import os | |
import sys | |
import requests | |
from tqdm import tqdm | |
def download_dataset(urls, dest_dir, filename=None): | |
# source_code: | |
# This example script downloads python program for mac. | |
# Home directory of Mac, pathlib.Path module make this easy. | |
# home_path = Path.home() | |
# This is the sub directory under home directory. | |
# sub_path = "tmp" | |
# The header of the dl link has a Content-Length which is in bytes. | |
# The bytes is in string hence has to convert to integer. | |
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
for url in urls: | |
if '' in url: | |
import gdown | |
# import os | |
# print('gdown downloadddd output: ', dest_dir ) | |
# print(dest_dir, filename) | |
# dest_dir = os.path.join(dest_dir,'') | |
return, quiet=False, output=filename) | |
try: | |
filesize = int(requests.head(url).headers["Content-Length"]) | |
except KeyError: | |
print('unknown file length') | |
filesize = -1 | |
# os.path.basename returns python-3.8.5-macosx10.9.pkg, | |
# without this module I will have to manually split the url by "/" | |
# then get the last index with -1. | |
# Example: | |
# url.split("/")[-1] | |
filename = os.path.basename(url) | |
# make the sub directory, exists_ok=True will not have exception if the sub dir does not exists. | |
# the dir will be created if not exists. | |
os.makedirs(dest_dir, exist_ok=True) | |
# The absolute path to download the python program to. | |
dl_path = os.path.join(dest_dir, filename) | |
chunk_size = 1024 | |
if os.path.exists(dl_path): | |
print(f'file {dl_path} already exist') | |
return dl_path | |
# Use the requests.get with stream enable, with iter_content by chunk size, | |
# the contents will be written to the dl_path. | |
# tqdm tracks the progress by progress.update(datasize) | |
with requests.get(url, stream=True) as r, open(dl_path, "wb") as f, tqdm( | |
unit="B", # unit string to be displayed. | |
unit_scale=True, # let tqdm to determine the scale in kilo, mega..etc. | |
unit_divisor=1024, # is used when unit_scale is true | |
total=filesize, # the total iteration. | |
file=sys.stdout, # default goes to stderr, this is the display on console. | |
desc=filename # prefix to be displayed on progress bar. | |
) as progress: | |
for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): | |
# download the file chunk by chunk | |
datasize = f.write(chunk) | |
# on each chunk update the progress bar. | |
progress.update(datasize) | |
return True |