import streamlit as st import numpy as np from sentence_transformers import SentenceTransformer, util import plotly.graph_objects as go import as px from typing import List, Tuple import pandas as pd # Page configuration st.set_page_config(layout="wide", page_title="đŸŽ¯ Sentence Transformer Explorer") # Initialize session state for sentences if not exists if 'sentences' not in st.session_state: st.session_state.sentences = [ "I love programming in Python", "Coding with Python is my favorite", "The weather is beautiful today" ] # Load model @st.cache_resource def load_model(): return SentenceTransformer('all-MiniLM-L6-v2') model = load_model() # Example templates EXAMPLE_TEMPLATES = { "Similar Meanings": [ "I love programming in Python", "Coding with Python is my favorite", "I enjoy developing software using Python" ], "Different Topics": [ "The cat sleeps on the mat", "Python is a programming language", "The weather is beautiful today" ], "Semantic Relations": [ "Paris is the capital of France", "Berlin is the capital of Germany", "London is the capital of England" ] } def load_example_sentences(): selected_template = st.session_state.get('template_selection') st.session_state.sentences = EXAMPLE_TEMPLATES[selected_template] # Force update of text inputs for i, sentence in enumerate(st.session_state.sentences): st.session_state[f'sentence_{i}'] = sentence def main(): st.title("đŸŽ¯ Interactive Sentence Transformer Explorer") with st.expander("ℹī¸ How it works", expanded=True): st.markdown(""" This interactive tool helps you understand how Sentence Transformers work: 1. **Sentence Embedding**: Convert sentences into numerical vectors 2. **Word Importance**: See how each word contributes to the final embedding 3. **Similarity Analysis**: Compare how similar sentences are to each other 4. **Interactive Examples**: Try different sentences and see the results """) # Example selection col1, col2 = st.columns(2) with col1: st.selectbox( "Choose an example template:", options=list(EXAMPLE_TEMPLATES.keys()), key='template_selection' ) with col2: st.button( "Load Example", on_click=load_example_sentences, type="primary" ) # Dynamic sentence input num_sentences = st.slider("Number of sentences:", 2, 5, 3) sentences = [] # Create text inputs with keys for i in range(num_sentences): default_value = st.session_state.sentences[i] if i < len(st.session_state.sentences) else "" sentence = st.text_input( f"Sentence {i+1}", value=default_value, key=f'sentence_{i}' ) sentences.append(sentence) if st.button("Analyze Sentences", type="primary"): if all(sentences): # Your existing analysis code here... embeddings = model.encode(sentences) similarity_matrix = util.cos_sim(embeddings, embeddings).numpy() st.subheader("📊 Analysis Results") tab1, tab2 = st.tabs(["Sentence Similarity", "Embedding Analysis"]) with tab1: # Create similarity heatmap fig = go.Figure(data=go.Heatmap( z=similarity_matrix, x=sentences, y=sentences, colorscale='RdBu', text=np.round(similarity_matrix, 3), texttemplate='%{text}', textfont={"size": 10}, hoverongaps=False )) fig.update_layout( title="Sentence Similarity Matrix", height=400 ) st.plotly_chart(fig, use_container_width=True) # Add similarity interpretation st.markdown("#### 💡 Interpretation") for i in range(len(sentences)): for j in range(i+1, len(sentences)): similarity = similarity_matrix[i][j] interpretation = ( "Very similar" if similarity > 0.8 else "Moderately similar" if similarity > 0.5 else "Different" ) st.write(f"Sentences {i+1} & {j+1}: {interpretation} ({similarity:.3f})") with tab2: # Create embedding statistics embedding_stats = pd.DataFrame({ 'Sentence': sentences, 'Embedding_Length': [np.linalg.norm(emb) for emb in embeddings], 'Mean_Value': [np.mean(emb) for emb in embeddings], 'Std_Dev': [np.std(emb) for emb in embeddings] }) st.dataframe(embedding_stats) st.markdown(""" #### 📝 Understanding Embeddings - **Embedding Length**: Represents the magnitude of the vector - **Mean Value**: Average of all dimensions - **Standard Deviation**: Spread of values across dimensions """) else: st.warning("Please enter all sentences before analyzing.") if __name__ == "__main__": main()