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from ...smp import *
from ...utils import can_infer
from latex2sympy2 import latex2sympy
except ImportError:
print('Please install latex2sympy2 by running "pip install latex2sympy2"')
FAIL_MSG = 'Failed to obtain answer via API.'
def is_equal(asw: str, gt_asw: str) -> bool:
if not isinstance(asw, str) != str or not isinstance(gt_asw, str):
print('Warning: input is not string')
print(asw, gt_asw)
asw = str(asw).lower().strip()
gt_asw = str(gt_asw).lower().strip()
if gt_asw == asw:
return True
a = eval(gt_asw)
b = eval(asw)
if abs(a - b) < 1e-6:
return True
a = latex2sympy(gt_asw)
b = latex2sympy(asw)
if abs(eval(str(a)) - eval(str(b))) < 1e-6:
return True
if abs(a - b) < 1e-6:
return True
return False
def get_gpt4_ICE():
example_1 = """
Hint: Please answer the question and provide the final answer at the end.\n
Question: Which number is missing?\n
Model response: The number missing in the sequence is 14.\n
Extracted answer: 14
example_2 = """
Hint: Please answer the question and provide the final answer at the end.\n
Question: What is the fraction of females facing the camera?\n
Model response: The fraction of females facing the camera is 0.6,
which means that six out of ten females in the group are facing the camera.\n
Extracted answer: 0.6
example_3 = """
Hint: Please answer the question and provide the final answer at the end.\n
Question: How much money does Luca need to buy a sour apple candy and a butter-scotch candy? (Unit: $)\n
Model response: Luca needs $1.45 to buy a sour apple candy and a butterscotch candy.\n
Extracted answer: 1.45
example_4 = """
Hint: Please answer the question and provide the final answer at the end.\n
Question: Between which two years does the line graph saw its maximum peak?\n
Model response: The line graph saw its maximum peak between 2007 and 2008.\n
Extracted answer: [2007, 2008]
example_5 = """
Hint: Please answer the question and provide the correct option letter, e.g., A, B, C, D, at the end.\n
Question: What fraction of the shape is blue?\n
Choices: (A) 3/11 (B) 8/11 (C) 6/11 (D) 3/5\n
Model response: The correct answer is (B) 8/11.\n
Extracted answer: B
return [example_1, example_2, example_3, example_4, example_5]
def build_mathv_gpt4_prompt(line):
task_description = """
Please read the following example.
Then extract the answer from the model response and type it at the end of the prompt.\n
question = line['question']
prediction = str(line['prediction'])
prompt = task_description
examples = get_gpt4_ICE()
for example in examples:
prompt += example + '\n'
prompt += question + '\n'
prompt += 'Model respone: ' + prediction
prompt += 'Extracted answer:'
return prompt
def list_to_dict(lst):
return {chr(65 + i): val for i, val in enumerate(lst)}
def post_check(line, prefetch=False):
res = None
ans = line['answer']
response = line['prediction'] if prefetch else line['res']
if len(eval(line['choices'])) > 0:
ans = line['answer']
choices = list_to_dict(eval(line['choices']))
res = can_infer(response, choices)
if prefetch:
return res
res = str(response)
ans = str(ans)
except ValueError:
if is_equal(res, ans):
return res if prefetch else True
return False
def MATH_V_auxeval(model, line):
prompt = build_mathv_gpt4_prompt(line)
log = ''
retry = 5
if post_check(line, prefetch=True):
res = post_check(line, prefetch=True)
return dict(log='Prefetch succeed', res=res)
for i in range(retry):
prediction = line['prediction']
res = model.generate(prompt, temperature=i * 0.5)
if FAIL_MSG in res:
log += f'Try {i}: output is {prediction}, failed to parse.\n'
log += 'Succeed'
return dict(log=log, res=res)
log += 'All 5 retries failed.\n'
return dict(log=log, res='')
def MATH_V_acc(result_file):
data = load(result_file)
tot = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
fetch = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
hit = defaultdict(lambda: 0)
lt = len(data)
for i in range(lt):
item = data.iloc[i]
cate = item['category']
tot['Overall'] += 1
tot[cate] += 1
if item['log'] == 'Prefetch succeed':
fetch['Overall'] += 1
fetch[cate] += 1
if post_check(item, prefetch=False):
hit['Overall'] += 1
hit[cate] += 1
res = defaultdict(list)
for k in tot.keys():
res['prefetch_rate'].append(fetch[k] / tot[k] * 100)
res['acc'].append(hit[k] / tot[k] * 100)
res = pd.DataFrame(res).sort_values('Subject', ignore_index=True)
return res