import streamlit as st import os import librosa import torch from pydub import AudioSegment from pydub.silence import split_on_silence from dotenv import load_dotenv from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile import math from docx import Document import time from transformers import WhisperProcessor, WhisperForConditionalGeneration # Load environment variables from .env file (if needed for other config) load_dotenv() # Create a placeholder for status messages status_placeholder = st.empty() # Display status while loading the model"Loading Whisper model from Hugging Face...") @st.cache_resource def load_whisper_model(): """ Load the Whisper model and processor from Hugging Face. Change 'openai/whisper-small' to another variant if needed. """ model_name = "openai/whisper-small" # You can change to "tiny", "base", "medium", or "large" based on resources. processor = WhisperProcessor.from_pretrained(model_name) model = WhisperForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained(model_name) return processor, model processor, model = load_whisper_model()"Whisper model loaded successfully!") # Comprehensive dictionary of languages supported by Whisper (most common ones) LANGUAGES = { "en": "English", "zh": "Chinese", "de": "German", "es": "Spanish", "ru": "Russian", "ko": "Korean", "fr": "French", "ja": "Japanese", "pt": "Portuguese", "tr": "Turkish", "pl": "Polish", "ca": "Catalan", "nl": "Dutch", "ar": "Arabic", "sv": "Swedish", "it": "Italian", "id": "Indonesian", "hi": "Hindi", "fi": "Finnish", "vi": "Vietnamese", "fa": "Persian", "mr": "Marathi", "uk": "Ukrainian", "el": "Greek", "ms": "Malay", "cs": "Czech", "ro": "Romanian", "da": "Danish", "hu": "Hungarian", "ta": "Tamil", "no": "Norwegian", "th": "Thai", "ur": "Urdu", "hr": "Croatian", "bg": "Bulgarian", "lt": "Lithuanian", "la": "Latin", "mi": "Maori", "ml": "Malayalam", "cy": "Welsh", "sk": "Slovak", "te": "Telugu", "ka": "Georgian", "sl": "Slovenian", "kn": "Kannada", "et": "Estonian", "mk": "Macedonian", "br": "Breton", "eu": "Basque", "is": "Icelandic", "hy": "Armenian", "af": "Afrikaans" } # Create a sorted list of language names for the selectbox language_names = sorted(LANGUAGES.values()) default_language = "English" # Default language selected_lang_name = st.selectbox("Select transcription language", language_names, index=language_names.index(default_language)) # Find the language code by reverse lookup in LANGUAGES selected_language = [code for code, name in LANGUAGES.items() if name == selected_lang_name][0] def split_audio_on_silence(audio_file_path, min_silence_len=500, silence_thresh=-40, keep_silence=250): """ Split an audio file into chunks using silence detection. """"Splitting audio on silence...") audio = AudioSegment.from_file(audio_file_path) chunks = split_on_silence( audio, min_silence_len=min_silence_len, silence_thresh=silence_thresh, keep_silence=keep_silence )"Audio split into {len(chunks)} chunks.") return chunks def transcribe(audio_file, language): """ Transcribe an audio file using the locally loaded Whisper model from Hugging Face. This uses librosa to load and resample the audio as required. The transcription is forced to the specified language. Args: audio_file (str): Path to the audio file. language (str): Language code (e.g., "en", "es"). Returns: str: Transcribed text. """ # Load audio with librosa at 16kHz (as required by Whisper) speech, sr = librosa.load(audio_file, sr=16000) input_features = processor(speech, sampling_rate=16000, return_tensors="pt").input_features # Force the transcription output to the chosen language: forced_ids = processor.get_decoder_prompt_ids(language=language, task="transcribe") predicted_ids = model.generate(input_features, forced_decoder_ids=forced_ids) transcription = processor.batch_decode(predicted_ids, skip_special_tokens=True)[0] return transcription def transcribe_chunk(chunk, index, language, min_length_ms=100): """ Transcribe an individual audio chunk. """ if len(chunk) < min_length_ms: st.warning(f"Chunk {index} is too short to be processed.") return (index, "") # Save chunk temporarily as a WAV file with NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False, suffix=".wav") as temp_audio_file: chunk.export(, format="wav") temp_audio_file_path ="Transcribing chunk {index} in {selected_lang_name}...") transcription = transcribe(temp_audio_file_path, language) os.remove(temp_audio_file_path) st.write(f"Transcription for chunk {index}: {transcription}") return (index, transcription) def process_audio_chunks(audio_chunks, language): """ Process and transcribe each audio chunk in sequence. Reports the total time taken. """ transcriptions = [] min_length_ms = 100 # minimum duration for processing start_transcription = time.time() for i, chunk in enumerate(audio_chunks): index, text = transcribe_chunk(chunk, i, language, min_length_ms) transcriptions.append((index, text)) transcriptions.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) total_time = time.time() - start_transcription"All chunks transcribed in {total_time:.2f} seconds.") combined = " ".join([text for idx, text in transcriptions]) return combined def save_transcription_to_docx(transcription, audio_file_path): """ Save the transcription as a .docx file. """ base_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(audio_file_path))[0] output_file_name = f"{base_name}_full_transcription.docx""Saving transcription to DOCX...") doc = Document() doc.add_paragraph(transcription)"Transcription saved as DOCX.") return output_file_name st.title("Audio Transcription with Whisper (Local via Hugging Face)") # Allow uploading of audio or video files uploaded_file = st.file_uploader("Upload an audio or video file", type=["wav", "mp3", "ogg", "m4a", "mp4", "mov"]) if 'transcription' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.transcription = None if uploaded_file is not None and st.session_state.transcription is None: # Save uploaded file temporarily file_extension =".")[-1] temp_audio_file = f"temp_audio_file.{file_extension}" with open(temp_audio_file, "wb") as f: f.write(uploaded_file.getbuffer()) processing_start = time.time() with st.spinner('Processing audio...'): audio_chunks = split_audio_on_silence(temp_audio_file) transcription = process_audio_chunks(audio_chunks, selected_language) if transcription: st.session_state.transcription = transcription st.success('Transcription complete!') output_docx_file = save_transcription_to_docx(transcription, st.session_state.output_docx_file = output_docx_file processing_duration = time.time() - processing_start"Total processing time: {processing_duration:.2f} seconds.") if os.path.exists(temp_audio_file): os.remove(temp_audio_file) if st.session_state.transcription: st.text_area("Transcription", st.session_state.transcription, key="transcription_area_final") with open(st.session_state.output_docx_file, "rb") as docx_file: st.download_button( label="Download Transcription (.docx)", data=docx_file, file_name=st.session_state.output_docx_file, mime='application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml.document' )