import gradio as gr import pandas as pd import os import zipfile def process_csv(uploaded_file): """ Process the uploaded CSV file to: 1. Replace text-based columns and numerical columns with less than six unique options with coded values. 2. Fill missing values in numerical columns with their respective medians. 3. Return a zip file containing the modified CSV file, a legend CSV, and a CSV detailing data fill methods. """ # Load the data from the uploaded file's byte stream data = pd.read_csv( # List to store mappings of columns mapping_list = [] # List to store the details of columns where data was added data_added_details = [] # Loop through each column in the DataFrame for col in data.columns: # Check if the column is of type object (text-based) or if it's numerical with less than six unique options if data[col].dtype == 'object' or (data[col].nunique() < 6 and pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(data[col])): # Create a mapping of original values to codes, including NaN or blank values mapped to -9999 mapping = {value: code if pd.notna(value) else -9999 for code, value in enumerate(data[col].unique())} for original_value, mapped_value in mapping.items(): mapping_list.append([col, original_value, mapped_value]) # Replace the values in the column with their respective codes data[col] = data[col].map(mapping) elif pd.api.types.is_numeric_dtype(data[col]) and any(pd.isna(data[col])): # Replace with median median_value = data[col].median() data[col].fillna(median_value, inplace=True) data_added_details.append([col, "Median", median_value]) # Name of the zip file zip_name = "" # Save CSV files and add them to the zip file with zipfile.ZipFile(zip_name, 'w') as zipf: data.to_csv("modified_data.csv", index=False) zipf.write("modified_data.csv") mapping_df = pd.DataFrame(mapping_list, columns=['Column', 'Original Value', 'Mapped Value']) mapping_df.to_csv("mapping.csv", index=False) zipf.write("mapping.csv") data_added_df = pd.DataFrame(data_added_details, columns=['Column', 'Method', 'Value Added']) data_added_df.to_csv("data_added_details.csv", index=False) zipf.write("data_added_details.csv") return zip_name # Gradio Interface iface = gr.Interface( fn=process_csv, inputs=gr.inputs.File(type="file", label="Upload CSV File"), outputs=gr.outputs.File(label="Download Processed Files"), live=False ) iface.launch()