## Xinference Infer Xinference is a unified inference platform that provides a unified interface for different inference engines. It supports LLM, text generation, image generation, and more.but it's not bigger than Swift too much. ### Xinference install Xinference can be installed simply by using the following easy bash code: ```shell pip install "xinference[all]" ``` ### Quick start The initial steps for conducting inference with Xinference involve downloading the model during the first launch. 1. Start Xinference in the terminal: ```shell xinference ``` 2. Start the web ui. 3. Search for "MiniCPM-Llama3-V-2_5" in the search box. ![alt text](../assets/xinferenc_demo_image/xinference_search_box.png) 4. Find and click the MiniCPM-Llama3-V-2_5 button. 5. Follow the config and launch the model. ```plaintext Model engine : Transformers model format : pytorch Model size : 8 quantization : none N-GPU : auto Replica : 1 ``` 6. After first click the launch button,xinference will download the model from huggingface. We should click the webui button. ![alt text](../assets/xinferenc_demo_image/xinference_webui_button.png) 7. Upload the image and chatting with the MiniCPM-Llama3-V-2_5 ### Local MiniCPM-Llama3-V-2_5 Launch If you have already downloaded the MiniCPM-Llama3-V-2_5 model locally, you can proceed with Xinference inference following these steps: 1. Start Xinference ```shell xinference ``` 2. Start the web ui. 3. To register a new model, follow these steps: the settings highlighted in red are fixed and cannot be changed, whereas others are customizable according to your needs. Complete the process by clicking the 'Register Model' button. ![alt text](../assets/xinferenc_demo_image/xinference_register_model1.png) ![alt text](../assets/xinferenc_demo_image/xinference_register_model2.png) 4. After completing the model registration, proceed to 'Custom Models' and locate the model you just registered. 5. Follow the config and launch the model. ```plaintext Model engine : Transformers model format : pytorch Model size : 8 quantization : none N-GPU : auto Replica : 1 ``` 6. After first click the launch button,Xinference will download the model from Huggingface. we should click the chat button. ![alt text](../assets/xinferenc_demo_image/xinference_webui_button.png) 7. Upload the image and chatting with the MiniCPM-Llama3-V-2_5 ### FAQ 1. Why can't the sixth step open the WebUI? Maybe your firewall or mac os to prevent the web to open.