# Goal here is to create a tool that will create and maintain a planning # all activities and timestamp will be stored as a json file # The tool will have the following methods: # - add_activity(activity:str, timestamp:str) -> str # - get_activities() -> str # - get_activities_by_date(date:str) -> str # - get_activities_by_month(month:str) -> str # - get_activities_by_year(year:str) -> str # The tool will have the following attributes: # - activities: a dictionary that will store the activities and timestamps # - filename: a string that will store the name of the json file ####----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------#### import json from datetime import datetime class PlanningTool: def __init__(self, filename:str): self.filename = filename self.activities = {} try: with open(self.filename, 'r') as file: self.activities = json.load(file) except: with open(self.filename, 'w') as file: json.dump(self.activities, file) def add_activity(self, activity:str, timestamp:str) -> str: self.activities[activity] = timestamp with open(self.filename, 'w') as file: json.dump(self.activities, file) return f"Activity '{activity}' added successfully." def get_activities(self) -> str: return json.dumps(self.activities, indent=4) def get_activities_by_date(self, date:str) -> str: activities_by_date = {activity:timestamp for activity, timestamp in self.activities.items() if timestamp.split(' ')[0] == date} return json.dumps(activities_by_date, indent=4) def get_activities_by_month(self, month:str) -> str: activities_by_month = {activity:timestamp for activity, timestamp in self.activities.items() if timestamp.split('-')[1] == month} return json.dumps(activities_by_month, indent=4) def get_activities_by_year(self, year:str) -> str: activities_by_year = {activity:timestamp for activity, timestamp in self.activities.items() if timestamp.split('-')[0] == year} return json.dumps(activities_by_year, indent=4)