TUN,TUN1,TUN2, SHAN,SHAN1,SHAN2, SHUN, SHUN1, SHUN2], [N, S, ST, M1, M2, V, V1,Y2, H1, ED, EN, EM, ND, SHAM, SHI, SHID, SHE, SHAND, SHIN, SHAAN]]
posts = [[Y1], [TAR, TARIN], [HA, HAY, A, A1], [YY, M, M_MAN, T, T1, SH, MAN, MAN1,MUN,MUN2, TAN,TAN2, TUN,TUN2, SHAN,SHAN2, SHUN, SHUN2], [N, S, ST, M1, M2, V, V1,Y2, H1, ED, EN, EM, ND, SHAM, SHI, SHID, SHE, SHAND, SHIN, SHAAN]]
PossessiveـPronouns = [M,T,SH, MAN, MUN, TAN, TUN, SHAN, SHUN]
cant_append_h_posts = [Y1, TAR, TARIN]
As = [A, A1]
def get_separator(self, w1, w2, append_h):
connector_2_str = {'none': '', 'nim': OneShotTransformer.NIM_FASELE, 'fasele': ' '}
not_connect_chars = ['ا', 'د', 'ذ', 'ر', 'ز', 'ژ', 'و']
# if w2 == OneShotTransformer.Y2:
# return ''
# if w2 in [OneShotTransformer.M, OneShotTransformer.T, OneShotTransformer.SH] and ( type(w1) == str and w1[-1] in ['ا', 'و']):
# return 'ی'
# if type(w1) != str and w1.level == 1:
# return ' '
# not_connect_chars = ['ا', 'د', 'ذ', 'ر', 'ز', 'ژ', 'و']
# if w1 in [OneShotTransformer.Y, OneShotTransformer.B, OneShotTransformer.HAMIN, OneShotTransformer.IN, OneShotTransformer.HAMUN] or w2 in [OneShotTransformer.ED, OneShotTransformer.EN, OneShotTransformer.EM, OneShotTransformer.ND, OneShotTransformer.H1, OneShotTransformer.M1, OneShotTransformer.S, OneShotTransformer.ST, OneShotTransformer.V, OneShotTransformer.N, OneShotTransformer.M2]:
# return ' '
# if ((type(w1) == str and len(w1)> 0 and w1[-1] in ['ا', 'و']) or (type(w1) != str and w1.formal[-1] in [ 'ا', 'و']))and w2.level == 3 :
# return 'ی' + '‌'
# if (type(w1) == str and len(w1)> 0 and w1[-1] in not_connect_chars) or (type(w1) != str and w1.word[-1] in not_connect_chars):
# return ''
all_pres = [p for pres in OneShotTransformer.pres for p in pres]
all_posts = [p for posts in OneShotTransformer.posts for p in posts]
if type(w1) == str:
last_ch = w1[-1]
last_ch = w1.word[-1]
separator = ''
extra_sep = ''
if type(w1) == str and append_h and w2 in [OneShotTransformer.M, OneShotTransformer.T, OneShotTransformer.SH]:
extra_sep = OneShotTransformer.NIM_FASELE + 'ا'
if w2 in [OneShotTransformer.M, OneShotTransformer.T, OneShotTransformer.SH, OneShotTransformer.MAN, OneShotTransformer.MUN, OneShotTransformer.TAN, OneShotTransformer.TUN, OneShotTransformer.SHAN, OneShotTransformer.SHUN] and ( last_ch in ['ا', 'و']) :
extra_sep = 'ی'
if w1 in all_pres:
separator = connector_2_str[w1.connector]
if w2 in all_posts:
separator = connector_2_str[w2.connector]
# replace nim_fasele with '' for non connected words
if last_ch in not_connect_chars and separator == OneShotTransformer.NIM_FASELE:
separator = ''
return extra_sep + separator
def lemma_to_formals(self, iword):
out_iwords = [iword]
if iword.lemma in self.mapper and self.iword2str(iword) != self.mapper[iword.lemma]:
for map_words in self.mapper[iword.lemma]:
new_iw = InformalWord(lemma=map_words,prefixs=iword.prefixs, postfixs=iword.postfixs, pos=iword.pos, append_h=iword.append_h)
if not iword.prefixs and not iword.postfixs:
new_iw.is_mapper = True
new_iw.semi_mapper = True
new_iw.semi_mapper = True
formal_verbs = self.verb_to_formal_func(iword.lemma)
if formal_verbs is not None:
for f_v in formal_verbs:
new_iw = InformalWord(lemma=f_v,prefixs=iword.prefixs, postfixs=iword.postfixs, pos=iword.pos, append_h=iword.append_h)
new_iw.is_verb = True
return out_iwords
def should_ignore_by_postagg(self, iword):
post_pres = [pre for pre in iword.prefixs] + [post for post in iword.postfixs]
for p in post_pres:
if (p.ignore_poses and iword.pos in p.ignore_poses) or (p.poses and iword.pos not in p.poses):
return True
return False
def filtered_based_on_rules(self, iword):
ha_p = [OneShotTransformer.A, OneShotTransformer.HA]
if iword.postfixs and OneShotTransformer.YY in iword.postfixs and not all(p in ha_p + [OneShotTransformer.YY] for p in iword.postfixs):
return True
if (iword.postfixs and len(iword.postfixs) == 1 and OneShotTransformer.Y2 in iword.postfixs and iword.lemma and iword.lemma[-1] in ['و', 'ا']) or (iword.postfixs and len(iword.postfixs) == 2 and OneShotTransformer.Y2 in iword.postfixs and iword.postfixs[0] in [OneShotTransformer.A, OneShotTransformer.HA]):
return True
#non connecting chars
if iword.prefixs:
last_pre = iword.prefixs[-1]
if last_pre.non_connecting_chars and iword.lemma and any(iword.lemma.startswith(ch) for ch in last_pre.non_connecting_chars):
return True
if iword.postfixs:
first_post = iword.postfixs[0]
if first_post.non_connecting_chars and iword.lemma and any(iword.lemma.endswith(ch) for ch in first_post.non_connecting_chars):
return True
#hidden H # goshnashe
if not iword.semi_mapper and not iword.append_h and iword.lemma and iword.lemma[-1] == 'ه' and iword.postfixs and iword.lemma not in self.non_hidden_h_words:
return True
# h + h
if iword.prefixs and iword.postfixs and len(iword.lemma) < 2:
return True
# خونهه - خونششونه
if iword.append_h and (OneShotTransformer.H in iword.postfixs or (len(iword.postfixs) == 1 and OneShotTransformer.H1 in iword.postfixs) ):
return True
if iword.prefixs and (OneShotTransformer.B in iword.prefixs or OneShotTransformer.Y in iword.prefixs) and (iword.lemma and iword.lemma[0] in ['ا', 'ی', 'و']):
return True
if iword.lemma in self.isolated_words and (iword.prefixs or iword.postfixs):
return True
# verb + postfixs ex: برنامه
if (iword.is_verb and iword.prefixs) or(iword.is_verb and iword.postfixs and (len(iword.postfixs) > 1 or not any(p in iword.postfixs for p in OneShotTransformer.PossessiveـPronouns +[OneShotTransformer.V]))):
return True
return False
def iword2str(self, iword):
sorted_prefixs = list(sorted(iword.prefixs, key=lambda prefix: prefix.level))
sorted_postfixs = list(sorted(iword.postfixs, key=lambda postfix: postfix.level))
concated_str = ''
zipped_prefixs = [(sorted_prefixs[i], sorted_prefixs[i + 1]) if i < len(sorted_prefixs) - 1 else (
sorted_prefixs[i], iword.lemma) for i in range(len(sorted_prefixs))]
for prev_prefix, prefix in zipped_prefixs:
separator = self.get_separator(prev_prefix, prefix, append_h=False)
prefix_formal = prev_prefix.formal
concated_str += prefix_formal
concated_str += separator
concated_str += iword.lemma
zipped_postfix = [(sorted_postfixs[i - 1], sorted_postfixs[i]) if i > 0 else (iword.lemma, sorted_postfixs[i])
for i in range(len(sorted_postfixs))]
for postfix, next_postfix in zipped_postfix:
separator = self.get_separator(postfix, next_postfix, append_h=iword.append_h)
concated_str += separator
postfix_formal = next_postfix.formal
concated_str += postfix_formal
return concated_str
def to_formals(self, iword):
str_iwords = []
all_iwords = self.lemma_to_formals(iword)
for iword in all_iwords:
# if iword.lemma == 'اون':
# print('')
if len(iword.lemma) == 1 and iword.lemma != 'و':
str_iwords.append(('', None))
if self.filtered_based_on_rules(iword):
str_iwords.append(('', None))
if self.should_ignore_by_postagg(iword):
str_iwords.append(('', None))
if not iword.is_verb and not iword.semi_mapper and iword.lemma not in self.vocab:
str_iwords.append(('', None))
concated_str = self.iword2str(iword)
str_iwords.append((concated_str, iword))
return str_iwords
def un_in(self, iword):
new_lemma = iword.lemma.replace('ون', 'ان')
if new_lemma != iword.lemma:
return InformalWord(lemma=new_lemma, prefixs=iword.prefixs, postfixs=iword.postfixs, pos=iword.pos)
return False
def prefix_obj(self, word):
op_separete = {'م': 'من', 'ت': 'تو', 'ش': 'آن', 'تان': 'شما', 'تون': 'شما', 'شون': 'آنان', 'شان': 'آنان',
'مان': 'ما', 'مون': 'ما'}
candidates = []
formal = ''
m = self.pre_obj_pattern.match(word)
if m:
tokens = m.groups()
if tokens[0] == 'باها':
formal += 'با'
formal += tokens[0]
formal_obj = op_separete[tokens[1]]
formal += ' '
formal += formal_obj
if tokens[2] is not None:
formal += ' '
formal += 'هم'
alts = {'هم': 'هستم', 'آن': 'او'}
tokens = [[w] for w in formal.split()]
for t in tokens:
if t[0] in alts:
candidates = itertools.product(*tokens)
candidates = [' '.join(cnd) for cnd in candidates]
return [(c, c) for c in candidates]
def append_tanvin_hat(self, iword):
if len(iword.lemma) > 1 and iword.lemma[0] == 'ا' and iword.lemma[-1] != 'ا':
new_lemma = 'آ' + iword.lemma[1:]
return InformalWord(lemma=new_lemma, prefixs=iword.prefixs, postfixs=iword.postfixs, pos=iword.pos)
if len(iword.lemma) > 1 and iword.lemma[-1] == 'ا':
new_lemma = iword.lemma[:-1] + 'اً'
return InformalWord(lemma=new_lemma, prefixs=iword.prefixs, postfixs=iword.postfixs, pos=iword.pos)
return False
def append_h(self, iword):
not_apply = self.verb_to_formal_func(iword.lemma) or (iword.lemma and iword.lemma[-1] in ['ا', 'و', 'ی']) or len(iword.lemma) <= 1 or iword.lemma =='' or iword.lemma[-1] == 'ه' or (OneShotTransformer.H in iword.postfixs and len(iword.postfixs) == 1) or any(p in iword.postfixs for p in OneShotTransformer.As) or(OneShotTransformer.V in iword.postfixs) or (iword.postfixs and iword.postfixs[0].word[0] in ['ی', 'و','ا'])
######## when add h?
new_lemma = iword.lemma + 'ه'
############# new_lemma in self.vocab
if len(iword.postfixs) > 0 and not any([p in OneShotTransformer.cant_append_h_posts for p in iword.postfixs]) and not not_apply and new_lemma not in self.non_hidden_h_words:
# if len(iword.postfixs) > 0 and not not_apply and new_lemma in self.vocab and new_lemma not in self.non_hidden_h_words:
return InformalWord(lemma=new_lemma, prefixs=iword.prefixs, postfixs=iword.postfixs, pos=iword.pos, append_h= True)
return False
def __init__(self, vocab, mapper, verb_to_formal_func, ignore_words, postfix_mapper, isolated_words, non_hidden_h_words):
self.vocab = vocab
self.mapper = mapper
self.verb_to_formal_func = verb_to_formal_func
self.ignore_words = ignore_words
self.postfix_mapper = postfix_mapper
self.isolated_words = isolated_words
self.non_hidden_h_words = non_hidden_h_words
self.operators = [self.un_in, self.append_h, self.append_tanvin_hat]
patt = r'(از|به|باها)(مان|شون|شان|مون|م|تون|تان|ت|ش)(م)?$'
self.pre_obj_pattern = re.compile(patt)
def all_sequence_of_postfixs(self, word, index):
all_seqs =[]
for p in OneShotTransformer.posts[index]:
p_w = p.word
if word.startswith(p_w):
w = word[len(p_w):]
if len(w) == 0:
if index < len(OneShotTransformer.posts) -1 :
resp = self.all_sequence_of_postfixs(w, index+1)
if len(resp) > 0:
for item in resp:
if type(item) == list:
sequence_with_p = item
sequence_with_p = [p, item]
if index < len(OneShotTransformer.posts) - 1:
resp = self.all_sequence_of_postfixs(word, index + 1)
return all_seqs
return all_seqs
def combine(self, l1, l2):
if len(l1) == 0:
return l2
elif len(l2) == 0:
return l1
return list(itertools.product(l1, l2))
def get_expand(self, iword):
all_possible_words = []
for subset_operators in utils.powerset(self.operators):
new_iword = InformalWord(lemma=iword.lemma, prefixs=iword.prefixs, postfixs=iword.postfixs, pos=iword.pos)
for so in subset_operators:
so_resp = so(new_iword)
if so_resp:
new_iword = so_resp
return all_possible_words
def match_postfixs(self, word, pos):
possible_combinatios = []
for i in range(len(OneShotTransformer.posts)):
for p in OneShotTransformer.posts[i]:
p_word = p.word
p_indxs = [indx for indx, ch in enumerate(word) if word[indx:indx+len(p_word)] == p_word]
for p_indx in p_indxs:
if p_indx != -1:
lemma = word[:p_indx]
pp = word[p_indx + len(p_word):]
if len(pp) ==0:
iw = InformalWord(lemma=lemma, postfixs=[p], pos=pos)
if i < len(OneShotTransformer.posts) -1:
all_postfix = self.all_sequence_of_postfixs(pp, index=i+1)
if len(all_postfix) > 0:
for pfixs in all_postfix:
if type(pfixs) == list:
pfixs = [p, pfixs]
iw = InformalWord(lemma=lemma, postfixs=pfixs, pos=pos)
elif len(pp) == 0:
iw = InformalWord(lemma=lemma, postfixs=[p], pos=pos)
return possible_combinatios
def match_prefixs(self, word, pos):
possible_combinatios = []
for i in range(len(OneShotTransformer.pres)):
for p in OneShotTransformer.pres[i]:
if word.startswith(p.word):
lemma = word[len(p.word):]
prefixs = [p]
iw = InformalWord(lemma=lemma, prefixs=prefixs, postfixs=[], pos=pos)
return possible_combinatios
return []
def parse_word(self, iword):
parsed_resp = []
prefixed_word = self.match_prefixs(iword.lemma,pos=iword.pos)
for pw in prefixed_word:
postfixed_iwords = self.match_postfixs(pw.lemma,pos=iword.pos)
for piw in postfixed_iwords:
piw.prefixs = pw.prefixs
return parsed_resp
def is_seqs_of_verbs(self, txt):
words = txt.split()
if len(words) < 2:
return False
for w in words:
formal_verb = self.verb_to_formal_func(w)
if formal_verb is None:
return False
if words[-1] in ['است', 'هست']:
return False
return True
def filter_results(self, word_lemmas):
return list(filter(lambda wl: len(wl[0])>0 and wl[0][-1] != '‌' and not self.is_seqs_of_verbs(wl[0]), word_lemmas))
def concatenate_formal_words(self, pre, next):
خانه +‌ ت -> خانه‌ات
دیگر + ای -> دیگری
nim_fasele = '‌'
not_connect_chars = ['ا', 'د', 'ذ', 'ر', 'ز', 'ژ', 'و']
if len(pre) < 1 :
return next
if pre[-1] in ['ه'] and next in ['م', 'ت', 'ش']:
return pre + nim_fasele + 'ا' + next
if pre[-1] == 'ا'and next.split() and next.split()[0] in ['م', 'ت', 'ش', 'مان', 'تان', 'شان']:
return pre + nim_fasele + 'ی' + next
if pre[-1] not in ['ه'] and next in ['ای']:
return pre + 'ی'
out = pre + next
if pre[-1] not in not_connect_chars or next.startswith('ها') or pre[-1] in ['ه'] or pre + nim_fasele + next in self.vocab:
out = pre + nim_fasele + next
if self.verb_to_formal_func(next):
out = pre + ' ' + next
return out
def handle_nim_fasele_words(self, word, pos):
def extract_lemma_nim_fasele_words(word, pos):
formal_prefixs = []
formal_postfixs = []
prefixs = {'اون': 'آن', 'همون': 'همین'}
postfixs = self.postfix_mapper
tokens = word.split('‌')
index = 0
for i in range(len(tokens)):
index = i
if tokens[i] not in prefixs:
for i in range(len(tokens), index, -1):
current_tok = '‌'.join(tokens[index:i])
if current_tok in self.vocab or tokens[i - 1] not in postfixs:
return formal_prefixs, current_tok, formal_postfixs
formal_postfixs.append(postfixs[tokens[i - 1]])
return formal_prefixs, current_tok, formal_postfixs
nim_fasele = '‌'
candidates = []
formal_word = ''
verbs = self.verb_to_formal_func(word)
if verbs:
return [(v, v) for v in verbs]
all_candidates = set()
# lemma
formal_prefixs, lemma, formal_postfixs = extract_lemma_nim_fasele_words(word, pos)
word_lemmas = self.transform(lemma, pos, ignore_nim_fasele=True)
# lemma with postfix should len=1
one_token_words = [wl for wl in word_lemmas if len(wl[0].split()) == 1]
if formal_postfixs and one_token_words:
all_formal_lemma_candidates = one_token_words
all_formal_lemma_candidates = word_lemmas
if not all_formal_lemma_candidates:
if formal_postfixs or formal_prefixs:
all_formal_lemma_candidates = [(lemma, lemma)]
tokens = lemma.split(nim_fasele)
if all(self.transform(t, None, ignore_nim_fasele=True) for t in tokens):
w = ' '.join(tokens)
return [(w, w)]
return []
for cnd_lemma, formal_word_lemma in all_formal_lemma_candidates:
formal_word = ''
toks = formal_prefixs + [cnd_lemma] + formal_postfixs
for index, t in enumerate(toks):
formal_word = self.concatenate_formal_words(formal_word, t)
all_candidates.add((formal_word, formal_word_lemma))
# if t in self.postfix_mapper:
# formal_t = self.postfix_mapper[t]
# else:
# transform_outputs = self.transform(t, pos)
# if not transform_outputs:
# formal_t = t
# else:
# one_word_outputs = [ft for ft in transform_outputs if len(ft.split()) == 1]
# if one_word_outputs:
# if t in one_word_outputs:
# formal_t = t
# else:
# formal_t = one_word_outputs[0]
# else:
# formal_t = transform_outputs.pop()
return all_candidates
def transform(self, word, pos, ignore_nim_fasele=False):
"""ignore emoji , punctuation, numbers"""
ignore_chars = '.1234567890!@#$%^&*()_+۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹÷؟×−+?><}،,{":' + string.ascii_lowercase + string.ascii_uppercase
if any(ic in word for ic in ignore_chars) or utils.if_emoji(word):
return [(word, word)]
"""handle nim fasele"""
nim_fasele = '‌'
if not ignore_nim_fasele and nim_fasele in word:
return self.handle_nim_fasele_words(word, pos)
# pass ignore words and accept as correct informal word!
if word in self.ignore_words and not word in self.mapper:
return [(word, word)]
formal_prefix_obj = self.prefix_obj(word)
if formal_prefix_obj:
return formal_prefix_obj
iword = InformalWord(lemma=word, pos=pos)
expanded_candidates = []
candidates = self.parse_word(iword)
#just verbs
if any(c.is_verb for c in candidates):
candidates = [c for c in candidates if c.is_verb]
for cnd in candidates:
word_iwords = []
for ec in expanded_candidates:
if any(f[1] and (f[1].is_mapper or f[1].is_verb) for f in word_iwords if f[1] is not None):
word_iwords = [f for f in word_iwords if f[1] and (f[1].is_mapper or f[1].is_verb)]
# else:
word_lemmas_set = [(w, iword.lemma) for w, iword in word_iwords if iword is not None]
word_lemmas_set = set(word_lemmas_set)
out = self.filter_results(word_lemmas_set)
# if type(out) == str:
# out = [out]
# out = set(out)
return out
if __name__ == '__main__':
transformer = OneShotTransformer(None, None, None)
candidates = transformer.match_postfixs('کارامم')