Demo750's picture
Upload folder using huggingface_hub
569f484 verified
from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download
from ..smp import *
from .video_base import VideoBaseDataset
from .utils import build_judge, DEBUG_MESSAGE
from ..utils import track_progress_rich
FAIL_MSG = 'Failed to obtain answer via API.'
def unwrap_hf_pkl(pth, suffix='.mp4'):
base_dir = os.path.join(pth, 'video_pkl/')
target_dir = os.path.join(pth, 'video/')
pickle_files = [os.path.join(base_dir, file) for file in os.listdir(base_dir)]
if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
os.makedirs(target_dir, exist_ok=True)
for pickle_file in pickle_files:
with open(pickle_file, 'rb') as file:
video_data = pickle.load(file)
# For each video file in the pickle file, write its contents to a new mp4 file
for video_name, video_content in video_data.items():
output_path = os.path.join(target_dir, f'{video_name}{suffix}')
with open(output_path, 'wb') as output_file:
print('The video file has been restored and stored from the pickle file.')
print('The video file already exists.')
class MMBenchVideo(VideoBaseDataset):
MD5 = '98f7df3eb1007fc375ea6fe88a98e2ff'
SYS = 'You are an AI assistant responsible for answering questions about videos.'
You will be provided with {} separate frames uniformly sampled from a video, \
the frames are provided in chronological order of the video.
Please analyze these images and provide the answer / answers to the \
following question / questions about the video content.
If multiple questions are provided (with indices I1, I2, I3, ...), \
you should organize your answers in the following json format:
'I1': 'Answer to Question I1',
'I2': 'Answer to Question I2',
Otherwise, please directly reply with your response to the only question.
Even if the information in these separate frames is not enough to give an answer,
You will be provided with {} separate frames uniformly sampled from a video, \
the frames are provided in chronological order of the video.
Please analyze these images and provide the answer to the question about the video content.
Please directly reply with your response to the only question.
def __init__(self, dataset='MMBench-Video', pack=False):
super().__init__(dataset=dataset, pack=pack)
def supported_datasets(cls):
return ['MMBench-Video']
def prepare_dataset(self, dataset_name='MMBench-Video', repo_id='nebulae09/MMBench-Video'):
def check_integrity(pth):
data_file = osp.join(pth, f'{dataset_name}.tsv')
if md5(data_file) != self.MD5:
return False
data = load(data_file)
for video_pth in data['video_path']:
if not osp.exists(osp.join(pth, video_pth)):
return False
return True
cache_path = get_cache_path(repo_id)
if cache_path is not None and check_integrity(cache_path):
dataset_path = cache_path
dataset_path = snapshot_download(repo_id=repo_id, repo_type='dataset')
self.video_path = osp.join(dataset_path, 'video/')
data_file = osp.join(dataset_path, f'{dataset_name}.tsv')
return dict(data_file=data_file, root=osp.join(dataset_path, 'video'))
def build_prompt_pack(self, line, num_frames):
if isinstance(line, int):
assert line < len(self)
video = self.videos[line]
elif isinstance(line, pd.Series):
video = line['video']
elif isinstance(line, str):
video = line
frames = self.save_video_frames(video, num_frames)
sub =[['video'] == video]
sys_prompt = self.SYS + self.FRAMES_TMPL_PACK.format(num_frames)
message = [dict(type='text', value=sys_prompt)]
for im in frames:
message.append(dict(type='image', value=im))
nq = len(sub)
prompt = 'Questions: \n{}\nAnswers: \n'
qs = {int(sub.iloc[i]['index']): sub.iloc[i]['question'] for i in range(nq)}
prompt = prompt.format(json.dumps(qs))
message.append(dict(type='text', value=prompt))
return message
def build_prompt_nopack(self, line, num_frames, video_llm):
if isinstance(line, int):
assert line < len(self)
line =[line]
if video_llm:
question = line['question']
prefix, video_idx_path = os.path.split(line['video_path'])
message = [dict(type='text', value=question)]
message.append(dict(type='video', value=os.path.join(self.video_path, video_idx_path)))
return message
frames = self.save_video_frames(line['video'], num_frames)
sys_prompt = self.FRAMES_TMPL_NOPACK.format(num_frames)
message = [dict(type='text', value=sys_prompt)]
for im in frames:
message.append(dict(type='image', value=im))
prompt = 'Question: {}\nAnswer: '.format(line['question'])
message.append(dict(type='text', value=prompt))
return message
def build_prompt(self, line, num_frames, video_llm):
if self.pack and not video_llm:
return self.build_prompt_pack(line, num_frames)
return self.build_prompt_nopack(line, num_frames, video_llm)
def remove_side_quote(s, syms=[',', '"', "'"]):
if np.all([x in syms for x in s]):
return ''
while s[0] in syms:
s = s[1:]
while s[-1] in syms:
s = s[:-1]
return s
def robust_json_load(s):
jsons = list(extract_json_objects(s))
assert len(jsons) == 1
return jsons[0]
if '{' in s and s.find('{') == s.rfind('{'):
sub_str = s[s.find('{') + 1:].strip()
lines = sub_str.split('\n')
res = {}
for l in lines:
l = l.strip()
if ': ' in l:
key = l.split(': ')[0].strip()
val = l.split(': ')[1].strip()
key = MMBenchVideo.remove_side_quote(key)
val = MMBenchVideo.remove_side_quote(val)
if len(key) and len(val):
res[key] = val
return res
return None
def load_pack_answers(self, data_raw):
vstats = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
data = defaultdict(lambda: {})
for k in data_raw:
ans = data_raw[k].strip()
if FAIL_MSG in ans:
vstats['GEN_FAIL'] += 1
res = self.robust_json_load(ans)
if res is not None:
data[k] = res
vstats['PARSE_OK'] += 1
vstats['PARSE_FAIL'] += 1
# return data
meta = cp.deepcopy(
lt = len(meta)
prediction = []
for i in range(lt):
line = meta.iloc[i]
vid = line['video']
idx = str(line['index'])
prediction.append(data[vid][idx] if idx in data[vid] else None)
meta['prediction'] = prediction
vstats['VALIDQ'] = len([x for x in prediction if x is not None])
vstats['INVALIDQ'] = len([x for x in prediction if x is None])
return meta, vstats
# It returns a dictionary
def evaluate(self, eval_file, **judge_kwargs):
from .utils.mmbench_video import get_dimension_rating, system_prompt, build_prompt
assert eval_file.endswith('.xlsx'), 'data file should be an xlsx file'
judge = judge_kwargs['model']
nproc = judge_kwargs.pop('nproc', 4)
tmp_file = eval_file.replace('.xlsx', f'_{judge}_tmp.pkl')
tgt_file = eval_file.replace('.xlsx', f'_{judge}_rating.json')
score_file = eval_file.replace('.xlsx', f'_{judge}_score.xlsx')
model = build_judge(system_prompt=system_prompt, **judge_kwargs)
assert model.working(), 'MMBench-Video evaluation requires a working OPENAI API\n' + DEBUG_MESSAGE
if not osp.exists(score_file):
res = {} if not osp.exists(tmp_file) else load(tmp_file)
res = {k: v for k, v in res.items() if model.fail_msg not in v}
data = load(eval_file)
data_un = data[~data['index'].isin(res)]
data_un = data_un[~pd.isna(data_un['prediction'])]
lt = len(data_un)
prompts = [build_prompt(data_un.iloc[i]) for i in range(lt)]
indices = [data_un.iloc[i]['index'] for i in range(lt)]
if len(prompts):
_ = track_progress_rich(
score_map = load(tmp_file)
data['score'] = [score_map[idx] if idx in score_map else -1 for idx in data['index']]
rejected = [x for x in score_map.values() if FAIL_MSG in x]
data['score'] = [int(x) if istype(x, int) else -1 for x in data['score']]
f'Among {len(data)} questions, failed to obtain prediction for {len(data) - len(score_map)} questions, '
f'failed to obtain the score for another {len(rejected)} questions. '
f'Those questions will be counted as 0 score in ALL rating, and will not be counted in VALID rating.'
dump(data, score_file)
rating = get_dimension_rating(score_file)
dump(rating, tgt_file)
return rating