#version 450 #include "generic_head.comp" #include "types.comp" #extension GL_EXT_control_flow_attributes : enable #define BLOCK_SIZE 512 layout(local_size_x = BLOCK_SIZE, local_size_y = 1, local_size_z = 1) in; layout (binding = 0) readonly buffer X {A_TYPE data_a[];}; layout (binding = 1) writeonly buffer D {D_TYPE data_d[];}; shared float tmp[BLOCK_SIZE]; void main() { const uint group_size = p.KX; const float eps = p.param1; const uint tid = gl_LocalInvocationID.x; const uint start = gl_WorkGroupID.x * group_size + tid; const uint end = start + group_size; tmp[tid] = 0.0f; // Calculate mean [[unroll]] for (uint col = start; col < end; col += BLOCK_SIZE) { tmp[tid] += float(data_a[col]); } // tmp up partial tmps and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (int s = BLOCK_SIZE / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { tmp[tid] += tmp[tid + s]; } barrier(); } const float mean = tmp[0] / group_size; barrier(); tmp[tid] = 0.0f; // Calculate variance [[unroll]] for (uint col = start; col < end; col += BLOCK_SIZE) { const float xi = float(data_a[col]) - mean; data_d[col] = D_TYPE(xi); tmp[tid] += xi * xi; } // sum up partial sums and write back result barrier(); [[unroll]] for (int s = BLOCK_SIZE / 2; s > 0; s >>= 1) { if (tid < s) { tmp[tid] += tmp[tid + s]; } barrier(); } const float variance = tmp[0] / group_size; const float scale = inversesqrt(variance + eps); [[unroll]] for (uint col = start; col < end; col += BLOCK_SIZE) { data_d[col] *= D_TYPE(scale); } }