import torch import torch.distributed as dist from vlmeval.config import supported_VLM from vlmeval.dataset import build_dataset from vlmeval.inference import infer_data_job from vlmeval.inference_video import infer_data_job_video from vlmeval.inference_mt import infer_data_job_mt from vlmeval.smp import * from vlmeval.utils.result_transfer import MMMU_result_transfer, MMTBench_result_transfer def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() # Essential Args parser.add_argument('--data', type=str, nargs='+', required=True) parser.add_argument('--model', type=str, nargs='+', required=True) # Args that only apply to Video Dataset parser.add_argument('--nframe', type=int, default=8) parser.add_argument('--pack', action='store_true') parser.add_argument('--use-subtitle', action='store_true') # Work Dir parser.add_argument('--work-dir', type=str, default='./outputs', help='select the output directory') # Infer + Eval or Infer Only parser.add_argument('--mode', type=str, default='all', choices=['all', 'infer']) # API Kwargs, Apply to API VLMs and Judge API LLMs parser.add_argument('--nproc', type=int, default=4, help='Parallel API calling') parser.add_argument('--retry', type=int, default=None, help='retry numbers for API VLMs') # Explicitly Set the Judge Model parser.add_argument('--judge', type=str, default=None) # Logging Utils parser.add_argument('--verbose', action='store_true') # Configuration for Resume # Ignore: will not rerun failed VLM inference parser.add_argument('--ignore', action='store_true', help='Ignore failed indices. ') # Rerun: will remove all evaluation temp files parser.add_argument('--rerun', action='store_true') args = parser.parse_args() return args def main(): logger = get_logger('RUN') args = parse_args() assert len(, '--data should be a list of data files' if args.retry is not None: for k, v in supported_VLM.items(): if hasattr(v, 'keywords') and 'retry' in v.keywords: v.keywords['retry'] = args.retry supported_VLM[k] = v if hasattr(v, 'keywords') and 'verbose' in v.keywords: v.keywords['verbose'] = args.verbose supported_VLM[k] = v rank, world_size = get_rank_and_world_size() if world_size > 1: local_rank = os.environ.get('LOCAL_RANK', 0) torch.cuda.set_device(int(local_rank)) dist.init_process_group(backend='nccl', timeout=datetime.timedelta(seconds=10800)) for _, model_name in enumerate(args.model): model = None pred_root = osp.join(args.work_dir, model_name) os.makedirs(pred_root, exist_ok=True) for _, dataset_name in enumerate( dataset_kwargs = {} if dataset_name in ['MMLongBench_DOC', 'DUDE', 'DUDE_MINI', 'SLIDEVQA', 'SLIDEVQA_MINI']: dataset_kwargs['model'] = model_name if dataset_name == 'MMBench-Video': dataset_kwargs['pack'] = args.pack if dataset_name == 'Video-MME': dataset_kwargs['use_subtitle'] = args.use_subtitle # If distributed, first build the dataset on the main process for doing preparation works if world_size > 1: dataset = build_dataset(dataset_name, **dataset_kwargs) if rank == 0 else None dist.barrier() dataset_list = [dataset] dist.broadcast_object_list(dataset_list, src=0) dataset = dataset_list[0] else: dataset = build_dataset(dataset_name, **dataset_kwargs) if dataset is None: logger.error(f'Dataset {dataset_name} is not valid, will be skipped. ') continue result_file = f'{pred_root}/{model_name}_{dataset_name}.xlsx' if dataset_name in ['MMBench-Video']: packstr = 'pack' if args.pack else 'nopack' result_file = f'{pred_root}/{model_name}_{dataset_name}_{args.nframe}frame_{packstr}.xlsx' elif dataset.MODALITY == 'VIDEO': if args.pack:'{dataset_name} not support Pack Mode, directly change to unpack') args.pack = False packstr = 'pack' if args.pack else 'nopack' result_file = f'{pred_root}/{model_name}_{dataset_name}_{args.nframe}frame_{packstr}.xlsx' if dataset_name in ['Video-MME']: subtitlestr = 'subs' if args.use_subtitle else 'nosubs' result_file = result_file.replace('.xlsx', f'_{subtitlestr}.xlsx') if dataset.TYPE == 'MT': result_file = result_file.replace('.xlsx', '.tsv') if osp.exists(result_file) and args.rerun: for keyword in ['openai', 'gpt', 'auxmatch']: os.system(f'rm {pred_root}/{model_name}_{dataset_name}_{keyword}*') if model is None: model = model_name # which is only a name # Perform the Inference if dataset.MODALITY == 'VIDEO': model = infer_data_job_video( model, work_dir=pred_root, model_name=model_name, dataset=dataset, nframe=args.nframe, pack=args.pack, verbose=args.verbose, subtitle=args.use_subtitle, api_nproc=args.nproc) elif dataset.TYPE == 'MT': model = infer_data_job_mt( model, work_dir=pred_root, model_name=model_name, dataset=dataset, verbose=args.verbose, api_nproc=args.nproc, ignore_failed=args.ignore) else: model = infer_data_job( model, work_dir=pred_root, model_name=model_name, dataset=dataset, verbose=args.verbose, api_nproc=args.nproc, ignore_failed=args.ignore) # Set the judge kwargs first before evaluation or dumping judge_kwargs = { 'nproc': args.nproc, 'verbose': args.verbose, } if args.retry is not None: judge_kwargs['retry'] = args.retry if args.judge is not None: judge_kwargs['model'] = args.judge else: if dataset.TYPE in ['MCQ', 'Y/N']: judge_kwargs['model'] = 'chatgpt-0125' elif listinstr(['MMVet', 'MathVista', 'LLaVABench', 'MMBench-Video', 'MathVision'], dataset_name): judge_kwargs['model'] = 'gpt-4-turbo' elif listinstr(['MMLongBench', 'MMDU', 'DUDE', 'DUDE_MINI', 'SLIDEVQA', 'SLIDEVQA_MINI'], dataset_name): judge_kwargs['model'] = 'gpt-4o' if 'OPENAI_API_KEY_JUDGE' in os.environ and len(os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY_JUDGE']): judge_kwargs['key'] = os.environ['OPENAI_API_KEY_JUDGE'] if 'OPENAI_API_BASE_JUDGE' in os.environ and len(os.environ['OPENAI_API_BASE_JUDGE']): judge_kwargs['api_base'] = os.environ['OPENAI_API_BASE_JUDGE'] if rank == 0: if dataset_name in ['MMMU_TEST']: result_json = MMMU_result_transfer(result_file)'Transfer MMMU_TEST result to json for official evaluation, ' f'json file saved in {result_json}') # noqa: E501 continue elif 'MMT-Bench_ALL' in dataset_name: submission_file = MMTBench_result_transfer(result_file, **judge_kwargs)'Extract options from prediction of MMT-Bench FULL split for official evaluation ' f'(, ' f'submission file saved in {submission_file}') # noqa: E501 continue elif 'MLLMGuard_DS' in dataset_name:'The evaluation of MLLMGuard_DS is not supported yet. ') # noqa: E501 continue elif 'AesBench_TEST' == dataset_name:'The results are saved in {result_file}. ' f'Please send it to the AesBench Team via') # noqa: E501 continue if dataset_name in [ 'MMBench_TEST_CN', 'MMBench_TEST_EN', 'MMBench', 'MMBench_CN', 'MMBench_TEST_CN_V11', 'MMBench_TEST_EN_V11', 'MMBench_V11', 'MMBench_CN_V11' ]: if not MMBenchOfficialServer(dataset_name): logger.error( f'Can not evaluate {dataset_name} on non-official servers, ' 'will skip the evaluation. ' ) continue eval_proxy = os.environ.get('EVAL_PROXY', None) old_proxy = os.environ.get('HTTP_PROXY', '') if rank == 0 and args.mode == 'all': if eval_proxy is not None: proxy_set(eval_proxy) eval_results = dataset.evaluate(result_file, **judge_kwargs) if eval_results is not None: assert isinstance(eval_results, dict) or isinstance(eval_results, pd.DataFrame)'The evaluation of model {model_name} x dataset {dataset_name} has finished! ')'Evaluation Results:') if isinstance(eval_results, dict):'\n' + json.dumps(eval_results, indent=4)) elif isinstance(eval_results, pd.DataFrame): if len(eval_results) < len(eval_results.columns): eval_results = eval_results.T'\n' + tabulate(eval_results)) if eval_proxy is not None: proxy_set(old_proxy) if __name__ == '__main__': load_env() main()