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import streamlit as st
import os.path
from collections import OrderedDict
from streamlit_option_menu import option_menu
# Define TITLE, TEAM_MEMBERS and PROMOTION values, in
import config
from tabs.custom_vectorizer import custom_tokenizer, custom_preprocessor
# Initialize a session state variable that tracks the sidebar state (either 'expanded' or 'collapsed').
if 'sidebar_state' not in st.session_state:
st.session_state.sidebar_state = 'expanded'
st.session_state.sidebar_state = 'auto'
st.set_page_config (
page_icon= "assets/faviconV2.png",
# Define the root folders depending on local/cloud run
thisfile = os.path.abspath(__file__)
if ('/' in thisfile):
# Nécessaire pour la version windows 11
# Tabs in the ./tabs folder, imported here.
from tabs import intro, exploration_tab, data_viz_tab, id_lang_tab, modelisation_dict_tab, modelisation_seq2seq_tab, game_tab
with open("style.css", "r") as f:
style =
st.markdown(f"<style>{style}</style>", unsafe_allow_html=True)
# Add tab in this ordered dict by
# passing the name in the sidebar as key and the imported tab
# as value as follow :
TABS = OrderedDict(
(intro.sidebar_name, intro),
(exploration_tab.sidebar_name, exploration_tab),
(data_viz_tab.sidebar_name, data_viz_tab),
(id_lang_tab.sidebar_name, id_lang_tab),
(modelisation_dict_tab.sidebar_name, modelisation_dict_tab),
(modelisation_seq2seq_tab.sidebar_name, modelisation_seq2seq_tab),
(game_tab.sidebar_name, game_tab ),
def run():
global lang_tgt, label_lang
with st.sidebar:
tab_name = option_menu(None, list(TABS.keys()),
# icons=['house', 'bi-binoculars', 'bi bi-graph-up', 'bi-chat-right-text','bi-book', 'bi-body-text'], menu_icon="cast", default_index=0,
icons=['house', 'binoculars', 'graph-up', 'search','book', 'chat-right-text', 'controller'], menu_icon="cast", default_index=0,
styles={"container": {"padding": "0!important","background-color": "#10b8dd", "border-radius": "0!important"},
"nav-link": {"font-size": "1rem", "text-align": "left", "margin":"0em", "padding": "0em",
"padding-left": "0.2em", "--hover-color": "#eee", "font-weight": "400",
"font-family": "Source Sans Pro, sans-serif"}
# tab_name ="", list(TABS.keys()), 0)
st.sidebar.markdown(f"## {config.PROMOTION}")
st.sidebar.markdown("### Team members:")
for member in config.TEAM_MEMBERS:
st.sidebar.markdown(member.sidebar_markdown(), unsafe_allow_html=True)
tab = TABS[tab_name]
if __name__ == "__main__":